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Friday, May 5, 2017

Delhi PROUT became communist mouthpiece

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Delhi PROUT became communist mouthpiece


On page 28 of the December 2016 edition of English Prout magazine an article entitled “Bangladesh Dalit Lives of Degradation” has been published. The aforementioned article has been copied from By publishing such copied left-oriented articles in the Prout magazine, the editors are misleading the readers and making them think that Prout and communism are one and the same.

Below please find page 28 from the Dec 2016 edition of English Prout, depicting an article which recognizes and highlights caste divisions among the exploited masses. Contact us to receive the entire article.

English Prout December 2016 issue, p. 28


English Prout December 2016 issue, p. 28

Above please find page 28 from the Dec 2016 edition of English Prout, depicting an article which recognizes and highlights caste divisions among the exploited masses. Contact us to receive the entire article.

Prout: Divisions by caste etc are bogus

Sadguru Baba, the propounder of Prout, teaches us to embrace the sublime ideology of “Ek Mánav Samáj” (One Human Society) and to shun the divisions based on lower sentiments like caste, creed, race, religion, and so on. Divisions based on lower sentiments are a cause of differences and thereby of bickering and quarrels. Such bickering and quarrels suck people dry of higher sensitivities and drive them away from spirituality. Unfortunately, in the name of fighting against injustice, many have taken refuge in irrational ideas of divisions based on caste, religion, and race-- all of which worsens instead of solving the problems.  

Exploited masses should unite; all are humans, no one is lowly or Dalit

Prout talks about divisions based on exploited and exploiter and teaches exploited humans to rise up against exploiters. Prout teaches us that the exploited are must not view their downtrodden condition in terms of religion or caste, for that only serves to divide the downtrodden. A poor and exploited so-called brahmin is no different from a poor and exploited so-called Dalit. The color of skin being white or black does not change the fact that one is suffering the plight of poverty. Regardless of one’s race, caste, or religion, Prout teaches one to rise against the exploiters and punish the perpetrators. Such an idea can alone uplift the humanity.

Communists are like flies: thrive on poverty

Ironically, communism that promises to fight against exploitation, itself needs poverty to exist in order to thrive. To fight against exploitation the first step is to stop recognizing the differences among humans based on lower sentiments like caste, race, and religion. However, communism keeps these aforementioned ideas alive by using them in their political discourse. This is the reason, Baba in numerous places has said that communism is an outdated and dangerous philosophy without any merit.

Prout magazine became leftist propaganda tool

Sadly, the Prout magazine which is supposed to propagate Prout philosophy has been copying articles from various websites indiscriminately and propagating all sorts of “ideals” other than Prout. One major source of Prout magazine’s articles is left-oriented websites. By incorporating articles like “Bangladesh Dalit Lives of Degradation”  which uses the term Dalit hundreds of times, Prout magazine is increasing rather than reducing the divisions in the society. Using such a negative narrative of Dalit, all that the article is doing is to reinforce the feeling of caste division among the readers.

Baba’s approach is optimistic. Baba’s method is to systematically recognize the problems and then provide the solutions. The approach of leftists is pessimistic. They point out the problems but do not provide solutions. Such an approach makes people cynical and worsens the problems.

Hypocrisy of Delhi Prout

Prout magazine is displaying hypocrisy by:
(1) Publishing leftist articles and proclaiming them to be Proutist;
(2) Publishing data provided in the articles without verifying it themselves.  

Leftist writers often conjure up the data to deceive people. By blindly copying leftist articles, Prout magazine’s editors are propagating such a deception in the name of Prout.


Prout magazine is spreading communism in the name of Prout. We should wake the editors up and tell them to stop this. Rather, they should propagate the grand ideas of Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout), for which they are supposed to be dedicated. If they are unable to do this, then best is to stop publication of the magazine. By that way, at least readers will not be misguided. Because in the present condition, Prout Editors are propagating a communist agenda in the name of Prout-- and by that they are seriously misguiding readers. Overall, best is to actually propagate Prout and continue the magazine.

At His Lotus Feet,

Main culprits

Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta
Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta
Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta
Sohail Inayatullah

Note 1

Request to Márgiis:
Request to Márgiis: In order to make our AM magazines pristine, please forward this posting to the editor ( of Prout English Magazine. As well as to the magazine’s Editorial Board members:

Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta <>
Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta <>, <>
Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta <>, <>
Sohail Inayatullah <>; <>; <>; <>, <>; <>

Note 2

The editorial members of Prout (English edition) are listed below.
Editor: Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta
Editorial Board: Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta, Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta, Sohail Inayatullah
Correspondents: Kanhu Charan Behura, Rajesh Singh, Ravindra Singh
Layout & Design: Suman Jha, Nishant Jha
Head Office: Prout Bhawan, JC-48, Khirki Extension Main Road, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017 ; Mobile No. : 09212199658; Email :
General Manager: Pranav Koul; Circulation Manager: R N Prasad; Assistant Circulation Manager: Sukhdeo

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The name of Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta can be spelt in various ways as listed here - Dádá Santośánanda, Dádá Santoshananda, Santosánanda Dada, Santoshananda Dada. Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta, Acyutánand, Acyutananda, Acyutananda Dada, Dada, Acyutananda, Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta, Vedaprajinanand, Vedaprajiṋánanda, Vedaprajiṋánand.

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