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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Of Concern to All: Very Important Communication with Gayattrii Didi / Garda Ghista





Herein please find this important series of emails between the old AM-GLOBAL email network and the late Gayattrii Didi, a.k.a. Garda Ghista. These emails, and in particular the last response given by Gayattriiji, offer an inside look at how our Tiljala - and in particular Dada Sarvatmanandaji, is running its Publications Department and deliberately altering Baba's original discourses.

Here we should bear in mind, that sister Gayattrii was a trusted and inside member of our Tiljala's Publications team. She played an active and key role in publishing some of the English editions of Ananda Vacanamrtam. So the news she is sharing is accurate and true. This is not some type of hearsay report. Sister Gayattriiji has shared the real inner story. Gayattriiji was kind-hearted and when she understood what was going on with Publications she felt disturbed.

Below you will read how Sarvatmananda ji and Tiljala Publications Department intentionally alter and distort Baba's original discourses by changing His words and resorting to Bangalisation, i.e. treating the Bengali version as the original regardless of in which language Baba delivered His discourse. Indeed, the below letter is historical proof of our Tiljala's modus operendi.

When a person sees a dead tree they should not live with the false hope that one day that dead tree will provide them with a flower blossom. Only a blind person could think in this way. Similarly, none should naively think that all of a sudden Sarvatmananda ji and our Tiljala Publications will expertly and accurately publish all of Baba's books.

To this end, this series of emails from 2007 with Gayattrii Didi sheds light on the ills being enacted.

Please read the following.

In Him,
Radhika, Moderators
(Rachel Benizzi)



[A] On 23 oct 2007, a letter was published on the AM-GLOBAL email forum titled "How They Should Be Printed." That posting offered key points on the proper manner for transcribing Baba's original discourses.


[B] In response to that posting, Sister Gayattriiji wrote the following response:

Subject: Re: <Baba-krpa> How They Should Be Printed
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:44:18 -0400
From: Garda Ghista <>

my dear brother, i will forward this to achyutanandji.  for the last point, there is simply no staff. there are translators who are paid. but the first editors, second editors and final verifiers MUST be devotees of BABA.  people are not coming forward to help.  what can we do?  it means the work is crawling forward at snail's pace. gayattrii


[C] Then an AM-GLOBAL moderator sent the below reply.

Subject: To Gayattrii Didi
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:11:30 -0400
From: AM-GLOBAL <>
To: Garda Ghista <>


Dear Gayattrii Didi,

Namaskar, Thank you for your recent reply regarding the publishing [of]
Baba's discourses. Your deep desire to serve Him by printing His books
proper[ly] is indeed a noble endeavour. Only devotees think like this.

Here are a few points for your consideration. These below notes are
general observations, please do not think that I am suggesting that you
are doing or not doing any of these things.

1. Someone has told us that before translating any discourse per se,
first one must review the original cassette to ensure that the
transcription is itself proper. Failing that, the translation of any
discourse will be potentially flawed. The key point is not to accept the
printed discourse as is because when the beginning ingredient is tainted
then the whole approach is futile.

2. When sincere margiis are involved in committed to the publication of
Baba's discourses then the process should be clean from beginning to end.

3. Perhaps because some feel the initial step is potentially
problematic, that is why not many are coming forward to help.

All in all there are only two types of people who will involve in the
printing of Baba's discourses: True bhaktas who have deep devotion for
Baba and professional publishers who are in it for the money. Perhaps
due to a lack of devotion, that is also why people are not coming
forward to help.

Please keep us abreast of the situation.

And certainly, as always, we appreciate your writing us here at AM-GLOBAL.

Respectfully yours,




[D] Then came the highly important response from Gayattrii Didi that clearly shows how those in Tiljala Publications deliberately change, distort, edit, and clip Baba's original discourses. They give all sorts of justifications for doing so, but those excuses do not have any value.

Subject: Re: To Gayattrii Didi
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:37:24 -0400
From: Garda Ghista <>

dear brother, regarding point number 1, you see, it is a very problematic issue.  i did not know it, but if you communicate with bhaskaranandji and even sudhiiranandji has told me, and other older workers will confirm it, that what BABA said in a discourse is not necessarily what HE wanted printed in the book.  HE HIMSELF edited and removed things - maybe HE told some things casually in a spoken discourse but did not want them in final print form for posterity.  HE also told some strong things for example about hinduism and about rama - but then HE did not include those in the printed version. it was at HIS request.  so you see, when HE was here, HE was controlling what was printed and not printed from HIS spoken discourses.

kirit has done a very thorough investigation and he also has some of the original cassettes fortunately, and he knows there are huge discrepancies or discrepancies that there appears no reason for.  i think that in future this whole issue may improve - with a new generation at the reins.  but for now, it is difficult.  (or for that matter, a new generation may ruin and adulterate HIS discourses to a far greater extent. it is possible. it depends on who is controlling the organization.)

the other thing that i was told is that BABA wanted everything translated in bengali first, and then from bengali to other languages.  this is what i have been told again by some old WTs. whether this is true or not, i don't know. kirit also does not know.  there is no way for anyone to know now.

due to people's criticisms, now achyutanandji will be checking every single word, and comparing it with the original bengali. this will slow down publication of new books tremendously.  but perhaps it will lessen the criticism of the newly published books.

in Him,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mahaprayan of Pugaonkar ji


Mahaprayan of Pugaonkar ji

It is with much sadness that we share with you news of the mahaprayan (death) of Pugaonkar ji . Respected Pugaonkar ji breathed his last on 16th August 2015 at 1:45am. He was 75 years old at the time of his mahaprayan, and surely all will remember him as an ardent devotee of the Lord - Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Pugaonkar ji was the worldly brother of Ac Artapremananda Avt; his daughter was a WT, but she left and got married with some WT and settled in USA. Therefore, Pugaonkar ji used to visit USA.

Unfortunately, Pugaonkar ji was a fringe margii and not strict in his conduct - he used to chew tobacco & betel leaf. His entire teeth were black & grey due to chewing of betel. He was not following 16 points and not regular in DC, kirtan, etc. But he was regular in Sadhana Shivir in Mumbai and he used to attend Seminar at least once in a year. During kirtan, he used to play the flute.

His son went for higher studies to USA (with help from her ex WT sister). Now he has joined job in some company in USA. His son never attended any DC & kirtan in Mumbai. He is not at all following 16 points and never attended any AM activities in Mumbai.

May we all take solace in the fact that our dear Pugaonkar ji was a devotee of Sadguru Baba. Certainly he will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His grace and he will remain under His Supreme shelter.

at the lotus feet of Baba,

Note 1: "Mahaprayan" means death - confirm for yourself
from the Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary

Mahaprayan (Death): Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in Bengal to describe the death of any human being, even ordinary people. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily devotional term to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no devotees ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

Here it should be known that the convention of an annual death day ceremony (i.e. shraddhainjali or mahaprayan) is a foundation of the Islamic tradition. Muslims are well known for this, and their approach of an annual death day ceremony was adopted by the leader of a particular group in AMPS. So no one should think that mahaprayan is some type of sacred event. It is done on the death day anniversary of Muslims.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary on page 742. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it is used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens.

Note 2: Mahaprayan is only for humans
Parama Purusa is eternal

Here it should be qualified that there is both real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being, just like the aforesaid news. This is the proper use of the term: To note a person's departure from this earth. That is the meaning of the mahaprayan term and that is the standard way the term is used in Indian languages.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan. That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa Himself. This is grossly inappropriate because when Parama Purusa Sadguru Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is entirely wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa.

Note 3: Story: - sitting on Baba's lap means died?
(contributed by one margii)

Recently after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba.

He said, "After being punished by Baba, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his story, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries.

"How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this.

The new sadhaka sensed that something was awry.

He said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was quite eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if in order to sit on Baba’s lap one has to die. But that is false. Sincere sadhakas regularly sit on Baba’s lap in their meditation. It is His grace. It is just like a child need not die in order to sit on hi father’s lap.

Sitting on Baba's lap
must not only refer to death

At that moment I thought that everyone, new and old, should be clear about the real and devotional meaning of this phrase, "being on Baba's lap." It should not become stigmatized such that it only means death. Because in its true sense, the phrase "being on Baba's lap" really does carry a highly devotional and sweet feeling.

It is just like how a small child sits on its parent's lap. In a similar way, a spiritual child (human being) sits on the lap of Parama Purusa. By Baba's grace this can happen anytime in one's sadhana, especially in dhyana. Such a phrase then should not become  stigmatized because too many people only use it at the time of death.

We should be careful that we do not relegate "Baba's lap" only to the point of death.

