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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Flawed magazine is Ánanda Yuga + 3 more


Flawed magazine is Ánanda Yuga


In Year: 37 Issue #2 of the Ánanda Yuga magazine, the cover page shows one person saying to another, "I am Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma". This is one ludicrous sort of claim. Niśkala (shapeless) is a synonym for Nirguńa (non-qualified by Prakrti). It is indicative of the phase of Brahma in which the universe, the srśt́i, is not created, not manifested. So there is no form. Yet the Ánanda Yuga publishers have ​depicted one person ​on their magazine cover who is speaking, and saying He is Niśkala Brahma. This is a completely wrong teaching. Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma is unqualified consciousness and has no shape or size and is therefore shapeless.

False propaganda by Ánanda Yuga editors

The following is the cover page of the Ánanda Yuga (Year: 37 Issue #2). In this picture the person who is standing with a halo behind his head is proclaiming that he is Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma. Niśkala Brahma is unqualified consciousness and has no shape or size and is therefore shapeless. Niśkala Brahma cannot have any shape let alone that of the human body.

In the above picture published on the cover page of Ánanda Yuga magazine, Year: 37 Issue #2, a person is depicted stating that he is Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma. However, by definition any person is made up of the quinquelemental factors (i.e. five fundamental factors) and cannot be Niśkala (shapeless), as Niśkala (shapeless) represents that phase of Brahma in which Prakrti has not yet exerted her qualifying effect. Niśkala (shapeless) is unmanifest Brahma, beyond the effect of Prakrti. Niśkala Brahma is unqualified consciousness and has no shape or size and is therefore shapeless.

Potato elephant & child analogy

It is like pointing to a potato and telling a young two-year-old child, "This is an elephant". The child does not know, and so naturally accepts that this is called "elephant". And when someone asks him if he has seen an elephant, the child will reply, "Yes surely, we eat ​elephant​s all the time." Similarly, many readers of Ánanda Yuga, many margiis do not get time for reading Ananda Marga shástra and do not know about Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma. So they will accept what is printed here. And that is one negative teaching. So this must be pointed out and corrected.

Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma is given a body to “fit-in” with Hindu dogma

It is very common in the Hindu religion to perform idol worship. There are idols of numerous gods and goddesses that are worshipped by the followers of the Hindu religion. By personifying Niśkala Brahma, the motive of the editors of Ánanda Yuga magazine is to “align” Ánanda Márga with the dogmatic Hindu religion.

The profound concept of Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma is thus reduced to a look-alike of a Hindu diety. If such personification of Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma is permitted then that day is not far when effigies and idols of Niśkala Brahma will be available in shops so that one can buy them and take them home for installation and worshipping. If we permit the editors to spread such dogma then very soon misguided people in Ánanda Márga will be seen worshipping a Niśkala Brahma god’s idol just like dogmatic followers of Hinduism.


Nirguńa or Niśkala cannot have a body made up of the five fundamental factors. Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma has to come under the influence of Prakrti to assume a physical frame. Within that physical frame the Entity does not remain Niśkala. Thus, the pictorial representation on the cover page of Year: 37 Issue #2 issue of Ánanda Yuga magazine is self-contradictory and misleading. By using such a picture of Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma on the cover page of Ánanda Yuga magazine the editors are misguiding márgiis and also performing negative pracár. The editors are requested to disallow such mistaken images from appearing in the magazine in order to prevent the spread of wrong teachings and negative pracár of Ánanda Márga ideals. Readers are requested to contact the editorial members (see note below for details) and point out this blunder so that it will not be repeated in the future.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Negative pracár of Ánanda Márga

Bábá has taught us that idol worship is the worst of the worst form of sádhaná. In fact idol worship cannot even be called sádhaná. It is a dogmatic practice and Ánanda Márgiis are to be strictly vigilant against it. By spreading such a dogmatic and mistaken visualization of Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma, the Ánanda Yuga editors are committing pápa.

