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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Didis: nasty trend


Didis: nasty trend

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology. 


Sadguru Baba has given all the ingredients for caring for each and every individual - young and old - and building up a well-knit society. And He has created the Wt cadre to serve humanity and look upon the entire world. Our Wts do not have any unit family; only they have to serve all - everybody, the entire population.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “A householder has two families – small as well as big. What is the small family? It includes one’s parents, sisters, brothers, spouse, and other relatives such as aunts, uncles and so on...And the big family is the whole universe and its suffering humanity. What does a householder have to do? He or she has to maintain a balance between the two families...But the sannyásin has only one family – the big family.” (1)

Sin started

In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is very explicit that our wholetime workers / sannyasis are to only care for the entire universe  They have nothing to do with any small family obligations etc.

Tragically, one horrible tradition has started. Numerous avadhutika Didis have taken it to an entirely different level by essentially adopting home boys as their own children. They are keeping those kids along with them from place to place; and even worse, they feel those adopted boys are “theirs” and give them preferential treatment, and relegate other children, i.e. girls, to a lesser status as step-daughters. It means those Didis have lost the ability to look upon the whole humanity with equipoise. They are supposed to look upon all children and verily the entire creation with equal love and affection. They are to embrace one and all as their own. But instead a select group of Didis are adopting home boys as their own and treating their chosen boy as a prince, while they view the home girls as their step-children or maid servants whose only value is to do the chores. For the boy Didi is a doting mother and for girls Did is bossy step-mother. This type of relation with kids is sinful. The whole scene is quite sad and pathetic.

Shocking hypocrisy that is on display

Here we have to remember that we are not talking about members of the general public but sannyasis of the tantric order of Ananda Marga. That is why this is so shocking. Those avadutika Didis should not have any type of attachment, let alone blatant biases, as they have taken an oath to look upon this whole cosmos, without giving preferential treatment to anyone.

Falling prey to the traditional dogma of treating girls as lesser and boys as princes is appalling. Those Didis are essentially viewing the girls as aliens step-daughters while they keep the boy close to their bosom. This is the shocking hypocrisy that is on display.

Remember, Sadguru Baba has given those Didis the duty to be a benevolent mother and treat all girls as their own. But instead they behave as step-mothers and use those girls as servants and contravene Baba’s rule by adopting a boy as their own cherished child. When in fact everything in AMPS is gender separated and Didis are to only have home girls while Dadas have home boys. But some Didis are breaking this rule because they want to raise a boy who will one day grow up and take care of them financially. That is the self-interest those Didis have and that is why they treat those boys as princes, all the while looking askance at the girls as their step-mother.

If one ignores the fact that they are renunciates, then one will not understand the severity of the situation.

How this is sinful

There are multiple sins involved:
  • Sin #1: According to Baba’s guideline, Wts are only to care for the all beings in this universe; there is no scope for them to create their own unit family etc, but Didis are adopting home boys and keeping them as their own and making a unit family. That means the are going against their vow sannyasi vow to only care for the whole humanity
  • Sin #2: These Wt Didis are walking around in saffron garb and showing themselves as if they are fully dedicated to serving humanity on the whole, yet they are betraying the sannyasi spirit of dedication by making their own unit family. 
  • Sin #3: As a Wt, they are to fully depend upon Baba for the well-being and care, but these avadhutikas are adopting home boys so that when they are aged those boys will care for them. This completely undermines the whole spirit of prapatti vada, i.e. surrendering to Guru.
  • Sin #4: These Didis are passing down this negative trend from one generation to the next. Each year, more and more Didis are getting involved in this sinful activity of adopting their own personal home boy. This is no different from the mythological demon Ravana’s plot to abduct Sita. Ravana lured Sita by wearing saffron garb and captured her. This led to recurring sin (mahapapa) - the blatant distrust of sannyasis from one age to the next. 
Let us again remember that we are not talking about members of the general public but sannyasis of the tantric order of Ananda Marga. That is why this situation is so outlandish. If this truth is overlooked, and one ignores the fact that they are renunciates then one will not understand the gravity of what is going on. But if one consciously recalls that these are avadhutikas, then they will realise this whole affair of Didis adopting home boys is absolutely scandalous.

In Him,

Hypocrisy of onlookers

You can imagine if a male Wt was keeping a teenage girl and sleeping with her openly as a father then how many Ananda Margiis will appreciate that? In the general society, the nasty trend is that people tolerate the ugly dealings of females such as females are allowed to move around half-naked with bare legs in an office setting. Whereas males will be fired or told to go home if they just wear their undergarments. So if males do then they get punished. And a similar trend is present in AMPS also. Didis are living in an all-female campus and keeping teenage boys. And people are keeping their mouths sealed.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Self-Realization and Service to Humanity

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Due to Your affection

“Bhúlite cái tomáy ámi, tá to pári ná…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1849)


O’ Parama Purusa, I want to forget You. In longing for You and entrapped by Your love, my life has become utterly miserable. But I am unable to clear You from my memory. You are always smiling softly in the depths of my inner core; You go on floating in my heart, and graciously spread Your shining refulgence all around. What a liila of Yours.

O’ Supreme Entity, please stay in my mental abode, and remain in all my occupations of ideation forever. In keeping You away, I realise my mind does not want to remain alone. It becomes restless and rushes towards You.

Baba, long ago, during one winter evening, You came to me, and from Your existence a soft, abundant, enchanting aroma was emanating as if it was from a  freshly blossomed shiuli - the night-flowering jasmine flower. Your sweet aroma was spreading everywhere, permeating every nook and cranny. That time, You lovingly told me "Do not forget Me, I am yours. Always, all the 24hrs, I am with you through My ota and prota yoga.”

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Great margii?

The Supreme Command states, "...Every Ananda Margii will have to perform sadhana twice a day invariably; verily is this the command of the Lord..." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Dharma is the assemblage of all your conduct” – the way you eat, the way you speak, the way you perform sa'dhana'. If your conduct is good, dharma is with you; if your conduct is not good, dharma is not with you. And if dharma is not with you, what comes about is your sarvana'sha, or sarva'tmaka vina'sha – that is, your physical, mental, and spiritual ruin....Conduct is the principal factor in dharma.” Be a sadácárii, a person of good conduct, and you will surely attain Paramátman." (2)

Note: If one donates 2% of their income to Ananda Marga service projects then it does not mean that they are therefore an Ananda Margii. Donating money or paying tithes also does not make one an Ananda Margii. To be a dharmika (an Ananda Margii), one’s lifestyle should be wholly consistent with the ideals of Ananda Marga, i.e. bhagavad dharma. Those who give money and live a different sort of life can be thought of as sympathizers, but not as dharmikas, i.e. as Ananda Margiis.

Greatest donor

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The most important point to consider is who has utilized his or her ability and to what extent. Hanuman [the mighty monkey, a bhakta of Rama in the mythological epic the Rámáyańa] fetched huge boulders to build a bridge across the sea, while the squirrels collected small pebbles. Yet intrinsically both these actions have the same value. We have no right to question anybody's sincerity, nor can we scoff at it. We cannot give more appreciation to those who have not utilized their potentialities properly but have done more work than to those who have fully utilized their talents." (3)

1. The Supreme Command
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Niiti and Dharma
3. Human Society - part 1, Social Justice

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings Other topics of interest

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Didis: nasty trend
2. PS #1849: Due to Your affection
3. IT: Great margii?

4. Links

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