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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Why loose Wts + Harming even after death + News


Harming even after death

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Blaming God for the consequences of our only foolishness. One who performs actions will have to bear the reactions also. If you plunge your hand in fire you will surely burn it. To blame God for burning your hand is merely ignorance or stupidity." (1)

Everyone should be alert about this below bogus quote. Sadly, Garda Ghista (Gayattrii) built this into her legacy by adding spice to Dada Tapeshvarananda’s story and publishing a book that misguides sinners that Parama Purusa is to blame for everyone’s sin. Verily Baba is painted as a villain, tragically. Sinners commit sin; nature punishes them for their wrongdoing; and, then they blame Baba that, “He is harassing me for no reason at all.” So watch out for this fake thing that is getting circulated around in the name of Baba. They are wrongly attributing the following quote to Baba that, “I (Baba) will create such an atmosphere, such an environment that the disciple loses all faith in Guru.”

Everyone should be alert about this above bogus quote. Sadly, Garda Ghista (Gayattrii) built this into her legacy by adding spice to Dada Tapeshvarananda’s story and publishing a book that misguides sinners that Parama Purusa is to blame for everyone’s sin. By printing a book that booms such misguided ideas like "Baba tests His disciples" and that "Parama Purusa is to be blamed for one’s sin", these two people are committing sin even after their death.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, people must suffer the consequences of their negative samskaras of their past deeds - actions performed either in this life or a prior life. Regardless, one will have to undergo that reaction, i.e. the requital of their past samskaras. In result, they may break their leg, lose their job, fall from the tree, experience the death of a spouse, or be stricken with a serious illness etc. All these types of reactions one may have to undergo due to their own past actions.

Only sinners blame Parama Purusa

Those who are bhaktas realise they are suffering due to their own bad samskaras. And they take full responsibility and accept their fault. Furthermore, they get the lesson not to harm anybody, knowingly or unknowingly in the future.

But those who are naive blame Parama Purusa for testing and harassing them. They accuse Him of putting them in problem needlessly – just for the sake of giving them a test and rubbing their nose in the mud. In their ignorance such persons think they have no fault of their own. They think the culprit is Parama Purusa and Parama Purusa alone. In order to test and harass them, He took away their job and livelihood etc, and made life miserable for them. In short, He created a huge mess. They think that, “Without any rhyme or reason, I had to suffer and undergo this test.” In this way they blame Parama Purusa for giving tests and putting them in problem. That is very bad - sinful.

But true bhaktas never blame Parama Purusa. They always feel their suffering is due to their own samskara - no one else is at fault. So those bhaktas never blame Parama Purusa nor do they accuse Him of harassing them and giving them tests. Rather they know that Parama Purusa is always helping them and removing their bundle of samskaras and lightening their load of sin.

In Him,
Satya Deva

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Why loose Wts


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You can help someone become good by making him understand [moral values], but no one becomes good through the application of force [punishment]...If the sinner is engaged in sinful acts or keeps moving ahead on a sinful path, you can prevent that person from doing so by the application of force [punishment]. But you cannot transform [make moralist] in this way." (1)
1. By the application of force, you can deter people from doing bad.
2. By persuasion you can inspire them to become a better human being.
3. Both aspects are needed; a one-sided approach will not do.
Whether in social life or family life, punishment will only succeed in being a deterrent if the person or department issuing the punishment is an adherent of those rules. That means if a parent punishes a child for smoking cigarettes, but then that same parent indulges in smoking, then that child will not be deterred but will rather be more inclined to smoke. So being a good role-model is an essential factor.

That applies to the general society as well. If the police are enforcing rules about no gambling but then that same police chief is caught gambling himself, and is not punished, then the general populace will think those rules are bogus and will feel more indignant that they too should gamble. Thus the deterrent effect is clearly lost if the officiating party does not follow those very rules. And we see this surface in our Ananda Marga as well

When so-called central Wts morally loose then?

For instance, when Hariishananda, Madhuvratananda, and many other so-called great purodhas etc are allegedly indulged in relations with the opposite sex then they are in no position to impose or enforce this rule upon others. In all these circumstances, a number of their subordinate workers allegedly indulged in degrading behaviours and illicit relations because the so-called top Dadas had already fallen in that way. In that case, those at the helm are impotent to use force as a deterrent to keep others from doing bad. In result, our Wt cadre has really suffered; the standard has fallen.

Unfortunately, since 1990, there has not been a strong emphasis on following dharmic principles by the leadership. Thus we lost some Wts. Those who have remained in good standing were able to do so by keeping a close inner link with AM practices and Baba's teachings. Then one can manage the extreme deficit of proper leaership and dearth of supportive guidance within AMPS. So an inner desire is a critical element nowadays.

Age-old problem continuing in AMPS

Here Baba recounts this age-old problem of how degrading monks have tried to exploit the society for their own selfish gain. So what we see unfolding in AMPS nowadays is not something new rather our Wt Dadas have torn a page out of the playbook of religious dogma.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When society was dominated by the intelligentsia, the so-called monks, who had taken to complete exploitation, thought that if ordinary citizens were allowed to pursue spiritual practices, they might lose the machinery of exploitation at any moment, of which they were so fond. If common people are inspired by spiritual ideals their rationality will grow and grow. The monks realized therefore that the people will have to be kept maimed and helpless. Fear and inferiority complex will have to be infused in people to exploit them. They found that such an exploited mass consisted of ordinary worldly people, most of whom were married. If, therefore, the loss of semen was anyhow declared as anti-religious, they would be able to gain their end without difficulty. And the result was promptly achieved. Ordinary worldly people began to think that they, by leading a married life, had committed a serious wrong, a heinous sin: they had indulged in activities against Brahmacarya. The monks observed celibacy and were, therefore, far superior. The so-called recluses took advantage of the situation and have, without difficulty, been exploiting the society." (2)


Unfortunately, before '90, some dadas did not have the conviction or desire to follow the righteous path. Out of fear they were obeying, and when that fear moved away (according to them), they became fearless and their true colour showed in the form of groupism and all kinds of heinous acts.

