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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Alert: seducer RAWA artist, AMPS


Alert: seducer RAWA artist, AMPS


The other day, Tattvavedananda took his grand seat on center stage to perform Prabhat Samgiita at at RAWA cultural program / concert. However, Sadguru Baba is very strict that those artists of loose character should not get the scope to sing or play for the public.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Immoral actors and actresses will have to be deprived of their right to exhibit their artistic talents, and sent to reform schools." (1)

Unfortunately, Tattvavedananda spoiled his career as an avadhuta and never repented for his wrongs. Tattvavedananda used his post and position as a famed performer to seduce a Muslim girl “half his age.” Ultimately the two married and Tattvavedananda lived the life of a married man for seven full years in the Netherlands (Berlin Sector). And now, out of the blue, he has returned as a Wt without expressing an ounce of repentance for his sinful ways. (Continued below)

~  Tattvavedananda ~

If Tattvavedananda was sincere and true in wanting to again become a Wt then he should have started over from the very beginning. He should have reentered Wt training center using his laokik name, Tapash Ghosh. And then step-by-step via his good conduct and learning he should have proven himself worthy of being a Wt again. But none of this happened.

Rather, Tattvavedananda refused to submit himself to retraining and he rejected the notion that he needed to rectify himself. Just in one swift jump, he wanted to regain his dress and reputation, and again take on his name of Tattvavedananda, as if nothing had happened. So that is what he did and now immediately he leaped up on center page at a premier RAWA concert on in Deoghar Prabhat Samgiita Day, i.e. 14 Sep 2017.

Tattvavedananda should not get license to exploit and degrade impressionable youths by showing himself as a “great artist.” Sadguru Baba warns that depraved artists should not be given the spotlight for fear they will prey upon and degrade the society - especially the impressionable youths. Rather a sinner like Tattvavedananda should have to fully rectify and purify himself and show his humility. Getting on the stage is not an option, till far, far down the road.


So an intervention is needed. We should rectify such depraved artists like Tattvavedananda and not encourage them to again glorify themselves on the grand stage. Sadly, the wrong approach has been taken here. Before he again seduces another innocent young girl and runs off with her, Tattvavedananda should be forced to prove himself as an avadhuta by his day to day conduct. And that starts with him recognising his sinful behaviour, feeling repentant, and asking for punishment. Once those steps have been done, he can slowly begin his rehabilitation as a Wt and eventually an avadhuta. Till that time, the only option is to yank Tattvavedananda off the stage,

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If actors and actresses fail to acquire a basic level of personal purity or are reluctant to acquire it, it will be the duty of society and the state to compel them to lead good lives by creating circumstantial pressure. No matter how talented they may be, immoral actors and actresses will have to be deprived of their right to exhibit their artistic talents, and sent to reform schools." (2)


Please show the above photo of Tattvavedananda to all your family members and relations, especially females so they can be alert. Tattvavedananda’s favourite ploy is to seduce alluring girls by teaching them Prabhat Samgiita. That is how Tattvavedananda became a sexual predator.
  • Without having gone for retraining or rectifying his wrongs, Tattvavedananda was sitting in avadhuta dress at Jamshedpur (Tatanagar) jagriti on Sun 17 Sep 2017) in dharmacakra.
  • Taj Uddin Ahamed from Bardhaman, WB,  organized the marriage ceremony of Tatvavedananda (alias Tapash Ghosh) with Nasima’, a Muslim girl of around 30 years of age. If necessary please contact with him. Mob- +919153544513.
In Him,
Raman Mukherjee

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists' ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely.” (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society...strict vigilance should be kept over the purity of their [artists] individual conduct. They should not become the cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer.” (5)

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp forum ~

[16/09 12:27] +91 84448 55313: Not only that he (tattvavedananda) was stated in the court that he will not recognized as tattvavedananda from henceforth, and he is known as Tapash Ghosh then he angaged in Nikah with a muslim woman. And remained with her for 7 years. And again one day he come back. What is this? And Ranchi people accept him without any retraining.
[16/09 12:34] +91 88929 85686: Ya...that's right. ✅ Tattvavedananda ji left organisation to get the taste of family life with singer Nashima Falguni of Bangladesh living in Netherland, but when he realized his big mistake that what done for himself, then he wanted to return back to Marga. He spoiled his famous name and dress.  And If Ranchi WT dada,  Dharmendra ji unaware of this fact then they can go through her profile link of that  Bangladeshi singer.
[16/09 12:50] +91 88929 85686: Nashima Falguni, a gold medalist, awarded by RAWA, Bangladesh.

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp forum ~

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
3. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
4. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
5. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Serving hungry animals


Serving hungry animals

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Guru and try to follow His guideline.


This letter addresses how some set aside their first spoonful of their meal - i.e. human food - as an offering to animals. We have examined why this is harmful to those animals, as well as why such an offering is merely a token offering and does not stand as true service. For more about all this topic, the first two sections offer a complete background and links to those letters are appended below.The following are new aspects of this discussion.

Bird houses and animal sanctuaries:
feed animals animal food

Here we investigate safe and meaningful ways of offering food to animals whereby we are rendering real service to those creatures. In some places, people set up bird houses / bird feeders and this is a very effective and appropriate way to feed the animals. The only requisite is to put bird food in those feeders and then the birds will come. So this is a very positive way to serve those birds.

And a similar method can be used with respect to other animals. Find an appropriate place and feed them the food they normally eat - i.e. not human food - and those animals will be benefited. This everyone can do in their own locale with the wildlife (birds and animals) of the region. That is an excellent way to serve those creatures and this can be complemented by maximum participation in PCAP activities.

