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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Sinful food + 3 more


Sinful food


Sadguru Baba says “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (1)

The annual death ceremony is held in Tiljala, and some people do attend and participate. But those attendees should be careful. Eating food at an annual death ceremony is sinful. Any food taken at an annual death ceremony food is the worst of the worst. You will not find any Ananda Marga scripture that condones eating such food - rather the warning is: Any food / feast at an annual death ceremony is sinful. So no true Ananda Margii eats that food.

In this life, people unknowingly commit so many sins so then why knowingly add to that pile of sin by eating at an annual death ceremony. And because of one’s own past sins, they suffer horrible reactions such as terrible accidents, harsh diseases, and premature death etc. So adding another baggage of sin by eating at an annual death day ceremony is not a good idea. One should watch out and not take such a risk - lest they have to undergo tragedy in the future.

Sin: eating food offered at a wake

Those attending annual death day MPD dogma are eating sinful food.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (2)

Note: "Priityanna: If a person wants to feed you out of genuine intimacy, you should take that food happily, even if it is just grains and vegetables. But if someone invites you only to make a show to people, never accept his/her food. Ápadanna: When life is jeopardized because of the lack of food and water, you need not consider whether the food is prohibited on any grounds or comes from an unworthy person." (Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37)

Guru says, “Shráddhánna – Shráddhánna (food offered at a wake) is neither Priityanna nor Ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (3)

Ananda Margiis should never create a self-inflicted wound. Why create another bundle of sin and undergo and face those sufferings.

in Him,
Renuka Guha’

~ In-depth study ~

Why eating at MPD is double sin

Those who are new to this annual death ceremony should know that an annual death ceremony is scheduled from 21 October to 26 October. Food served during that week-long annual death ceremony is sinful.

Bear in mind, an annual death ceremony is not approved of by Ananda Marga ideology so that annual commemoration is itself sinful. And eating food at an annual death ceremony is sinful. So eating food at an annual death ceremony is a double sin. Ananda Margiis should never create a self-inflicted wound. Indeed, why invite another bundle of sin.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days.” (4)

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
3. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #37
4. Caryacarya -1, Shraddha Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Relationship between sadhana & groupism

In His below teaching, Baba guides us that when we see someone supporting a particular group or an agenda based on caste, creed, colour, race, then we should be alert. By digging down, we will find that the person is not sincere in sadhana. Because Ananda Marga sadhana is the sadhana of the infinite Parama Purusa. By ideating on Him, the mind becomes larger and more vast. That is why standard sadhakas do not support any kind of groupism etc. So watch out: if someone is supporting any group then try to politely convey that they should increase their sadhana. By this way their mind will expand; and, thereafter from the core of their heart they will naturally keep their distance from any type of lowly outlook like groupism etc. This following quote from Sadguru guides us in this direction.

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc. Often I hear people say that nationalism is an appreciable sentiment and that there is no narrowness in it. But is this true? Nationalism is also relative, just like tribalism, communalism or provincialism. In some places it is more worthwhile than tribalism, communalism or provincialism, while in other places it is less worthwhile..."
   "Hence it is observed that communalism, casteism, provincialism and nationalism are all of the same defective type. Those who are able to capitalize on one of these sentiments advocate it volubly. In fact, every one of these sentiments suffers from the defect of ism, and is completely filled with narrowness, violence, envy, mean mindedness, etc. Those who enter the field of social welfare by creating divisions between “yours” and “mine”, substantially widen the fissures of fissiparous intellect in human society."
   "Those who want to promote the welfare of all human beings, remaining above all sorts of parochial sentiments, have no alternative but to embrace universalism with their heart and soul – there is no other way. As universalism is totally devoid of any characteristic of ism, it is not proper to depict universalism as an ism. If everyone is looked upon as one’s own, no one remains beyond the periphery of one’s kith and kin. Naturally, then, there is no scope for violence, envy, narrowness, etc….The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #18

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