In Him,
Jiivan Deva

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10, The Witness-ship of Parama Puruśa Is of Supreme Importance
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, Brahmacarya

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 3: News ==

Sad similarity: Catholics & AMPS

Namaskar 🙏 From an innocent margii's eyes and perspective it may look and seem inspiring. But I find it disturbing and I'm uncomfortable seeing these innocent naive margiis and compromised WTs being duped and deceived into believing that these ethnic Indian Ranchi faction are "the legit" heir of BA'BA'S AM organization. They hijacked the organization by exerting all their cunning machinations and using all the shrewd means and all the dirty tricks in the book in achieving their egocentric political ethnic hidden agenda and unideological domination. The presence and attendance of ethnic Indian Ranchi faction personalities in this event says it all. A sad reality.

🙏 Sad to say but, AM has now officially become an international and a global dogmatic Indian religion akin to any existing religion in the world. The ethnic indian factions and the self-imposed, self-proclaimed Ranchi central administration dirty politics, bickering, groupism, despicable manipulation, corruption, spiritual capitalism and exploitation has surpassed and worst than the Roman Catholic Church and The Vatican. AM lost the essence of Neo-humanism, universalism, Ananda Parivara, and its tantrik dharma. Ideological affinity is lost to some margiis. The ideological flow is disturbed and compromised. WTs and margiis from all over the world must call for a genuine ideological global coalition of all ethnicity and the sharing of responsibility in all higher post in running the organization. STOP the ethnic Indian faction exclusivity of topmost organizational post and power. It's against Neo-Humanism and Universalism.

at His feet,
Bhaerava Maharlika

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

6 enemies, 8 bondages, 50 propensities harassing human beings

The following is a basic overview of how the internal enemies, external bondages, and psychic propensties bind human beings.

(A) Ripu:
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Avidyámáyá is the creator of the śad́ripu (six enemies)...Káma (longing for earthly objects), krodha (anger), lobha (avarice), moha (attraction), mada (vanity) and mátsarya (envy) are the six enemies...Śat́ means “six” and ripu means “enemies”. These six faculties in human beings are termed as enemies, as they absorb the mind in crudeness and stop its march towards the subtle. The supreme rank for unit consciousness is subtle, and anything which holds it back from reaching the supreme rank, is its enemy. These six faculties are, therefore, termed as six enemies." (1)

(B) Fetters / Bondages:
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Avidyámáyá is the creator of the...aśt́apásha (eight fetters)....bhaya (fear), lajjá (shame), ghrńá (hatred), shauṋká (doubt), kula (high descent), shiila (complex of culture), mána (vanity) and jugupsá (backbiting) are the eight fetters...Aśt́apásha means the eight fetters. Anyone bound by fetters will lose his or her capacity of movement. In the creation we find the movement of human beings is from the crude to the subtle. That is, human beings have to move towards the subtle, but by their leaning towards the eight fetters such as lajjá, bhaya, and ghrńá, they get absorbed in crude things only and their progress towards the subtle is stopped." (2)

Key Difference Between Six Enemies (śad́ripu) & Eight Fetters (aśt́apásha)
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "These are the eight external bondages, or imposed bondages. One must fight against these imposed bondages, one must wage war against these bondages. And then there are the six ripu. Ripu means “internal enemies” – not imposed saḿskáras, [not] imposed bondage, but inborn bondage." (3)

(C) Vrttis:
Ananda Marga ideology states, "In the human body there are approximately fifty vrttis or propensities of minds. The degree of intensity of these fifty vrttis depends upon the different glandular secretions of the body. Thus proper functioning of the mind depends upon the different glandular secretions of the body, upon the afferent power of the nerve-fibres and upon the capacity of the nerve cells to vibrate thought." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings have fifty vrttis (psychic urges), and those fifty vrttis are also complex in their functioning. As the vrttis become more complex, so do their functions. A vrtti can either be kept within one's mind or it can be externalized. One can steal both mentally and in the external world. Hence, as each of these fifty vrttis can be expressed both internally and externally, there are one hundred possible expressions. These hundred expressions can be expressed in ten directions: six “pradisha” directions: north, south, east, west, above, and below; and four “anudisha” directions: northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. So the total number of expressions comes to (100 x 10 =) 1,000! That is why the pineal gland is called sahasrara cakra or “that which expresses itself in one thousand directions.” (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The human propensities that operate in the mundane sphere are five in number: áhár [food], nidrá [sleep], bhaya [fear], maethuna [begetting progeny] and dharma sádhaná [spiritual practice]....The peculiar nature of these five propensities [and all vrttis] is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase." (6)
1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 1, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 1, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
3. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1, Existential Flow and Its Culminating Point
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana
6. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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This email contains five sections:
1. IT: Harming even after death
2. Posting: Why loose Wts
3. News: Sad similarity: Catholics & AMPS
4. IT: 6 enemies, 8 bondages, 50 propensities harassing human beings
5. Links

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