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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Clowns are exposing their colour


Clowns are exposing their colour


Ananda Marga ideology states, “You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You must have respect for the guru." (2)

This photo says it all

Now see this below photo and examine for yourself how that the various dadas are behaving in an irrelevant, hypocritical, deceitful, and raucous manner.

As you have undoubtedly noticed, here are some of the many ways these Dadas are contravening dharmic tenets and undermining their own standing:
(a) First and foremost, the photo of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti is completely blocked by the avadhuta who is standing and holding the microphone. That means those margiis in attendance cannot see Baba’s image. This Dada failed to understand that the margiis did not come to see him but arrived out of deep reverence for Guru. But this Dada is so self-engrossed and has such a low degree of bhakti that he remains oblivious of how he is disrespecting Guru and violating the margiis’ inner yearning.

(b) In His teachings on neo-humanism, Baba shows how hypocrites expose themselves in unguarded moments. Baba points out how a secret believer of caste dogma gets drunk and starts denouncing other castes and proclaims his superiority etc, thereby exposing his hypocrisy and revealing he is a follower of caste dogma. But when sober he would never divulge his true thoughts. Similarly, these Dadas speak day and night about having deep reverence for Guru, but here in their casual manner they sit with their backs to Guru, block his image entirely, and disrespect Him further by sitting up there glued to their phones etc. They are completely revealing their lowly level of reverence for Guru, thereby proving themselves as veritable hypocrites.

Involved in sexting girlfriends & fiances
(c) These Dadas became addicted to their phones because they are involved in sexting their “girlfriends” all the 24 hours. The Dada standing is giving a lecture yet side by side, he is glancing at his fiance on his cell phone screen during every free moment he gets. The next dada to the right is immersed in sexting his didi girlfriend, and the next one is keeping a plate of food on his lap and covering his orifice as he shoves mouthfuls of pakoras (tasty, fried treats) into his stomach. And finally, the last one is secretly involved on his phone, glancing at lowly images etc.

(d) So these Dadas are committing all sorts of wrongs. They are blocking Guru’s image and not showing an iota of respect to Guru as his “representatives” on stage. As avadhutas, they are supposed to present themselves as being ideal disciples to Guru, but they completely forgot this and expose their beleaguered degree of bhakti. And they are putting their duplicity on display for all to see. In short, 5-minute segments they can fake it and pretend to be great avadhutas, but the more time that goes by the more they unwind and invariably show their clownlike and hypocritical dealing. And that is exactly what happened at this event. These Dadas could not hide their degraded status for long. It was bound to ooze out.

(e) Even followers of the dogmatic religions are sincere in their reverence towards their idol or cherished symbol etc, yet here these avadhutas are completely careless and verily display their disregard for Guru and lack of interest for the program on the whole. All told it is shameful.


Here again we should remind ourselves how the Dadas in the above photo did not follow this following basic mandate.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (3)

When they themselves are not following the fundamental tenets of dharma on a day to day basis then what are they going to teach others. Rather they will just waste their time in all kinds of lowly pursuits and expose their standard by sexting and other degenerating activities.

in Him,
Bhaktibhusan Dev

~ In-depth study ~

More blunders on display

Now look further what our Dadas are doing: They are sitting directly in front of Guru's photo - blocking it entirely. This is not the proper way for any disciples to behave. With their common sense, disciples or sadhaka would think it unconscionable to sit with their back to​ their Guru - blocking Him entirely. The person standing is the most lowly as he has planted himself directly in front of Guru’s photo. And verily so many of these “great” avadhutas are seated in front of Guru’s photo and are flanked by their peers. And that is the scene we bear witness to here. Guru’s photo is completely blocked ​by these worthless people.

​These Dadas have contravened a basic, fundamental rule that even ordinary citizens follow. At any gathering, the best seat is always reserved for the most respected person. At conventions, the most honored gets the best seat; at forums, the invited speaker gets the best seat; at weddings, a special place is reserved for the bride and groom. But, this basic ethic such lowly Wts could not follow. They sat directly in front of Sadguru Baba’s image.

