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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Homo Bhaveshananda deified


Homo Bhaveshananda deified


In the below photo, veteran homsexual Bhaveshananda has just arrived and innocent sadhakas are forced to put their forehead on Bhaveshananda’s feet and worship Bhaveshananda as a divine being. You can how see the person wearing a white shirt in the lower right corner of the photo is bending and getting on his knees to touch Bhaveshananda’s feet with his forehead. And Bhaveshananda spreads his hands out over the worshiper’s head as if he (Bhaveshananda) is showering some type of blessing on him. From A to Z the scene is most unsightly and off the mark.

B group befooled margiis by it compulsory to greet homosexual Wts in this way.

Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 2.00.40 PM.png

To read more of Bhaveshananda’s dogmatic antics, kindly continue reading below.

in Him,
Ratan Chattopadhyay

~ In-depth study ~

Priestocracy dogma: sexually-weak Wt worshipped

For years and years, those so-called Anandas at the helm have imposed the dogma of priestocracy, whereby sexually weak avadhutas are to be worshipped as veritable gods. This is the message they’ve been booming and broadcasting and forcing down the people’s throats.

So it comes as no surprise that when even the degraded homosexual Wt Bhaveshananda arrives in a village in Orissa, then village margiis are coerced to greet him like a deity. Yet this goes wholly against the teachings of Ananda Marga. Only Parama Purusa is to be glorified.

Only Parama Purusa is to be glorified

Baba says, “Abhimána is like surápána, gaorava leads to raorava, and pratiśt́há is like shúkariiviśt́há: an inflated ego is like drinking wine, self-aggrandizement leads one into the deepest hell, and social status is like the excrement of a pig. Give up all three of these and only sing the glories of the Lord." (1)

Homosexual wt

Sarvatmananda imposed the custom that B group stooges be received with huge pomp and show. And yes, this is the same Bhaveshananda who as SS allegedly imposed his homosexual desires and had gay orgies. This continued in a concealed way for some time until he was exposed in front of all by one brahmacarii. Ultimately, Bhaveshananda surrendered at the altar of Sarvatmananda and by that way Bhaveshananda hide behind a facade all these years.

Time and again, B group expects and prefers this type of reception where the locals are to kneel and touch his feet (see below), blow conch shells, and engage in all kinds of religious rituals in his honour. This shows how B group has imposed their selfish desire on an entire village whereby those innocent villagers treat him as a veritable god.

Stooge of Sarvatmananda

This whole situation is sad and pathetic - what to speak of being a divine being, under the direction of Sarvatmananda etc, Bhaveshananda has been a chief accomplice in the tearing down of margii rights and so many other atrocities - along with his own personal debauched behaviour. Yet here he is forcing others to worship him like a god, which goes 100% against our approach in Ananda Marga, where only Parama Purusa is to be glorified.

B group has invested huge time and energy indoctrinating simple folk into forcibly worshipping them as gods. In the above photo, Bhaveshananda has just arrived and is reaping the cream of that indoctrination as innocent sadhakas are forced into coming up to him and saluting him as a divine being. You can how see the person wearing a white shirt in the lower right corner of the photo is bending and getting on his knees to touch Bhaveshananda’s feet. And Bhaveshananda spreads his hands out over the worshiper’s head as if he (Bhaveshananda) is showering some type of blessing on him. From A to Z the scene is most unsightly and off the mark.

~ In-depth study #2 ~
History: very old letter of this network (2002)

Note: Here is a look back into history to see how this news about Bhaveshananda was posted 17 years ago. Kindly, also know that previous reports on this matter were circulated in the 1990’s via print editions of the Margii News Bulletin.

From: "Prajapati L Misra" <>
Subject: Story is Verified
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 06:12:35 +0530

Baba Nam Kevalam

Margi Readers,

When I received this alarming news from Kapilji, in disturbed mood I asked my PC Dada* who was in my house today, "Who is this Dada Nigamananda?" He replied, 'Oh, you don't know him? He is abnormally fat. Obese Dada. Although many Dadas are overweight, but he is extraordinary.' And I asked him, 'Is he 300 kg?' Dadaji told, "No, not like that. But he may be minimum 120 kg (260 lbs). For him, walking is very difficult. He uses half-pant underneath lungi to walk, otherwise his thighs will rub together and be irritated."

Then I said, 'Yes, I can remember.' And then I asked that 'Is this story true, what Dada Purnananda wrote?'

