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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bogus things: Prajina Bharatii magazine + 2 more


Bogus things: Prajina Bharatii magazine


The Editorial of Prajina Bharatii (PB) magazine #249 presents some fake and bogus notions on selfishness. To begin, see this below highly problematic paragraph from their Editorial:

In their above paragraph, those Prajina Bharatii editors claim that doing for oneself without harming others is not selfishness. Yet doing only for oneself is the very essence of what it means to be selfish - i.e. doing just for oneself. 
Backwards definition of selfishness

Specifically the Prajina Bharatii editorial states that the real meaning of selfishness is doing something for oneself while ignoring other’s interest or while harming others. In contrast, Bábá’s dharmic teaching is the polar opposite.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Then, jagaddhitáya ca. A person is doing everything for his or her own spiritual elevation, own liberation, for complete emancipation. That he or she is doing for his or her liberation is well and good, but is he or she not a selfish person? Whatever one is doing, one is doing for one’s own liberation – but one is not doing anything for others. You say – is it not a fact? The person is selfish. So while one is doing something for one’s own liberation, one is to serve others also. And how is one to serve others? The best service is viprocita sevá [intellectual service].” (1)

As per Ánanda Márga ideology, one is selfish if, without caring about others, one lives in a cave to do sádhaná for one’s own moks’a. But the Prajina Bharatii Editorial makes the opposite claim. It says that if, without caring about others, one lives in a cave to do sádhaná for one’s own moks’a then one is not selfish.

Then as per the Prajina Bharatii Editorial the act cannot be called selfish as one is not interfering with ‘the “interest of others.” This idea of Átmamoks’a (liberation of self) without bothering about Jagathita (welfare of others) does not go along with Ánanda Márga ideology. Here, we must understand that welfare can only take place in spiritual realm. So, all types of services should have a motive of true welfare (hita) meaning spiritual progress of everyone. Without a motive of hita the service cannot be called service.


Thus we see that the Prajina Bharatii editorial wrongly states that selfish acts are those that are done for one’s benefit while ignoring the interests of others or harming them.

According to Prajina Bharatii editorial if one is not at all concerned about others and only concerned about oneself even then they are not selfish.

As per Ánanda Márga ideology, one should not simply focus on oneself, rather without reservations one should be wholeheartedly engaged in serving others for their welfare. Moreover, any action if does not lead to welfare of others is selfish act.

in Him,

Here is the list of wrongdoers

Editor- A’ca’rya Ra’kesha’nanda Avt. (secy.-Purodha’ Board)
Sub-editor- A’ca’rya Amaleshananda Avt (secy.-Avadhuta Board)
Subscription-A’ca’rya Puspendrananda Avt. (secy.-A’ca’rya Board)
Publisher/circulation- A’ca’rya Pranaveshananda Avt. (secy.-Ta’ttvika Board)
(Prajiṋa Bharatii magazine - consecutive no. #249)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-30, The Four Kinds of Service

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Wrong way to treat “thief”

 Ananda Marga ideology says, “We deduce conclusions just from whatever we observe in this external phenomenal world. We should try to see the subtle cause behind the crude phenomenal world, but we do not see it. For instance, a particular person stole something, and when we say, “Thief! Thief!” people will start beating him. If we try to inquire about the reasons for the theft, we may come to know that he had been hungry for the last three days. And how are we treating him? We are beating him rather than giving him food. So we should think and try to find the noumenal cause behind the phenomenal world. If he was hungry and so stole, then we are more responsible for that theft than he, because we failed to build up society, so that he had to remain hungry. So we must see, and try to find the noumenal cause behind the prima facie observable world. If we are intelligent beings, possessing intellect, we must discover the noumenal cause. It is not proper to arrive at conclusions from mere observation of outward expressions.”
   “In some places today, a person’s hand is cut off if he engages in stealing. With a little thought it can be seen that this is not at all a humanistic recourse to eliminate stealing. We must seek the noumenal cause behind all actions.”

