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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

How 1st PP was made + 3 more


How 1st PP was made


Here is an important history of our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha that is very related with the current state of affairs in our organisation. In 1990, Dada Sarvatmananda began his grand search to find that most "simple" person. To that end, he was inquiring all around to find the proper person - checking behind every corner and underneath each rock to find the right candidate. Then some workers came to Sarvatmananda and told him that this was a very easy request to manage. Because "right here in our compound there is such a very "simple" person whom you are searching". They also said, "And not only is he super "simple", but he is from a Hindi speaking area - which is good for your overall strategy."

Shraddhananda followed his master S.

In that fateful moment, Dada Shraddhananda was selected as PP Dada in October 1990. The first thing Dada Sarvatmananda whispered in Shraddhananda’s ear was, "For the sake of…..., you must support me in all that I do."

That first PP Dada's reply was, "Yes, I will."

Sarvatmananda knew then that he had his man. And indeed, PP did not disappoint. PP Dada gave his stamp of approval on all that Sarvatmananda did: Inclusion of so-called mahaprayan into Caryacarya, unjust expulsion of margiis and wts, and the destruction of margii rights - everything. Whatever Sarvatmananda wanted to do, PP Dada gave his ok.

Folly of Sarvatmananda

So in all the ways, Sarvatmananda's choice of PP was 100% perfect for what he wanted to do. There was only one aspect that Sarvatmananda failed to understand. He lacked the foresight to know that this same PP would obediently follow any other master as well. That was Sarvatmananda’s only folly.

Just as a dog is obedient to one particular master, but if that master is changed then the dog will be most faithful to the next master. That is not the fault of the dog for doing like this, but rather the short-sightedness of the first master for not realising that this was going to happen.

So here Shraddhananda should not be blamed per se.

PP became stooge to balkanize AMPS to pieces

First and foremost, PP Shraddhananda betrayed Baba by stealing Baba’s discourses on Sixteen Points and printing those in his own name, i.e. by Ac Shraddhananda Avt. So on the cover the author is listed as Shraddhananda when in fact those are all stolen discourses that were originally given by Sadguru Baba. To put Shraddhanada’s thievery in perspective, if Dada Vijayananda had used this same tactic then none of the books in Ananda Marga would have been authored by Baba. Indeed, we would not have gotten a single book written by Baba; instead, they would all have listed Vijayananda as the author on the front cover. Such is the horrific example that Shraddhananda set. For a full explanation of how PP Dada Shraddhananda stole Baba’s discourses on Sixteen Points, please click on the link below the signature. 
Next are some of the sinful rules and deeds which Sarvatmananda created and PP Shraddhananda gladly followed these adharmic rituals:

(a) PP did not attend dharmacakra; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(b) PP did not sing Prabhat Samgiita; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(c) PP Shraddhananda did not dance or sing kiirtan; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(d) PP did not participate in akhanda kiirtan; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(e) PP did not do madhura sadhana; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(f) PP did not attend paincajanya; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(g) PP Shraddhananda did not sit for Guru Puja on an equal seat according to the system in Caryacarya; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(h) PP did not raise the slogan, Parama Pita Baba Ki - Jai, for Baba; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(i) Rather, when everyone was raising the Parama Pita Baba Ki - Jai slogan then he accepted that Jai slogan by his hand gesture; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.
(j) In a similar fashion, PP was receiving the VSS salute to the Divine Father by his posture; by this way, he disobeyed Sadguru Baba’s order.


Sincere margiis and Wts are aware about what Dada Shraddhananda did after 1990. PP Shraddhananda approved unjust expulsions of margiis and wts, implemented dogma, and signed off on a whole host of unjust acts including destroying margii rights and implementing the fake BP manual. He willingly accepted this role like a puppet.

Since all this started there has been no end in sight. Indeed, Shraddhananda obliterated margii rights in cahoots with Sarvatmananda and later on with Rudrananda.

Remember Baba did not give any special conduct rule for the post of PP because PP is a normal human being. Only it was Dada Sarvatmananda who invented so many do’s and don’ts for PP to jack up his image. And PP Shraddhananda gladly accepted those anti-Ananda Marga rules. Nature will never spare him of his sins.

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha was formed to eradicate all sorts of dogma yet after 1990 PP Dada became the stooge in the hand of Sarvatmananda, and later Rudrananda, to make AMPS dogmatic. That is unfortunate.

in Him,

PP stole Baba’s book

~ In-depth study ~

Mythological story related with our Marga

Here is one old mythological story which provides one glimpse as to how the face of our Ananda Marga changed since 1990.

Long ago in one kingdom there was one King who was extremely unhappy with his eldest daughter. She did not obey him plus she was constantly arguing and creating problems in general. Hence the King was furious with her. So to teach her a lesson the King came up with one plan. He decided that as he himself was responsible for arranging his daughter's marriage, then he would select the most foolish person in the kingdom to be her husband. By this way she might realise her past mistakes and arrogant ways.

Search for most foolish person

With this in mind, the King promptly sent out all sorts of volunteers, horsemen, and soldiers to search for the most foolish person in the land. Quickly reports began coming in from all the ten directions. And every day the King was hearing the news from his ministers about who could be the "perfect match" for his daughter-- i.e. who was that most foolish person.

But thus far no one could satisfy the King's demand. So the King called for the search to go on until the proper candidate was found.

