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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Exploitation of teen girls: Didi’s TC + 2 more


Exploitation of teen girls: Didi’s TC


Wt Trainer Didi Ananda Madhuriima’s primary goal is to collect money and garner maximum savings. In so doing she has degraded and ruined the environment at the Bangalore Wt training centre. Those youthful trainees arrived with the hope of learning dharma and becoming spiritual revolutionaries, and instead all kinds of degrading activities are going on in the name of Wt training.

Here below is a display of the technique used by our trainees for collecting and carrying the wood from the forest back to TC. See how they carry the wood on their head. The basket is overfilled with wood from the cut trees and then strapped into the basket. And then that entire load is placed on their head, and carried to a designated spot. During the course of the day, each trainee will carry basket full after basket full of chopped wood. Carrying such heavy loads repeatedly strains the head and neck.

The above is a display of the technique used by our trainees for collecting and carrying the wood from the forest back to TC. As explained above, each trainee will carry numerous loaded baskets of wood. The load is heavy and strains the head and neck.

Exploitation of Didi trainees: Stealing wood

First off, Didiji is unwilling to spend a single rupee on the health and well-being of her trainees. So those trainees are sent out into the forest with an axe to chop wood in the wild and bring firewood for cooking. The trainees have no option but to do this - otherwise they will not be able to cook their food. So everyday those trainees go out en masse and spend the whole day- from early in the morning to sunset - collecting wood. This they do every day for 12 hrs over a two-month period during the summer months when their school is closed.

For those not aware, there is a primary school attached with the Wt TC and that is a big money-maker for the TC. The school is mostly staffed by trainees. To save money and maximize profits, Didi Ananda Madhurima has made the plan that wood for the entire year will be collected during the summer when the school is closed. So in the the summer heat, each and every trainee spends 12 hours each day collecting wood. They do not even return for lunch. Rather at midday one trainee brings food from the TC to the forest for those trainees. And then immediately after their short meal, they again take to the task of gathering wood.

Terror in trainees

Actually, the local jungle is a government protected area on an Indian air force base. So there is always the fear of getting shot by troopers; plus anti-social elements can kidnap them or make sexual attacks etc. Even then Trainer Didi (TD) does not care. Many times it has happened that soldiers chased those trainees and they ran for their lives and narrowly escaped. Only to have to go back out there the next day. So these trainees lead a life of endless suffering - always their existence is at risk. Keep in mind that these days Indian females are facing various kinds of violence and our very own TD Madhuriima is putting those innocent girls in the line of fire just to save a few pennies.

Actually, TD is forcing them to do illegal things by sneaking onto federal land to chop down tender trees. Naturally those young girls have not the means to chop down the large trees so they cut down the saplings, which is against federal law as it ruins the ecological balance. This type of deforestation and climate crisis is a global issue and our trainees are on the wrong side just so that Madhurima does not have to spend a single penny. When the neighbors see what is going on they are horrified. It is very unusual because cooking gas is cheap but TD wants to embezzle every single rupee that she can.

Dungeon: shock

Slavery has been abolished in many, many countries but in TC slavery is alive and well. It is a shocking turn of events. With an idealistic vision trainees went there to dedicate their heart and mind for society - and then they are put in this ugly predicament. It is very alarming. With proper mind and determination they join to learn Ananda Marga philosophy, conduct rules, and they dream of graduating and serving the world etc. So to have to go through this hell or dungeon is quite a shock. While suffering there is no one to put ointment on their burning heart.

This entire plan and program is masterminded by Dada Rudrananda as he demand big payments from Trainer Didi. Dada Rudrananda pressured Didi into implementing this wood program so that maximum funds could be sent to Dada Rudrananda. Under this intense pressure, Trainer Didi is carrying out this program. And the ones who suffer the most are those innocent trainees who do this back-breaking, slave labour for Dada Rudrananda’s financial gain. It is also alleged that Trainer Didi embezzles funds which she sends back to her laokik home.

