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Monday, September 7, 2020

Why PP is a sinner + 5 more

Why PP is a sinner


It is important that all understand that the post of Purodha Pramukha (PP) is a social one, not a spiritual post. Here are the reasons why:

PP is bound by the noose of maya

(A) Caryacarya itself is our social scripture. And Caryacarya part 1 lays out the social duties of purodha pramukha. PP’s duty is to act as head of this worldly organisation Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. In this capacity, PP is the “chief of the purodhas”.

(B) PP has zero ability to arrange his own mukti and moksa. PP is bound by the noose of maya and is subject to the cycles of birth and death. In that case what can PP do for others in this regard. Nothing. When PP is himself not liberated then he obviously cannot grant liberation to others. This also demonstrates that his post is purely social, not spiritual.

(C) PP cannot give any new scripture or shastra. Our Ananda Marga scripture is perfect and complete – all delivered by Guru. If PP wishes to write a story or commentary he may do so. But he is unable to contribute even one syllable to the shastra of Ananda Marga.

(D) Organizational executive decisions related with social affairs must reach Purodha Pramukha for his discretionary review. This is one of his social duties.

Minion & facade

(E) PP’s post is lifelong - but not permanent. Life itself is not certain so his post is temporary. So long as he is alive and well he may remain in the post. Should he ever become incapacitated, diseased, mentally ill etc, then he will have to vacate the post.

(F) In the Purodha Board, PP’s single vote has decisive meaning, though his order can be overturned. Hence, PP’s order is not final; his decisions are subject to review. That means if the Purodha Board has a majority vote then they can overturn Purodha Pramukha’s decision. In short, PP does not have absolute authority; PP’s every decision must be in concert with Ananda Marga ideology.

(G) Each of the judiciary decisions also must reach Purodha Pramukha for his final approval. This again deals with the social sphere.

(H) Purodha Pramukha is chief of the purodhas – which is a social board in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

(I) PP Dada has no great spiritual power anointed to him by God. Just he is one purodha selected by his peers to serve as the chief of the board.

Purodha Pramukha is a social post

By all this it is quite clear that the post of Purodha Pramukha is a social post – not a spiritual one – in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

In our Caryacarya, Baba has given various provisions about the social post of Purodha Pramukha. The post of PP is just one of the many social posts in the organization wherein PP deals with worldly affairs, not spiritual emancipation etc.

But nowadays, PP is presented as "his holiness great dogmatic so-called divine guru" before new margiis. But, most understand that only Baba is the Marga Guru.

Then there is the case of B group’s version of PP - i.e. Ac Kinshuk. Sometimes, B group calls Kinshukji as Purodha Pramukha, and sometimes they refer to him as senior purodha, and sometimes as president, and sometimes he is known as so-called PP.

Yet whatever term they use, they essentially treat him as the spiritual head. That said, both the B group PP (Ac Kinshuk) and the Ranchi PP (Ac Vishvadevananda) are both spineless and cannot stand up to injustice.

Trying to construct this type of facade

All margiis know we do not refer to PP as “His Holiness” or any other dogmatic term. In Ananda Marga society, such terms are non-existent, but unfortunately these days the group leaders want their stooge PP to be treated as "his holiness great dogmatic so-called divine guru". And that PP should command the unquestionable right in granting mukti, moksa, samadhi. They are trying to construct this type of facade. New margiis come from dogmatic religious backgrounds so some easily fall prey to this trap of religious exploiters, i.e some wts.

The situation is akin to a pilgrimage where there are idols and the head priest imposes the belief that he has unquestionable command of the Deity. On behalf of the Deity the priest rules - while a wooden or stone deity does nothing. Similarly PP is a stooge and the head priest, i.e. Ac Rudrananda Avt, wants that PP should be treated as God. So his situation will be the father of God.

Baba is the spiritual head

In our Tantric system of Ananda Marga, Baba being the Taraka Brahma and Sadguru is the spiritual guide for one and all. He is the spiritual head of Ananda Marga. That is why still today when anyone is taught Ananda Marga sadhana they are told that the Guru is Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

In certain dogmatic organisations, the guruship gets handed down from one person to the next. In that way, different people take on the role of guru; their so-called spiritual leader changes from generation to generation. But our Ananda Marga is not like that. In Tantra, only Taraka Brahma is the Guru.