The connotation of death must not become synonymous with "being on Baba's lap." Because the phrase - "being on Baba's lap" - is a devotional experience that can happen today itself in sadhana, and especially in dhyana. The phrase "being on Baba's lap" should not lose this quality and only mean death. It should not meet the same dark fate as happened with the term harijan. Nowadays, for the occasion of death / mahaprayan, 99.9% of the time people use the phrase "on Baba's lap", and for devotional stories the phrase "on Baba's lap" is used 0.01% of the time. That is why - for devotional purposes - this phrase is already included on the endangered species list.

Must not meet same fate as "harijan"

As we all know, these days in India nobody uses the term harijan to mean "a devotee". Whereas 70 years ago it was used in that way. The term harijan did mean bhakta. But ever since the time of Gandhi when he glued the harijan term to the lowest so-called caste, i.e so-called untouchables, nobody uses the the harijan to mean devotee. Never. Because the term harijan has been stigmatized to mean "untouchable". Nobody uses it to mean "devotee", but that is the original and true meaning of the word.

The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its devotional quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.

Baba would bless devotees and place them on His lap

There are thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap.     People should understand the deeply devotional value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and dhyana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply devotional experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana and especially during dhyana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a devotional practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in dhyana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.

now "on Baba's lap" only used for death

Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- "May he rest in HIS loving lap of eternity."

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in Baba's lap forever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now he is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "May his soul get peaceful place in His lap"

- "He is now in BÁBÁ'S loving lap"

- "May Baba bless him with a seat in His lap."

- "May BABA accept him in HIS divine lap!"

- "May Baba take him in his eternal loving lap."

- "Please keep him on Your lap forever."

All of the above lines are commonly written in eulogizing the deceased. Of course, it is fine to write like that. Here the point is that this same phrase "in Baba's lap" should also be used when describing one's devotional practices and experiences. But these days mostly it is used in a eulogy and rarely used to recount one's devotional experiences - unfortunately. By this way, the phrase "in Baba's lap" is being misused and step by step the real meaning is being forgotten as now people more commonly use the phrase to eulogize those who have died, and much less so to express their devotional feeling. Unfortunately, the meaning and inner spirit of the phrase is getting lost.

Here again is the central idea:

The connotation of death must not become synonymous with "being on Baba's lap." Because the phrase - "being on Baba's lap" - is a devotional experience that can happen today itself in sadhana, and especially in dhyana. The phrase "being on Baba's lap" should not lose this quality and only mean death. It should not meet the same dark fate as happened with the term harijan. Nowadays, for the occasion of death / mahaprayan, 99.9% of the time people use the phrase "on Baba's lap", and for devotional stories the phrase "on Baba's lap" is used 0.01% of the time. That is why - for devotional purposes - this phrase is already included on the endangered species list.

The idea is that this phrase - Baba's lap - has been linked with death due to extreme overuse. So for some time if sadhakas use this phrase exclusively for devotional purposes, that will be best.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We have to save our Wts


This email contains three sections:

1. End Quote: We have to save our Wts
2. Remember that a healthy human society - Ananda Vanii
3. Links

We have to save our Wts

Note: This section is not for those who don't have concern for our Wts.


Sadguru Baba says, “In the world today a handful of people who do no physical work, but live by their wits, have appropriated to themselves most of the wealth of humanity, so they are able to buy comparatively expensive foods, and use them to satisfy their taste buds. As a result, they, on the one hand, swell with unnecessary fat, while, on the other hand, those people doing hard manual labour are forced to live in poverty and deprived of the ghee, butter and sweets they need to maintain their bodies; ...So my point is that obesity is primarily a disease of well-off, non-labouring society. High-salaried office workers, rich businessmen and parasitic politicians are those who suffer most from obesity…Another distinguishing mark of such people is that they are most greedy for those foods which are most fattening; that is, when invited outside, they will never even by mistake eat much in the way of vegetable preparations – instead they will eat a lot of luci, fish, meat and sweets. As they grow older and their livers become weak, they will lose that voracious appetite. Then they will sorrowfully say to people that they cannot consume food as they used to. Their muscles become flaccid and they begin to suffer from acidity, constipation or intestinal troubles. Fat accumulated on the chest affects the heart and lungs and makes it difficult for these organs to function.” (1)

Note: Here below is one obese Dada. Obesity itself is a deadly disease. Those who are obese will in due course face life-threatening diseases like coronary heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

Sadly, the problem of obesity is prevalent amongst our Wts. Here above is one obese Dada. Obesity itself is a deadly disease. Those who are obese will in due course face life-threatening diseases like coronary heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

And verily 70% of our Wts are not regular in doing asanas and fasting. And that is the problem. In our organisation so many Dadas are suffering from high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes etc. Unfortunately we recently lost one dada from sudden cardiac arrest.

Nowadays, many Dadas in uniform are obese. Thus we are facing a deficit situation with our workers. We are losing existing workers faster than we are gaining new ones. All in all it is an unfortunate state of affairs.

Margiis are requested to participate in fixing this problem. When you see an such Wt patient then politely try to convince them that their existence is very meaningful and they should cure themselves from this ailment of obesity by strictly adhering to the do’s and don’ts from Guru’s Yogic Treatments book.

In Him,

1. Yogic Treatments, Obesity

== Section 2 ==

Remember that a healthy human society, free from exploitation,
hatred and malice, must be built
Ananda Vanii #35

Ananda Vanii states, “People have great expectations from their fellow human beings. In order to fulfil those expectations, go on working without the least respite. Remember that a healthy human society, free from exploitation, hatred and malice, must be built.(1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #35

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Some Wts embezzling money from poor margiis


This email contains four sections:

1. Comment: Example: Delhi Prout mag. has become propaganda tool of communists
2. Comment: How these three are committing sin
3. Comment: Example communist infiltration Delhi Prout mag - propaganda tool of communism / Marxism #2
4. Links

Some Wts embezzling money from poor margiis


These days, many WTs have become careless. They are not following Avadhuta rules. Some of them are allegedly busy in business and buying flats or constructing homes at their worldly towns. Ac Ramamayananda Avt was posted in Nairobi sector and was doing business. He allegedly earned money and bought flat in Mumbai and left WTship immediately after. Ac Liilabodhananda has also been constructing house at his worldly village in Bihar. Ac Krsnasundarananda was doing business in Australia. He incurred heavy loss and left Australia and came back to India. Again I heard, he left for Australia for starting new business.

Then there are others who will fight only for their group cause but not for true ideological issues - here is one such example.

Dada Krpamayananda is a missionary WT. He is from Ranchi group. Earlier he was SS Berlin, Then, he was SS Nairobi, Then he became SS Manila. Now we came to know that he has been transferred to Delhi sector as PU head to do more Pracar about PROUT in India. He follows the rule - "No logic no reason, but compliance of the order". He does not want to fight against "Land sale" and anti ideological points of dada Rudrananda & Citsvarupananda.

It is really horrible. How these WTs are working against Baba's norms. Santoshananda, Rakeshananda, Rudrananda, Madhuvratananda all are in same boat - working knowingly unknowingly against Baba's norms.

However many WTs are still working sincerely for the mission of BABA.

All these ideological issues must be protested.

Y. Ananda

Click here to read the initial letter on this topic...

== Section 2 ==

RE: How these three are committing sin

Baba : Namaskar all : This is very disheartening news , A senior dada is being punished during his serious illness . Leaders appear to be more worried about their own building than the life and welbeing of dada IK .
I request all the US margiis and specially New York area Margiis to to unite and please please helpout Dada IK as if he is the form of Baba and the life of Baba. This is the only main task for NY Margiis and nothing else . I am in no group and I belong to only Baba . I think dada IK should approach various churches and I am sure they will be willing to help .

in Him,

Click here to read the initial letter on this topic...

== Section 3 ==

Re: Example communist infiltration Delhi Prout mag -
propaganda tool of communism / Marxism #2

Many many thanks for exploring and informing us with unimpeachable proof. Please keep it up.

L.P. Nayak

Click here to read the initial letter on this topic...

== Section 4 ==


Here are other topics of interest:

Marriage Tax on Margiis

Monday, August 17, 2015

Example communist infiltration Delhi Prout mag - propaganda tool of communism / Marxism #2


This email contains three sections:

1. Posting:
Example communist infiltration Delhi Prout mag
2. What signifies real progress of universal humanity - Ananda Vanii
3. Links

Example communist infiltration Delhi Prout mag -
propaganda tool of communism / Marxism #2

It is most unfortunate and sad that our Delhi English Prout magazine editors have an ongoing tendency to fill the pages with communist propaganda from communist publicising websites. Please see here below.

Our Prout movement fought those very evil communist forces
and now Delhi Prout Magazine is supporting communist agenda

First, let us all recall how prior to 1990, our Prout movement was deeply engaged in fighting the communist forces in order to establish neo-humanism and a just social order. Anyone involved in Ananda Marga those days was well aware about this approach. In turn, those communists were leading ruthless and horrific raids on our headquarters in Ananda Nagar and at the same time those communist regimes were hell bent on exploiting their own people - and capturing other nations as well. It was our Prout philosophy that shined a bright light on the inhumane ways of those communist exploiters and dictators and took them to task. But now look what is going on.