And in those regions where animals sanctuaries have been established, one can leave food for the animals there as well - if it is allowed. And the main theme all along is not to feed them human food, but food that is part of their natural diet. Then that will be true service to those animals.

The dogma only arises when people think it is fine and well to serve human food to those unsuspecting animals. That is when harm is done and that is when those humans are going against neo-humanistic principles.

Ecological reason behind spoonful dogma

When this practice of serving a spoonful of food to animals was first started, then those rishis had the best interests and welfare of those animals in mind. And the system worked well. The foods those rishis were offering those animals were simple grasses and leaves. The animals could easily eat that food and get the benefit. Plus the common people saw and they too became involved in offering food to those animals in the spirit of service.

Times have changed. With all the ecological destruction, the natural habitat of those animals has been decimated and with the growth of materialism and convenience foods etc the human diet has changed drastically. Now feeding a spoonful of human food is just one dogma. Because that spoonful is not enough to satisfy an animal's hunger in most cases; plus the food that is being offered is harmful to those animals.

Thus what began as a meaningful practice that served animals has now turned into senseless dogma that harms those creatures.

Why spoonful of human food is not neo-humanistic

1. The food that is set aside often contains spices, sugars, and oils that are harmful to an animal’s health and well-being. Those animals - birds, dogs, & monkeys etc - are not meant to eat salty, oily, sugary foods etc. That is not animal food. If they eat that food they will get sick, suffer from disease, and die a slow, painful death.

2. In some cases, that food just gets wasted because it gets washed away in the rain, or there are no birds or street dogs around, or a person lives on the 10th floor so animals cannot reach their home etc. Plus we have to remember that any food that has become rancid will create terrible harm to the animal.

3. There are many big animals such as elephants, tigers, rhino, and other wild creatures that have voracious appetites. Serving a huge animal one spoon of food is essentially a meaningless endeavor.

By all this, we can easily conclude that the prevailing dogma in certain parts of India of setting aside a spoonful of human food is neither practical nor neo-humanistic. It is just a meaningless ritual that can bring much harm to animals.

As Ananda Margiis, we must stand up to the high ideals of neo-humanism and engage in meaningful endeavours to help all living beings. That at is the mission of Prevention of Cruelty to Plants and Animals (PCAP) & Cheap Literature (CL). Plants and animals are the manifestation of Parama Purusa and we should serve them with that ideation.

“Bhúta-Yajina: Bhúta Yajina means services rendered to any created entity of the manifested world. For example, watering trees, serving cattle, undertaking scientific explorations and doing anything for the sake of welfare.” (1)


The real solution lies in administering a distinct call to action and awakening people’s awareness to the plight and dire situation of animals and plants in today’s modern world. Token offerings are meaningless. Once people are educated about the problems then properly organised efforts can be made.

To this end, Baba has graciously given the guidelines for the formation and development of PCAP & CL – that wing of Ananda Marga for Prevention of Cruelty to Plants and Animals (PCAP) & Cheap Literature (CL). By this way, a dynamic movement can be made to truly improve the condition of non-human life forms.

Although, Baba has given this ideal long back, it is yet to be properly developed. As things are now, if any new person sees that some in Ananda Marga are making token food offerings by the spoonful of human food to relieve animals of their suffering etc, they will think we are completely dogmatic and impractical.

So now is the time to inculcate the neo-humanistic ideals which Baba has given and truly develop meaningful programs under the banner of PCAP & CL. If in these beginning stages, we do not have a lot of resources, that is understandable. By taking proper steps, invariably the support – both human and financial etc – will follow.

First and foremost, we should not be involved in this dogma of putting a spoonful of human food aside thinking that our duty is complete. To the degree people suffer from that mind-set is the degree to which they are lagging behind from the real service work that needs to be done.

Involving regularly in PCAP activities and feeding small amounts of animal food to the animals on a daily basis - in accordance with local laws and ordinances - is a fine and accepted pathway to serve.

In Him,
Sahadev Malakar

The overall spirit behind offering one spoonful of food to animals is very good, but unfortunately nowadays the practice has become dogmatic. Here is a solution to again make this a dharmic endeavour:
  • (a) Purchase a stock of dry food to serve to animals and keep this in your home.
  • (b) Whenever you sit down for a meal, first take Brahma bhava (Cosmic ideation) and take a small amount of that dry food from your main stock (i.e. container A) and place it in small container, i.e. container B.
  • (c) Before each meal take a small amount from container A and put it into container B, until a moderate amount of food has been collected in container B.
  • (d) When time permits, take container B outside and place it in a strategic place where animals can find it and safely eat.
  • (e) By this regular practice, those animals are served and the person serving with proper ideation will gain mental expansion. The outcome will be more love and affection towards the entire creation.
In addition, we should follow Baba’s guidelines about PCAP & CL.

~ In-depth study ~

Who is doing this dogma

Most commonly we see this happening with B group in Bengal. They are the ones most involved in this dogma of offering their first spoonful of human food to animals - as if by this way they are fulfilling their duty of serving animals. They are propagating this dogma amongst their new people and Wt trainees. Sadly, they have wholly embraced this Hindu dogma and made it their own - such that now they consider it as a standard practice of Ananda Marga.

One other curious fact is that in certain regions of Bengal, our Dadas have pools / ponds with fish in them and they charge local fisherman to come and fish those ponds. That means those Dadas are making a profit by allowing fisherman to come and kill those fish.

So on the one side, each day when they eat they follow the dogma of setting aside a spoonful of food to "help" animals, and then for the sake of a few rupees, they grant fisherman the opportunity to come and kill the fish that live in ponds on Marga land. The whole scene is marked by rampant hypocrisy and duplicity.

