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Friday, August 25, 2017

‘Colorful’ history of AMPS


‘Colorful’ history of AMPS


Sarvatmananda episode: Purodha Pramukh is a powerful position in AMPS. In the beginning, the Purodha Pramukh Shraddhananda jii who was a simpleton and spineless person was controlled by Sarvatmananda. This is how Sarvatmananda cleverley ruled AMPS via his minion Shraddhananda.

Shraddhananda episode:

Rudrananda later made a faction of Hindi group and took over the faction and began to rule via Shraddhananda just like Sarvatmananda. When Shraddhananda died then Rudrananda began scouting for another fool & vassal to adorn the PP post via whom he can conveniently rule the H group. In those days, the H group had two factions one led by Rudrananda while the other one by Nigamananda.

Rudrananda episode #1

Like a shrewd politician Rudrananda began to build his support in the organisation AMPS to defeat all his competitors. He needed people who obeyed him without asking any questions whatsoever. The strategy used by Rudrananda was to collect stooges having weak characters together and give them high posts. Rudrananda chose two kinds of people, namely, (1) sexually debauched people and (2) the people hungry for high posts. Rudrananda was able to form such a group of his ardent followers cum sycophants very quickly.

A simple rule that Rudrananda follows for maintaining his autocracy is that more degenerate and characterless a worker is bigger the post he/she gets. The weakness of the worker is known to Rudrananda and he uses the knowledge of that weakness to control the person at the higher post and via that the organization. This is the secret of Rudrananda’s “success”.

Rudrananda episode #2

Mantracetanananda was helping Rudrananda in his operations. Mantracetanananda is a person who is hungry of high post. He observed that the then GS Citsvarupananda was a sexually debauched person. As Mantracetanananda himself wanted to become GS, he thought that complaining to Rudrananda would be a good idea to demote the GS Citsvarupananda while the position will become available for him (Mantracetanananda). With this aspiration, Mantracetanananda approached Rudrananda and told him about the sexual misconducts of GS Citsvarupananda. Rudrananda saw this as a threat to his autocracy and without any further thought posted Mantracetanananda in a far away place as a punishment for speaking up. After realizing that his whole life may get spent away from the limelight, in December 2016 Mantracetanananda decided to begin a movement against Rudrananda by exposing all the debauchery happening within the organization under the very supervision of Rudrananda.  Mantracetanananda returned back to India without telling anyone and began a WhatsApp group STO and writing about all the wrongdoings of the highly placed WTs.

The news published by Mantracetanananda to expose the WTs are factually correct as he knows a lot about the organization having lived close to Rudrananda for a long period and observed is wrongdoings directly. Mantracetanananda’s news are a good source of information for Ma’rgiis to find out about the wrongdoings of highly posted central Wts.

WhatsApp Letters by Mantracetanananda

Below is an English translation of Mantracetanananda’s original Hindi postings to help those who cannot read Hindi. To see the original Hindi postings scroll down to note.

[Translation of Mantracetanananda’s letter # 1 begins]
Today’s grave situation is such that Rudrananda is Ananda Marga and Ananda Marga is Rudrananda. Whenever and whatever he wants he can accomplish with the help of his minions. Rudrananda owns the central committee and all the so-called Purodha members are in fact Rudrananda’s Purodhas and not Ananda Marga’s. Rather than serving Baba’s Ananda Marga by establishing camp headquarter in Ranchi, Rudrananda has set up the camp headquarter in Delhi just to create a false show. Now Rudrananda will take Margiis and WTs in Delhi’s Baba quarters and pressurize them to collect money. Rudrananda disobeyed Baba by first setting up the camp headquarter in Ranchi’s Baba quarter and then now knowingly setting up PP quarter in Delhi’s Baba quarter. Via his political PA, who lives in his Banaras palace, Rudrananda sent an order to empty the Baba quarter in Delhi. STO would like to caution all the readers that the snake that we are feeding milk will one day bite us. Those who don’t believe will do so on the day when that happens but that will be too late. If the state of affairs continue like this then very soon the so-called Purodhas of Ranchi will offer Guru Puja to Rudrananda instead of Baba. It seems that the Ranchi Purodhas have already made their mind to do so.
[Translation of Mantracetanananda’s letter # 1 ends]

