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Thursday, November 1, 2018

No co-education: AMPS + 2 more


No co-education: AMPS


Baba's teachings about how our Ananda Marga schools should be run is quite straightforward. Unfortunately a few are confused. For this reason some of our Ananda Marga schools are breaking Baba's basic and fundamental mandates on education.

By this below photo, it is evident that Dada Rakeshananda - the in-charge of the Gandhidham co-ed school - is doing things which Sadguru Baba forbids. So Dada is committing a grave sin. The below photo of the Ananda Marga High School at Gandhidham is mixed, enrolling both adolescent / teenage boys and girls.

~ Courtesy of Gurukul Network Magazine - Issue # 34 ~

By this above photo, it is evident that Rakeshananda is going against Sadguru Baba’s strict warning about coeducation. Because Dada is running a high school that mixes teenage boys and teenage girls etc. So Dadaji is committing a grave sin.

Procedural Order:
Ananda Marga schools must not be co-ed

Here following is Baba own Procedural Order which states that our Ananda Marga  schools must not be co-ed once children have reached the age of puberty.

PLO no. 1A/4.2.1969

As per rules, co-education is allowed in our Schools up to Standard V. but boys who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed twelve years of age will not be permitted to study in any of our lady managed Schools. Similarly girls who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed 12 years of age, shall not be allowed to study in our Schools (for boys).

Feb 4, 1969

Note: Standard V is the equivalent of 5th grade or 5th class in the western system.

No question of co-education after reaching adolescence

Given Baba's above Procedural Order as well as His given manner of establishing and running Ananda Marga schools, the point is crystal clear: After primary school, all Ananda Marga educational institutions must be single sex. Once boys and girls reach the pre-pubescent age (10 - 12) then our Ananda Marga schools must not be co-ed. That means our Ananda Marga high schools, colleges and universities must also be single-sex.

Here below is Baba's exact talk about how in Ananda Marga there are always separate, parallel learning institutions for men and women.

Baba says, "From today itself, a Homeo-College, Electro-Homeo College and Ayurvedic College have been opened in Anandanagar. From tomorrow, a medical school is being opened for the training in different “pathies” A separate institution for girls is being opened at Uma Nivas. Certificate courses in NATAC (Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Chandsi) are also going to be offered soon. I hear that from 3rd October, 1990, a music college and fine arts college will be opened. A Textile Institute is also to be started soon in order to provide the textile-training for improving the self-reliance of the people. A branch of the same can also be opened for ladies." (1)

Only our primary schools are co-ed; beyond that any school for adolescents and above such as our middle schools, high schools, colleges, technical schools and universities are all 100% single sex institutions. Everyone familiar with Ananda Marga is aware about this. Before '90, no school in Ananda Marga that served students of puberty age and older was co-ed.


Here we have to remember that our Ananda Marga system of education is for the all-round growth of human beings in all spheres of life. We want to encourage proper learning and sentient conduct. In contrast, in those lands where males and females study together in high schools and universities, the entire campus becomes a breeding ground for rampant sexual behaviour, date-rape, and deviant activity. In such conditions, learning is secondary and the youths become completely overwrought with other desires, i..e the opposite sex. So learning becomes an afterthought and animal behaviours are encouraged in such schools. And it is not the students fault per se. Sadly, those school administrators are only interested in collecting a high tuition and do not concern themselves with moral codes and the right conduct of those youths. But this is not our way. We are interested in educating the whole human personality so students develop into high-minded citizens. We do not want our students drowned in sexual dealings as happens in co-ed institutions. That is why it is so shameful that Rakeshananda is running a co-ed / mixed gender AM high school at Gandhidham thereby going against and contravening Baba’s guideline.