Even then a few naive people who do not read Baba's books get confused and mistakenly refer to purodha pramukha as the spiritual head of Ananda Marga. But this is entirely wrong.

Highest place of Guru in Ananda Marga

In all aspects of our spiritual life, Guru’s place is the highest and the most revered. Only He can grant mukti and moksa; only He is all-knowing, ever-present, and all mighty. Nobody is above or on par with Guru. This is the main teaching of tantra.

When Baba is the Guru and He is Taraka Brahma and perfect in all respects, then naturally His status is unparalleled. Still Baba is the spiritual head.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya´ (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamu´rtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (1)

Again, when Baba is the Guru, and He is Taraka Brahma, and He is eternally present, then naturally His status is unparalleled. Still today Baba is the spiritual head. That's why even today when anyone is taught sadhana, they are told that Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is the Guru.

गुरुडम, पुं० [सं० गुरु+अं० प्रत्यय० डम] दूसरों पर अपना प्रभुत्व स्थापित करने के लिए गुरु बनने का ढोंग रचना।


The position of purodha pramukha is a worldly, social post. It does not have any spiritual value. Sadguru Baba is the spiritual head for all Ananda Margiis, and the PP is merely an organisational position. PP is an ordinary mortal human being bound by maya and he cannot grant salvation - neither for himself or anyone else.

In Baba,

~ In-depth study ~

Nowadays who is getting this social post of PP

If you look at the present day dogmatic religious scene or political field then you may see that unworthy people are always getting the power. Just some dummy type of people get the leadership roles. To qualify oneself only one attribution is needed: Just be a dummy in the hand of some tricky opportunists. Then one will get all kinds of praise and post. In contrast if one has their own independent way of thinking then they will not get any place. Rather they will be cast aside.

Unfortunately, as stated above, our AMPS has fallen into this same negative track. Because nowadays in our organisation the main quality or trait needed for getting vishesh yoga, purodhaship, central committee or purodha board membership, or any other type of high post – then only this single quality is needed: Blind obedience to your master, i.e. group leader.

So if anyone wants to compete and try to get that Purodha Pramukha post – then they must possess that singular quality: minion. It is a prerequisite. Otherwise one cannot become PP. And not just with the post of PP, in fact this quality of blind obedience is the requisite factor for getting any of the top organisational posts these days. If one has that characteristic then they may get one of those positions. But if one does not have that necessary characteristic they certainly will never get such a post.

But surely in the case of the PP, minion is the special requirement.

Reason behind facade

This is the facade Rudrananda has created: Prop up PP as being something great and then use the chair of PP to control and rule over the margiis. So behind the facade of PP is a lurking Rudrananda who is keen on lording over AMPS.

The question is: When the position of purodha pramukha is clearly a social post, then why do some try to present PP as a demi-god. The answer is that that is the easiest way to exploit naive margiis and wts.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, point #1a




If you look at the present day dogmatic religious scene or political field then you may see that lackluster people are always getting the power. Just some puppet type of person gets the leadership role, and conniving priests rule from behind.

And this is exactly what has been happening with the post of purodha pramukha since 1990. From day 1, Ac Sarvatmananda Avt was very interested and eager to select a PP whom he could control 100%: Hence the selection of the late Dada Shraddhanandji.

Dada Sarvatmanandji immediately then propped up PP Dada Shraddhananda as being divine because then those divine powers would be routed to him (i.e. Dada Sarvatmanandji) since he was the one controlling PP. By this way Ac Sarvatmananda ruled with an iron fist - all via the word and signature of PP.

Thereafter Ac Rudrananda Avt basked in this same luxury when he snatched PP Shraddhanandji. Then Dada Rudranandji could do anything and everything with PP's stamp of approval. By this way he even ousted Dada Sarvatmanandji from the organisation. How ironic: Dada Sarvatmanandji got bit by his own creation.

