Guru puja to dead man
At the recent shraddha ceremony held the other day in Mumbai for Dr Prabhakar Sandu, they had a photo of the deceased on the puja table. Sadly, this transgresses our Ananda Marga teachings and ethics:
#1: It exacerbates the sorrow of the those in mourning as they are reminded of their loss by seeing the photo of their loved one.Take a look at what transpired at the shraddha ceremony in Mumbai for Dr. Prabhakar Sandu.
#2: It creates the uncomfortable situation whereby attendees are doing Guru puja to the deceased.
Please pay attention to the below photo. In the middle there is an aisle and at the far end there is a photo, and that is the photo of the sadhaka who recently died. Now all the sadhakas present are doing sadhana and after there will be Guru puja. And when Guru puja was done then also this photo of the deceased was there at the forefront that is why it can be called as Guru puja to dead man.
~ Against AM values: Photo of deceased on puja table in Mumbai ~
Please pay attention to the above photo of the recent shraddha ceremony held in Mumbai. In the middle there is an aisle and at the far end there is a photo, and that is the photo of the sadhaka who recently died. Now all the sadhakas present are doing sadhana and after there will be Guru puja. And when Guru puja was done then also this photo of the deceased was there at the forefront that is why it can be called as Guru puja to dead man.
Not putting photo is for benefit of mourners
In His Hindi Ananda Vacanamrtam discourse about how to deal with death, Baba guides us that when the loss is raw for those mourners, then the mind should be diverted away from their loss. That is why during the mourning period, after a death, nobody should talk about or praise the deceased in front of the deceased’s family members. Because that will exacerbate the suffering in the mind of those mourners. Having the photo on display will only heighten the pain of those grieving as it will be a constant reminder of their loss.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "मान लो कोई, किसी के घर में किसी का देहान्त हो गया | …. बुद्धिमान के माफ़िक चाहिए, उसके मन को और विषय में divert करने की चेष्टा करो | यद्यपि उस वक्त divert करना बहुत difficult काम होगा | तब भी वही है एकमात्र उपाय |" (Abhinivesha se Bacane ka' Upa'ya - 2, NP, GD 1 August 1968) (1)
Here is the English summary of Baba’s above Hindi teaching.
At the time of death and during the shraddha ceremony, it is important to divert the mind of those mourners from their loss. Although diverting the mind from their sorrow is a very difficult task, whatever it may be, but the diversion of mind from their tragedy is the only remedy.In Him,
Liila’ Karkare
Note: In the photo of the above shraddha ceremony held in Mumbai, males are seated on the left and female margiis are on the right. This is flip-flopped. As per the custom in our AM system at DMC and dharmacakra etc, the male margiis sit on the right and the female sadhakas are on the left.
1. Abhinivesha se Bacane ka' Upa'ya - 2, NP, GD 1 August 1968
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