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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Bark: “Write to higher authorities”


Bark: “Write to higher authorities”

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


When all the groups were still united, various margiis were sincere in writing to the higher authorities. Courageous margiis were raising issues to Centre about the organisational injustices, but no reply ever came. Rather such innocent margii writers were victimised, tortured, and expelled. Those days all the groups were still living under one roof. They were all bound together by some black pact. Central Wts would collectively toss aside any issue about organisational wrongdoing and jointly attack the margii who raised that matter. That was standard practice those days - who can forget.

Hypocrisy of those stooges

Back during the years from 1990 --1998, whenever any point was raised about organisational impropriety then immediately a whole chorus of "yes men” would chant, “Write to higher authorities.” This was their chosen mantra. And so many good margiis wrote, but they were always left with a bitter experience. Numerous margiis sincerely wanted to solve the problems but in turn were ridiculed and victimised for raising the matter. When they began to talk with others about the issue, then the "yes men” of Centre would repeat, “Write to higher authorities, write to higher authorities.”

For example, when the point of groupism in the AMPS was first raised on the public platform, then various persons vociferously chanted the chorus, “Do not speak about this openly, just write to higher authorities.” This was their scripted response to toss the matter aside and silence that margii.

Who proclaims "Write to higher authorities"

Even then, stooges jump into certain discussions and advise, “Write to the higher authorities.” And who is it that does this? In essence, we can say that there are three types of people who resort to the slogan “write to higher authorities”.

(A) Firstly, those who are guilty of or indulged in that very problem will resort to this tactic. So a confirmed groupist will give the slogan - “Write to higher authorities” - if someone wishes to complain about groupism. Because they want to dismiss the issue and cover up their own misdeeds.

(B) Secondly, certain blind supporters also sing “Write to higher authorities” because they are getting some boon or boost from the 'powers-that-be' and they do not want anything exposed about those so-called leaders. So if those stooges are able to subdue the matter by saying “write to higher authorities”, then they will get some benefit. For years and years those on the ACB were in this category.

(C) And the third type of person who resorts to this tactic - “Write to higher authorities” - are those who suffer from apathy and do not care about the matter. If anyone is small-minded they do not like to hear about anything that is beyond the periphery of their own petty self. In that case, in a distracted and uncaring voice, they say, “write to higher authorities.”

For example, if you tell a Hindu about the problem of women's rights among Muslim women, then that Hindu will not care about that matter. Because he thinks that, “Why should I worry about such Muslims etc.” So he will tell the person to bring the matter to the government. But when that same Hindu's own daughter is getting exploited, then he will certainly take a strong stand, raise the banner all around, and demand that justice be served.

Same is the case with some in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. If you tell them that the organisation is in trouble then they will not care and will just tell, “Write to higher authorities.” But if something happens in their own life - such as they get cheated out of a bank loan or someone steals their belongings - then all of a sudden they will become quite proactive.

Just goaded by self-interest

So nowadays in this era of groupism, this slogan - “Write to higher authorities” - is used by various persons when it suits their self-interest. For example, if they are "yes men” of the ruling faction and the BP elections are done improperly or if there is some sexual scandal by top stooges etc, then that supporter will never allow anyone to raise the matter. Rather they will repeat again and again, “Write to higher authorities.” That will be their method to smother the issue. But as soon as their chosen faction topples down or if for some reason they fall out of favour with that ruling group, then that same "yes man” will take to the airwaves and tell all.

That is why fifteen or more years ago various post holders did not like to talk about groupism; and, that is why today they are quick to talk about groupism. Because the tables turned on them and it no longer fits their needs to keep mum about groupism. Through it all, dedicated margiis continue to raise one dharmic point after another in order to improve the state of affairs in AMPS. And all along various "yes men” and others reply, “Write to higher authorities” because that best suits their need. And yet for their same self-interest, such "yes men” may one day raise that issue as if they are a great dharmika because suddenly it suits their petty interest.

That is why one day some may vociferously proclaim, “Write to higher authorities”; and, that is why the next day those same persons may complain in public about the same affair. Because their whole modus-operandi is goaded by self-interest. But all along margiis will be unfazed by the ways of such blind supporters. Rather, they will steadfastly move ahead on their ideological journey - doing anything and everything to please Baba and bring AMPS back into the limelight.

