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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Enemies of AM: Who & where + Save oneself from “Bhakta Samaj”


Enemies of AM: Who & where


The annual celebration of Victory Day / Vijaya Dashamii is coming up at the end of the month. Here following are some of Sadguru Baba's teachings related with that grand festival.

Baba's special message

On that day in 1990 Baba gave a special discourse and in the concluding section of discourse Baba issued His special blessing. 

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Everyone’s work is to establish it with collective support. You people know that when clothes are woven white ants and mice try to eat them. So the cloth has to be saved from the destructive activities of white ants and mice. So whenever you make something, establish a protective fence to protect it from the evil forces."
   "In days of old, when womenfolk used to prepare dried mango cakes, the young boys used to sit by the side to keep the crows away with a stick in the hand. Similarly you should be careful and alert always."
   "From this very auspicious moment, you should take a vow to progress individually and collectively and build a new society on the planet Earth. We have come to build a new society, to construct and to remain engaged in constructive works throughout our life. This would be the greatest mission of our life." (1)

Nowadays also, in the early part of this 21st century, tamasik forces are all around - inside and out - and by Baba's divine decree the force of light gains permanent victory. This is Baba's special blessing on all sadhakas and the entire collective.

Who & where are the enemies of Ananda Marga

Sadguru Baba warned us that we must keep alert and be vigilant about enemies destroying our dharmic teachings. Some of our brothers and sisters who are not understanding think that the enemy is only outside. But the reality is that the enemies are all around us within and without.

In the mind there are six enemies, 'sad ripus': (#1) ka'ma (longing for physicality), (#2) krodha (anger), (#3) lobha (avarice), (#4) moha (blind fascination or attachment), (#5) mada (vanity), and (#6) ma'tsarya (jealousy). So the enemy is inside our mind, in our neighborhood, inside our Marga organisation, and all around. We have to recognise this.

The following are the real enemies of Baba and Ananda Marga:
(a) those who altered Sadguru Baba's scripture;
(b) those who curtailed rights of margiis, BPs, & LFTs;
(c) those who tainted the universal philosophy of Ananda Marga into groupism and engage day-long in factional fighting;
(d) those who brought dogmas like shraddhainjali, tiirtha, and many more from the dogmatic religions like Hinduism, Christianity etc;
(e) those who are engaged in undermining Baba's teachings.


Just because there may be rats living in the house it does not mean they are our friends. After all, those rats are engaged in destroying everything in the house. So they are to be treated as the enemy. Same is the case with anybody whose action is against Sadguru Baba or against Ananda Marga ideology. We should treat them as an enemy - irrespective of the colour of their cloth or length of their hair. If we do not treat such inimical and unideological persons as enemy that will be against the Ananda Marga code of dharma.

Ananda Vanii states, "History bears testimony that whenever a person states the absolute  truth in any sphere of life, whether it be spiritual, social,  economic or otherwise; sought clarification of doubts or protested against injustice and wrongs, the evil forces forthwith plotted against the person, administered poison, slandered and assaulted that person with rage, misused authority and mercilessly dealt blow after blow; but the blows boomeranged and ultimately the evil forces were annihilated by those very blows. Remember, by an unalterable decree of history, the evil forces are destined to meet their final doom." (2)

In Him,

1. Gurukul: History and Planning, 29 Sep '90, Madhu Korak, Kolkata
2. Ananda Vanii #41

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Other Topic ==

Save oneself from “Bhakta Samaj”

Note: Unfortunately this letter can only be understood by very strict margii devotees.


By seeing the below photo in the Bhakta Samaj magazine it is very clear that this lady is sitting in a fake yoga posture - she is not sitting according to the system in Ananda Marga sadhana.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Padmasana (lotus posture): Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh." (1)

But in the below photo, the person is sitting in the opposite manner: She has flip-flopped the legs. Any sadhaka can easily understand how her posture is completely backwards.

Bhakta Samaj Magazine - Sep 2018 issue - Bogus Fake Asana - page 42

In the above photo, the lady has her legs in the wrong position; it is a fake asana completely opposite of the guideline given in Caryacarya.

Negative trend in Bhakta Samaj magazine

Bhakta samaj is looked upon as an Ananda Marga magazine but yet it is propagating false things. It is just like if someone in monk dress is chasing a woman, or someone in a police uniform is breaking into house for burglary. Verily this magazine is going against the very ethos is aims to propagate.

Bhakta Samaj is cheating and taking money for subscriptions, while innocent readers are befooled. The whole thing is sad and preposterous. And this is not an isolated case. Almost every page of this magazine has some type or garbage on it - month after month. It is just like a rotten orange - from the outside it looks shiny with one spot or so, but then on the inside the whole thing is putrid and rancid. Same is the case with the Bhakta Samaj magazine.


The only way is that we should all boycott this magazine, otherwise you come up with some way to manage this problem - awaiting your response.

In Him,
Sambhuti devii

~ In-depth study ~

Imposing inferiority complex

This is a Hindi magazine so naturally the vast majority of the readers are from the Indian subcontinent, but here they are imposing an inferiority complex by highlighting this western sister in western dress, as if this is the standard that Indian sisters should follow. This magazine is perpetuating and imposing this horrid complex on the Indian female psyche - that their way of life is not good enough and they should become western.

If this was a Hollywood publication we would have just thrown it away, but this is an Ananda Marga magazine - that is why this issue has been raised.

Bhakta Samaj - (September 2018) page 42

Editor: Ac Santosananda Avt -  As the editor he is most responsible for this sin.

1. Caryacarya - 3, Ásanas, Point #34

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

When you will get absolute freedom

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Q. 24 – Is the freedom that human beings possess absolute or is it something like “Dominion Status”?"

"Ans.: – You cannot call it absolute freedom. The reason is that humans are dependent on the grace of Parama Puruśa each and every moment of their lives. All their activities, whether noble or ignoble, are confined to a limited sphere. Absolute freedom is impossible without the unification of unit consciousness with Cosmic Consciousness." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, #24

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters
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Reply to:

For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Save oneself from “Bhakta Samaj”
2. Posting: Enemies of AM: Who & where
3. IT: When you will get absolute freedom
4. Links

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