Then PC Dada replied, "Yes. And not only 100% true, but many more scandals Nigamanandji did in past few years. In 1993-94, he was sexually involved with one Didi, Avadhutika Ananda Rudraviina Ac. That time, Sarvatmanandji was holding the post of GS. And Nigamanandji was the puppet or hit man of Sarvatmanandji to terrify WTs. Those who did not support bad deeds of Sarvatmanandji, they were threatened or attacked by Nigamanandji."

Dada S’s special technique to control Wts

PC Dada continued, "This I am telling the story before 1994. And Sarvatmanandji wanted to fully control him (Nigamanandji). Because, those days sometimes Nigamanandji was going beyond control also. So Sarvatmanandji used his old technique, and he allowed Nigamanandji to go on involving with Avadhutika Didi Rudraviina. And in due course he collected supportive documents. Some love letters to Didi directly written by Nigamanandji. And not only that, he collected the recorded cassettes, the filthy conversations / telephonic talks between that Didi and Nigamanandji."

My PC Dada went on, "Then, in next step, Sarvatmanandji called Nigamanandji secretly in his room, to terrorize him. By saying that 'Your all black deeds are known to me. So now, you have only one way to save yourself, that what is my plan, just you follow.' And plan was to terrorize different workers and kill also. And Nigamanandji did, successfully under fear. And in reward, Sarvatmanandji excused him from severe punishment. Only his purodhaship had been lost, for one week."

Dada B sex scandal with brahmacarii

"Question can arise, that why Sarvatmanandji could not save Nigamanandji fully when Nigamanandji was his puppet. Answer is very simple. Because Avadhutika Rudraviina Didi and Nigamanand sexual scandal was known to some workers like Ac. J Avt, so naturally it became spread all around. Because, as everybody knows, Dada J is (A) gossipy person, passing news from one place to another and (B) he does not appreciate such type of sexual scandals (C) Dada J was working in Bangalore, where Rudraviina was posted. So Dada J wanted to become famous by exposing someone."

After hearing all this, the story was more clear to me. My respected PC Dadaji concluded, "So case became known. Otherwise, Sarvatmanandji's plan was to save Nigamanandji fully. Just like he saved Ac Bhaveshananda Avt from the homosexual scandal case between Ac. Bhaveshananda Avt and Aja'tshatru Brc." Such incidents do not remain secret. At least VSS Dadas were aware about this thing about the tortures of different Didis and Dadas by Ac Nigamanand Avt. Alas, these types of incidents are not alone. They are many in number. I would like to request some WT Dadas to help and guide me on this serious problem.

In His Service,

*PC means "Provincial Commander". This is VSS post, which is dedicated to WTs only.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 3, July 1967, Delhi

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Rudrananda loots Sweden property


Rudrananda loots Sweden property


Since long, the AM bakeries in Sweden have been a key component of sustaining our Wt training center south of Stockholm, the place where so many of our overseas Wts became acaryas. Now that entire system is under threat.

Overview: Rudrananda needs money for (a) his worldly wife and children, (b) his own luxurious lifestyle, as well as for (c) his son Madhuvrat and daughter-in-law Danu, and (d) his grandchildren. So he has put the AMPS bakery business in Sweden up for sale. In the next phase, he will sell the entire Wt Training Centre in Sweden.

Here is more info about this very concerning matter:
(A) In July 2018, Mantrajapananda traveled to Sweden and changed the by-laws.

(B) This gave Rudrananda legal control over the AM bakeries in Sweden.

(C) During these winter months Rudrananda vacations in Philippines and stays with his chief stooge Mantrajapananda where Rudrananda gave Mantrajapananda the order to sell the bakeries.

(D) Then Mantrajapananda called stooge Ragamayananda in Sweden and conveyed Rudrananda's message of selling all the bakeries. 

(E) All know that for decades, the income from the bakeries has been used to support and finance the Sweden Wt Training Centre, consisting of a large land parcel and five buildings.

(F) Now the great fear is that Rudrananda will continue on his war path and sell the Sweden WT Training Centre.


Sadguru Baba created our world-wide organisation of AMPS and at one point it was one of the the fastest growing organisations on the planet. Sadly, now things are quickly going in the opposite direction. How long will we sleep and let Rudrananda step-by-step demolish every institution in our AMPS.

Rudrananda needs money for (a) his worldly wife and children, (b) his own luxurious lifestyle, as well as for (c) his son Madhuvrat and daughter-in-law Danu,  and (d) his grandchildren Thus far, Rudrananda has sold countless properties, emptied the training centers and swallowed all the money for himself.

Now the day is near when those TC's will be sold. That will be worst for our AMPS as for its survival any organisation must have a mechanism or creating new generations of members. The situation is indeed dire.

in Him,

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