In Him,

How Didi Dhanu / Danavrata brainwashes trainees

Didi Ananda Danavrata - a.k.a. “Didi Dhanu” - is an absolute blind supporter of Dada Rudrananda. To indoctrinate those trainees, Didi Dhanu calls them on Skype from her top posting in Centre, and preaches to them about the greatness of Dada Rudrananda. By this way, those naive trainees are led to believe that Dada Rudrananda is the best and top bhakta in Ananda Marga and that they (those trainees) should support Dada Rudrananda implicitly. By this way Didi Dhanu remains high in the good books of Dada Rudrananda.

Here is another technique that trainees employ for carrying wood from the wild.

For a two-month period, all the trainees go and collect wood - all day long. And some trainees are sent to town to beg for vegetables and grains, and the remaining trainees go and teach in the primary school. That is the extent of the WT training that Didi Ananda Madhuriima is conducting. Sadly, our trainees are busy day-long in begging for food, collecting wood, and / or teaching the ABC’s to children. And each one of these endeavours is done with the sole purpose of saving and earning maximum money for TD to give to Rudrananda and her laokik family.

Didi’s lamentation & cry

When the whole day is passed collecting wood, begging, and teaching the ABC’s to young kids, then there is no time left for learning and studying Ananda Marga ideals. They are not taught even the most basic aspects of our Ananda Marga way of life. The ashram is on the outskirts of Bangalore and to beg one must go all the way to downtown Bangalore. So it is a 12 hr job - same is the case with chopping the wood and running the school. Those trainees who teach must also cook, clean, wash, and attend to Didiji’s needs. And then in the nighttime TD will allot trainees to massage her body - as if she was the one cutting wood all day. When in reality those trainees who cut wood all day are completely exhausted, and then they must return back to massage the queen Trainer Didi at night. That is what those trainees face each and every day - bar none.

If in the evening there is a few minutes time then TD watches movies - Madhurima does not even think to hold a class on AM teachings for the trainees. Rather if she is in a good mood then she will call the trainees in to also watch that movie. By this way they get exposed to negative, pseudo-culture life and degrading images etc. And on some occasions when Trainer Didi watches soap operas and love stories on TV she sheds tears thinking aloud how, “I am so unfortunate that I could not get the enjoyment of entangling and sleeping in the arms of my husband in the night. Now in this late age it is too late.” Sometime she gets depressed also that what heck she is doing here. While trainer Didi may harbours such fantasies, the trainees (a) sometimes leave training centre or (b) get horrified by what they are hearing from Trainer Didi. Then they think, “I have to cross this dungeon” so they just follow the theory or keeping patience.

Horror of being indentured servants

For this reason, our trainees are essentially indentured servants. They are not paid and they cannot run away; and they have to collect food and serve her. That is how the sisters WT training centre in Bangalore operates. This is going on and anybody can check - it is not something hidden. It is open for all to see; everything is done in public, so all can see.

But if you ask and try to inquire by phone then that is a silly approach because TD knows how to manage such phone calls. She will paint you the rosiest of pictures. So the only way is to go there yourself or if you live too far away then you can hire a private investigator who can go with a camera and document everything. Then you will be confirmed that during the day our trainees do one of three things: Get wood, beg for food, or work in Didi’s school. And the end result of these three engagements is to stockpile money for Didi.

To cover everything up, the trainees have been indoctrinated and brainwashed. When approached, they have been taught to tell lies to donors and they claim that they are feeding hundreds of hermits. So when they return back with those donations then only the perishable food is consumed. And all the non-perishable food is stored away and sold in market to earn even more money for Didi.

Why they remain mum

The question arises then: How come the trainees are not complaining? There are a few reasons:
#1: Some are not aware and they really think that by begging, collecting wood, and teaching ABC’s then really that is Ananda Marga WT training.
#2: Those who are aware that this is not a proper training course know that if they speak out they will be mercilessly beaten and tortured.

For these reasons they do not complain. Instead, they cultivate the mind-set that, “I should keep my mouth shut, my eyes closed, and pass the time for the allotted number of years and then I will be free from this hell.” Their situation is similar to inmates who are not facing life imprisonment but just a short-term sentence. They do not complain about jail because their only goal is to get out. Same with these trainees. They just pass their time to get their certificate.