Mut'hia: a fistful dry grain
special way to serve and feed others

Here is an old village tradition for serving food to humans. Whenever a children's home was set-up in a village area, then one of the staff at the children's home would go round to the various village homes and ask them to donate a food each month. The system is known as mut'hia and here is how it was done.

Before each meal, the members of a household would each grab a fistful of the most commonly used staple food (dry grain) of that area. And they would all deposit their fistful of food into a larger container. This would continue all month long. And by the end of the month, a substantial amount of food would be collected, maybe 5 - 8 kg or so. Around that time the representative from the children's home would return and pick-up that food donation. And by this way everyone would be benefited.

The children's home would collect ample food from the villagers to properly feed the boys and girls in their home. And those villagers who participated in mut'hia were blessed to serve. So for them it was mind-expanding as each and every day they were consciously involved in the welfare of those kids by grabbing a fistful of dry grain and putting it in a collection pot. So this is one very old and effective way to serve humans and provide them food.

List of foods harmful to animals: Scroll down to the very bottom to get a link for the list of foods that are harmful to animals.

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Monday, September 25, 2017

"Lips will quiver & hearts will palpitate" + 2 more

"Lips will quiver & hearts will palpitate"


​Since last November, almost one year ago, Dada Mantracetanananda started exposing Dada Rudrananda’s allegedly debauched purodha team. Dada Mantracetanananda unmasked their sexual dealings. Although this type of anti-corruption work has been going on for decades, this time the level of margii engagement was unprecedented. Numerous margiis took interest and expressed their opinion. They were shocked at how a handful of moralist wts are being treated badly while corrupt bootlickers and sexual predators are enjoying, ruling, and holding the higher posts. As the posts get higher and higher, we see that the degree of corruption increases.

With all this awareness, some were anticipating that at this DMS so-called right-minded Wts would oppose and tear down the corrupt system. But nothing happened. So now people are bewildered and wondering why? Those thinking that such and such Wts will protest and fix the situation are now themselves perplexed. They wonder, “Why have some of these Wts, who dedicated everything for Ananda Marga and Baba, become so cowardly?”

People do not know that answer. On the one side these Wts dedicated everything, yet side by side also they are cowards. How does this go together. You know that when sadhakas do not get the answer then they look towards Ananda Marga philosophy because Guru’s teachings have the answer to everything. In this case also here is the answer in Baba’s voice:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “One may ask, “Why does the public not do something to rectify the situation [unmask corrupt leaders] ?”...Why do they not do so? The reason is perfectly simple.”

“A large section of the upper stratum of society [in some countries] is involved in corrupt practices. That is why uneducated people do not have the courage to raise their voices in protest, prevent immorality and take corrective measures against the corrupt elements active in every sphere of society.”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A large number of clerks, teachers, engineers, government officials and business people who comprise the so-called educated section of society indulge in immorality and corruption in their respective professions. Their weak minds indirectly criticize injustice but cannot directly confront it. Thieves can criticize other thieves in a society of thieves, but they cannot offer suggestions in a society of honest people because their lips will quiver and their hearts will palpitate; the condition of corrupt educated people in the upper stratum of society in underdeveloped countries is similar.”

“The characters of such people have to be transformed and they will have to become honest, otherwise none of the evils in society will be eliminated, none of the problems will be solved.” (1)


By Baba’s above teaching it is clear that some whom we regard as being “dedicated” and “vanguards of the society” are actually not. Rather they are the enjoyer of ill-gotten booty. That is why they lost the moral courage to fight against the demons. That is what Baba is explaining in His above teaching.

In Him,

1. Human Society, part 1, Various Occupations

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

History of injection: ayurveda & homeopathy

Ananda Marga teachings guide us, “Nowadays, in those cases where there is difficulty getting the desired effect by swallowing the medicine or ingesting it in some other way, or where the effect is delayed, the system of introducing the medicine into the body through injection is widely prevalent. If anything is injected into the body through a needle it is called súcikábharańa. Súcikábharańa existed in Ayurveda in ancient times to a small extent, but this science could not advance much in those days, chiefly due to the influence of certain superstitions among the people at that time. They did not want to allow anything into their bodies through injection, so this science remained unappreciated. Nowadays it is possible to save the patient's life with injections in the case of diseases that are difficult to cure or treat, or in the case of life-threatening disease. Thankfully, modern practitioners of Ayurveda and Homeopathy, willingly or unwillingly, have accepted the use of needles and themselves use them. Now let us return to the matter of kulyá. Those medicines that need to be kept dry, but which are difficult to make into tablets, were preserved as powders. Medicines preserved as powders are called cúrńa in Ayurveda, for example, bháskara salt cúrńa, gámbharii múla cúrńa, gud́ucii sharkará cúrńa. Medicine preserved in powder form is also called kulyá." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

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1. Posting: "Lips will quiver & hearts will palpitate"
2. IT: History of injection: ayurveda & homeopathy
3. Links

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Religious exploitation in AMPS + 2 more


Religious exploitation in AMPS


Here is how it works: “This special prasad is charged with positive microvita and will cure you of all your ills - just eat this prasad and all your ailments will be gone.”

This is the type of special sermon Dada Savitananda delivers after akhanda kiirtan programs, at retreats, after dharmacakra, and at DMS etc. To bolster his case, Dada also gives anecdotal accounts: “There were three patients with stage-4 terminal cancer. Their situation was hopeless. The doctors and medical professionals had given up. But one-by-one they came to me and with this microvita prasad we were able to save them and cure them fully.”

Such tales help generate a thirst - a market - for his microvita prasad. By this way his message is juicy and alluring, especially to those who are infirmed and vulnerable. And Dada jii capitalises on this to sell his product, collect donations, and generate more revenue.

