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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reply To Tapesheshvaranandji On Ex-Wt & Traitor & More



Respected Readers,

This email contains 3 distinct sections featuring letters from margiis around the globe:

1. Sarvatmananda & Tapeshvarananda Were Both Traitors by Pranav
2. Chandranath Dada Was Also Against Mahaprayan by Devesh
3. Chandranath Dada Was Also Against Mahaprayan by Kamalesh

at His lotus feet,
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators


Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 08:16:29
Subject: Sarvatmananda & Tapeshvarananda Were Both Traitors
From: Pranav Ghosh
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Here I raise two matters for consideration:

[A] In his letter, respected Dada Tapeshvaranandji makes this statement:
"those are not able to do WT life or ex -WT only they oppose [mahaprayan]."

So Dadaji claims that those who are ex-Wts hate MPD, but in my practical experience I see the opposite happening. Let us not forget that from the main line of AMPS, not less than 50 Wts were expelled and they became the Kolkata faction or Tiljala group etc. One of those expelled was Tapeshvaranandji himself, along with 50 more. Yet all such expelled or ex-Wts are themselves strict followers and die-hard proponents of MPD.

[B] In his letter, respected Dada Tapeshvaranandji makes this statement:
"Now Those are indisciplined and betrayed Baba."

So although Dadaji makes such a statement, let us not forget that Sarvatmanandji was himself living with and amongst that traitor group. Sarvatmanandji was away from Baba in the opposite campt. It is just Baba's causeless grace that Sarvatmanandji was arrested in Motihari case by CBI and had no way to join defectors group. Save for that he was a member of those defectors as we must not forget that he was away 1 month with traitor group before that time.

Then in his own story book, Dada Tapeshvaranandji describes about so-called 7 Tests and that Dada Tapeshvaranandji himself went with traitors for 7 days. Means Tapeshvaranandji was in opposite camp of Baba, and then Baba graciously called him and saved him from his fate. Initially Tapeshvarananda Dada recounted how he did not want to go back but eventually he conceded and returned back. This is the actual history which Tapeshvaranandji himself recounts in his own publication.

Having considered the above two points, it seems that Dadaji is referencing his own greatness in both of the above two allegations.

In Him,
Pranav Ghosh


Subject: Chandranath Dada Was Also Against Mahaprayan
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 13:01:03 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Chandranath dada was a great soul. No doubt at all. Just now many margiis informed me - in the beginning in 1991 or 1992, one meeting was held in Patna regarding mahaprayan. Respected Chandranath dada and many margiis were present. All margis unanimously decided to protest against mahaprayan. However, afterwards some top level WTs, who are now leading Kolkata group and Ranchi group, took benefit of simplicity of Chandranath dada. He was always against mahaprayan observation.

Mahaprayan supporters always write that mahaprayan was decided in Central Committee meeting. Therefore, fate of mahaprayan can only be decided in CC meeting.

Here one question arises - Whether “Creating parallel AMPS in 2003” was also decided in Central Committee meeting? Without Central committee meeting why two AMPS was created? Is it not against Caryacarya? Is it not Gurudroha?

Baba wrote in Caryacaraya - Baba says, "The unity of A'nanda Ma'rgiis should not be allowed to be jeopardised for any reason. Unity should be maintained even at the risk of your life." (CC, part II, 'Society' chapter, point #13)

Everybody knows that parallel AMPS were established against Caryacarya in 2003. Some top level WTs has spoiled AMPS. They are free to create parallel AMPS without CC meeting, but they want CC meeting for Mahaprayan. It is called hypocrisy.

Devesh Kumar, Mumbai


Subject: Chandranath Dada Was Also Against Mahaprayan
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:37:26
From: kamalesh.yadav
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



Regarding Shrii Candranath, Dada Tapeshvaranandji makes the following statement:

"The word Mahaprayan was approved and introduced by Ac Candranathji, Who was the President of Central Committee."

Ac Candranathji was under pressure and at CC meeting he did not oppose that is why it is said it was unanimously approved, but he did not like it and he did so only under pressure.

