Rudrananda looted NY with his two stooges
(Abhiramananda & Vimalananda)
(Abhiramananda & Vimalananda)
The history of NY sector over the last many years has been quite rocky and tragic. But while the problems are numerous and widespread, the actual cause is singular and self-evident.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Today there is catastrophe and misery in human society and there is one reason: the defective leadership of society." (1)
Following the money trail
While the issues go back far, we shall limit this quick overview to Rudrananda’s latest two stooges running the sector: Vimalananda and Abhiramananda. To further narrow the scope of this review, we shall simply follow the money trail - leaving aside the vast array of other issues and injustices.
#1: Vimalananda was Rudrananda's chief agent in the sale of so many lands, buildings, properties, and possessions - all of which belonged to AMPS. The lion's share of profits made from those sales allegedly made their way into the black money of Rudrananda and Vimalananda. These episodes went on for years.
#2: When tensions heated up, then Rudrananda brought in one of his top sycophants, Abhiramanada, in Feb / Mar 2016 to cover up the tracks of Vimalananda's alleged misdeeds - as no one else in the sector was willing to hide all those wrongs.
“Thief” Abhiramananda must answer for this
#3: Although small in stature, Abhiramananda talks a big game. He likes to boast of his pristine track record yet is never willing to address how he got his smudgy fingerprints on so many shady deals such as:
(a) The sale of the longtime Corona sectorial office and jagrti in NY;Abhiramananda became the custodian of all those documents in Feb / Mar 2016 when he took over the charge from Vimalananda. So if Abhiramananda is the righteous and upstanding person that he claims himself to be, then he should boldly present those accounts in a show of good faith and transparency.
(b) the remaining income and expenditure of the Denver court case;
(c) the lease and financial figures of the Portland (OR) Didis' school;
(d) natural gas / fracking deal at Ananda Vrati;
#4: Here it should be noted that Rudrananda did not bring his bootlicker Abhiramananda here on a whim. Rather Abhiramananda had already made his bones in Delhi sector by allegedly collecting huge funds in the name of purchasing South Extension building in Delhi. In that case also, all the money remained under wraps, and Abhiramananda reportedly embezzled a large amount of those funds etc for himself and for his thug mafia boss Rudrananda.
Pocketing insurance payout - peach farm
#5: The 2013 Powerhouse wildfire at the Ananda Dham (peach farm) in outside Los Angeles was a devastating blow. It needed a lot of reinvestment and work to get the master unit rehabilitated etc. The insurance payout was $100,000, but immediately $50,000 allegedly went directly into the then SS NY's account supposedly for the court case. Indeed, those two words "court" and "case" have been used to collect untold funds - it is a bottomless pit that can never be filled. Such is the greed of these top Dada discussed herein.
#6: So what do these top Dadas do with the new found riches. Well, Abhiramananda has a long history of bank rolling his laokik relations with AMPS funds. This is definitely sinful and contravenes the most basic rules of conduct for Wts.
- Wt conduct rule states: "No relationship will exist with worldly family." (2)
- Wt conduct rule states: "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (3)
- Wt conduct rule states: "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (4)
The above stands as just a few of the many highly questionable dealings that arise when doing a quick scan of the money trail in NY. When you dig down a layer deeper, things become even more mysterious.
While the the problems and issues are numerous and diverse in nature, the root cause is singular: corrupt leadership in AMPS.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Today there is catastrophe and misery in human society and there is one reason: the defective leadership of society." (5)
in Him,
(Steve Owens)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
2. 32 Rules for Avadhuta, Point #9
3. Six Additional Rules, Point 1a
4. Six Additional Rules, Point 1b
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
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