MV prasad: following in religious dogma

Dada Savitananda, his cohorts, and select others, along with some general margiis place food and drinks under the puja table and in and around the akhanda kiirtan hall. The only rule is that the edible item must be close enough to receive the sound waves of the kiirtan. In this regard, the general rule is: The closer it is the better. They place bottles of water, juice, dried fruit, and candy and turn it into “cure-all” microvita prasad. Which they then market to margiis all around the globe.

So in making his so-called, “cure-all”, microvita potion, Dada S is just following in the footsteps of the dogmatic religions.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In most cases religions took advantage of human weaknesses, crippled the people’s rationality, and sapped their strength, thus facilitating their exploitation by the religious traders. When the vitality and strength of the masses remains unexpressed, the exploiters will be able to exploit them in the economic and other spheres of life for a long time with relative ease. In the annals of human history it can be seen in all ages that the various exploiters were the patrons and the preachers of religion.” (1)

How Savitananda’s business model has grown

Five years ago this business was just getting going and now it is gaining momentum. Dada S brings in huge bags of candies so that he can provide other Dadas with supplies for their travels. That way they can spread the word. At present, their business model aims at bringing as many people as possible into the fold, generating as many customers as they can. They are no different from those who bottle up water from the Ganges and sell it all around the world as a holy balm to heal your troubles and fulfill your dreams.

Nowadays, to generate a market, Savitananda and his team are distributing their supposed microvita prasad to as many as possible, while a few others can also bring and place food in the kiirtan pandal. But slowly Savitananda is taking more control of the situation. And soon only special designated persons will be able to bring items into the pandal. They will tightly regulate it so that the controllers can maximize on the profits.

Prasad of Parama Purusa vs business interest

In our AMPS, there is the system of prasad. All fondly remember this. And still today, prasad is an accepted element of our spiritual approach and link with Parama Purusa. Here the problem is that Dada jii’s business model of selling so-called blessed food for maximum profits completely contravenes the very special gift of prasad, i.e. the loving offering of food from Parama Purusa.

Parama Purusa is the Creator of this universe and everything belongs to Him. He does not need anything from us. When bhaktas, with their sincere feeling, make an offering to Parama Purusa, of edible or nonedible items then Parama Purusa, in His kindness, accepts the offering and graciously returns all or part of that offering to His bhaktas. That is known as prasad if it is something edible, and nirmalya if it is something non-edible.


Even today, if you want to offer anything to Parama Purusa then just offer it. He is not very far; rather, He is with you. He does not need anything external, just your mental offering is enough. But if you have an irresistible desire to offer something material, that also you can do. Just close your eyes and do an invocation of Parama Purusa and ideate that Parama Purusa is before you. Then whatever material thing you wish to offer you may. Thereafter you may distribute that item to others, especially to the poor and needy.

Regularly, in your personal life if you are offering your food to Parama Purusa, then take the food as His prasad. After you cook your food, just before eating close your eyes and invoke Parama Purusa, ideating that He is before You. Then make your offer and He will accept it. Then open your eyes and what is there is His prasad. You can eat that food, or serve and distribute it to others if you wish.

They key point is that true prasad is wholly devoid of any business interest or cheating etc. It is pure bhakti. For Parama Purusa, there is no difference between a physical or psychic offering. The only criteria is how much the sadhaka’s mind was involved. If some bhakta with great affection is making a mental offering that is more valuable if a rich person is offering huge physical delicacies with a dirty mind. There must not be any scam or exploitation in the name of prasad.

in Him,

After each and every kiirtan program, there should be special prasad. Some are involved deeply in spiritual sadhana while some, such as the children, are interested in special treats like prasad. By this way, there will be something for everyone. All will think of it as a delightful and joyous occasion.

~ In-depth study ~

Several bouquets of flowers to your grandpa

Receiving something out of love from Parama Purusa is known as prasad. It is just like if you presented several bouquets of flowers to your grandpa. There were more flowers than he could ever manage as it was his birthday and many people gave flower bouquets. Then with full love, he will present some of those flower bouquets back to his family members. That is gift. And it is only natural to accept them as it is an offering of love. Same is the case when Parama Purusa. He presents those food offerings back to His bhaktas. That is prasad.

Prasad is an offering based on selfless love. There is not the least bit of business interest in the process of giving or receiving prasad. Yet this Dada is twisting and exploiting this tenet as his sole aim is to earn huge monies by the mass selling of so-called prasad as a pitch for curing cancer.

Many dirty tricks to popularize prasad dogma and earn money

1. Non-decaying items that store well like water, juice, dried fruit, and sweets are used as the “cure-all prasad.”
2. Dada S places the containers directly under the puja table or if it is crowded the just outside the kiirtan circle. But that prasad must be within earshot of the music - the closer it is the better. Then it can become positively vibrated.
3. Dads S tells this is how to gather positive microvita. He brings huge bags of sugar candies and when the program finishes he gives a lecture how those candies are now charged with microvita. Dada S gives free samples to Wts to propagate this approach.
4. Dada S concocts fake stories how with this product patients recovered from incurable 4th stage cancer, but he never supplies their name or contact info etc.
5. Then Dada proclaims that only two things are needed: a dose of kiirtan candy + faith on Baba. Then if someone is not cured then Dada S justifies that that person does not have sufficient faith on Baba. That is Dada jii’s “out” or alibi lest anyone try to fault his panacea prasad.
6. So by this way Dada S is doing a booming business. To create more customers, on his travels he distributes his candy to those who could not attend. And to all he sees he professes that, “This candy will solve all your problems and diseases.”