So prior to 1990 our Prout movement fought against those very evil communist forces and now Delhi Prout magazine is supporting that very communist agenda.

Delhi Prout Editors in Bed with Communists

Sadly, nowadays, from one issue to the next, our Delhi Prout magazine is filled with communist writings - all of which are selected by the Delhi Prout editors and then inserted onto the pages of the Prout magazine.

Here are a few examples from the Marxist propaganda website which the Delhi Prout magazine printed in support of those communists:

1. On page 25 of volume #24, issue #2 of the Prout Delhi magazine, there is an article titled, “The Famished Architects of Shining India” by Tathagatha Sengupta. And this is an exact reprinting of the article as it was published in Marxist propaganda website / network - (1). A live link has been provided in the Links section.

2. On page 32 of volume #24, issue #2 of the Prout Delhi magazine, there is an article titled, “Food Budget Squeeze” by Deepankar Basu and Amit Basole. And this is an exact reprinting of the article as it was published in Marxist propaganda website / network - (2). A live link has been provided in the Links section.

3. On page 41 of volume #24, issue #2 of the Prout Delhi magazine, there is an article titled, “Silence Over the New Congo War” by Shamus Cooke. And this is an exact reprinting of the article as it was published in Marxist propaganda website / network - Worker’s Action - a self-proclaimed “revolutionary socialist organization”. (3). A live link has been provided in the Links section.

In Prout philosophy there is no dearth of ideas so it is unfortunate that in place of writing about those Proutistic ideas these people are in cahoots with communists and propagating the Marxist-communist platform - not Prout.

In Him,

Note 1: These people are the culprits

The following persons are the in-charges and post holders of the Delhi English Prout magazine so all this communist writing on the pages of our Delhi Prout magazine sits directly on their head. These people are to blame for this aforesaid documented sin.

Rajesh Singh of Delhi
Pranav Koul of Delhi
Ac Santoshananda Avt
Sohail Inayatullah (Subodh)
Ac Maheshvarananda Avt
Ac Vedeprajinananda Avt
Ac Krsnasevananda Avt
Ganga Grace
Sarabjit Prakash
Kanhu Charan Behura
Ravindra Singh
Amal Nayan
Suman Kumar Jha

Note 2: Prout says - Vacuum has been created by the death of communism

Prout philosophy states, “Communism created a field at one time; now it has left a vacuum behind. There is an ideological vacuum in the world – a physical, mental and intellectual vacuum has been created by the death of communism – but it will be filled up in a short time. This vacuum has to be immediately filled with a strong guiding and controlling force. You should fill it with your intellectuo-intuitional strength. If you sit idle some other demonic non-spiritual theories can become active and occupy that vacuum, so do not encourage lethargy and procrastination. You must leave the six defects of sleep, drowsiness, fear, anger, lethargy and procrastination if you want to work for the Self and for the society.” (4)

Note 3: Prout says - If this ideological vacuum is not filled by PROUT,
a great catastrophe will take place

Ananda Marga ideology, “PROUT is the only panacea. If the God-centred philosophy of PROUT does not come forward immediately to fill this vacuum, some other ideology will, because it is a law of nature that something will fill a vacuum once it has been created. If this ideological vacuum is not filled by PROUT, a great catastrophe will take place in the future because other defective philosophies will come forward. Some dogma-centred, matter-centred or self-centred theories will occupy the space. We cannot allow this to happen.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology, “The futility of Marxist ideas has created a vacuum. You must fill this vacuum up with Proutistic ideas.” (6)

Note 4: Proof is communist and Marxist

They commonly pick up articles from this site and put in Prout to propagate Marxist in a disguised way to margiis. Here below is proof how this sanhati website is all about communism / Marxism.

ORGANISED BY – A Joint Initiative of Sinchana Prakashana, Indian Institute of Marxist Studies and Concern.
SUPPORTED BY-    Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) and Centre for Marxist Studies (CMS), New Delhi
- See more at:

Here is more to see:

As Marxists how do you evaluate the different leftist parties of Assam? The CPI has supported big river dams. Is there a possibility of a conflict with them?

If any point is unclear please write us at:, or click reply to this email.

4. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, The Excellence of God-Centred Philosophy
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, The Excellence of God-Centred Philosophy
6. Prout in a Nutshell -18, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 4

== Section 2 ==

What signifies the real progress of universal humanity
Ananda Vanii #61

Ananda Vanii states, "Human history today has reached such a transitional phase that universal humanity, forgetting all spatial, temporal and personal differences, shall have to move, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder towards the new dawn with rapid steps. Humanity must respond to this call. With the reddish glow of the dawn, the collective body, mind and soul will be radiant with joy. And that alone will be the real progress of universal humanity, the firm establishment of unified humanism." (1)
Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #61

How these three are committing sin + 3 more


This email contains four sections:

1. Posting: How these three are committing sin
2. You must be the pioneers - Ananda Vanii
3. PS #2014: हे परमपुरुष! बाबा! तुमने दिव्य प्रेम की वर्षा कर मुझे अपने निकट बुलाया । यह तुम्हारी लीला ही है
4. Links

How these three are committing sin

If anyone in our human family is suffering, then a helping hand must be extended. There is no question of overlooking a person’s problem or difficulty.

Sadguru Baba says, “One who does not come forward to help when seeing a person in distress is unworthy to be called a human being – he or she is a slur on Ananda Marga.” (1)

So Baba’s guideline is: if one does not act to help anyone who is in distress then that person is “unworthy” and a “slur.”

Instead of helping, SS & SOS are harassing Dada IK

By now you may be familiar with the tragic case of Dada Iishvarakrsnananda ji - also known as Dada IK. Since long he has been sick and in a weakened state. Sometimes he even passes out in public - other times he is completely bedridden. Naturally, someone in this condition needs reliable medical care and proper shelter.

But despite the obviously poor health of Dada Iishvarakrsnananda ji, three key players in NY sector have refused to help him. Not only that, such persons have created more trouble and problems for him.

SSNY Dada and his faithful minion purchased a new jagrti in NYC - it is the new NYSO. It is controlled by Ranchi group and Dada Iishvarakrsnananda is supervised by Ranchi Administration. But NY sector in-charges have denied Dada Iishvarakrsnananda the right to stay in NYSO. Plus, those in-charges are not helping at all in Dada Iishvarakrsnananda’s medical treatment; rather those in-charges create a serious roadblock by denying him residency. Thus SS Dada is shutting him out of the minimum requirements of life: Medical care and shelter. And overall, Vimalananda, Diiptimanananda, and Dhruva are making his life very difficult.

Because of such callous and harsh treatment of Dada Iishvarakrsnananda, it is evident that Vimalananda, his flunky companion Diiptimanananda, and Dhruva have fallen beneath the basic basic level of humanity. Such persons were in a position to help but failed to extend care to an individual in extreme need. Verily these people turned their back on Dada Iishvarakrsnananda and spurned him.

Why Vimalananda ji, Diiptimanananda ji, Dhruva are a slur & more

That is why it is obvious that SSNY Dada Vimalananda, his flunky Diiptimanananda and Dhruva are a slur on Ananda Marga. Now Dada Iishvarakrsnananda in his sickly and destitute condition is forced to fend for himself.

Here is one furthermore warning about the fate of Vimalananda.

Ananda Marga conduct rules state, “If an Ananda Margi engages in harming another Ananda Margi he or she remains under the condemnation of Ánandamúrtijii till his/her conduct is reformed.” (2)

So this trio - Vimalananda, Diiptimanananda, and Dhruva - is a slur on the name of Ananda Marga. Indeed by the dealing and behaviour of this trio, it looks like these three persons have adopted the modus operendi of the leadership of certain communist countries. Again, these three who are harming Dada Iishvarakrsnananda are a slur.

Per Sadguru Baba’s order, all in-charges must have proper concern for the well-being of those workers etc under their jurisdiction.

“Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of their supervised staff in all respects.” (3)

So Vimalananda is in clear violation of this tenet.

Vimalananda ji, Diiptimanananda ji, Dhruva: committing sin - 1

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Doing what a human being should not do is pápa, and not doing what a human being should do is pratyaváya. Pátaka includes both pápa and pratyaváya. You should not steal, and, if you do, you commit pápa. You should assist a helpless person, and, if you do not, you commit pratyaváya.” (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “There are two types of pápa or sin: pápa, which occurs when one does something one should not do, and pratyávaya, which occurs when one does not do something which should be done. For example, one should nurse a sick person. If one does not do that one is committing pratyáváya. Pratyáváya is more harmful than pápa.” (5)

Vimalananda ji, Diiptimanananda ji, Dhruva: committing sin - 2

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The two types of pápa are pátaka and pratyaváya. If one does something which should not be done, such as stealing, telling lies, etc, it is called “pátaka”. It is an action which harms others. If one fails to do that which should be done, such as not feeding the poor or not serving the sick, it is called “pratyaváya”. According to the logicians, pratyaváya is more reprimandable than pátaka.” (6)

In Him,

Note 1: Poor condition

Seeing this situation, anyone can see that the Ananda Marga structure in NY is akin to a building that has been eaten by termites. From the outside it may look good, but the inner structure is hollow, decimated, and infested. Or we can say the situation is like a rotten coconut. From the outside one cannot tell it is rotten but then when you open it up you can see that the whole thing is black and rancid.