[Translation of Mantracetanananda’s letter # 2 begins]
Baba will punish the maha’pa’takii (sinners of the worst type) murderers of Ac. Abhipremananda  in their this very lives in such a manner that even the onlookers will shiver out of fear. But, what to speak about those who murder Baba’s system and His ideals every single day? They violate the system and ideology and put blames on others and yet project themselves to be great persons in the organisation AMPS. Aforementioned type of people can only be called paramapa’takii (absolute sinners).
[Translation of Mantracetanananda’s letter # 2 ends]

In Him,

The original Hindi letters of Mantracetanananda published on WhatsApp’s STO group are pasted below.
[Letter # 1, courtesy WhatsApp’s STO forum]
रुद्रानद ही आनन्द मार्ग है और आनंद मार्ग ही रुद्रानंद है। वोह जब चाहे  , जो चाहे ,   अपने चमचो के द्वारा, कुछ भी कर सकता है ?और  कुछ भी करवा सकता है?  उसकी अपनी सेन्ट्रल कमेटी है।  क्योकि सेन्ट्रल कमेटी में अपना बहुमत है।  और जितने भी  रांची के कथाकथित पुरोधा गण है,  वह आनंद मार्ग के पुरोधा नहीं, बल्कि रुद्रानंद मार्ग के  पुरोधा है, रांची में अपना कैंप हेडक़वार्टर रख कर  बाबा के आनंद नगर को तो बचा नहीं सकते, तो देल्ही में कैंप हेड क्वार्टर बना कर क्या आनंद मार्ग का देल्ही कैंप हेड क्वार्टर बना कर अपने इनफॉर्म होने की ड्यूटी पूरी कर रहे हे? शायद अब देल्ही में बाबा क्वार्टर में ले जाकर PP  क्वार्टर के नाम पर मार्गियों एवम् WT वर्कर्स के ऊपर दबाब डालकर ,  पैसा कलेक्शन करने का प्रोग्राम बनाएंगे। पहले रांची बाबा क्वार्टर में आनंदमार्ग का कैंप हेड क्वार्टर बना कर बाबा के आदेश का उल्लंघन किया, अब जान बूझकर देल्ही के बाबा क्वार्टर में PP क्वार्टर बना कर , क्या बाबा के आदेश के अनुसार गुरु द्रोह का काम नहीं कर रहे है। अपने पर्सनल राजनेतिक PA जो बनारस के रुद्रानंद महल में रहते है, उनके द्वारा अपने मेसेज द्वारा देल्ही के बाबा क्वार्टर को ख़ाली करने का आदेश दिलवाया है। STO   आप लोगो को  आगाह कर रहा है,  कि हम लोग जिस सांप को दूध पिला रहे है, एक दिन आपको ही काट  खायेगा।  
यदि विश्वास नहीं होता तो भविष्य में  जब सांप काटेगा। तब बहुत देर हो चुकी होगी। यदि इस ही रहा तो:- शायद वोह दिन भी दूर नहीं, जब बाबा के फोटो की जगह रुद्रानद का फ़ोटो रख कर रांची के कथाकथित पुरोधा गण गुरु पूजा करेंगे। शायद रांची के पुरोधा गण ने अपना मन बना लिया है।”
[Letter # 1 ends here]

[Letter # 2, courtesy WhatsApp’s STO forum, Mantracetanananda]
आचार्य अभिप्रेमानंद अवधूत की जिन लोगो ने भी हत्या की  है। वे लोग तो महापातकी है, और बाबा उनको इसी जनम में उनको ऐसी सजा  प्रकृति से दिलवाये, जिससे दूसरे लोग भी थर-थर कांप जाएं।

लेकिन जो लोग बाबा के सिस्टम एवं आदर्श की हत्या रोज-रोज कर रहे है। उनके बारे में क्या कहा जाय।
सिस्टम एवं आदर्श की   हत्या खुद कर रहे है और  बदनामी  दूसरे  पर डाल कर अपनी स्वयं की पर्सनैल्टी को एस्टेब्लिश क्रर  संस्था के सुपर बन रहे है। इनके बारे में क्या ख्याल है। ऐसे लोगो को तो परम  पातकी  भी कहा जय वह कम है ।”
[Letter # 2 ends here]

Alternative spellings: Mantrachetananandji, Mantrachetanananda, Mantracetanánandji, Mantracetanánanda, Rudrándanda, Rudrándandji, Rudra’ndanda, Citswarupananda, Citswarupanandji, Chitswaru’pa’nanda, Citsvarúpánanda.

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