If you look you will see that Guru's photo is on the wall directly below the pratik. For the sake of sanctity of not showing His image on the internet, we have edited the Guru's photo, which is flanked by yellow and red flowers along the top and right sides. Those in attendance have every right to view Baba's photo but sadly they could not get the chance as these big Dadas blocked it. That is the unsavory state of affairs and depleted status of bhakti of our avadauta Dadas on this stage.

By their behaviour and dealing such Dadas have completely gone against Ananda Marga scripture on reverence to Guru.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Trtiiyaḿ gurupújanam. I must have reverence for the guru. What is the guru? Gu means “darkness”, that is, darkness in the psycho-spiritual sphere. And ru means “dispelling agent”. That is, he who dispels darkness from my psychic and spiritual body is the guru. Gu means “darkness”, ru means “dispeller”. “Trtiiyaḿ gurupújanam. That is, you must have respect for the guru." (4)

Caryacarya guides us, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (5)

Preserving sanctity of Sadguru's photo

As we know, in our dharmacakra halls and jagrtis etc, Guru's photo must be prominently displayed at all times - with due reverence and regard. Best then is to have two photos on display - one lower (around 4 feet off ground), and one higher (around 7 feet off the ground.)

If everyone is sitting in sadhana or Guru Puja then both photos should be displayed. Because everyone is low to the ground and no one will block or disrespect Guru's image.

And if someone is standing or giving a talk, or if akhanda kiirtan is being done, then the lower photo, which is only four feet off the ground, should either be turned around or covered by a small curtain. That way those standing will not block or hover over Guru's photo. At the same time, the higher photo - which is around 7 feet above the ground - will be in full view of all. Those standing will have no chance of blocking that photo. Thus the sanctity of Sadguru's photo will be maintained and the devotional environment preserved.

1. Caryacarya, Part 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga
2. Ananda Vacanarmtam - 12, Shiva's Seven Secrets
3. Caryacarya, Part 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga
4. Ananda Vacanarmtam - 12, Shiva's Seven Secrets
5. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, pt #1a

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Those plunged in narrow sentiments

“Tumi, dúr ákásher dhruvatárá, path khunje páy tomár kripáy, jiivane je jan path hárá…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0555)


O’ Parama Purusa, You are the Polestar of the distant sky. Those who fix their vision on You never lose the path of Supreme Blessedness. Their life’s journey is assured. But when they focus on something other than You and adopt things like name, fame, money, and wealth as their goal, then they fall. Even then, for those who have lost their way, if they again fix their vision on You, they will regain the path, by Your compassion. If those plunged in dogma and drowned in narrow sentiments surrender to You, they will rediscover the path of neo-humanism. By Your mercy, they will again come onto the path of dharma and tread the path of divinity.

When, due to stormy winds, the boat is rocking violently on the sea, and the bird is flying fearfully in the vast sky, by Your supreme kindness both regain the proper path. It is exclusively Your infinite love. O’ Supreme Entity, regardless of the circumstances, You save everyone. When due to the onslaught of materialism and the storm of mundane attraction, the sadhaka falls from the path of enlightenment and adopts the ways of sin, in that dire situation, You rescue them. You shower them with samvit shakti and bring them back onto the path of divinity, onto the right path.

Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, when the mind is tormented by sorrow and grief and loses the path in the boundless ocean, by Your mercy, it finds the shore. Seeing their trouble, You come closer with Your loving smile and soothing touch and remove their sorrow and fill their life with bliss. Without Your love and guidance, nothing is possible.

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0555:

[1] Samvit Shakti: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

[2] Those who keep Parama Purusa in their forefront never drift from the path. They make their human life successful. Whereas, those who fail to keep Parama Purusa as their Polstar waste their time accepting mundane things as their goal of life. They destroy their potential. Ultimately, in the end, they die in misery and hopelessness.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Clowns are exposing their colour
2. PS #2214: Those plunged in narrow sentiments
3. Links

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