Cheating to sick, injured, and troubled people

7. Those who are most vulnerable to this ploy are people in desperation. So what Dada jii is doing is just like what those religious traders and exploiters do. They capitalise on the weaknesses of innocent people struggling in life. Their basic equation is (a) seek out those in trouble, (b) highlight their problem, and (c) offer a “quick-fix”, “can’t miss solution” - for a fee.
Such religious exploiters are the worst type of people - sadly Dada jii’s approach is a mirror-image of this.
8. In the future, to keep the money rolling in, their plan is to hire kiirtan parties to sing 24/7 in a factory to maximize production of this cure-all candy. They even plan on getting certified by a professional licensing agency, just like as is done with those selling the Ganges water.
9. Not only that, Dada jii is creating his own market by appealing to all sick, injured, and troubled people. He says, “My special panacea products will ease your worried minds and heal your aching body.”
10. But remember, not just anyone can make this potent prasad. It cannot be done in your backyard nor in your local unit. It needs a global kiirtan program. By making such a claim, Dada jii aims to have a monopoly on the product and eliminate any local start-ups.
11. Five years ago this venture was nothing, and now it has grown into a full-fledged enterprise - spreading to all places. To help build a customer base, Dada jii generally gives out the prasad free and then asks for a donation - some time later. Once people are “hooked”, then he can charge what he pleases.
12. Essentially, Dada jii is bringing this dogma into AM in order to befool the public, earn maximum money, and gain respect.
13. Those not fully aware about Ananda Marga teachings are very susceptible and often succumb to this alluring dogma.
14. Actually this entire ploy falls at the intersection of so-many dogmas: religious trading, spiritual lethargy, priestocracy, etc. Plus it is against the most fundamental tenet of Ananda Marga which is to eradicate dogma - not propagate it. But the makers of this panacea are doing just opposite.

Special ploy to hold business rights

Now see this next trick maneuver that Savitananda makes. Because some may think that they can place their own water, dried fruits, and candy under the puja table during akhanda kiirtan and make special prasad on their own. They plan that they will organise kiirtan programs in their area with local margiis and then they will have their microvita prasad. In that case there is no need to purchase from or donate to Dada S in order to get his cure-all prasad. This might be the common idea that many may consider doing.

To control this and cut off any competition, Dada S has laid down some stipulations. In order from microvita prasad to be effect it must be made according to the below rules, otherwise it will not work.
(A) The kiirtan must be a large gathering that includes margiis from a maximum number of sectors, such as at DMS etc.
(B) Having 50 or even 200 margiis from a particular locale is not sufficient for making this panacea prasad.
(C) During large programs, select and designated persons only can place water and fruits in jars to make the microvita potion.
(D) And in this way Dada S has laid down numerous stipulations so that he is firmly in control and can generate maximum profits from his enterprise.

As you may have heard, various exploitative companies sell and package Ganges water nowadays. It is all about taking something most ordinary - even polluted - and marketing and packaging it as something divine. Tragically, Dada Savitanandji has joined the ranks of selfish, religious traders trying to take advantage of the weakness and gullibility of the public. This is sad state of affairs for an avadhuta.

Plan for microvita kiirtan factory

There is a plan in few years is to have a have private factory where kiirtan singers are hired to sing all day and microvita food is generated on a mass scale. And to validate their product it will stamped by inspectors who certify that it has been fully microvita charged. Just like how==== various religious communities have certain food inspected such as how the Jews have certified kosher food and the Muslims have certified ==halal etc. This brings credibility to their product and sellers are able to make a fortune. And the same thing Dada S and his team hope to achieve in the future with their product.

 Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In almost all cases ritualistic religion ultimately encourages the fulfilment of materialistic desires. Generally, human beings want to acquire physical objects as well as name and fame. Sometimes, even after fulfilling their desires, they want to accumulate more. With that goal in mind they follow a ritualistic religion.”
   “The practice of ritualistic religion is nothing but pursuance of the path of preya. Ignorant men even fail to realize that by following such a path they do not always gain the material objects they desire. Only the sinful religious and social exploiters gain from such efforts.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Religious exploiters maintain an unholy alliance with the capitalistic exploiters. With hands upraised, a religious preceptor blesses the wealthy merchants for their future prosperity but refuses to see the faces of his poor disciples who fail to provide handsome prańámii (a fee for the priest’s blessing). You will notice that in many religions mythological stories and fables are given more importance than science and rational ideas because they contain ample scope for exploitation of human weaknesses.” (3)

Who is behind this scam

The key person spearheading this profiteering, business venture is Dada Savitanand and under his wing he has many other Dadas who work as distributors.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
2. Tattav Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, #46
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

That special day is still fresh in my mind

"Shrávańii purńimár kathá, áj mane paŕe…”  (Prabhat Samgiita #4954)


O' Parama Purusa, today, the great tale of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is coming in my mind, in my heart. O' Bandhu, the memory of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is floating in my mental plate. The glorious advent of that auspicious occasion is still fresh in my psychic temple when the grand play between staticity and divinity began [1].

That time, the sweet, fragrant air was saturated with the aroma of the night jasmine flower. It was permeating the entire atmosphere, and the sky was enveloped by clouds. This yuthika' blossom was full of nectar and supreme love. A gentle, mild breeze was blowing and various creatures like frogs were happily singing the chorus with great joy.

The grace of Supreme Consciousness acted upon the debased mind with the spiritual force of the ista mantra. On that very day of Shravanii Purnima, new sentient vibrations were created on this earth as the radiant effulgence pierced through the fog and the static darkness. The memory of that Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is still fresh in my mind, by Your grace. Baba, on this observance of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima', I want only one thing from You - please bless me with parabhakti...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4954:

[1] Here Baba is poetically narrating how when Kaliicharanji was blessed by receiving initiation then he started repeating his Ista mantra, and with the incantative power of the mantra his sleeping divinity was aroused.