Actually the story of Dada Rudranandji does not end there. Many say that his final wish is to become PP. Toward this end he is doing two things: (a) Clearing out the competition, making more of his yes-man into Purodhas so he can garner the vote, and trying to create circumstances for the current PP Vishvadevananda to resign; (b) Declaring again and again the the post of PP is vested with special powers by Baba, so the one occupying that chair is veritably divine. This is the way that Rudrananda is preparing the stage for his own ascension onto the throne wherein he hopes to have unbridled power. About this there is more to tell. 

Suffice to say here that all such opportunists want to get more power by controlling a PP whom they have presented as being all-powerful. This is their trick. And to make PP all-powerful they build him up as being divine and the veritable spiritual head of AMPS. Tragically, a few innocent margiis get befooled and cheated.

Actually what these Dadas do is just a carbon copy of religious dogma. The Hindu priests put all power in their idols. Then when they wish to get any order implemented, they say, "Goddess Kali told me to tell you...". This is their manner. By this way all credit and responsibility goes to some stone statue that is 100% silent. There is nothing anybody can do but obey. After all, where is there scope to argue or protest? That stone idol is mute. In this way, those exploiting priests have unquestionable power.

And verily all the major and minor religions - eastern and western - perform similar maneuvers. They invest their chosen or token leader with the power of the divine and then take the name of that post-holder when they wish to enact some new edict etc. 

Likewise, a few our top Dadas employ the same strategy. They create an aura that PP is great, nay divine, and put him on a high pedestal - above Baba. Although, within their inner circle they have not an iota of respect for this PP Dada - after all he is just their puppet - but they project that same PP as having divine and absolute powers. PP's word is beyond question. This is their outer show to the general public. With this technique, such Dadas can execute their every wish: Expulsion as weapon, victimisation of innocent margiis, capture more power, eradicate margii rights, scripture distortion, Fake Ananda Vanii etc. All of these misdeeds are carried out by "the word of PP".

Their top aim is for the common margii to transfer all their respect and love for Baba to PP and ultimately surrender to PP. Then those opportunistic Dadas can wield full power.

All they have to do is find some spineless Dada to act as PP and then prop up that Dada as being a god. This is their plan. In the past they did this with Ac Shraddhananda and now they are doing this with Ac Vishvadevananda.

That is why at the recent DMS in Davao they placed PP Dada Vishvadevananda's dais on a plateau higher than Baba's stance. Thus we see that who gets the high seat. But this is just their ploy. Every sincere and educated Ananda Margii understands well that PP Dada is not the Guru and that PP Dada has no such spiritual powers etc. There is nothing he can do except make worldly, organisationl decisions. 


Here are some closing thoughts on this topic:

1. Such opportunistic Dadas are just implementing common religious dogma. Step by step they are just putting forth the idea that when Guru "left" then the current in-charge, i.e. PP Dada, takes on the role of guru.

2. In that way, they want margiis to salute PP thinking that PP has divine power. By securing maximum respect for PP from the margiis, then simple and ignorant margiis become restless to get the blessing of PP. In the name of PP they will accept anything. This is the plan of those opportunistic Dadas.

3. New margiis think this is the system and that everything is proper, while some old margiis think that the matter is sensitive. So they do not protest or raise their voice in public, while some others oppose this as a dogma and, in turn, are ousted, expelled, and victimised.

4. In Ananda Marga, we do not approve of these religious dogmas and middle-man theories where the top-post holder is a go-between for God and the people. We do not put any credence into this. But opportunistic purodhas are so degraded that want to start that tradition, gradually. The attached photo is but one of the proofs. It is further validated by viewing all the horrors that have been done in the name of PP since 1990. By this way anyone can see that they prop up the post of PP to something divine and then wield that power to their liking.

5. The various religions have a spiritual head but that is not the case in Ananda Marga. In our Ananda Marga, there is no third entity between God and the disciple. The religions use an ordained priest between their god and the seeker; but in Ananda Marga, Parama Purusa (God) and the sadhaka have a direct connection. There is no intermediary.

6. We have to remember that in Ananda Marga the role of an acarya is limited. Whether it be RS Dada or PP Dada, they have the same Guru as regular margiis. So PP is not something divine. Rather, he is just a human being in a social post.


