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Monday, January 29, 2018

Filth of Wts, overseas​ + 3 more


Filth of Wts, overseas​

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha organisation is for the propagation of Ananda Marga ideology and Ananda Marga spiritual cult. So in the sphere of kiirtan, we only propagate and sing: Baba Nam Kevalam, not any other dogmatic Hindu kiirtan. That is why it is so concerning that on a particular so-called Ananda Marga website, there is a fictitious kiirtan video blasting the Hindu dogmatic kiirtan - Jaya Jagatambe. And this is sitting directly on the homepage in the section titled ‘Featured Videos.’

This video violates our code of Ananda Marga

This is problematic in a number of ways. First and foremost this video violates our codes of Ista and adarsha. Because instead of propagating Sadguru Baba (Ista) and our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan, this video is highlighting the imaginary Hindu goddess Kali / Durge worship. They recite the following chant:

Ma kali durge namo namaha
Jagatambe namo namaha

On the so-called Ananda Marga website they are singing a fake kiirtan that glorifies the fictitious and dogmatic, Hindu, fabricated goddesses kali, durga, and jagatambe. Whereas Baba says a sadhaka should chant only one name of the Lord, not multiple. Sadly the makers of this video and in-charges of the AnandaMarga(dot)org website have completely fallen into the dirty, polytheism of Hindu dogma.

See below how the in-charge Dadas of the AnandaMarga(dot)org website highlighted this dogmatic Hindu goddess kiirtan video where one young female is dancing alluringly round and round. Such Dadas have specially featured this video on the website yet it is wrought with western pseudo-culture and Hindu dogma. As you can see, the entire presentation is contrary to our Ananda Marga way of life. Anyone committed to the ideals of Sixteen Points will easily discern how this dogmatic Hindu goddess kiirtan video is against the values of Ananda Marga ideology.

If you already read this up above you may continue on to the next paragraph. But In case you did not read this earlier, by the above photo see how the in-charge Dadas of the AnandaMarga(dot)org website highlighted this dogmatic Hindu goddess kiirtan video where one young female is dancing alluringly round and round. Such Dadas have specially featured this video on the website yet it is wrought with western pseudo-culture and Hindu dogma. As you can see, the entire presentation is contrary to our Ananda Marga way of life. Anyone committed to the ideals of Sixteen Points will easily discern how this dogmatic Hindu goddess kiirtan video is against the values of Ananda Marga ideology.

Dogmatic deity sham kiirtana

First and foremost our aim is to stand for our Ananda Marga values and ideals. On this point Sadguru Baba is uncompromising. From the very beginning, Baba put forth His dharmic code of yama and niyama and rejected the caste system. At the time, the caste system was one of the strongest and most dogmatic pillars of Indian society; but from day 1 Baba rejected it. Back then, some naive people thought that Baba would be able to bring more into the Marga if He accepted the caste system, even temporarily. But Baba's plan was to put forth Ananda Marga ideology and introduce His dharmic teachings. So He gave His code of yama and niyama and rejected the caste system. In result, the world understood that Ananda Marga is strict in dharma, and good people immediately came forward to join AM. Maybe many dogmatic types would have joined if the caste system was embraced, but then it would not have been Ananda Marga. It would have been just another dogma.

Likewise, if Baba had not given the do's and don'ts of yama and niyama, maybe crude people would have joined because then they could drink wine etc, but then it would not have been AM. Those good people who were looking for a dogma-free path would have kept themselves far away as well. So Baba clearly advocates the approach of maintaining the precepts of our ideology from the get-go. And seeing this, good people will come. Baba does not appreciate accepting various dogmas in order to attract all kinds of participants or elements etc - as was done in the above video.


