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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Fake vs true


Fake vs true


One margii has raised a very significant question that Mahasmbhuti is born and Mahasambhuti dies. And when the birth is celebrated then why ignore the so-called death.

He goes on to call others foolhardy for not commemorating His so-called death.

The reply is that Ananda Marga scripture is complete. What Guru wanted to say He told. And what He did not say was done with a purposeful intent. So there is no question of adding anything like an annual death day commemoration.

Propaganda pitch of supporters of dogma

The propaganda circular, by the supporters of dogma, asserts that when Ananda Purnima is celebrated then the death day should also be observed - regardless of what Sadguru has ordered. Otherwise history will be incomplete.


On various occasions, Baba has brought the point that Mahasambhuti comes on this earth and at some point leaves His physical body. But Baba did not instruct us to commemorate that day. So then it should not be done. True disciples follow Guru’s command and do not commemorate the annual death day,

In contrast, fake disciples do the exact opposite of Guru’s command and observe and commemorate the annual death day. Fake disciples invented this death day commemoration ceremony and started commemorating it against the Guru’s will.

Fake disciples - 1

Here are clear-cut ways to recognise who is a fake disciple:
- Saduru teaches do not do idol / tomb worship, but fake disciples do the exact opposite and do idol / tomb worship

- Sadguru says do not eat fish, but fake disciples do the exact opposite and eat fish.

- Sadguru says to propagate neo-humanism, but fake disciples do just opposite and preach groupism

- Sadguru says that Parama Purusa is all-pervasive, but fake disciples do just the opposite and preach that Parama Purusa is bound in a tomb.

- Sadguru says remain united, but fake disciples do the exact opposite and engage in balkanisation.

- Sadguru says do not observe the annual death day, but fake disciples do just the opposite and commemorate the death day annually.

- Sadguru says Ananda Marga ideology is complete and perfect, but fake disciples do just opposite and preached that it is not complete and added the maharayan appendix to Caryacraya part 1.

- Sadguru says don’t kill anybody but fake disciples did the exact opposite and killed an avadhuta in broad daylight.

- Sadguru says do not do annual death day commemoration, but fake disciples do just opposite and perform an annual death day observance.

Thus fake disciples do not follow Guru’s order; they are a black spot on the name of Guru.

All know that there are two basic types of disciples. True disciples follow Guru’s teachings, while fake disciples do not follow Guru. Such fake disciples do the exact opposite of Guru’s command.

Fake disciples - 2

Guru has also taught us in Guru puja: “Ajiṋánatimirándhasya jiṋánáiṋjana shalákayá.” The meaning is that the disciple’s mind is shrouded in darkness and Guru’s duty is to bestow the knowledge of enlightenment.

Guru is omniscient; He knows everything. Whereas the disciple does not know anything. So true disciples follow Guru’s every command and fake ones do not. By doing their annual death day commemoration, fake disciples want to impose their dogma on Guru’s dharmic guidelines. Such is their sorry mentality.

Bear in mind that it is one thing to commit a sin, and another thing to indulge in sin and goad others into those sinful ways as well - i.e. going against Guru. That is the worst of the worst.

The scripture says that if Guru is unhappy then no one can save you. So watch out.

The pulverisation of AMPS is due to many things but one fundamental cause is that certain so-called purodhas [see note 1] went against Guru and inserted the annual death day commemoration dogma in Caryacarya. By that way they filled the pot of sin and it boomeranged and they all got destroyed. Unfortunately, most of the so-called purodhas of that time are lying belly up in the mud.

in Him,
Shephali Chakraborty

Thus this margii goes beyond Guru’s stance. Guru did not give any direction about observing the death and now this margii brother is stepping beyond that line and calling those foolhardy and dogmatic for not commemorating the death.

The supporters of dogma furthermore state that those who do not like to observe the death day are mayavadiis - i.e. followers of maya. They claim that the full cycle is needed: birth and death. Both should be recognised. With this type of logic, the supporters of dogma try to exploit the sentiment of simple margiis.

The supporters of dogma abuse those who do not follow this dogma by labeling them as mayavadii, foolhardy.

Note 1: These Wts went against Baba

So-called purodhas that went against Guru and inserted the annual death day commemoration dogma in Caryacarya:

 Sarvatmananda Avt,  Mantreshvarananda Avt,  Vandanananda Avt,  Bhaveshananda Avt, Ananda Giita Acarya, Keshavananda Avt,  Ramananda Avt, . Yatishvarananda Avt, Ac Kinshukji, etc. And there are many who participated in this sin but we are not enlisting their name because either they were a spinless robot those days.

== Section ==

अब जड़ता, तन्द्रा और निद्रा में समय नष्ट करने का अवसर नहीं है।

प्रभात संगीत 4342: अजाना पथिक आज एशेछे, तारे घरे....


आज, अजाना पथिक परमपुरुष बाबा आये हैं। इस भव्य अवसर को न गंवा देना, हृदय सेे उनका स्वागत करो और विना समय खोये अपने घर में,  अपने हृदय में ले आओ, और चारों ओर फैल रही उनकी दिव्य आभा  से अपने हृदय को संतृप्त हो जाने दो। अब जड़ता, तन्द्रा और निद्रा में समय नष्ट करने का अवसर नहीं है।

 बाबा आपके लिये, मेरे लिये , सबके लिये आये हैं, हर स्थान और हर देश  के लिये आये हैं। वे दूसरों का दुख और रोना  देखकर द्रवित हो जाते हैं और वे मुस्काने लगते हैं जब अन्य लोगों को मुस्काते देखते हैं। वे सब को चाहते हैं।

उनकी कृपा से, यह समय उनके चरण कमलों में सब कुछ समर्पित कर देने का है। इस अवसर को गंवा देना बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण नहीं है, बाबा आये हैं उनका स्वागत कर घर में ले आओ।

- Trans: Dr T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section ==

What is sádhaná of the dead Ananda Vanii #10

"That which impairs the naturalness of the life of individuals and society is the sádhaná of the dead. It is not the sádhaná of the living because the seeds of injustice, immorality and destruction dwell in unnatural life only. The wise and the well-wishers of society therefore, never support unnaturalness in life."

Note 1: Regarding naturalness & unnaturalness in life, many get confused, yet the equation is very simple. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, any action which accelerates one's movement along the path of pratisaincara is natural. Whereas those human actions that reverse one's movement - i.e. negative pratisaincara - are unnatural. 

As we know in the cycle of brahmacakra, all non-human, living beings follow naturalness in life. Because they are always advancing along the path of pratisaincara. Their progress may be slow but it is progress nonetheless. They never degenerate and go in the opposite direction.

But in human life it is not always like that. People have free will and they can either opt for natural or unnatural ways of living. Those leading a life based on strict moral principles and doing sadhana make great gains; whereas those indulged in materialistic vices and animalistic propensities degrade themselves - because their lifestyle is unnatural.

And that is what we find with the gay / lesbian community. For them sexual relations are not for procreation - just it is for indulgence. This unnatural way of living pushes them along the path of degradation, i.e. the path of negative pratisaincara.

Note 2: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

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