Note 2: IK Dada’s letter of distress

Here below in note 3 is Dada IK’s letter of distress where he reveal that at first Dada IK was invited to come and stay in the new NYSO only to see that offer rescinded completely. Thus he had no place to live and nowhere to go.

Note 3: To whom it may concern
          It is known to many people of the world that that I am Worker of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha  whose camp head quarter is Ranchi.
I had to leave last  year sectorial head quarter Corona, New York . I was resident of the Corona since 2007 due to serious health condition. To survive I had to get Medicaid from US Government. To keep Medicaid every year we need supporting document from house owner or organization. Last year Acarya Vimalananda Avadhuta (SS NY) Instructed Dhruva not to provide Documents.  The conversation between Dhruva  and  Acarya  Vimalananda Avadhuta came on taped message which was circulated by New York Sectorial Public relation secretary (Acarya Vimaleshananda Avadhuta)  of Marga .Voice recording - SS to Dhruva - Do not give him the  Supporting Document. If you give the paper to IK then We will not be able to sale the Sectorial office. IK will make an excuse for illness. I was very very ill that time. I had to find a place to live and finally I rented a place. Because without Medicaid, I would have died. It took  lot of struggle to get my Medicaid.
Before buying this new office, they( Dhruva and SOS)had been requesting  me to move to new place. After buying they again approached me to move to new place. They had even room ready for me on first floor. They wanted to clean and arrange  the place. So SOS requested me to come in the first week of month of August. One day I went to New Sectorial office when SOS was gone to Ashville. I came to know through Dada Shaunkarananda that there is some thing going on. He wanted to know that if I spoke to SS. I said. Yes I did. There was no discussion for moving to new place between me and SS.I  had this doubt . So I wrote a letter to SOS about my moving  to New Sectorial office. He replied was shocking to me. It broke my heart.

Note: To keep the dignity, Dada IK did not explicitly say what happened or what was told. But the bottom line is that SS, SOS, and Dhruva kicked Dada IK away from the jagrti and made it known he was not welcome there - despite his sickly condition etc.

These gang of three have hurt  lot of workers of Marga of the sector. I have seen with my naked eyes. They have became mad after winning the case of USA.95 percent of Margiis  and WTS have left from them.  Now they wants to finish this five percent of margii and Wt. I am alone. I am not  joining any group. Because it is meaningless. Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha belong to me . Handful of criminals can not take over Anannda Marga Pracarak Samgha.Special Blessing of My Guru is always upon me. Good people of the planet will be always with me. Even though I am alone. I will fight with these criminals who are trying to kill a forty years of missionary worker. I am requesting central administration of  AMPS Ranchi through this letter to seize the legal power of Gang of three(Acarya Vimalananda Avadhuta, SS.Acarya Diiptimanananda Avadhuat,SOS and Dhruva and end the tyranny In New York sector . If these criminals are not removed from power then I will make known my line of Action to you all. I am going through serious health problems. Most of  my time to go to visit Doctors, hospitals, and gym. I am not able to work. I am living on credit cards, loans and unpaid bill since more than two years.
Acarya Iishvarakrsnananda Avadhuta
85-14 Kendrick place. Jamaica. NY 11432

1. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, pt #12
2. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, pt #14
3. WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Rules, point #2
4. AV-1, The Complications of Doing Evil
5. AMIWL-10, Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti
6. AV-8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 1

== Section 2 ==

You must be the pioneers of this victorious march
See that not a single individual lags behind
Ananda Vanii #36

Ananda Vanii states, Clouds cannot overcast the sun for a long time. The creatures of darkness never want the expansive exaltation of human society. Even then, human beings shall march ahead. No one can arrest the speed of their progress. You must be the harbingers, you must be the pioneers of this victorious march. See that not a single individual lags behind.(1)
Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #36

== Section 3 ==

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा! तुमने दिव्य प्रेम की वर्षा कर मुझे अपने निकट बुलाया । यह तुम्हारी लीला ही है

टिप्पणी- इस गीत में अत्यन्त गहरा भक्तिभाव प्रदर्शित  किया गया है जिसमें भक्त अपने प्रभु के प्रति अत्यधिक प्रेम प्रकट करता है। गहरे प्रेम की तीव्रता ही प्रभु को मन के पास लाती है। इस प्रकार की भावना के बिना परम पुरुष को नहीं पाया जा सकता। प्रेम की इस तीव्र भावना के द्रढ़ होने पर वह परम पुरुष के इतने निकट आ जाता है कि अन्ततः उन्हीं में मिल जाता है।यह ठीक उसी प्रकार है जैसे कोई शिशु  माॅं की निकटता को पाने के लिये तेजी से रोने लगता है जब तक कि वह उसे गोद में नहीं उठा लेती।  उनकी कृपा से अपने लक्ष्य परम पुरुष को पाने के लिये इसी प्रकार की तीव्र प्रेमभावना को ही जाग्रत करना पड़ता है।

Bhálobesechile, keno bolo, (Prabhat Samgiita #2014) प्र0स0 2014

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा! तुमने अपनी कृपा से दिव्य प्रेम की वर्षा कर मुझे अपने निकट बुलाया । इसलिये यह तुम्हारी लीला ही है कि अब मुझे तुम्हारी अत्यधिक याद सता रही है और तुम पास ही नहीं आ रहे हो। बाबा, बताओ तो! तुमने मुझे क्यों  इतना प्रेम दिया ? इस सबका क्या उपयोग जब तुम मेरी पकड़ में ही नहीं आ रहे? बाबा, तुम मेरे आॅंसुओं से नहीं पिघलते हो । तुम दूर रहकर ही व्याकुलता जगाते  हो।

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, मैं ने तुम्हारे लिये विशेष रूप से अपना घर सजाया है, मैं ने तुम्हारे द्वारा बताये गये 16 विंदुओं और चर्याचर्य के अनुसार  अपने मन को तुम्हारे आगमन के लिये तैयार कर लिया है। कौन अपना है और कौन पराया, यह भूल गया हॅूं । एक मानव से दूसरे मानव के बीच का भेद मेरे मन से समाप्त हो  चुका है। सब कोई अपने ही हैं। बाबा, तुम्हारे प्रेम में मैंने कितने आँसू बहाये । रोते हुए असहाय होकर पूरी रात बिता चुका हूं, पर तुम आये नहीं ।

इतना समय चला गया कि अब सब फूल सूख कर विखर गये, और मेरे आॅंसू भी हवा में सूख गये। तुमको न पाने के कारण जो दुख और कष्ट था वह अब दूर आकाश  में उड़कर अंततः विस्मृति में लुप्त  हो गये।

बाबा, मैं तुम्हारे प्रेम में आंसू बहा रहा हॅूं , पर तुम आ ही नहीं रहे हो। फिर, तुम मुझे अपने दिव्य प्रेम में बाॅंधकर क्यों आकर्षित कर रहे हो?  बाबा, मेरा मन और हृदय बेचैन हो रहे हैं फिर भी तुम नहीं आ रहे हो, तुम यह क्यों कर रहे हो? मेरे ऊपर कृपा करो और पास आओ।

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 4 ==


Sunday, August 16, 2015

My meeting with Dada B - Part 2 + 4 more


This email contains five sections:

1. Posting: My meeting with Dada B - Part 2
2. Analogy of frog in a well - Ananda Vanii
3. PS #2976: हे बाबा, अंधकार के उस  पार सत्य लोक में, तुमसे मेरी भेंट हुई, तुम मुझे दर्शन दिए 
4 PS #1285: That Divine Entity graciously came in the night

5. Links

My meeting with Dada B

~ Part 2 ~

Editor's Note: The following is a continuation of the account by Shrii Narayan Panda - Bhukti Pradhan, Vishakapatnam (Orissa, India). A link to the first letter is appended below.

Story: part 2

Let's pick up the story where we left off. As you may recall, Dada Bhaskarananda's last words were: "Ba'ba' gave Proutist Bengal because He wanted that Prout should first be established in Bengal and then in other areas."

Then Dada went on to say, "What Bengal thinks today, India & others think tomorrow. So PROUT will be established in Bengal first and then it will be spread to other areas."

He then told, "After all, Ba'ba' supported Bengal so much. Shabda Cayanika was given in Bengali, Baba lived in Bengal after 1980 when the organisation was big, Prabhat Samgiita was given in Bengali."

