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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Helping Wts + 5 more

Helping Wts

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


A healthy and strong Wt cadre is essential for the well-being of our AMPS. When the system is working properly, those in uniform are inspired and deeply engaged in sadhana and service. That is the ideal situation.

Since then, it has been more of a challenge to maintain the ranks of our Wt cadre. There are a variety of reasons for this. However, one prevailing theme is that many WTs, who were seemingly doing fine and working hard, gradually lose their inspiration and become idle and depressed. And in some cases there are other contributing factors that led to their premature demise. Here are four basic outcomes that we see happening nowadays with some of our Wts who lost their enthusiasm.
Outcome #1: Some Wts remained in the organisation but disregarded all transfer orders and just stayed in one place. This led to their further degeneration. Although technically they were still a monk / nun, but they lived like any other mundane resident in that area. In short, they lost their dynamism and utterly forgot the spirit of being a Wt.

Outcome #2: Still others worked tirelessly like a machine and died prematurely as they overlooked their own health and hygiene. Either they were not eating proper food or failing to do asanas regularly, or a combination of things. And in the end, they left this earth very prematurely.

Outcome #3: Some Wts left the organization entirely to pursue relations with the opposite sex and marry etc.

Outcome #4: In other cases a worker remained in the organization as a Wt, but became depressed and did nothing. They lost the spirit to act. They thought that, "All my efforts are in vain, so it is a waste of time and useless for me to do anything." Why did they suffer from this type of defeatist complex? Because whatever projects they built up in the past were destroyed when another Wt took over that posting. 

Why some Wts lose their inspiration

Suppose Dada A was posted in Rampur and established many projects there. And then after a few years Dada A was transferred to a new place and again built up some service works. And later on when Dada A was traveling to Rampur (i.e. his earlier posting) he saw that all the projects he had developed with his own sweat and blood had crumbled into the earth due to severe neglect. The successive Wt had failed to manage those projects in the most basic manner.

After experiencing this two or three times or more, i.e. getting reposted and then seeing the projects from his prior posting crumble, then when Dada A gets posted to yet another new place, he completely loses the spirit to make something new. Dada A thinks it would just become ruined by some other worker who takes over the post, when he (Dada A) gets transferred in the future. So once again all his (Dada A’s) hard work would be in vain. So Dada A just decides to do nothing, thinking that his efforts would just be destroyed by someone else in the future. Unfortunately, this type of defeatist complex arises in the mind of some Wts. They become so frustrated they stop doing any service work and give up all hope. Just they begin to wallow their life away - doing nothing except sleeping and eating etc.
Unfortunately, when any of the above aforementioned circumstances arise, then the organizational authorities do not help or save the situation. Because nowadays in AMPS, the senior Wts, supervisory workers, and in-charges do not care about the person in trouble - only they are concerned with their own.

Sadly, if somebody is in trouble in any realm - physical, psychic, or spiritual - those authorities simply ignore or push that person deeper into crisis to get rid of them entirely. For instance: Just imagine someone struggling - on the verge of drowning in a lake - and then someone pushes that individual further out into the lake so he will drown faster. That is the tragic state of affairs in our organisation nowadays with regards to those Wts who are on the brink. Top greedy Dadas make their lives more difficult. For instance, if a worker is suffering from a disease, they just let that person die, instead of getting them proper medical treatment. For all these reasons and more, the life of lower posted Wts is very bad nowadays.


That's why one should be very careful to follow all the conduct rules, and all aspects of 16 Points. And the best way to do this is to keep a chart. By sincerely following Sixteen Points etc, Wts can save themselves from degeneration - otherwise not. The ultimate solution is sadhana. Anyone who does sadhana properly - and is strict in their practices - will not suffer from any of the four terrible fates enlisted above. Because such a person's mind will be strong and imbibed with bhakti for the Supreme.
In Him,

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Margiis can (& should) do this

Generally when Ananda Marga philosophy is compared with the theology of other religions, even in a respectful manner, then some uninformed people get overwhelmed.  They forget that Baba encourages respectfully pointing out the defects of various religions. See Baba’s teaching below.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (Human Society - 1, Moralism)

Due to their unawareness they think, “Do not point out any harmful things practiced by other religions.” They believe Baba forbids this. To remove their confusion, the above yellow highlighted quote may help.

Without bringing the logical point and respectful discussion of loopholes of various religions, it is not possible to open the eyes of the common people that what they are doing is wrong and harmful to them. That is why religious loopholes should be highlighted in a respectful manner. 

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Annihilating its masters


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The wickedness, the deceit, that pollutes human society first moves along a crooked path like its masters, and finally ends up by annihilating its masters themselves. The wicked persons at the helm of affairs, who are now out to liquidate others, will one day themselves be liquidated and erased from history by their own followers. Sinful persons, by following the crooked path, contaminate the atmosphere of the universe, but ultimately that sinful conduct, in a similar crooked way, will recoil like a boomerang on the sinners themselves. Those who deprive others of justice, who stifle others’ voices and try to immortalize themselves by their own loud proclamations, are themselves usually deprived of justice in the end. And their loud cries which had risen to the skies, are smothered in the underworld. Shiva the Omniscient was aware of these hard realities. So He warned the devoted and dharmic people, Pápasya kut́iilá gatih [“The ways of sin are always crooked”].” (1) 

Two demons in human form

Now let's apply this to life in our AMPS. From the outset after 1990, the top ringleader, "master", and most devious sinner was Dada Sarvatmananda - accompanied by his disciple Sambhutyananda. 