1. Ananda Vacanamrtamt - 12, Towards the Noumenal Entity

== Section ==

Islam: Why there is so much killing and bloodshed

"What if a man you knew began telling people that God was routinely speaking to him and only him - and that the "revelations" he claimed to be receiving were mostly about him and his relative importance to all other people? Say, for example, that this self-proclaimed prophet insisted that God had declared him to be the 'excellent pattern of conduct' for mankind (Quran 33:21) and that others were therefore to accord him with special privilege, unwavering obedience (Quran 4:80) , wealth and earthly desires, including all of the slaves and more women than his lust could handle.

Such figures still arise from time to time. Some of the more dynamic manage to develop a small group of followers so taken with their leader's self assurance that they willingly offer their own children to him for "marriage" or even kill on his behalf.

Imagination of a narcissist?

Would it really validate the message of any such cult leader if his followers did successfully kill and seize the property of anyone who dared disagree? What if they gradually expanded their power and numbers in such fashion that eventually they were recognized as a major world religion? Would that make the cult leader's claims about himself true? Would it really change the fact that what they believe ultimately sprang from the imagination of a narcissist?

In 610, an Arab salesman named Muhammad attracted a small cult of credulous fanatics by claiming to be a prophet. Though his "revelations" were self-referential and occasionally contradicting, he was successful in manipulating his followers with promises of heavenly reward and threat of divine wrath. The god heard only by him told them to lie and steal for him, to give their children to him for sexual pleasure and, eventually, to gruesomely murder his detractors.

There are two ways to approach a study of Muhammad. One is with reverence and the other is with skepticism. Thinking persons choose the latter. They are not influenced by the number of Muslim believers in the world today or by their force of belief because these are meaningless for determining truth. They care only about fact.

The facts presented in the biography by Ibn Ishaq about the life of Muhammad and the origins of Islam are fully supported by the works of early Muslim biographers upon which all later historians rely

History of birth of Islam

To understand Islam, you must understand the harsh circumstances into which the religion was born. The Arabian Peninsula at the time of Muhammad (b.570 AD) was a barren and desolate region with scorching sun and oppressive heat by day, and chilling cold at night. There was little vegetative growth, and the nomadic inhabitants lived between jagged rocks and shifting sand dunes.

While Europe and much of the Middle East was transitioning from the Roman to the Byzantine Empire, with roads, irrigation canals, aqueducts, and a culture that included philosophical discourse and theater, the Arabians lived short and brutal lives in warring tribes with little to offer the rest of the world beyond their own harsh existence.

It is “the religion which has produced nothing but religion"

This partly explains Islam's inherent hostility to music and art, which some extremists, such as the Taliban, take quite literally. Islam does not encourage the pursuit of knowledge outside of itself. It is, as Oriana Fallaci puts it, it is “the religion which has produced nothing but religion."

The inhospitable climate protected the peninsula from conquest and cultural influence. No foreign army felt that sheep and goats were worth taking from the desert fighters, so the area was relatively isolated, with the exception of certain trading routes. The renaissance of knowledge that the rest of the world had been experiencing since the Greek revival was largely missed out on by the Arabs, whose entire energies were devoted to daily survival against the ruthless environment and other tribes.

Obligations did not extend beyond one’s tribe

For these people, morality was dictated merely by necessity, and obligations did not extend beyond one’s tribe. This is a critical basis for the development of the Islamic attitude toward those outside the faith, including the moral principle that the ethics of any act are determined only by whether or not it benefits Muslims.

There were pagan religious traditions in Arabia, particularly among those based in the trading centers such as Muhammad's birthplace of Mecca. Some of these towns had Kaabas - cube-like structures that would attract pilgrims during holy months. The Kaaba at Mecca housed various idols, including the black meteorite that remains to this day.

in addition to the black rock, Muhammad's Quraish tribe worshipped a moon god called Allah. Other gods were recognized as well. In fact, the town of Mecca was renowned for religious tolerance, where people of all faiths could come and pray at the Kaaba. (This would later change once Muhammad gained the power to establish his authority by force)." (1)

(To be continued)
1. Comment of M. Twain, Courtesy of Washington Post  

== Section 3: Links ==

Ananda Purnima - April 30, 2018
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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Bogus things: Prajina Bharatii magazine
2. IT: Wrong way to treat “thief” 
3. Links

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