Suppose you have the desire to attract parrots but somehow you thought that the best bait is the flesh of a dead animal. So you tie that animal flesh to a branch of the tree to attract the parrot. The next morning you will find vultures hovering over that animal flesh - not parrots. Due to your ignorance you put the wrong bait for attracting parrots. In the same way, if in hopes of attracting new margiis you used Hindu, dogmatic, fictitious, dirty kiirtan as bait on your website, then you will see that only narrow-minded, outdated, dogmatic Hindus became attracted, not neo-humanistic Ananda Margii youths. Because you are using the wrong bait. Our bait should be aligned with Ananda Marga ideology.

in Him,
Paula Turnberg

~ For in-depth study ~

How deity Durga goddess dogma started

In His books Namah Shivaya Shantaya and Ananda Vacanamrtam part 11, Baba dedicates chapter after chapter to unearthing and explaining the dogmatic nature of all the Hindu gods and goddesses. He calls them mythical, imaginary, and labels them as nothing more than rotten dogma. And here Baba points out how the origin of worshiping goddess Durga was just a crude manifestation of narcissism and wealth. It has no base in devotion or spirituality. So it is a dogma in the most fundamental and rudimentary way.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The system of worshipping the goddess Durgá was first introduced in Bengal by Kaḿsa Náráyańa Ráy, the king of Táhirpur of Rájsáhi District, now in Bangladesh. King Kaḿsanáráyańa had a lot of wealth. He told the pandits, “I have so much wealth, I would like to hold the Rájasuya Sacrifice.” The pandits said, “O king, in Kali Yuga there is no system for holding the Rájasuya Sacrifice. But since you have so much money, you can celebrate the worship of the goddess Durgá in accordance with the instructions in the Márkańd́eya Puráńa.”" (1)

Jai durge namo namaha kiirtan in name of AM is sin

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The story goes that Kaḿsanáráyańa Ráy spent as much as 700,000 rupees for the worship of the goddess Durgá. 700,000 of the rupees of those days means almost 70 million rupees today. It was a huge expense, and this sparked a competition among the other kings and landlords. The following year King Jagadvaballabh (his name was Jagat Náráyańa according to other sources) spent 850,000 rupees on the worship of the goddess. In this unhealthy process of competition, the worship of the goddess Durgá became an affair restricted only to the wealthy landlord households." (2)

The creation of Durga kiirtana was upon founded imagination & dogma, and has no relation with bhakti yoga. So doing the kiirtan of goddess Durga today will not bring the practitioner any closer to god. Indeed, Baba has invested much time and energy in educating us about the dangers of idolatry. So we should pay heed to His warning and not fall into ritualistic and dogmatic approaches like Durga kiirtana. Nor should we allow others to do so. In Caryacarya, Baba specifically warns us about idol worship, like Durga kiirtana etc.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "As, in principle, you do not support the philosophy of those who, in the name of worship of God, indulge in idolatry, do not participate in their ceremonies." (3)

In straight language, Sadguru Baba tells us "not to participate in their ceremonies".

Which Wts are culprits

The AnandaMarga(dot)org website seems to be run by a patchwork of Wts. Here is key registration information about this site:

Registrant Contact Information:
AMPS Domain Registration
Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha
Dist Purulia, West Bengal, India 700039
Ph: 1+(718) 898.1603

Administrative Contact Information:
Domain Name Proxy Service
Metairie, Louisiana (USA)
1+(504) 355.0082

Here Baba gives the warning about the noxious, degrading, and vulgar ways of pseudo-culture. Baba points out the disastrous effect of such crude activities.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If someone makes a sound like 'ra, ra, ra -- cha, cha, cha' or if someone sings, 'Follow my song! Let us sing and dance our way to hell', these are sound inferences, but they carry a very crude idea." (4)

~ This is the website that is hosting, supporting, featuring & highlighting tis dogmatic video ~

The website organisers have fully immersed themselves in western pseudo-culture as the central singer / dancer in the video is a young, sultry, half-naked woman. Astonishingly, the video is entitled “The Bhaktas” but this whole entire video has nothing to do with bhakti and everything to do with Hindu religious dogma etc. It is a real shame.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - part 11, The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - part 11, The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses
3. Caryacarya - 2, 'Society', pt #35
4. Microvitum in a nutshell, Smell and Microvita – Excerpt C

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba, You knocked on the door of my hut

"Jhaŕa jhainjháy varaśáy, tumi esechile amánisháy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2492)

Note: This Prabhat Samgiita composition depicts how when a sadhaka experiences frustration, feels all alone, faces tragedy, and is engulfed in misery, then Parama Purusa comes and transforms everything in life. That is the scene in this song.

