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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Devilish Didi: Female Drona’ca’rya + 3 more


Devilish Didi: Female Drona’ca’rya


Following is the story of Wt didi Dronacarya but first, here is some historical context.

You have probably heard about the great historic Mahabharata war in which Lord Krsna played a leading role. In that war there were many key villains. One of them was Dronacarya. He was a guru, i.e. teacher. In an ideal scenario, teachers should always be impartial. For instance, if you are teaching 100 students then you cannot hate student A, unfairly support B, and beat students C & D in an inimical way. Or if you are a big enemy of students E and G then you cannot kill or mutilate them. A true teacher maintains complete composure and impartiality.

How Dronacarya ruined student Z

Unfortunately Dronacaya was that type of teacher who was very envious and of a criminal nature. According to the historical, factual account, Dronacarya favoured student A because he belonged to a so-called higher caste. And student Z was of a lower so-called caste so Dronacarya harboured animosity towards him. With that feeling Dronacarya destroyed the career of student Z.

And here is how he did it. You know those days archery was the main weapon to fight enemies. To destroy the career of student Z, Dronacarya cut disciple Z’s thumb off. That was a gruesome and heinous act, and by this way Dronacarya destroyed disciple Z’s entire life as Z could not do archery anymore. This is the most ghastly work a teacher can do to his student. Due to his bad action, Dronacarya was a villain in the Mahabharata and was destroyed. Details of this story have been appended further down in this email.

Here above we reviewed the case of the the devil Dronacarya; and now we are going to review the case in our AMPS WT training centre led by one devil Wt Trainer Didi. Here below is what hell she is doing to her students. How long can we keep quiet. Please read be the following.

Motive behind Trainer didi demolishing trainee(s)

The current trainer at the Didi’s Bangalore WT training centre (TC) is behaving in a way very similar to the devilish minded Dronacarya. This Didi has very inimical relations with some other Wt Didis. So if any of her enemy Wt Didis sends a candidate for Wt training, then that trainer Didi will completely ruin that trainee. That trainee becomes a victim or pawn in the heinous war between these two Didis.

Here is why it happens. When any Wt creates a new wholetime worker by referring a candidate to TC who successfully completes WT training, then that WT who made the referral gets a big bogus. Suppose Didi Y sends candidate K for training. And if candidate K successfully completes the training and becomes a WT, then Didi Y will get a big bonus. That bonus for Didi Y might be in the form of a higher posting, or a seat in Centre, or a purodhaship. Didi Y gets that bonus because she was the one who initially sent candidate K for training.

For this reason, the current Wt trainer Didi in Bangalore will ruin any trainee that is sent by one of her enemy Didis. Because the trainer Didi does not want her enemy Didi to get any bonus. So the Trainer Didi will unjustly harass, belittle, abuse and make life miserable for any trainee sent by one of her enemy Wts. That trainee will be forced to do all the menial tasks day after day, like sweep the floor and clean the toilets etc. Generally, the chores rotate from one trainee to the next, but Trainer Didi will unjustly make that trainee do all dirtiest duties every day. Not only that, the Trainer Didi will psychologically and emotionally taunt that trainee and poison her mind. The trainer Didi does all this to get that trainee to quit and run from the training centre. That way the enemy Wt who referred the trainee will not get any bonus, i.e. no higher posting and no purodhaship etc.

A devilish mind at work

The peculiar thing is that the trainer Didi is also at a loss for losing a trainee. But that loss is only like “minus 3 points”, whereas the enemy Didi loses “10 points” by not getting the bonus of having her candidate become a Wt. So the Trainer Didi is willing to lose three points by losing a trainee in order to make her enemy Didi lose 10 points. So in reality both Didis are losers. But in her distorted view, the Trainer Didi sees this as a plus 7 for herself because she only lost 3 while her enemy lost 10. This is her devilish mind at work.

Worst of all is the fate of that poor, innocent, young trainee who has no idea that she is a pawn in the hatred between these two Didis. That trainee arrived at TC with grand hopes of dedicating her life to Sadguru Baba’s mission and serving humanity etc. That trainee came to TC with a pure heart and an open mind; she arrived with an innocent idealism to do something great. Yet she is forced to unjustly bear so much undue torment, abuse, and brow-beating etc. All because the trainer Didi is using her (i.e. the trainee) as a tool to get back at her enemy Didi. And ultimately, after so much torture and abuse, that innocent trainee leaves TC in complete horror. And trainer Didi is smugly satisfied that she blocked her enemy Didi from getting the bonus. The whole situation is quite sickening. It is unfathomable that any “trainer” could behave in such an appalling and grotesque way. That is why we say that she is the female Dronacarya.