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #4954: That special day is still fresh in my mind
2. Posting: Religious exploitation in AMPS
3. Links

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ugly twizzle of a “wt”


Repulsive twizzle of sham avadhuta


Please see the below image. After careful reading you will find that one Avt made up an outrageous and concocted quote and attached it to Baba’s name. It is very sad.

(A) The quote in the below image is not Baba’s quote.
(B) The substance of that quote is completely false and aithetical to Ananda Marga ideology.
(C) The most horrible thing is that the person attached Baba’s name with the quote.
(D) This is just like how in the middle ages religious cheats concocted false things in God’s name.

Depraved Avt. helped CBI to lodge false case against Baba

Most of the damage done in AMPS has been by avadhutas. For example, Madhavananda Avt and Vishokananda Avt, and many others, conspired with the CBI to create a false case against Baba. And in due course, both Madhavananda Avt and Vishokananda Avt etc got destroyed

The present day Madhavananda is Nityasundarananda. Nityasundarananda is a demon in human form. (See his photo below.) Nityasundarananda concocted this quote and put it in Baba’s name. And when genuine people asked for a book reference of the quote, then Nityasundarananda hid under the cover of his hypocrisy - replying that it is a secret document that no one can see. Such sinful people like Nityasundarananda need some ksatriya-cita seva. Otherwise Baba’s scriptures will not be saved. For details about saving Guru’s scripture below in this mail.

WT conduct rules state: “Non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of ista, adharsha....” (1)

Now please carefully see this image. This is the most preposterous and outlandish idea ever written in the name of Sadguru Baba.

Screen Shot 2017-09-19 at 2.10.38 PM.png

It is so unfortunate that merely three decades have passed and look at how much degeneration has occurred. What will happen to AMPS after one century.

H group is in suicidal mode (self-killing)

Rudrananda is controlling and already H group is in suicidal mode (self-killing). The Wt training centre is closed and new Wts are not entering / getting created. And most Wts are old and dying fast. In fact, sadly, in just the past week two Wts died.

This is an awakening call for every concerned person. First of all, those propagating this preposterous quote should be given a strong lesson. Challenge the veracity that why Nityasundara'nanda is citing Baba's name with this garbage. Nityasundarananda put this on his page so he is the guilty party. Yet he is such a coward that he is signing as RAWA, hiding his hypocrisy.

See for yourself how this mock Wt Nityasundarananda is hiding under the cover of Procedural Orders. Check out the below outlandish reply Nityasundarananda is giving to cover his falsehood.

Nityasundarananda photo & reply.jpg

The absolute worst of the worst is that Nityasundarananda is attributing this bogus, garbage quote to Baba.

Nityasundarananda is the same guy who was sleeping with the opposite sex when one teenage home boy happened to look in from the window and saw them entangled together. Then Nityasundarananda threatened to kill that innocent home boy to keep him quiet.

Analogy: Nityasundarananda, “mice” and “white ants”

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You people know that when clothes are woven white ants and mice try to eat them. So the cloth has to be saved from the destructive activities of white ants and mice. So whenever you make something, establish a protective fence to protect it from the evil forces. In days of old, when womenfolk used to prepare dried mango cakes, the young boys used to sit by the side to keep the crows away with a stick in the hand. Similarly you should be careful and alert always. From this very auspicious moment, you should take a vow to progress individually and collectively and build a new society on the planet Earth. We have come to build a new society, to construct and to remain engaged in constructive works throughout our life. This would be the greatest mission of our life.” (2)

Nityasundara'nanda needs the help of ksatriyacita seva by true ksatriyas.

WT conduct rules state: “Non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of ista, adharsha....” (3)

In Him,
Pramod Yadav

1. 37 Worker’s Rules, Point #37
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 24, Gurukul: History and Planning
3. 37 Worker’s Rules, Point #37

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Mahaprayan Term in Samsad Dictionary

Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary (Sep '99, 2nd Edition), p. 742

(click on below image to enlarge it)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Mahaprayan of very senior avadhuta


Mahaprayan of very senior avadhuta


It is with much sadness that we share the news of the mahaprayan of Ac Nirmohananda  Avt. All who knew Dada ji remember him as a longtime, senior worker  committed to the teachings of Ananda Marga and dedicated to Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Although a simple-hearted Wt, Acarya Nirmohananda held many high posts, and especially enjoyed working as Public Relations Secretary (PRS).

Here are more highlights about Dada Nirmohananda ji's life:
  • Both of his parents were family acaryas.
  • As a 18 /19-year-old student, he attended the Chaibasa DMC (1962) in Bihar, and thereafter so many other DMCs.
  • Dada ji was a very good cook and used to prepare tasty food for all, serving everyone.
  • In addition to the post of PRS, Dada also enjoyed working as Society Building Secretary and arranging marriages etc.
  • During his time in Daltonganj in the 1980's, Dada ji did tremendous work.
  • He was very proud of being an Ananda Margii and he was one of the only ones to wear his pratika on a rudraksha mala outside his clothing for all to see.
Unfortunately, Acaryaji was not well of late and tragically became quite ill. Ultimately, Dada Nirmohananda was admitted to the I C U (Intensive Care Unit) of Sawai Mansingh Hospital in Jaipur. And there he breathed his last and had his mahaprayan in just the past few hours during the the night of 18/19 September, India time. Dada Nirmohananda ji was nearly 74 years of age at the time of his mahaprayan. We will greatly miss his presence, his tasty treats, enthusiasm and his simplicity.