And when they are “released” they are given the message that, “Do not reveal what happens in TC otherwise you will never become an avadhutika.” So new brahmacariinis are terrified. They think that, “I have to live in this murky pond so quarreling with crocodiles is not a good idea - just keep the mouth shut.” That is the way this poisonous vicious cycle goes on non-stop.

Didi Ananda Madhurima has been in Bangalore for ages and all the aforesaid things are going on, round after round. You may find a brahamcarinii who is like sadvipra and they will speak to you about this. But otherwise, most of the time, those corrupt Wts will not tell you. But again, it is easy to confirm what actually happens.


Ananda Madhurima and Ananda Anupama are laokik sisters and they send money to their laokik home. Madhurima is very close to Rudrananda. Rudrananda has kept her in training center despite of having no knowledge of teaching. The trainees’ standard is very low. They know nothing, not even the basic conduct rules. Ananda Madhurima has assigned them to teach in our Ananda Marga children school. The whole day they are in school, and when the evening comes these trainees do Guru puja and eat food. After that they watch TV. Madhurima does not hire teachers because she wants to save more and more money. Some part of the money she gives to Rudrananda so she can keep this post. And she spent so much money on her laokik sister’s marriage. She was married in Ranchi. Even margiis in Pune saw that Ananda Madhurima made golden jewelries for her. Her father was also living off of this Ananda Marga school. This family was very poor but suddenly they have everything like a big house and a car etc. Her brother does not even do sadhana everyday, yet Rudrananda has made him a family acarya. All because both Madhurima and Anupama give money and entertain their fiance Wts.


Baba has made these training centres to create neo-humanistic Wts. And they will become the harbingers of society and serve the entire universe. It is unfortunate that the opposite is going on these days in Bangalore TC. They are not given proper AM training. Rather they are taught to do illegal deforestation and steal wood from neighboring areas. How long are you going to watch the exploitation of your daughters. Drowsiness for sadvipras is unthinkable. The whole society is waiting for your support. 

WT conduct rules for supervisory workers
- WT Conduct Rule: “Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of their supervised stuff in all respects.” (Six Additional Rules, Point #2)

- WT Conduct Rule: Supervisory workers will have to keep care that each of their supervised workers is properly utilized.” (Six Additional Rules, Point #6)

WT conduct rules on black money

By their tactics, he/she has certainly contravened Guru's teachings and conduct rules on black money. Following are Baba's mandates for wholetime workers:

- Wt conduct rule: "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a)

- Wt conduct rule: "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1b)

- Wt conduct rule: "Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1c)

- Wt conduct rule: "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1d)

- Wt conduct rule: "Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1e)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Song of bhakti & prema

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Kenoi vá ele, dolá diye gele, ná bole gele cale, phele ámáya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1995)


O’ Parama Purusa, You have been gone so long. Why did You come and stir my heart only to then go away without saying a word - leaving me all alone. Neither do You have any love for me, nor do You understand the aching pain of my inner core. After coming and creating one fairy tale, where did You go. Baba, I want You to remain here with me, forever.

O’ Bandhu, amongst all the dear ones, You are my Dearmost. Why then do You not reside eternally in my mind. Baba, You are my Innermost, then how can You justify drifting so far away from me. Is it proper to leave me isolated and all alone. Please tell me.

O’ my Closest, You are so dear to me; no matter what I will never forget You; I will never leave You. Not at any cost will I ever wipe You away from my mental plate - from the memories of my mind. Baba, even if You do not look at me, even if You hide, I shall always keep and hold You in the golden casket of my inner self.

Baba, You are eternally mine; my everything is surrendered at Your lotus feet…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1995:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Paramátmá only considers the inner thoughts and devotional sentiments of people. The intense desire to know Him, the deep urge to attain Him, the intense longing for Him – these are the qualities which Parama Puruśa values.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Part - 4, Bhakti and Krpá

== Section 3: Links ==

This email contains three sections:1. Posting: Exploitation of teen girls: Didi’s TC
2. PS #1995: Song of bhakti & prema
3. Links

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