Such were the justifications given by Dadaji for why he joined B group.

Response #2:

Ac Acyutanandji Avt, of Tiljala Publications, wrote and published the following stating that Shabda Cayanika addresses Sanskrit grammar.

"Guru in the Vedic language is derived gur + un; in later Sanskrit as gu + ru. The contents of this chapter consists of an elaboration on the word Gurusakásha. The author's discourse on that day entailed linguistic discussion of a number of Sanskrit terms; the discussion of each term became an entry in the author's linguistic encyclopedia Shabda Cayaniká (“Collection of Words”). –Eds." (1)

Clearly then, publications Dada Acyutanandji wholly accepts that Shabda Cayanika is about Sanskrit grammar. And the Sanskrit language itself is not limited to Bengal.

Majority of Baba’s  original discourses are not in Bangla

Here we have to remember that when anyone's mind is affected by any narrow sentiment like Bangalistan or Bangalisation etc, then narrow minded, dogmatic people paint the whole world in that colour.

To set the record straight, it should be understood that Shabda Cayanika is not about the Bengali language. We all know that Shabda Cayanika is Baba's special series of topics centered around Sanskrit grammar. This is the well-known fact. In His Shabda Cayanika discourses, Baba is purely focused on the development and explanation of the Sanskrit language.

Yet, certain fanatical people often proclaim: "Shabda Cayanika is a series devoted to the linguistics and philology of the Bengali language". And verily, Dada Bhaskaranandji joins them and makes this same assertion.

Yet such a proclamation could not be further from the truth. In His Shabda Cayanika series, Baba is making a careful and precise elaboration of the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. Only because Sanskrit has no script of its own was it first printed in Bengali - but the subject matter is that of the Sanskrit language. Those familiar with these discourses know this to be the case.

Clearly then, publications Dada Acyutanandji wholly accepts that Shabda Cayanika is about Sanskrit grammar.

In response, some radical and fanatical people may in future try to force Dada Acyutanandji to retract his statement. Nonetheless, the fact stands; Shabda Cayanika is about the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. So those who support the truth should keep this quote in their records etc.

So that is one point. Next we should consider this:

The majority of the discourses given by Baba were not in Bangla. Regarding the total number of discourses: 75% were not given in Bangla, and 25% were given in various other languages including Bangla; i.e. in terms of hours and time. This is a well-researched fact - not hearsay. Plus, Baba spent most of His naraliila in non-Bangla speaking areas.

It is absurd to divide humanity on the basis of language
All languages belongs to Parama Purusa

About Prabhat Samgiita, by giving these songs primarily in Bengali, Baba is teaching devotees to write songs in their own mother tongue. It is not about which language is great and which is not great. That is not Baba's message. Rather in 1984 DMC, Baba explained that human beings may know 1, 2, 4, or even 10 languages, but all languages are the language of Parama Purusa. Baba then told that every sadhaka should try and learn more languages - as many as they can. So there is no question of any language like Bengali being better than any other language.

Baba put forth this same idea in this below discourse.

Prout philosophy states, "All languages must be given equal respect. One should remember that all languages are the languages of Parama Puruśa. I may master perhaps one, two, three or maybe 100 or 300 of these languages, but it does not mean that the languages I do not know are not the languages of Parama Puruśa. Hence, it is absurd to divide humanity on the basis of language." (2)

And top of all, Baba Himself is a Supreme Neo-Humanist. There is no question of Baba being partial to Bengal or liking Bengal more. To make such an erroneous claim is to undermine Baba's grand stature. No true bhakta can think in this way.

Why some cannot fathom Mahasambhuti
and think Baba is also groupist

All I can say about this is that when dogs come in contact with human beings then those animals think that those humans are great animals. So when a dog sees its master that dog thinks that its master is a great animal. They cannot think more than that.

Similarly when ordinary humans come in contact with  Taraka Brahma, then they cannot conceive of the brilliance of that great Entity.

So just as dogs cannot understand its master's greatness, similarly some people cannot fathom the magnanimity of Mahasambhuti. In that way, such supporters of groupism think Parama Purusa Baba also lends His support to their group.

The overall notion is that when anyone is suffers from narrow-mindedness, then such people think, "Since I wholeheartedly support Amara Bengali samaj over all other samajas, then certainly Baba also supports Amara Bengali samaja over other samajas." Such is the thought-process of a narrow minded person. Such a person thinks that Baba also supports that view - there by designating Baba as also being groupist. But that is a preposterous idea.

In daily life, certain dogmatic people talk about this amongst themselves in this way and propagate this among like-minded people. But rationally-minded persons will never give way to this defective mindset.

This is a very, very hurtful insinuation

Suffice to say that only those prone to groupism will try to justify such a dogmatic outlook by tainting Guru's teachings in this way. No neo-humanistic margii or worker can think in that negative manner.

This type of narrow-mindedness undermines Baba's personality. With a narrow outlook, dogmatic people contravene Baba's magnanimity. Such persons are trying to prove Baba as being partial, as if He supports Bangla more than any other language. Such a misguided approach puts forth the notion that Baba was externally preaching universality but internally harbouring thoughts of Bangalisation. This is a very, very hurtful insinuation.

in Him,
Narayan Panda

Note 1: Linguistic discussion of a number of Sanskrit terms

Ac Acyutanandji Avt, of Tiljala Publications, wrote and published the following stating that Shabda Cayanika addresses Sanskrit grammar.

"Guru in the Vedic language is derived gur + un; in later Sanskrit as gu + ru. The contents of this chapter consists of an elaboration on the word Gurusakásha. The author's discourse on that day entailed linguistic discussion of a number of Sanskrit terms; the discussion of each term became an entry in the author's linguistic encyclopedia Shabda Cayaniká (“Collection of Words”). –Eds." (1)

To be continued in Part C.

1. Under the Shelter of the Guru - Footnote #1, 10 June 1990, Kolkata
2. Prout Nutshell, part 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3

== Section 2 ==

Analogy of frog in the well - Ananda Vanii #5

Ananda Vanii states, “The accumulated distortions of many lifetimes cannot be removed in the twinkling of an eye. The removal of these distortions requires prolonged cultivation of knowledge, selfless devotion and untiring action. The world expects tremendous work from you; so you must not sit idle like a frog in a well under the spell of inertia. Therefore awake, arise.” (1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #5

== Section 3 ==

हे बाबा, अंधकार के उस  पार सत्य लोक में, तुमसे मेरी भेंट हुई, तुम मुझे दर्शन दिए 

प्रभात संगीत
 2976 तुमाय आमि पेलूम, अन्धार सागरे पारे.......


हे परमपुरुष! बाबा ! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैंने, तुम्हें अंधकार के महासागर के उस पार, हिरण्मय लोक के पार, सत्य लोक में,  एक सुनहरी किरण पर पाया। तब मेरी जड़ता और स्थिरता की गहन निद्रा तुम्हारी अविराम संगीत लहरों से टूट गई।

मेरे बाबा ! तुम दयालुता से परमानन्द के उद्गम से तैरते हुए मधुर लय और स्वरमाधुर्य में आये। तुम्हारी विशिष्ठ प्रभा ने अंधकार को दूर भगा दिया।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम ने अपने आप को व्यक्त कर सभी दिशाओं में फैला दिया और फूलों की कलियों में दिव्य अमृत भर दिया। तुमने मेरे मन में माधवी फूल की सुन्दरता की तरह चकित करने वाले सुन्दर और आकर्षक रूप में आने की कृपा की ।

हे बाबा! तुम्हारी दिव्यकृपा से मैंने तुम्हें, अपने  निकट पाया। 

- Trans. Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 4 ==

That Divine Entity graciously came in the night
holding the lamp of hope in His hand -
He wiped away the blackness of the fog of my mind

"kuáshár kálo muche diye,hatáshár resh dúre sariye,
áshár prdiip háte niye,nishiithe se esechilo..."  - Prabhat Samgiita 1285


That Divine Entity graciously came in the night holding the lamp of hope in His hand. And He wiped away the blackness of the fog of my mind. Whatever little faint remnant of hopelessness was left in my mind, He removed. It is His grace.

That time His eyes were filled with love and affection towards me and His face was shining with divine effulgence - He looked so beautiful. After crossing the long, jagged, and tiring path, That divine entity  came and stood on my doorstep.

That very night when that divine entity came the vast sky was covered with the clouds, and my mental sky was filled with longing for that entity. By just thinking about Him, tears of love and devotion were rolling down from my eyes.  It is His grace.

On that very rainy night, in the breeze the sweet fragrance of the night jasmine flowers was emanating all around. And the peacock was dancing by seeing the game of hide and seek between the clouds and the moon. That very beautiful, rainy night, He came and graced me. 