May we all take solace in the fact that our dear elder brother Acarya Nirmohananda Avt was a bhakta of Sadguru Baba. Certainly he will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His infinite grace.

at the lotus feet of Baba,
Ram Prasad

~ In-depth study ~

We have seen that when somebody dies then in offering their condolences people say now Mr So-and-so is sitting on Baba's lap. On other occasions when telling a Baba story people also say, "Such and such person sat on Baba's lap." But these days the trend is that "sitting on Baba's lap" is used more in connection with death. And that causes some confusion in reader's mind. To unknot the situation please read below.

Dogma: if "on Baba's lap" only used for death

Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- "May Parama Purusa Baba accept her in HIS divine lap"

- "May his soul rest in the lap of our beloved BABA"

- "Now she is taking rest in Baba's Lap."

- "May Baba accept him in HIS divine lap....."

- "May he rest in HIS loving lap of eternity."

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in Baba's lap forever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now he is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "May his soul get peaceful place in His lap"

- "He is now in Bábá's loving lap"

- "May Baba bless him with a seat in His lap."

- "May BABA accept him in HIS divine lap!"

- "May Baba take him in his eternal loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in peace taking shelter in Baba's lap."

- "Please keep him on Your lap forever."

- "We all collectively pray to Baba to take him on Baba's divine lap forever.”

All of the above lines are commonly written in eulogizing the deceased. These days mostly it is used in a eulogy and rarely used to recount one's intimate spiritual experiences - unfortunately. By this way, the phrase "in Baba's lap" is being misused and step by step the real meaning is being forgotten as now people more commonly use the phrase to eulogize those who have died, and much less so to express their inner feelings of bhakti. Unfortunately, the meaning and inner spirit of the phrase is getting lost.

Baba story: "sitting on Baba's lap"

Some time ago after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba. He said, "After being lovingly scolded by Baba for my wrongdoings, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his factual and historical event, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries. Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this. The new sadhaka sensed that something was wrong He said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was quite eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if in order to sit on Baba’s lap one has to die. But that is false. Sincere sadhakas regularly sit on Baba’s lap in their meditation. It is His grace. It is just like a child need not die in order to sit on his father’s lap.

The idea is that this phrase - Baba's lap - has been linked with death due to extreme overuse. So for some time if sadhakas use this phrase exclusively for spiritual purposes, that will be best. The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its pure spiritual quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.

Baba would bless bhaktas and place them on His lap

There are tens of thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap. People should understand the deeply mystical value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and sadhana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply intimate experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a spiritual practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in sadhana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.

"Mahaprayan" means death of mortals - confirm for yourself
from the Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary

Mahaprayan (Death): Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in our Bengal to describe the death of any human being, even ordinary people. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily term of bhakti to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no bhaktas ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

Here it should be known that the convention of an annual death day ceremony (i.e. shraddhainjali or mahaprayan) is a foundation of the Islamic tradition. Muslims are well known for this, and their approach of an annual death day ceremony was adopted by the leader of a particular group in AMPS. So no one should think that mahaprayan is some type of sacred event. It is done on the death day anniversary of Muslims.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary 3rd edition on page 848. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it is used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens. And that is the case in this letter also. The term mahaprayan means death and this is the ideal term for this purpose.

Mahaprayan is only for humans not for Sadguru

Here it should be qualified that there is both real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being, just like the aforesaid news. This is the proper use of the term: To note a person's departure from this earth. That is the meaning of the mahaprayan term and that is the standard way the term is used in Indian languages.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan. That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa. This is grossly inappropriate because when Parama Purusa Sadguru Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is entirely wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa. Those doing mahaprayan for Sadguru are hypocrites. On the one side in meditation they ask His grace thinking that He is ever-present, and on the other side they think that Baba has passed way. That is their hypocrisy.

== Section 2: Links ==

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Participating in AM parade + 2 more

Participating in AM parade


One of the great traditions and pracar activities in our Ananda Marga is the procession. That means organising a big parade or march to highlight and celebrate a particular cause or festival etc. By this way, everyday citizens in that locale gain awareness of what we are doing and it creates public interest and energy. There are many benefits.

In the early days of our Ananda Marga, Sadguru Baba always participated in our Ananda Marga processions. Often times He rode on top of an elephant, and other times He moved along in an open or closed vehicle; and sometimes He simply walked. Those were unique events in our Ananda Marga.

The processions were regularly organised under Baba's directions in Kolkata and also many other cities: big towns, all the way down to the smallest of villages. There we would march through the streets en masse. And even we held our processions in more rural locations—in all the places where we held DMC.

Indeed, those processions always made Ananda Marga more visible in the society—people took note of what we were doing and many new people came forth, either as supporting sympathizers or initiated sadhakas. Plus the procession was our way of getting our message to the people. For all these reasons and more, Baba always encouraged and participated in our Ananda Marga processions.

Cavalcades are a big part of our festivals

In Caryacarya itself, Baba has set down guidelines that enlist that a procession should be part and parcel of our festival celebrations.