In Him,
Vidya Rashmi

~ In-depth study ~

Start primary schools not high schools

Here Baba guides us that ideally we are to concern ourselves with starting primary schools. That will have a very great impact on those children and the society. In contrast, running a high school that is against our Ananda Marga standards - as Dada Rakeshananda has done - has no real value. Rather it undermines our approach and aims. That is Baba’s below guideline and warning.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "We must start primary schools throughout the entire world to create a spiritual urge amongst the little pupils. I am not in favour of starting colleges; I am in favour of starting primary schools. In the entire world we have got one degree college at Ananda Nagar and thousands of kindergarten schools. That is why it is desirable in the first phase to start many primary schools instead of colleges. Merely opening high schools and colleges without a proper system of education will not serve the purpose. Rather, thousands of kindergarten and primary schools must be started with this new system of education, to create a spiritual urge amongst children throughout the entire world." (2)

Separation of the sexes in Ananda Marga way of life

Baba's has given very clear guidelines on keeping strict separation between men and women.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "It should be remembered that a woman’s friend is a woman and a man’s friend is a man." (3)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Men and women...should not engage in gossip as its results are not beneficial." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, “Unrelated men and women should not touch one another as far as possible" (5)

Given the above rules, it is obvious that boys and girls of age should not be classmates. Such an approach would contravene Baba's stated rules. No AM high school should be co-ed. In our Marga everything is divided along lines of gender. Separate rows for dharmacakra, separate reportings, separate LFT & WT training centres, separate organisation and hierarchy. Everything is separate.Plus Baba would not allow Dadas to teach girls nor allows Didis to instruct boys in our schools. There was no crossover whatsoever.

Everything is separate in AMPS

We have to remember that Baba has arranged life in Ananda Marga where we we maintain our sanctity by adhering to certain codes of conduct, not by compromising with our values. In the realm of male-female relations, our proper standard is separation, not free and sensuous mixing of the sexes. Baba has mandated that everything in Ananda Marga should be separate: For example WWD, our relief activities (AMURTL), reportings, social service projects, LFT trainings, etc. There are all separate along gender lines. Here is a more complete list:
1. Jagrtis are not shared between males and females for staying over or for office work.
2. Co-education is not practiced with students above 8 or 10 years of age, i.e. or above the age of puberty.
3. During dharmacakra, seminar, and classes, sadhana is done in distinctly different rows.
4. The organisation itself has an entire separate wing for females, WWD or Women’s Welfare Department.
5. Prout, AMURT, VSS etc also have separate sections for males and females.
6. Reporting is done separately.
7. LFT, Tattvika, and Acarya training is separate for males and females.
8. In-Charges are not mixed. Males are in-charges of males and females of females.
Note: Only in Central Office will the head of WWD be controlled by the General Secretary.
9. During DMS, kaoshikii was also performed separately. And still this practice is maintained for DMS.
10. Females do guard duty for females, and males for males; it is not mixed.
11. Akhanda kiirtana is done in a separate manner.
12. Madhur Sadhana is done according to gender, not with the opposite sex.
13. In any gathering, females & males do not participate together for games and sports.
14. All public processions are organised keeping males and females separate
15. And there are so many systems in place that ensure strict separation of the sexes.
When our entire Ananda Marga way of life is separated along gender lines, it is obvious that our Ananda Marga schools must reflect this same standard.

By this above photo, it is evident that Dada Rakeshananda is going against Sadguru Baba’s strict warning about coeducation. So Dadaji is committing grave sin.

1. Disc NH Education, Gurukul: History and Planning
2. Discourses on Neohumanist Education: Prama-4
3. Caryacarya - 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women
4. Caryacarya - 1, Unrelated men and women should not touch
5. Caryacarya - 1, Unrelated men and women should not touch

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Better to be speedy

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Suppose you have incurred a loan of a thousand rupees. If you repay the loan in monthly instalments of one rupee it will take you a thousand months to clear the loan. One rupee being such a small amount, this will hardly cause any suffering at all. But if you want to free yourself from the debt quickly, you will have to pay a larger amount every month, which will obviously cause more suffering. Likewise, if one does not feel the need to be freed of one’s reactive momenta quickly, one can undergo less affliction, but then one may have to wait ten or twenty lives to exhaust all the reactive momenta. Moreover, within those ten or twenty lives one will probably undergo psychic degeneration, and due to one’s mean actions imbibe new reactive momenta.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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1. Posting: No co-education: AMPS
2. IT: Better to be speedy
3. Links

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