The dust of His feet was saturated with karuna. And by the touch of that divine dust, my lowly mind became vibrated in His divine love. He Himself came that very rainy night at my doorstep. He is so gracious…

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Example of degraded Wts


This email contains 2 sections:

1. Posting: Example of degraded Wts
2. Links

Note: It is imperative to know this letter is about monks / Wts - not a family man. A monk has to follow the conduct rules for monks. A family person need not follow such rules. If any reader forgets this very point while reading this letter then the whole thing will be useless and a waste of time. While reading every line, bear in mind we are talking about a monk, an avadhuta, a second god - not xyz.

Example of degraded Wts

These days some Dadas are not following one of Baba's standard rules for avadhuta dress / presentation. A list of such Dadas is appended at the bottom of this email.

Here we are talking about the length of Dadas' hair as well as the length of the beard. First let's address the length of the hair on the head.

Baba says, "The minimum length of hair on the head should be half of the length of the hand, from elbow to the palm." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt#2)

Here below are a few Dadas who are disobeying Guru's rule related with length of hair on the head and length of beard. And on right there is one Didi who is also disobeying Guru's rule. 

According to the system the length of the hair of the head should be half the distance from the elbow to the end of the palm. The average distance for an adult male is 14 inches on average. The means at minimum the hair should fall well below the bottom of the ear and nearly to the shoulders. That is the minimum length as ordered by Baba.

But some of our Dadas are keeping aloof from Baba's rule by cutting their hair at the top of the ear, or even shorter than that.

Such avadhutas have their own logic and justification about this. They say silly things like, "The length of the hair rule pertains only to the front, but not the sides, top or back."

But no one is amused by such responses as everyone understands that according to Baba's rule, all hair on the head must be at least 14 inches in length.

Length of the beard:
minimum 3 - 4 inches

Regarding the length of the beard for our avadhutas, Baba has given the following:

Baba says, "Beard should be kept up to a handful in length [at minimum]." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt#1)

By Baba's above regulation, every avadhuta must be able to grab hold of their beard with their hand / fist, and that beard must be as long as the hand. As Baba says, it must be a "handful" at least. That portion of the beard which has grown down past the hand may grown longer or trimmed. Every Dada can choose; but the beard must not be less than an entire handful. In general, the beard should be at least 3 - 4 inches in length.

Nowadays there are some Dadas keeping their beard very short, far less than Baba's requires. And in this case also they give their various justifications.

By keeping short hair they can
quickly jump into underworld life

No doubt, you may be wondering: Why do some Dadas do this? Why do they not abide by Baba's rules and keep their hair and beard of sufficient length. After all, they are dedicated workers and it would seem to be a fairly simple rule to follow. Just let the hair grow - that is all. Then why is it that more and more Dadas are failing in this regard.

Well, here's your answer.

Some of avadhutas - it seems - do not wish to be viewed as a monk 24/7. By keeping their hair short, they can easily change their dress and mingle in with the general public. That's to say they can easily masquerade their true identity by having short hair.

In that case they can indulge in nefarious and anti-social activities without the public really noticing who they really are. Just by taking off their saffron robes they can blend in with the rest society and look like a husband or a business man etc. Then if they gossip with someone from the opposite sex, or involve in big-money dealings, or smuggle this or that, or indulge in any other type of under-world activities like theft etc, no one will be shocked and question why a sannyasi is doing such things. They will just think it is some depraved fellow and they should continue on in their day.

Whereas if those same Dadas kept their long hair and a full-length beard, they will be easily recognisable and they would still look like a monk even without the orange dress. Hence such Dadas prefer to keep their hair and beard short. It allows them to disguise themselves.

Then all they have to do is remove their dress and they can plunge into debased, worldly dealings without anyone questioning why a yogic monk is doing such things. Just they are viewed as a general person since their beard and hair remains short.

As we all know, the sannyasi sentiment in India is very strong. People expect great things from sannyasis. Even people who are not in Ananda Marga give generous donations to our Dadas because those people revere anyone who dresses and looks like a sannyasi. They think that monk must be doing great things in the society. General citizens give respect to all sannyasis because they are "higher".

Hence if they see someone who looks like a monk with long hair and a long beard indulging in nonsense activities, then they will be furious with that so-called monk. Then they will call the authorities or more likely alert all the townspeople. They will vent their fury.

To escape all this, some of our esteemed Dadas keep their beard and hair short so no one will think they are a sannyasi. In that case they can do all kinds of baser activities without anyone thinking they are dong something wrong.

That is why some of our Dadas do not like to keep longer hair and a longer beard. They can plunge into subterranean dealings without drawing attention unto themselves. By this way so many activities are done "in the dark" by certain Dadas - i.e. without proper length hair and beard.

For this reason, margiis are always suspicious when they see avadhutas with very short hair.

We cannot call them avadhutas

How can we call those who do not follow avadhuta rules as avadhutas? We cannot.

Baba says, "If you cannot learn anything from the conduct and behaviour of a certain person, why should you accept that person as an ácárya/á?" (Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 23)

It is the duty of each and every margii to follow Baba's guideline and not regard such Dadas as avadhutas.

Do not treat or entertain such people as avadhutas, otherwise in the eyes of Baba you are encouraging their nasty behaviour. In that case, they, as well as you, will be responsible for their negative behaviour. That is what bhagavad dharma explains. So do not encourage adharmic activities.  Do not accept or allow such Dadas who keep their beard and hair short. Those avadhutas must follow Baba's guideline.

Sentiment and length of hair

We all know that no rule in Ananda Marga is dogmatic; every rule is based on science. And here is the science behind the length of hair for males and females.

Generally females are more emotional than males and it serves society well. Females need that emotion to care for their offspring otherwise they will not be able to manage. For instance, if a child is urinating all around and making a mess, then a mother may not be frustrated whereas the father will quickly become irritated. Why? Because females have greater emotional feeling towards others and can therefore tolerate the various behaviours of their progeny. So this is very good.

But females / Didis not bearing children they need not keep long hair. Rather they should have short hair. This will help curb their emotional feeling and make them more rational and less sentimental. That is why Didis have short hair.

In contrast, our Dadas must develop more empathy for the common people - good or bad - otherwise they cannot serve the society. So they need to develop more emotion. That is why Baba has said our Dadas must keep their hair long. This produces a glandular effect. And there are other reasons to be explained in future letters.

So this is the general science why our Dadas should have longer hair and our Didis should keep shorter hair.

All must follow dharma

By Baba's grace we have been given us all the needed rules and regulations to gain success in life. All such rules must be followed by all - that means our Dadas (& Didis) must adhere to Baba's mandates on length of the hair. We must not allow any slackness in this regard. That is Baba's mandate.

Baba says, "You are to follow the code of discipline...These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous. Atha yogánushásanam. “One must follow anushásanam. One must follow the code of discipline.” One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour." (Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma)


Karen Bloom

Note 1: Some of the dadas involved

Here is an abbreviated list or sample of Dadas keeping shorter hair and shorter beard. They are not following Baba's system - for reasons best known to them.

Ac Nityapremananda Avt
Ac Mahitoshananda Avt
Ac Dayashekarananda Avt
Ac Nirbhayananda Avt
Ac Rudraprakashananda Avt
Ac Bodhprajinananda Avt
Ac Arvanananda Avt

Actually the list is much longer than this. It is alleged that Some Indian monks move in avadhuta dress by day and then in nighttime go out in civil dress. In that case, the length of their hair does not make them look like a sannyasi so they can indulge in various sorts of anti-social dealings like smuggling, theft, robbery etc.

Note 2: Didis also not following

Some didis are involved in going against Guru's rule...

Note 3: Their lame excuse

Some give the lame excuse that they are traveling around the globe so they must keep short hair - but that is bogus. For instance, Dada Shambhushivanandji and so many others that are strict on this point travel all over the globe yet follow the rule properly.

Note: It is imperative to know this letter is about monks / Wts - not a family man. A monk has to follow the conduct rules for monks. A family person need not follow such rules. If any reader forgets this very point while reading this letter then the whole thing will be useless and a waste of time. While reading every line, bear in mind we are talking about a monk, an avadhuta, a second god - not xyz. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

आनन्द मार्ग के लोभी पुरोहित: विवाह टैक्स। - भाग १ + English


This letter - Marriage Tax #1 - is for Hindi readers only. But those who did not receive the English version of  "Marriage Tax #1", please scroll down to the English version.