And another very devious sinner is Rudrananda, and we will talk more about Rudrananda further down in this letter. 

Just as Baba employs the word "master" in His above teaching, that is quite suited to Dada Sarvatmananda as he was the first at the top of the pyramid, followed by all his obedient followers like other stalwarts of B group. 

So Sarvatmananda was forced to draw back his empire to within Bengal only. Even then, his various disciples like Sambhutyananda stayed close at hand. It was only when Kimshuk was given such a top seat within B group that Sambhutyananda could not tolerate what was going on. At that point he was ejected from Tiljala and forced into exile, falling somewhere in a tea farm in East Bengal, and later on near Ananda Nagar. From there Sambhutyananda was lamenting from time to time, until ultimately he died in June of 2018.

Demon who devoured BP rights

You know very well that this is the same Sambhutyananda who in cahoots with Sarvatmananda destroyed all margii rights related with bhukti pradhan and he concocted the Fake BP Manual and destroyed Baba’s original BP guideline. After that boomerang, in that half-dead condition Sambhutyananda was lamenting about the injustices against him. It is so unique that this guy had done so much harm to the margii community that he will be remembered in the black pages of history for destroying margii rights.

Rudrananda captured stooge PP Dada and used PP’s signature to indulge in all kinds of nefarious and dogmatic activities like the Jamalpur tiirtha program, the massive sell-off or AMPS properties around the globe, and the ruthless treatment of our Wt cadres. Step by step, Rudrananda tore down every dharmic system in our AMPS such that he became a notorious thug who rules the roost according to his own whim. 

That is why I request all those anti-social human beings wandering in saffron robes to take a good lesson from Baba’s above and below teachings. They should mend their ways and come on the path of righteousness, otherwise prakrti will not spare them.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who deprive others of justice, who stifle others’ voices and try to immortalize themselves by their own loud proclamations, are themselves usually deprived of justice in the end. And their loud cries which had risen to the skies, are smothered in the underworld. Shiva the Omniscient was aware of these hard realities. So He warned the devoted and dharmic people, Pápasya kut́iilá gatih [“The ways of sin are always crooked”].” (2) 

In Him, 
Manotos’a Chattopadyaya

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 10, Shivokti 10

== Section: Important Topic ==

Limitations of patriotism

Prout philosophy states, “It has become fashionable today to cry out for nationalism. In fact, nationalism is also a psychic ailment. The supreme broadness lies with the Supreme Self. The broadness of an individual depends on his or her angle of vision – as the angle of vision becomes smaller and smaller, he or she gets more and more mean-minded. Those who think that casteism is worse than nationalism are incorrect. The total population of Brahmins in India is approximately 20 million people and the Malayan population is near 4.5 million. The angle of vision of a Brahmin is bigger than a Malayan nationalist. Persia has a population of 15 million people and Australia has a total population of 7.5 million. The continentalism of Australia is worse than the nationalism of Persia. An Indian nationalist is more mean-minded than a Chinese nationalist. Thus it is universalism and universalism alone that deserves support. In fact universalism is no ism, for it is all-pervading and does not favour any group or party interest. The mental projection of a universalist does not know any narrowness. Universalism is the only panacea for all mundane and supramundane ailments. Therefore, a Proutist is necessarily a universalist.” (1)

Note: Everyone knows that nationalism and patriotism are the same thing.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to bring unity in AMPS

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Today human beings, to whatever country they may belong, should, on the one side, propagate an anti-exploitation sentiment (exploitation does not mean exploitation in the economic sphere only, it includes all sorts of exploitation), and form strong nations in their respective countries; and, on the other side, preach the theory of one spiritual inheritance – that every living being is the child of the Supreme Entity, and that all the people of all nations belong to the same family. This will have to be explained to all, that there will be clash among different nations as long as national feelings exist. People may talk of disarmament, but military preparation will go on underground. And if people dedicate themselves to the welfare of the entire human race, their respective nations will also be benefited indirectly because their nations are not outside the universe! Along with the theory of spiritual inheritance, one Cosmic ideology will have to be propagated too, and that ideology is that one Supreme Entity – the Cosmic Entity – is the goal of all living beings. This spiritual sentiment will keep human beings united for all time to come. No other theory can save the human race.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, To The Patriots

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How materialistic philosophies befool & destroy human beings

Note: Here below Baba is referring to those materialistic philosophies, i.e. capitalism and communism etc. Uninformed people believe the false propaganda and flowery speeches of capitalism etc, and think that by material gain they will get infinite pleasure. By this way they waste their entire life. Acquiring the wealth of sensual pleasure cannot satisfy human longing. They come to know this at the end of their life but by then it is too late to do anything. In that helpless state, they lay on their deathbed knowing they wasted their time on this earth.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Generally people use the empty words of philosophy like tinsel to cover their internal blackness of character. Some of this tinsel is golden, some silver, some of a variety of colours. At first, people who have lost their way, or strayed from the path, are attracted by these bright colours, like those deceived by a mirage. Later on they lose everything, and their knees broken, they fall and meet their deaths in the scorching heat of frustration. Sometimes, before their deaths, they are able to recognize the illusion of the mirage, but in most cases they are unable to discover it before they breathe their last. The lethal nature of these defective philosophies remains unknown to them forever. In the psychic world, the implementation of these fatuous philosophies can wreak havoc." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc 14

== Section 3: Links ==

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