Whenever PP dada is seated on the dais etc, then the photo of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji must be placed or displayed 5 - 10 feet above the head of PP dada. Then there is no question of any confusion. Then there is no doubt that from this angle or that angle it is good or not. Then there will not be the splitting of any hairs. When the top spot has been reserved for Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, and He has His own designated space, then the will eliminate all doubts etc.


Baba has given Ananda Marga ideology for rooting out dogma. Yet now we see how some are trying to impose age-old religious dogmas as top Dadas prop up the stature of PP on the stage of our very own DMS - giving more status to PP than Baba.

Despite all this, surely the day is not far when all will rally around His divine message in one voice and declare:

"All human beings belong to one race...'The exploitation of human beings cannot be allowed!' and, 'Religious hypocrisy cannot be tolerated!' Giving a clarion call to the fragmented human society from beneath the saffron flag, the symbol of service and sacrifice, they will proclaim at the top of their voices, 'Human beings of the world, unite!'" (Problems of the Day)

“The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings— That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (1)

at His lotus feet,

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita==

Never go far from me

"(Tumi) krpa' karo prabhu, krpa' karo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0422)


Prabhu, kindly shower Your krpa and grace me. With Your divine compassion, please lift me up from the deep dark chasm.

Parama Purusa, transform this world into a more beautiful place and delight me with the rhythms of Your ever-enchanting dance. Make my eyes filled with more of Your divine refulgence.

Parama Purusa, Baba, expand Your universal mind to an even greater degree, and increase the realm of Your sweet melodies. Allow me to be more ensconced in thinking of You. Prabhu, please be gracious and remain with me always - never go far from me - so I can tear off the fog of avidya maya.

Baba, please be merciful and ​shower Your causeless grace...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Use opposite tool to clean mind

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “People who have fascination or temptation for any material object, can gradually remove that mental pollution arising out of selfish [motives] by adopting just the reverse course. Those who are very greedy for money should form the habit of charity, and they can serve humanity through such a practice. Those who are angry or egoistic should cultivate the habit of being polite, and they should serve humanity through that practice. Therefore, only selfless service to humanity and the efforts to look upon the world with a Cosmic outlook alone can lead to establishment in mental shaoca.” (1)

Note: There are various types of pollution in the mind. Those stains could be removed using the opposite tool. When fighting with darkness you have to use a torchlight. You cannot fight darkness with more darkness. To fight against greed, anger, ego etc, one should overcome these by adopting the opposite approach of generosity, kindness, and selflessness. The central idea is that if any vrtti is encouraged it grows. The only way to neutralise it and keep it in check is by encouraging the opposite idea.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Shaoca

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Why raksha bandhan dogma? 

Not only didis but dadas also. I would like to know is it necessary to attend monthly Kiran when these people are tainted? Will I be getting the positive vibration in their company? 

Suboda Sinha

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Why raksha bandhan dogma?

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Nabhaniilananda misguides


I think some of your criticism rushed up against Ac. Nabhaniilanandaji is justified on the ground that he seems to twist Baba's teachings into some new-age, feel-good, everyone's exercise. 
What's the use of that if people are not given the actual purpose of meditation, that is self-realization and service to humanity?

More concerned I am about the use of differing titles such as 'the heart-circle' in the place for Akhanda Kiirtan. I mean, what is Dada teaching: Baba's spiritual practices or his own twisted version?

Somebody should bring him to his senses.

By the way, meditation Apps for the phone or tablet have been around for several years now. I myself found them quite useful at times. I am not sure why Dada needs to invent the wheel again. Has he no urgent matters concerning his trade, department or other things to do?
He seems to be totally in his own flow, doing what he feels he should do and not what is actually needed in the greater interest of the mission.

I also failed to find any mention of Nabhaniilanandas spiritual master (meaning Shrii Shrii Anandamurti) in any of his Blog posts. Did I miss something? Does he pose now as a self-proclaimed monk-dude? Everything he teaches he owes to Baba, but no thanks or appreciation seems to be given on his blog. Why?

Sad really.

Brotherly, in Him, 
Ac. Sandiipananda Avt.

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Nabhaniilananda misguides

== Section 4: Links ==

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