आनन्द मार्ग के लोभी पुरोहित विवाह पर टैक्स लगा रहे हैं।

नोट : इस विवेचनीय विन्दु के वहुआयामी पत्र का यह पहला भाग है।

कुछ समय पहले अंतरजातीय और अंतरसमाजीय विवाह इतने सामान्य नहीं थे। इसलिए जब बाबा ने आनंदमार्ग की विवाह पद्धति से परिचय कराया तो वह पूर्णतः परम्परागत सोच के विरुद्ध गया।

#१ अंतर्जातीय विवाह के सम्बन्ध में

बाबा ने इस विचार को वैधानिकता प्रदान की कि संसार के सभी समाजों के लोग सक्रियता से साथ साथ रहें और परस्पर विवाह करें। आनन्द मार्ग विवाहपद्धति आंतरधर्म और अंतर्जातीय विवाहों का स्वागत करती है और उन्हें बढ़ावा देती है। यह एक क्रन्तिकारी लक्षण है।

Photo Credit *

#२ परिवार के लोग विवाह कार्यक्रम आयोजित कर सकते हैं।

बाबा ने यह भी घोषित किया कि परिवार के लोग विवाह कार्यक्रम आयोजित कर सकते हैं और किसी पुरोहित कि आवश्यकता नहीं है। यह भी एक क्रांतिकारी कदम था।

#३ वर और वधु का सामान स्तर : कोई शोषण नहीं।

विवाह के मामले में पुरुष और महिला को सामान दर्जा दिया गया है। इसका मतलब यह है कि किसी को भी लिंग के आधार पर, विशेषतः महिला को बाधा/दंड नहीं देना होगा, वर को जीता हुआ और वधु को हारा हुआ नहीं माना जायेगा , जबकि पृथ्वी पर सभी जगह विवाह इसी प्रकार की जीत और हार को मानते हुए ही मनाये जाते हैं। बाबा ने इस प्रकार कि गतिविधियों और परंपरागत दहेज़ प्रथा को समूल नष्ट कर दिया और बताया कि सभी परमपुरुष की संतान हैं अतः बराबरी का व्योहार किया जाना चाहिए। इसका मतलब यह है कि आनंदमार्ग विवाह पद्धति में किसी भी प्रकार का पेमेंट या आर्थिक फीस नहीं लगती है।

#४ विवाह समाज निर्माण के लिए होता है न कि कामुकता के शमन लिए

आनंदमार्ग वैवाहिक पद्धति भौतिकवादी प्रेम दृश्य नहीं है ,वह तो वच्चों को प्यार भरा सुरक्षित वातावरण देते हुए पालन करना और समाज का निर्माण करना है। हमारी आनंदमार्ग वैवाहिक पद्धति का यही एक उद्देश्य है। इस तरह वह वर्त्तमान में प्रचलित भौतिक वादी छद्मसंस्कृति वाली परंपरा से मूलतः भिन्न है, जिसमें अदालतों के मजे लेकर विवाहों को कामुकता की शरारत करने कि छूट के साथ बच्चों को केवल उपपाद माना जाकर रास्ते में भटकने के लिए छॊड़ दिया जाता है ।

विवाहों के लिए विवाह टेक्स लिया जाना बहुत बड़ी बाधा होगी और विना विवाह के ही बहुत बच्चे पैदा होंगे।

यदि आनंदमार्ग वैवाहिक पद्धति में बहुत टेक्स लेकर विवाह संपन्न किये जाने लगे तो स्वाभाविक रूप से बहुत से लोग बिना विवाह के रहेंगे और विवाहेतर सम्बन्धों के द्वारा बच्चे पैदा करेंगे जिससे अंततः बच्चे ही कष्ट भोगेंगे। इस सम्भावित भयंकर परिणाम को ही निम्नांकित विवरण में गहरई से लिखा गया है।

क्रांतिकारी वैवाहिक पद्धति का सारांश

ये सभी विन्दु आनन्द मार्ग वैवाहिक पद्धति के अनुसार नए और क्रांतिकारी हैं क्योंकि ये सब भूतकाल के तथाकथित धार्मिक डोग्मा और वर्त्तमान के भौतिकवादी मापदंडों के विल्कुल भिन्न हैं। यही कारण है कि अनेक मार्गी परिवारों को अपार विरोधों का सामना करना पड़ा अपनी ही जाती के लोगों से, क्योंकि उन्होंने दूसरी जाती से विवाह किया था। उन्हें धमकियाँ दी गयीं,सीमाएं बांध दी गयीं, संपत्ति नष्ट कर दी गयी, घर जला दिए गए फिर भी सही मार्गी लोगों ने बाबा कि क्रांतिकारी वैवाहिक पद्धति को लागू करना जारी रखा।
क्रांतिकारी वैवाहिक पद्धति को प्रदूषित करना ; विवाह का आशीर्वाद लेने की फीस लेना

कुछ दादाओं ने नव विवाहित युगलों से फीस लेने का नियम बना कर एक डोग्मा लाद दिया है कि यदि वे तथाकथित आशीर्वाद, DMS में pp दादा से लेना चाहते हैं, तो उन्हें फीस देना होगी। इस प्रकार वे झूठा नियम लागू कर रहे हैं कि आशीर्वाद लेने के लिए धन देना आवश्यक है।

परन्तु बाबा ने यह कभी भी नहीं किया। नव विवाहितों के लिए DMC में बाबा का आशीर्वाद लेने के लिए कभी भी कोई फीस नहीं ली गयी। चाहे गरीब हों या अमीर सब पर उनकी अहेतुकी कृपा रहती थी। कुछ दादाओं ने यह प्रथा डोग्मा वाले धर्मों से खींच कर अपना ली है जिसमे पुरोहितों द्वारा जन्म, विवाह और मृत्यु या किसी भी धार्मिक उत्सवों के समय लम्बी चौड़ी फीस ली जाती है।

वे मार्गियों को शोषित कर रहे हैं। वास्तव में वे यह अपराध कर रहे हैं। इस विन्दु पर हमें आलस्य करते हुये चुप नहीं बैठना चाहिए। कुछ धार्मिक मार्गियों ने सार्वजनिक रूप से यह मुद्दा उठाया है इस लिए हमारी यह बंधनकारी ड्यूटी बनती है कि हम आनंदमार्ग की क्रांतिकारी वैवाहिक पद्धति को इन अवसरवादियों के हाथों से बचाएं और चारों ओर रैली निकाल कर इस बात से सभी को अवगत कराएं। इस डोग्मा को मार्ग में आये अनेक वर्ष हो गए हैं। उसे तत्काल जड़ से उखाड़ फेकना चाहिए नहीं तो उसकी जड़ें और गहरी हो जाएंगीं और फिर उखाड़ पाना बहुत कठिन हो जायेगा।

खतरा : यह डोग्मा अपनी जड़े फैलाएगा और स्वयं फैलेगा।

अपने कई प्रबचनों में बाबा हमें सचेत करते हैं कि डोग्मा की प्रकृति समाज में फैलने और उसे जकड़ लेने की होती है। इसीलिए हमारे आनंदमार्ग में किसी भी प्रकार के डोग्मा के लादे जाने पर उसे निर्दयता से उखाड़ देना चाहिए। कोई भी इस दिवास्वप्न में न रहे कि मार्ग डोग्मा से अप्रभावित रहता है। जैसा हमने कहा कि कुछ होलटाइमर “विवाह आशीर्वाद” नामक डोग्मा फैला रहे हैं, इसलिए सावधान रहें।

इसके लिए इस प्रकार के वरिष्ठ दादा लोग अपने अपने ढंग से औचित्य प्रतिपादित कर लेते हैं। वे कह सकते हैं कि मार्ग पर अनेक कोर्ट केस चल रहे हैं इसलिए पैसा कहाँ से लाया जाये? इसलिए विवाह आशीष की फीस लेना उचित है आदि। पर सब जानते हैं कि जब आनंदनगर का निर्माण हो रहा था या जेल में रहने के समय पैसों की बहुत जरूरत होने पर भी उन्होंने विवाह आशीष की फीस नहीं ली। यह धार्मिक टेक्स नहीं लादा गया क्यों? इसलिए कि हमारी वैवाहिक पद्धति क्रांतिकारी है। परन्तु यदि हम चुपचाप बैठे रहे तो कुछ सालों में यह लादा गया डोग्मा हमारे नाती पोतों तक पहुंचेगा और इसे जारी रखने के लिए उन्हें अत्यधिक कीमत चुकानी पड़ेगी क्योंकि इस प्रकार जो इस टेक्स को देने में समर्थ होंगे वे शोषित किये जायेंगे और जो समर्थ नहीं होंगे वे टेक्स न दे पाने के कारण अपने को अपमानित और छोटा अनुभव करेंगे। इस प्रकार यह पृथा जन्म जन्मांतर तक चलती जायेगी। कहने का मतलब यह कि इस गलत कार्य को प्रारम्भ में ही नहीं रोका गया तो यह बढ़ता ही जायेगा और फिर इसे हटा पाना असम्भव हो जायेगा।

देखिये अब तक क्या हुआ है : दहेज़ प्रथा

मुख्य बात यह है कि आनंदमार्ग विवाह पद्धति गुरु के आदेश से मुफ्त में ही संपन्न की जाती है अतः किसी को भी इस के नाम पर धन बटोरने कि स्वतंत्रता नहीं दी जा सकती। बिलकुल इसी प्रकार भूतकाल की दहेज़ प्रथा का जन्म हुआ और अपनी बेटी की शादी करने के लिए महगी वस्तुएं और उपहार भेंट करने के लिए लोग जीवन भर धन संग्रह करने में ही लगे रहने के लिए विवश हो गए। उसका आज यह परिणाम है कि लोग लड़कियों को जन्म लेने के पूर्व ही उन्हें मारने लगे। लड़कियों का जन्म होना अत्यधिक बंधनकारी और कष्टदायक माना जाने लगा।
(कृपया इस पत्र कि अगली किश्त भी देखिये )

नमस्कार ,
बाबा चरणों में

Translated by Dr T.R.S.