In that setting, in depths of one forgotten jungle, 2 expert soldiers from the King's army came across one remarkable scene; indeed they were shocked to see what was going on. There they found that one very "simple", illiterate villager was high up in a tree, standing on a branch that was around 40 feet above the ground. And this fellow had one big saw in his hand and step by step he was vigorously cutting the branch. But that was not all because as this fellow engaged in his cutting, he had placed himself on the wrong side of the limb-- the part that was to be cut from the tree. That's why the soldiers were watching this scene with great interest. Because by now the branch was more than 50% cut and still the foolish fellow was standing on the wrong side. That’s to say this "simple" villager had foolishly perched himself on the side of the branch that, with just a few more strokes of the saw, would come violently crashing down to the ground.

Without wasting any more time, the two soldiers gave a quick look of confirmation to one another and then the senior soldier immediately called out to the tribesman high up on the branch. And the soldier gestured for him to stop his work and come down from the tree.

Then the soldier told him, “Congratulations, you are a prime candidate for becoming a royal relation.” And feeling quite satisfied that indeed they had found the most foolish person in the kingdom, the soldiers quickly embarked on the long journey to bring their chosen person back to the King's palace by horseback.

Found: King's perfect stooge

Up to that point the King had already been presented with the tales of many a foolish person, but he had rejected all. They were not foolish enough. So when the King heard that his two expert soldiers had returned from the depths of the jungle with one very qualified candidate, he was very anxious to hear the story that what this person was doing. So he told his ministers to have the soldiers come immediately to his court.

Then in slow, deliberate language the senior soldier recounted the entire scene to the King. How the unsuspecting villager was very high up in the tree -- and cutting the branch with a big saw -- and 40 forty feet off the ground -- and completely oblivious that he was on the wrong side -- and the branch was bending -- and still the foolish fellow was fully involved in cutting -- and the branch going to fall -- and cutting was going on more and more -- and still he was completely unaware of what was going to happen -- and forty feet above the ground -- the branch was making creaking noises -- and he was standing on the side that about to fall -- and...

The king listened in amazement and near disbelief at how foolish this person was. And even before the soldier had finished the story, with tears of joy and laughter in his eyes the King exuberantly cried out, “Yes, indeed this is our man; he is the most foolish person in the kingdom. He will serve my purpose.”

Mirror image of our AMPS

The above is one mythological story yet it is quite applicable to one certain event in our Marga. Because in a similar fashion, those days in 1990 Sarvatmananda wanted to give some very significant post to a similarly "simple" person whom he could easily control, and thereby exercise the authority of that post. By this way Sarvatmananda thought that, “I, Sarvatmananda, will be able to execute the full authority. So it needs that I should find some extremely "simple" person who will abide by my every order - regardless of what I want to do.”

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

O’ brothers & sisters

“Áj egiye calo sakal mánuś bhái, ámantrań sabáre jánái...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0968)


My dear human beings, today let us advance forward and embark on our collective march towards our cherished neo-humanism. We invite one and all. Brothers and sisters, everyone come; no one is neglected; nobody should think they are left out, not a single individual is alien. All are my kith and kin and invited on this grand occasion. We have to remain united and move together to form one human society.

My sisters and brothers, due to infighting between different theories, dogmas, clans, countries, and the battle over what is “mine” and “yours” etc, all kinds of fissiparous tendencies have divided our human society into pieces. Our universal family is rolling in the dust. The demons have pulverized us by injecting narrow-minded, pseudo-ideologies, and dogmatic religious teachings. Various myths and gospels have segregated one person from the next. They all preached the false message of the superiority of their clan, religion, or group. And they have destroyed the unity of the entire cosmic society. We are to make one universal human family which is all-inclusive and based on neo-humanism. Our goal is Parama Purusa. We are all one—our Father is the same Supreme Father. Ours is a paternal family relation. Now we should come together and march forward hand-in-hand, shoulder-to-shoulder and wipe away the tears of the suffering and bring them unto the balm of peace. We are to establish ek manav samaj—one human society.

My dear brothers and sisters, the peace and tranquility of our universal family was poisoned by myths, gospels, and dogmatic teachings. The flower pollen of peace and tranquility has become one with the dust. These anti-social elements do not want to see people living together in harmony. So they have inserted the seeds of division and tainted the moonlight too. O’ fellow travelers of the path of life divine, come - we can resolve whatever problems that arise  By the grace of Parama Purusa, victory is ours. With a strong hand, row the boat, fighting against all obstacles. Let us move forward by His grace…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Party politics ruins elections

Prout philosophy states, “Honest and benevolent individuals should carefully steer clear of party politics. The question may arise, In the absence of party politics, will honest individuals succeed on their own in forming governments or in serving the state? Is there any necessity for organized endeavour? In answer to this question I will say that those who are honest, who really want to promote human welfare, and who believe in a world government and the ideals of Ánanda Parivára [a blissful, universal family], must possess the spirit of mutual cooperation. They may form themselves into boards exclusively for the purpose of rendering social service collectively (and not for fomenting politics), but it will not be proper for such boards to contest elections.”

“People should cast their votes for deserving human beings – not for the lamppost holding the party ticket.”

Prout philosophy states, “To further the interests of the party, party politics may publicly oppose something which is often secretly encouraged. Communalism, provincialism, casteism, etc. – none of these are considered bad for the sake of party interests. The only identity of human beings is that they are humans – living beings. Party politics strives to keep people oblivious of this fact – it tries to pulverize the psychic wealth of human beings under the steamroller of party interests.” (1)

Note: Around the globe wherever there is democracy, people are making wrong choices in their elections. In theory, particular leaders are elected; but in practice no leader is elected. They are not leaders - they are party agents. And they favour their party when making laws etc. That is what Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is talking about here. For instance, in the US elections, voters of the democratic or republican party  vote for anyone on the party ticket. They are giving their vote to the lamppost holding the party ticket.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #27

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