The dark, stormy, amavasya (new moon) night represents life's miseries and tragedies. Parama Purusa’s knocking on the door shows how when a sadhaka is very frustrated and unable to call Parama Purusa, remember Him, or attract Him in dhyana, then He comes to help. The last stanza illustrates how frustrations turn into solutions, and sadness turns into joy. Life has become extremely positive and blissful, by His grace. Such is the metaphor that is depicted in this song.

The overall teaching is that when tragedy strikes and the sadhaka has neither the strength nor presence of mind to call Him, then Parama Purusa showers His grace, comes, and rescues him. This transformation occurs in all spheres of life: Physical, psychic, and spiritual.


O' Parama Purusa, on that dark amavasya night when a huge hurricane was storming and pouring rain, You came. The little door of my hut was closed. I was all alone in my house - sleeping. I was so neglected; nobody cared for my whereabouts. I was lost and forgotten. But You came that night. 

Baba, You are so merciful. You knocked on the door of my hut with Your own hand. The sound of Your grand arrival awakened me. It was so blissful; my whole existence became charged. I was suffused with the bliss of Your divine presence and the showering of Your grace. With a sweet and tender wave of Your hand You motioned for me to come out from the dark hut. And lovingly You told me, "Come close and smile to your heart's content." You also told me that, "Now see this world in a new way, with a new form."

And that time one unbelievable thing happened. You changed the entire scene. My little hut became huge - as vast as the three worlds. Virtually all the three worlds became one. I could see even the stars, galaxies and nebulae - they all came close. That time my heart was completely filled and inundated with the eternal flow of Your grace, love, and compassion. 

O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, You showered Your causeless grace on me that very dark night when I was all alone, neglected, and sad...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

What happens to those who fall prey to greed

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Whether one be a philanthropist or a star athlete, one desires to see what is written about them in the newspaper. This means that in trying to do some good work, what are they really doing? They are falling under the sway of one propensity, the propensity of greed. Now if this act is encouraged by the society, that is, if the newspapers dedicate a lot of attention to such news, or if people in general say, “Sir, whatever you are doing is unparalleled in history. Sir, we are not eulogizing you. We are simply telling the truth” – if they praise such a person in this way and then try to extract some money from them (there are such intelligent people around) – then what does it amount to indirectly? The propensity of greed increases. Which animal is the greediest among the animals with which we are all very familiar? It does not like to give up greed in spite of ill treatment and humiliations. It is the cat. Yes, after moving a few steps ahead, the cat forgets that it was beaten. So, that particular person is reborn as a cat after death, because that body affords an opportunity for the satiation of their greed. When the housewife looks around inattentively, the cat sneaks into the kitchen through the small opening in order to reach the milk or fish in the kitchen. So in order to exhaust the samskáras one needs an appropriate body. Some people obtain a new body immediately after death and others obtain it later. But one has to obtain it somehow."
   "One who is doing philanthropic work today, tries to find out tomorrow whether or not their name appeared in the newspaper. They have no desire to read the other news. They read the news that relates to themselves twenty times but do not go through the other news with much enthusiasm. If someone asks they might say that today there was only one important piece of news, nothing else. That is how a person comes under the sway of a propensity and remains subject to the cycle of birth and rebirth." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 10, 22 April ’79

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Filth of Wts, overseas
2. PS #2492: Baba, You knocked on the door of my hut
3. IT: What happens to those who fall prey to greed
4. Links

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