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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

PP propagates falsehood in the name of Baba


PP propagates falsehood in the name of Baba
(Jamalpur as a Holy Land. Concocted story was the main lecture at DMS)


In the recent DMS in Jamalpur, PP Vishvadevananda propagated an imaginary story from his DMS dias to establish Jamalpur as a tiirtha or holy land. This fictitious story was dispersed in the name of Baba, and that is most shameful. Here below are the details.

One phony and outlandish, imaginary story was created by Madhuvratananda, the well known stooge of Rudrananda. And that fabricated story was spread by the spineless PP Vishvadevananda. The story was given in the form of a speech. And the critical para from PP’s speech was disseminated by Madhuvratananda in WhatsApp etc. That false account which he publicized, is found below highlighted in yellow.

In brief, the fictive narrative of PP goes like this:

When Karna, one of the characters of Mahabharata, was dying then he made the following request to Lord Krsna:

O’ Lord Krsna, in future when You come as Mahasambhuti in the form of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, then: You please take birth in Anga desh Jamalpur and make it a tiirtha/holy land.

At that time, Lord Krsna assured Karna that “Yes, I will do so.”  To fulfill Karna’s one desire, when Lord Krsna took form as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, He made Jamalpur as a tiirtha or holy land. This was the fictional story of PP Vishvadevananda.

In conclusion, to fulfill this desire of Karna, Lord Krsna took advent as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in North Bihar Jamalpur. And that is why Jamalpur is our most holy land. This was the end of the fabricated story of PP.

Here below is PP’s so-called Jamalpur holy land propaganda in Hindi:

कृष्ण कर्ण से बहुत प्यार करते थे किंतु धर्म और अधर्म लेकर विवश थे ।
कहते है कि महाभारत युद्ध मे मरते समय अंग राजा कर्ण ने भगवान कृष्ण से दो आग्रह किये थे पहला इस धरती से जाति ब्यवस्था को समाप्त कर दीजिए ,चुकी मैंने जाति के कारण बहुत ही अपमान झेले हैं । दूसरा अगले बार जब भी आप इस धरती पर सशरीर आएंगे तो अंग देश मे ही आइये। भगवान कृष्ण कर्ण के दोनों आग्रह को तथास्तु  कहकर स्वीकृति दिए। 3500 वर्ष पूर्व कर्ण को दिए वचन को पूरा करने के लिए बाबा आनन्दमूर्ति का जन्म अंग भूमि जमालपुर में हुआ और जाति को समूल खत्म करने के लिए अन्तर्जातीय विवाह के रूप में आनंदमार्ग विप्लवी विवाह का सूत्रपात किये।
बाबा आनन्दमूर्ति कृष्ण आगमन के 3500 वर्ष बाद वीरेश विजय मलिक बशु के रूप में कर्ण को मुक्ति देना चाहते थे, इसलिए अपनी चित शक्ति (ectoplasmic stuff) के द्वारा वीरेश विजय के प्रकाश छाया (luminous body) को प्रकट कर उनके द्वारा उनके मन के बातो को सुना और द्रवित हो गए और अंत मे बाबा आनन्दमूर्ति ने वीरेश विजय मल्लिक वशु जो महाभारत कालीन कर्ण थे , उनको जीवन मृत्यु से मुक्त कर दिए। इस प्रकार कर्ण की आत्मा जो वीरेश विजय मल्लिक के रूप में अंग भूमि में फिर से आये थे बाबा ने उन्हें सदा के लिए मुक्ति दिए।

श्री श्री आनंद मूर्तिजी 'बाबा' ने सबसे अधिक समय जमालपुर में ही बिताया और आनंद मार्ग की स्थापना किये ।सभी दर्शन यही पर दिए ।यह विश्व के आनंदमार्गियो के लिए अति महत्वपूर्ण है ।

आनंदमार्ग के श्रधेय पुरोधा प्रमुख दादा आचार्य विश्वदेवानन्द अवधुत के प्रवचन का अंश

Here below is the English version:

PP’s so-called holy land propaganda

Bellow is the translation of the above Hindi passage, by Sukul ji.