Photo Credit *: We request the margii who created this image and posted it to their Facebook account to come forward so we may give due credit for this work.

== Section 2 ==
Who should get credit of service which apparently you did - Ananda Vanii #23

Ananda Vanii states, "You have no right to hate even a single living creature. The best you can do is only to serve. Remember, you are to serve bearing in mind that every creature is verily the living manifestation of the Supreme Consciousness. Remember also that the credit of service is not yours; it is due to the Supreme and the Supreme alone, whose ideation has inspired you to acquire the capability of rendering service." (1)
Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.
1. Ananda Vanii #23

== Section 3 ==

PP & Rudrananda imposing ceremony tax on margiis #1

Note: This letter is only for those who believe in Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage system and want to follow Baba’s teachings on social ceremonies.

Just a short while ago, interracial and intercaste marriages were not at all common. So when Baba introduced the Ananda Marga marriage system then it went fully against all traditional, dogmatic thinking.

#1: Greatness of revolutionary marriages

Baba legitimized the idea that all communities of the world should live together and actively inter-marry. The Ananda Marga marriage system fully embraces and encourages interracial and inter-caste marriages. That is one revolutionary characteristic.

#2: Family people can convene marriage ceremonies

Secondly, Baba declared that family people can perform and oversee marriage ceremonies. There was no need for a priest. This was also a new and revolutionary approach.

#3: Bride and groom on equal footing - no exploitation

Third is the notion that males and females have equal rights and status with regards to marriages. That means there is no penalty or barrier to either gender, especially women. The bride should not be viewed as the defeated party and the groom should not act as the arrogant victors. Yet this is the way the ceremony is often carried out - in so many parts of the globe. Baba has rooted out any semblance of this, as well as the dogmatic dowry system, and demanded that all be treated equally as children of the Divine. That means no payment of any kind is needed in our Ananda Marga marriage system - none at all.

#4: Marriage is for society building, not lust

Fourth, our Ananda Marga marriage system is not a materialistic, love scene but rather an avenue for society building where the entire purpose of marriage is to provide a safe, loving, and stable environment for raising children. That is the whole aim of our Ananda Marga marriage system. Thus it is radically different from materialistic, pseudo-culture and new-age relationships which romanticize courtships & marriages as sexual escapades for couples wherein children are a mere byproduct and thereafter left by the wayside to fend for themselves etc.

Marriage tax will be an obstacle to marriage -
more children will be born out of wedlock

But when a huge tax is imposed on Ananda Marga marriages, then naturally people will choose to remain unmarried and carry out their relations that way and produce children out of wedlock, in which case those children will suffer. This tragic outcome is explored in greater depth further down in this letter.

Hypocritical jargon to empty margii’s pocket

Yet, on a case by case basis some dadas are secretly collecting fees and payments from margiis. They are exploiting margiis behind the scenes in a private manner. This is the way things are going on. Such Dadas communicate with venerable parties and give assurances and then every step they charge. These wts forget that this is not the time to ask.

It is just like when a new person is first initiated then that is not the time to ask them for money. Nor should such Dadas ask for donations at the time of shraddha (death ceremony), but they do this. And they also do ask for payment at the time of marriage. And they use very tricky / deceptive language. Here is an example of how they try to cajole margiis.  

Those Dadas say, “Look, I am not charging you anything - everything I am doing is 100% free - but as a margii you have to support Baba’s mission. It is not everyday that your father dies and it is not everyday that your daughter gets married. So when Baba has graciously bestowed you with money then on these occasions you should give back. Otherwise when are you going to give. And just think, I am doing this ceremony for you completely free. I am a servant of Baba. So there is no question of me charging you anything - not one penny. But from your side you should come forward and give. After all, if I had not performed the ceremony or you had this done outside of Ananda Marga then surely you would have had to pay. So then why are you not giving to Baba and His mission on this occasion. So think of Baba and support His social service projects. With this thought in mind you should offer a donation.” This is the deceptive rhetoric that some Dadas employ in order to procure donations from margiis during such social ceremonies like the death ceremony or marriage etc. In the face of this, margiis feel helpless and can only say, “Please Dada take pity on me.”

If any margii asks that Dada why you (Dada) are charging poor margiis in this way then that Dada will reply, “What is wrong, these margiis are already wasting their money on so many types of activities. So then what is wrong if I take from them at the time of marriage etc. After all their duty is to give and my duty is to accept their offering. So this is a dharmic approach.” This is the type of wolf psychology that dominates some Wts.

Heroes could only do revolutionary marriage

All these points about our Ananda Marga marriage system are new and revolutionary for society and are radically different from past religious dogma and the existing norms of materialism.

That is why many margii families faced huge opposition from their own so-called caste when they engaged in inter-caste marriages. They were attacked, their property was destroyed, and their houses were burned etc. Yet those courageous margiis persevered and implemented Baba's revolutionary marriage system.

Rudranandaji: Polluting our revolutionary marriage system:
imposing fee to get marriage blessing

Certain Dadas have created and imposed the dogma wherein newly married margiis must pay a surcharge or fee if they wish to receive a so-called blessing from PP Dada during DMS etc. They are implementing the bogus rule that money is needed in order to get a "blessing."

Yet Baba never did like this. No payment was ever needed for newly married couples to receive His divine ashirvad (blessing) during DMC. There was never any tax or fee, just His causeless grace. Rich or poor, all had equal opportunity.

But now some Dadas have implemented this new rule. They just dragged it in from the dogmatic religions of old wherein priests levy huge fees on the common people for their so-called services whether it be marriages, births, deaths or any other ritualistic gathering. Always the priests wanted a big payment - this dogma has always plagued the various religions. And now some stooges of Rudrananda Dadas are doing the same thing. They collect huge money and give the lion’s share to Rudrananda.

Why we should not keep quiet

Some Dadas are exploiting margiis. That is the real crime that is taking place. We must not sit idle on this point. Already some dharmic margiis have raised this issue on the public platform and it is our bounden duty to rally around and save the Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage system from the hands of these opportunists. Already years have passed since they put this dogma in place. It must be rooted out now lest it become more set and hence more difficult to remove.

Marriage tax dogma spreading to other ceremonies

In so many discourses Baba warns us that it is the nature of dogma to spread and entangle itself in society. That is why the imposition of any dogma in our Ananda Marga way of life should be mercilessly rooted out. No one should get caught in the daydream that our Marga is impervious to dogma. As we speak some Wts are dragging a new "marriage blessing" dogma into AM. This is the unfortunate situation and everyone should be alert about this.

All along, such top Dadas have their justification. They may think that as there are so many court cases going on then they have to make money however they can - including charging a fee for fake marriage blessings. Actually, typical religious priests make this same type of justification when inventing any new dogma.

Remember Baba also needed money when building Ananda Nagar, as well as during the jail period and when fighting the communists etc, but He never charged for marriage blessings. This jizya (religious tax) was not imposed. Why not - because ours is a revolutionary marriage system.

Grandchildren will be exploited forever

But if we just sit still and keep quiet, then in a few years this dogma imposed by group Dadas will be established and our grandchildren & great-grandchildren will be singing the praises of getting PP's marriage blessing, regardless of the exorbitant cost. Those who can afford it will be cheated and exploited and those who are unable to pay will feel humiliated and inferior. They will suffer from an inferiority complex that they were not good enough or rich enough to get PP Dada's blessing. And with each and every passing generation the problems will mount more and more.

The point being that if a dogma is not rooted out in the beginning then it only grows - it will not stay small or inconsequential.

Why some unborn girls are still getting killed

The key point here is that our Ananda Marga marriage system is free - per Guru's directive. So anyone trying to make money in our Marga must not use our marriage system as their chosen vehicle for turning a profit.

Indeed that is how the dowry system started of old. In order to get your daughter married then people had to save money their whole life and present fancy gifts and big payments to the bridegroom's family. That is why in India people would kill their unborn girls. Because giving birth to a daughter was like tying a ball and chain to one's leg.

At His feet,

Note 1: Overall the ultimate controller is Rudrananda - he is hiding behind and his stooges are dancing according to his direction and creating havoc. Many margiis and wts are in a fix about what to do.

Note 2: Although certain aspects of this letter is directed toward Indian priests etc, but in reality this situation is prevalent in all religious communities etc.

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