Ananda Marga Caryacaya states, “Those who in the name of the beginningless, endless, formless Brahma worship idols, are indulging in deliberate slander. You must not give indulgence to this type of Mahapápa (great sin).” (1)

The purpose of our Ánanda Yuga magazine is to propagate Ánanda Márga ideology for the welfare of the humanity. However, via such pictures the magazine is instead spreading dogma and misleading unsuspecting márgii readers. Also, by looking at a picture of a human being representing Niśkala Brahma in a leading Ánanda Márga magazine, those people who may have some understanding of the concept of Niśkala Brahma but are not Ánanda Márgiis, may think that the teachings of Ánanda Márga are flawed. The image of Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma on the cover page of Ánanda Yuga magazine is therefore doing negative pracár. Misleading márgiis and doing negative pracár of Ánanda Márga ideology are indeed against the very purpose of our Ánanda Yuga magazine.

About Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma

Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma means that which exists when the creation is not sprouted.

"Kala" means sprout, and 'nis' means without. Here a sprout is used as a metaphor for the creation. When the creation has not yet sprouted i.e. not yet come into existence, then Brahma is in the form called Niśkala Brahma.

Ánanda Márga ideology states, "The resultant force of the triple principles causes a sprout to emerge in the vast body of Puruśa. Hence Attributional Consciousness is called Sakala Brahma (kala means sprout). Non-attributional Consciousness is called Niśkala Brahma." (2) 

Another name for non-attributional Consciousness is Nirguńa Brahma. Niśkala Brahma is unqualified consciousness and has no shape or size and is therefore shapeless.

Activity is absent In Nirguńa or Niśkala (shapeless) Brahma

Activity is absent in the non-attributional Consciousness. This is because the principles of Prakrti (sattva, rajah, or tamah) which cause activity in otherwise inactive Consciousness, are dormant. This state is known as Niśkala or Nirguńa Brahma.

Bábá says, “In the state of Brahma where Puruśa is not influenced or qualified by Prakrti and hence Puruśa in Brahma remains unexpressed, Puruśa is called Nirguńa Puruśa – Non-Qualified Consciousness – and where Puruśa is influenced and qualified by Prakrti He is called Saguńa or Guńayukta Puruśa or the Qualified Consciousness.” (3)

Niśkala Brahma is unqualified consciousness and has no shape or size and is therefore shapeless.

Blatant contradiction of Baba's teaching

Prakrti is dormant in the nirguńa stage of Brahma. Nirguńa Brahma thus cannot have any tanmátrá, i.e., It cannot be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled via one’s indriyas. It is thus a blatant contradiction if a person is stating that he is Niśkala. Niśkala cannot have a body as the picture in this posting shows.

Bábá says, “Where there is no expressed activity of Prakrti, that is, where activity appears to be in a dormant stage, Puruśa remains objectless or Nirguńa.” (4)

Editorial members of Ananda Yuga:

Year: 37 Issue #2

Editor: Ac Guniindránanda Avt - As the editor he is most responsible.

Co-Editor: Shri R. D. Singh

Decoration Dept:
Ajay Kumar Deva
Amod Kumar Sharma

Editorial Staff:
Shrii R. L. Sharma
Shrii Diliip Sagar
Shrii Chakradhar Shastri
Shrii Ram Ujagir Choudhury
Shrii Ac Diipnáráyanji
Shrii Sunil Ananda

Here is how to please contact Dada Guniindránanda & open his eyes:

Phone #1: 011-24643344
Phone #2: 011-24627870
Phone #3: 09953949754 (may also be contacted on WhatsApp)
Email #1:
Email #2:

1. Caryacarya Part 2, Sádhaná (Intuitional Practice), Point #18
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 9. "The Macrocosm and the Microcosm – 2" Mághii Púrńimá 1959 DMC, Patna
3. What is the Cosmic Entity?, Elementary Philosophy
4. Saiṋcara and Práńáh

The name of Ac Guniindránanda Avt can be spelt in various ways as listed here - Dádá Gunindrananda, Gunindrananda Dádá, Dada Gunindrananda, Gunindrananda Dada.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Singing Your name day and night

(Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.)  