The imaginary story of PP starts here:-

Lord Krishna loved Karna yet he was constrained between pious and impious persons.

It is said that while dying in the Mahabharata war, Karna the king of Anga requested Lord Krsna only two  things, (1) to eradicate the caste system from this earth as he suffered whole life very much for it and (2) next time whenever you incarnate yourself on earth please select Anga Desh as your field of work. Lord Krishna accepted both the requests of Karna. To uphold His promise of 3500 years earlier made to Karna, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti took birth in the land of Anga Desh i.e. Jamalpur and created the system of revolutionary marriages so as to eradicate the caste system. The fabricated story of PP goes on.

Baba Anandamurti wanted to liberate Karna in the form of Veeresh vijay malik basu 3500 years after the arrival of Lord Krsna hence with His ectoplasmic stuff created luminous body of Veeresh vijay and heard his mental feelings. Baba liberated Veeresh vijay malik basu from the bondages of life and death, this Veeresh vijay malik basu who was actually none other than Karna at the time of the Mahabharata. In this way the soul of Karna came again on the land of Anga Desh in the form of Veeresh vijay malik and Baba liberated him forever. The fabricated story of PP continues.

Baba Shrii Shrii Anandmurti ji stayed a long time in Jamalpur and established the ideology and philosophy of Ananda Marga here. It is very important for Ananda Margis of the whole world. This was the end of fabricated story of PP.

(This is a part of the lecture given by Purodha Pramukh Vishvadevananda Avadhuta of Anandamarga.) (Translation by Dr T R Sukul)

One of Baba’s Shabda Cayanika stories was adopted and manipulated to suit this purpose of legitimizing the so-called “holiness” of Jamalpur land.

In Him,
Ka’la’gni deva

*     *     *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*     *     *

== Section 2:  Prabhat Samgiita ==

Searching God in “holy places”: foolishness

"Tomáre cái je ekánte, ananta,jáni more ghire ácho cári dháre,.." (Prabhat Samgiita #1027)

O’ Parama Purusa, O’ Infinite Entity, I want to be with You in solitude, on a one-to-one basis as my most Personal relation, so I can open each one of my inner thoughts with You. In this world nobody is fully mine; today they are and tomorrow they are not. There are countless things to share. I suffer from three types of afflictions: physical, psychic, and spiritual. I want to open my heart before You when we are all alone. Although You are infinite - always surrounding me, but my heart is not satisfied. Baba, in my ignorance, so much time has been wasted in searching You in so-called holy places - like Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca, Varanasi, Dwarka, Puri, Badri, Shringeri, Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur, various memorials and tombs. I was seeking You from one place to another with a garland in hand - from Kolkata to so many Baba's quarters and pious places. Now I am exhausted. It was my foolishness and a waste of time. Now, I just want You as my own in an intimate way.

O’ Parama Purusa, You are everywhere from the waves of the wild and stormy ocean to the quiet wilderness where birds are chirping beautifully. In this entire creation, You remain with every unit entity from the mammoth to a blade of grass. You are ever-fresh. Silently, You are with everyone and everything, O’ Infinite Supreme Entity.

O’ Parama Purusa, from the serene blue sky to the clear dark night filled with innumerable stars, You are everywhere. And You are also within the sweet nectar of the flower garden. From the small plant to large tree in the mountains, You are with each person - whatever is known and expressed in this created universe. And at the same time You are with the things that are unknown. You always reside with all in a very serene, calm, and tranquil way. Baba, O’ infinite Supreme Consciousness. I want You fully to myself so I can share all my hidden longings with You, those yearnings which I have kept for ages and never told anyone..

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: PP propagates falsehood in the name of Baba
2. PS #1027: Searching God in “holy places”: foolishness
3. Links

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