"Ánanda Púrńimá: Collective bath with snána mantra, twice collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána, collective noon and night meals, merry celebrations, spiritual conferences, annual meetings of workers, children’s sports, and procession with táńd́ava dance." (Caryacarya part 1, Social Functions & Festivals)

"Shrávańii Púrńimá: Twice collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána, collective noon and night meals, merry celebrations, spiritual conferences, literary meetings, procession with táńd́ava dance in the afternoon." (Caryacarya part 1, Social Functions & Festivals)

"Dashamii (Vijayotsava): Procession with music and táńd́ava dance, wearing colourful dress; then collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána, salutations and affectionate embraces, etc., and entertaining guests and visitors at one’s residence." (Caryacarya part 1, Social Functions & Festivals)

"Diipávalii: Once collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána, illumination, collective merry celebrations, entertaining visitors at one’s residence, and procession with táńd́ava dance." (Caryacarya part 1, Social Functions & Festivals)

"New Year’s Day: Collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána both morning and evening, collective merry celebrations, sports and games for all, collective noon and night meals, and procession with táńd́ava dance in the afternoon." (Caryacarya part 1, Social Functions & Festivals)

And not only for these above festivals, processions must be organised on the occasion of any DMS.

"On the occasion of dharma mahácakra / dharma mahásammelana, a public procession with táńd́ava dance is mandatory." (Caryacarya, part 1, Dharma Mahácakra)

Processions may also be organised on the occasion of a seminar, or other Marga function.

Steps for organising a cavalcade

Here is how they can be organised:

1. Set a date and complete a permit with the local police dept and authorities. That way those officials know it is going to happen, can monitor the event, and close any roads as necessary.

2. Recruit the participation of maximum margiis, and wts. All should be strongly encouraged to participate—rather everyone should take a leading role. This should not be looked upon as something extra or optional. The fact that Guru always participated is enough of a reason that every Ananda Margii should consider this as mandatory and a part of Sixteen Points.

(Note: Within Sixteen Points, processions might come under sadhana / pracara (point #9), or strictness in ideology (point #11), or strictness in Supreme Command / pracara (point #12), or under seminar in CSDK (point #16) etc. So no one can say that processions are not part of Sixteen Points—plus they are also mandated in Caryacarya as cited below.)

3. Create lots of large, colourful signs and banners. For instance, if it is a Prout procession then all our main Prout slogans should be highlighted on those signs and banners. And if the procession is to highlight a specific function or program like Ananda Purnima or DMS etc, then that info can be highlighted on signs and placards etc.

4. There needs to be a long chain of independent links to form the procession. For instance, there should be one kiirtan section—perhaps on an open truck, or they could be marching. Then another section should be Prabhat Samgiita complete with musicians and dancers. Yet another section might be highlighting the dignity of women. There also might be a truck or section highlighting a social or environmental cause like PCAP (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants) etc. And verily there can be as many sections as possible—each with its own distinct theme.

5. These days social media channels should be used to highlight the procession ahead of time so that the general public, activists, and community groups are aware about it. They might like to participate in it as well.

6. Generally, people get caught up in their day-to-day lives and they lose sight of other things. Our Ananda Marga processions are our way of creating stir so that people are aware about who we are and what we do: Such as the many dynamic social service projects we run. So this is all about generating community interest and involvement and projecting our ideals to the public.

7. Kindly share what steps you take in your area to prepare for, organise, and carry out a successful procession.

Baba participated in processions

Every bhakta feels in their heart to do what Baba has done and emulates Him in every way. Thus when Baba Himself—the Guru of Ananda Marga—took time to participate in local processions both big and small, then we should be keen to do the same.

at His lotus feet,
Kiirti Devi


At the 2014 Ananda Purnima function in Ranchi, once again, those top H group dadas did not participate in the annual procession through town to mark the beginning of the celebrations of Ananda Purnima. Sadly, this has been their ongoing trend - i.e. not to participate.

Yet it is well known that Baba always encouraged this maximum participation. In those early days Baba Himself always participated in such processions - either riding on an elephant, or riding in a car, or even walking.

Yet, top Ranchi group personnel seem to have an allergy to this type of program.

(a) INFERIORITY COMPLEX: Maybe these dadas do not like to participate because they suffer from an inferiority complex and do not like to stand up and march openly in public due to extreme shyness. That could be one reason why they are not participating.

(b) SUPERIORITY COMPLEX: Such Dadas may feel that participating in a procession is beneath them - as if they are too holy or too important to engage in such a program.

(c) LAZINESS: Another reason could be overall lethargy or lassitude.

(d) CLASH WITH RANCHI MARGIIS: Top Ranchi Adm Dadas may not be participating because at present they are displeased with Ranchi margiis who have exposed their misdeeds and taken silent action against them, i.e. top H group Dadas.

Any or all of the above could be the cause.

Whatever may be, processions are vital for pracar and creating a stir society. So it is a shame that these dadas are unwilling or incapable of participating.

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

How one can become extraordinary

Ananda Marga ideology says, “When the pleasure-seeking unit mind blindly runs after unit-objects, Puruśa also gets smitten by the same mental attributes. He appears to be as if in bondage. But when the unit mind shuns its attraction for mundane objects and accepts that Supreme Puruśa as its only pabulum, it gets an opportunity to become one with the Cosmic Mind, giving up its finitude. With the attainment of the witness-ship of the Integral Mind it becomes one with the Puruśottama. In the absence of bondage of enjoyership (Bhoktábhava) the unit mind attains emancipation from all kinds of fetters.” (1) Note: This is the essence of human life. When one is no longer allured by worldly attractions and sincerely directs the mind towards Parama Purusa, then one can become one with Him. This is the aim of sadhana and the path of yoga - realising Him. He is within but people are not aware. When, through sadhana, this ignorance is removed, then one truly feels they are Parama Purusa. And that is realisation, i.e. the feeling in the heart and mind that, "I am Brahma." At first one must impose this idea in their sadhana, but as one involves more deeply in their meditation then by His grace that feeling develops from within. Then sadhana is very blissful and one has advanced along the path of spirituality, by His grace. Reference: 1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 6, The Primordial Cause of Creation

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This email contains three sections:
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2. IT: How one can become extraordinary
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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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