"Tomáy d́áki dine ráte, tumi ki páo ná shunite,
d́áki áloy ándhárete, jágarańe svapne nide..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3114)


O’ Parama Purusa, in longing for You, I am calling and singing for You day and night and reciting Your name all the time - in darkness, in light, in my sleep and dream, and while awake, repeating Ista mantra in my mind always. It seems my cry is not reaching You. I think You did not hear me and that is why You did not respond.

O’ Parama Purusa, in yearning for You my time is passing; the sunsets come and go; they will never come back. So many lonely nights passed. With the mirage of hope, I am chanting Your name in sadhana, dhyana, japa, and kiirtana, looking towards the path of Your arrival, thinking You are coming any moment.

Baba, O’ my Supreme Guide, in the various seasons - summer, monsoon, autumn, pre-winter and winter - enthusiastically I await Your presence like a fool always, but it is all in vain. It was hopeless as You did not come. Since I met You, You have been unkind towards me. An extremely long span of time has passed, yet still I am optimistic that next spring You will be here with me andl arrive in the blossom…

Note: This above Prabhat Samgiita is the heart-felt expression of an A-grade bhakta. Here the bhakta is making a loving accusation to Parama Purusa. Such high feelings come when there is extreme intimacy and pure, one-pointed love - bhakti for Ista. Then the bhakta feels internally that he has the right to demand and place his accusation at the Lord's feet. The bhakta desires Parama Purusa in a close and intimate way, and that desire is not being fulfilled, so he lovingly accuses Parama Purusa: “You are not fulfilling my yearning to have You close.”

So long as the bhakta is not asking for anything mundane - and only asking for the proximity for Parama Purusa - then it is a deeply spiritual approach. Whereas if the bhakta is crying and asking Parama Purusa for mundane desires like power, post, money or any worldly things, then that is a very low type of dealing and indicative of a selfish relationship. Accusing Parama Purusa on such grounds is not good.

So one type of demand is representative of top-grade bhakti and the other approach is the worst grade. This song expresses the idea of A-grade bhakti and is the expression of deep love for Parama Purusa.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

This dogma came from Buddhism

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the Buddhistic era there was a tradition. It was customary that their religious saints and great personalities' ashes would be collected and kept in one stone pot after their death. And on this pot, the followers used to construct so many Baudh Vihar and Samgha Ram (Buddhist temples)." (1)

Note 1: Dogmatic followers of Buddha created this aforesaid tradition of keeping the ashes of their deceased saints in a pot and using that as a place of worship. Sadly, this same Buddhist dogma has reached to our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. On 26th October 1990, this dogma was adopted in Kolkata. In Tiljala there is one dogmatic, holy land / tomb, i.e. "mahasamadhi (Great tomb)", where Parama Purusa has been tied up.

Baba has bestowed upon us all the important facets of the lives of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna in various discourses. But He did not mention anywhere, that such mahasamadhi (Great tomb) of Lord Krsna and Lord Shiva was erected in the past. Baba outrightly opposes any such approach which limits the glory, grandeur, and all-pervasiveness of Parama Purusa. Erecting this type of tomb is contrary to Baba's teaching.

This above teaching from Baba's book "Laghu Nirukta" reveals the fact that this very dogma of mahamasamadhi has been brought from the Buddhist religion. And now it has entered into AMPS. This is one unfortunate state of affairs. Our duty is to condemn and discard this tomb worship dogma, and adhere to the ideology of Ananda Marga.   

1. Excerpt from Laghu Nirukta (Small Encyclopedia), chapter "ca".

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Flawed Magazine is Ánanda Yuga
2. PS #3114: Singing Your name day and night
3. IT: This dogma came from Buddhism
4. Links

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