The WT training centres are a key institution of our AMPS. It is so unfortunate and tragic that this type of ugly politics is going on in the name of WT training. Actually, Dada Rudrananda is the one behind all this as he chooses degraded Wts to leader our training centres in order to ruin AMPS. That is why Dada Rudrananda keeps debauched and mean-minded persons as Wt trainers.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Who is this devilish WT trainer Didi

The name of the Trainer at the Didi’s Wt Training Centre in Bangalore is Didi Ananda Madhurima. She is the one who is abusing and ruining those innocent trainees who are sent by “enemy” Didis. Didi Ananda Madhurima is the one who is that female Dronacarya. She is the one who operates in this dastardly way and unjustly destroys the career of idealistic trainees.

Important role of WT training centres

There was a time when all our WT training centres (TC) were full and overflowing with trainees. Nowadays, our TC’s are like ghost towns - basically empty. This is quite concerning as having a vibrant Wt cadre is vital to the survival and success of our Marga. And at present, the vast majority of our workers are aged. So new trainees are absolutely necessary.

How the devil Dronacarya did his work

Ananda Marga philosophy says:
“Teachers should, as a rule, have equal love and affection for all their students, but Dronacarya was clearly partial to Arjuna. Still later, when he discovered to his displeasure that Arjuna was growing to be a greater warrior, he disclosed some secret military skills to Ashvatthama, his own son.

“Ekalavya, another disciple, had profound regard for Dronacarya, but when Dronacarya came to know that Ekalavya was born of a low-caste family, he outright refused to accept him as a disciple. This outright refusal was extremely unbecoming of an acarya. Not all are competent to become acaryas. Partiality is a serious lapse on the part of any teacher.”

“So far as archery was concerned, Ekalavya was more expert than Arjuna or Ashvatthama. Once Dronacarya went to Ekalavya and noticed his excellent feats of archery. On being questioned, Ekalavya let him know that having accepted Dronacarya as his teacher, he had acquired that sort of skill. But shockingly, in the name of guru daksina (sacerdotal fee for the master), Dronacarya demanded the thumb of Ekalavya) and thereby spoiled the brilliant career of Ekalavya. Shrii Krśńa had to conceive of such a character just to open the eyes of other members of society. It is only proper that one treat the virtuous and the sinful alike. We must look upon all with equal respect, thereby maintaining harmony in society. And as a result of his discriminatory treatment of his disciples, Dronacarya had a serious fall in the battle.”

“Dronacarya was neither an ideal man nor an ideal teacher. So it became imperative to eliminate such an acarya from society.” (1)

1. Discourses on the Mahabharata, Some Characters of the Mahábhárata)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Why Prout opposes capital punishment

Prout philosophy states, “You know that nothing is perfect in this universe of relativity. So it is quite natural that the judicial system of the world, whether in the past, present or future, can never be perfect. Therefore nobody should be given capital punishment on the basis of this imperfect system.”

“Each and every individual, whether they are a criminal or not, can claim a chance to rectify their conduct from the society. So in PROUT’s legal structure everybody should get ample scope for rectifying their character and conduct. If a person is condemned to capital punishment, he or she won’t get such scope, so PROUT denounces this sort of punishment.”

Prout philosophy states, “But in very special cases, where a person has become a demon and is going against the collective interest and there is no chance of rectification, circumstances may arise which warrant capital punishment. For example, during war this exception may sometimes be permissible. But generally we should not support this punishment on principle. Punishment should be appropriate to the offense.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Most significant aspect of our Marga

Caryacarya states, "Ananda Marga is the path of human beings. The greatest excellence of this Marga is that, after knowing the needs of human beings and understanding their feeling, this "marg" (path) has been propounded. About this, this is the most significant thing. That's all." (1)

Note 1: The above was directly translated from Baba's own hand-written Bengali guideline.

Note 2: Baba’s above teaching is present in many old editions of the Bengali, Hindi, and English versions of Caryacarya-II.

Note 3: In contrast the various religions are made with the selfish view whereby they infuse dogma and exploit followers and the common people.

Note 4: If someone is not aware of some of the rules of our Ananda Marga such as why a particular rule has been formulated then the answer is embedded in seed form in Sadguru Baba’s above guideline. For example, suppose someone does not know why we always wear our pratik on the body 24 hrs per day, or why we repeat Guru puja and samgacchadhvam 3 times and not 2 or 4, the answers of these types of questions are also hidden in the above guideline.

Note 5: In our Ananda Marga nothing is dogmatic but nowadays a few people are trying hard to establish or implement various dogmas such as: so-called mahaprayan, Fake Ananda Vaniis, fake holy lands, tiirthas etc, and other types of things which do not have any logic to stand upon.

1. Caryacarya - 2, just after copyright page

== Section 4: Links ==
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© 2017 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Devilish Didi: Female Drona’ca’rya
2. IT: Why Prout opposes capital punishment
3. IT: Most significant aspect of our Marga
4. Links

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