History will be the judge

Still margiis and wts are waiting for Sarvatmananda's admission of wrongdoing and feeling of repentance. He has done much damage yet he has no remorse - no repentance. What Sarvatmananda has done is on par with the misdeeds by Rudrananda etc. Because Rudrananda has manipulated all organisational systems by placing debauched people in the top posts. So in their own unique ways, both of these Dadas - Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda - have done immense and terrible harm.


To those brave margiis and wts who continue to raise the banner of Ananda Marga ideology regardless of what internal difficulties might arise, Baba has given the following message.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You should build a new human society at the earliest possible moment. Regarding those who are likely to create obstacles in your path – let them do so. You should remember that those who are the actual pioneers, the real vanguard of the society, are always a microscopic minority, but it is they who are destined to be victorious...The funny thing is this, that people do not give recognition at the time it is due. This is the natural law. And at the same time you should also remember this simple truth: that in a jungle the number of tigers and lions is always few; the jackals far outnumber them. Yet in the jungle the tigers and lions reign supreme, not the jackals. The jackals are sure to howl, that is their nature; but the tigers and lions will not be frightened." (1)

As soon as the leadership is proper then writing to higher authorities will take on a whole new meaning. In that case, justice will be served and dharmic reviews will be done. And we will create that monolithic Ananda Marga structure, by His grace.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Your future is bright – not only bright, but guaranteed. A new spiritual life free from all sorts of dogma is sure to come in the near future." (2)

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Physical, Psychic and Spiritual Strata
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Biological Transformation Associated with Psychic Metamorphosis and Vice Versa

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Oppression of women


#1: Baba has told in His discourse, "Liberation of Intellect", that although the negative forces want to continue their religious dogma and exploitation, but Parama Purusa wants to eradicate all religious dogma and the exploitation of females. And whatever Parama Purusa thinks, that is going to happen.

#2: Baba told in 1979 that those days in India women had hardly any rights, but since that time there has been tremendous change across the planet for women's freedom and equal rights. Although there has been some achievement in this regard, still there is a long way to go.

#3: This is a clear-cut example how the plan of Parama Purusa always gets manifested. Yet, those days it was beyond belief that there would ever be any progress in that regard.

#4: Everything Baba has told - whether it be the victory of dharma or the development of a Prout society - it will all come to fruition in due course.

Plight of women in Islam

#5: In general, all religions exploit females and to some or more degree it is still going on, but Islam stands alone in its ultra-notorious approach.

#6: It was unheard of that women would step up against their own Islamic religious dogma. Not very long even 5 - 10 years back if anybody came out they would get killed quickly by terrorists.

#7: Yet now even Muslim women are unmasking the perpetual female exploitation that is documented in those so-called religious scriptures. See the huge change that has taken place. And still today those ladies are alive after engaging in this protest.


#8: The wall of Islamic dogma is crumbling down before our very eyes.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There are some people who have the opinion that men are especially favoured by Parama Puruśa and that women are not; or that one man is equal to three women. This is dogma. These absurd ideas all originated in dogma. Any intelligent person can easily understand that these propositions are totally hollow and irrational." (1)

In Him,
Amar Deva
(Akhtar Ali)

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 15, “Buddha o Aśt́áḿga Márga”

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Hankers after name and fame: Beggar

In this teaching Ananda Marga philosophy graphically describes the state of one who desires prestige.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratiśt́há – the desire to make oneself known. A person influenced by [the desire for] pratiśt́há expects respect from everyone, and hankers after name and fame. This mental state can be easily compared with the mental condition of a beggar. The beggar asks money from others, while the person craving for prestige begs others to give him respect. [The person desires something that] is really meaningless and possesses no value, something that has been fitly compared to the excrement of a pig." (1)

Sadguru says, "Human beings are made of flesh and bones. If their heart or lungs stop functioning, in that case they will be lifted onto the shoulders of 4 other people in order to get thrown onto the funeral pyre. When this is the situation of human beings, where is the scope for self-glorification?" (2)

1. Ananda Vacamrtam Part 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section 3: Links ==

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