In the name of unity many simple margiis did not oppose. I too was present.

In Him,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

#3 More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma

~ AMPS News ~ #3 More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma


Respected Readers,

This email contains 3 distinct sections featuring letters from margiis around the globe on this topic of MPD dogma.

1. From Amrit Lalloo to Tapeshvaranandji
2. From Devesh to Tapeshvaranandji
3. ...MPD is Black Spot on AM - by Panda

at His lotus feet,
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ #2 More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:45:24 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



MPD dogma lobbyists are bankrupt. Nothing meaningful or convincing spoken in support of MPD - only incoherent drivel.

They cannot be blamed for this - this maha-dogma just cannot be justified. It is impossible- and do you know why. There is no logic or rationale to support it. Over and above it is against Ananda Marga ideology and way of life.

Baba (Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii) is the subject of our devotional sentiment – our sadhana. If anyone believes that He is gone then there is no point in practicing Ananda Marga sadhana. Parama Purusa is attainable by unswerving devotion to Him alone.

 The MPD lobbyists are clutching at straws or treading on rather dangerous turf.

Krsna said in Gita and Baba expanded and elaborated on it :

(Maya is very so powerful that it is insurmountable by human beings on their own. But it is My maya. Only those who surrender to Me can overcome this Maya.)

This is significant. MPD dogma is the product of Avidya Maya. Only those who surrender to Baba will surmount this maha-dogma. 

“It is the ego that prevents one from telling the truth” - Baba



Subject: Five days Kirtan of MPD should be shifted to Ananda Purnima
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:58:21 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Namaskar Tapeshvarananda Dada,

We are born to follow “Mahasambhuti Baba’s teachings” (Absolute Knowledge), Not “human teachings. Therefore, if Chandranath dada or any great WT have committed blunder and added chapter in Caryacarya after Baba’s physical departure, we are not here to follow their faulty instructions. We have to be very strict and follow “Non compromising strictness” to “ISTA and Adarsha”.

BABA Says,” "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (CaryaCarya- part 1).

Therefore, there must not be any “Solemn observation” or any type of programme on 21st October (and 26th October). We have to follow only those festivals which are written by Baba in Caryacarya.

Five days kiirtan of Mahaprayan should be shifted to Ananda Purnima. Let everyone enjoy devotional five days kirtan on Ananda Purnima.

Baba says, "I keep no ambiguity, I am clear, concrete, conclusive. My philosophy is a complete philosophy, a complete way of life. I am complete in myself...I am like an arrow-- clear, pointed." (Supreme Expression).

Baba says, "You all know, where reasoning fails, vilification becomes the sole stock-in-trade. When you hear abuses from these frogs-in-the-well, you can take for granted that the grey matter in their frenzied brains has no functional residues left and that they have come to you only to convince you of their helpless and fey condition." (SS-part-3, chapter 'Shreya and Preya').

Note: A few WTs have abused me in emails. Above Baba’s teachings are for them.

Baba says, "Absolute knowledge is the direct message from God...The books in A'nanda Ma'rga philosophy are all absolute knowledge." (PNS-part 18, page.10).

At HIS Feet,
Devesh Kumar, Mumbai


Subject: Fw:
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:28:45 +0800 (SGT)
From: narayan panda <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin




The purpose of writing about Bhaskarananda dadjii is so that margii brothers & sisters should not  blindly believe in words of the great sanyasii brothers & sisters---"Baba told like this, like that......"

From Baba's  delivered discourses on languages in books like Varna Vijinana, Varna Vicitra, Shabda Cayanika, we know that He gives importance to each & every language of the world. So it is irrational & illogical to support "original Bengali" business concept advocated by Tiljala group including Bhaskaranandajii.

I respect Bhaskaranandajii since he was much associated with my father-in-law, the late NRK Raju of Visakhapatnam & his family members. Dadaji's contribution towards Baba's mission is great. At the same time I can't agree with the meaningless policy of publication of Tiljala faction as described by Bhaskaranandajii as I didn't agree with my parents & relatives to follow so many illogical & irrational dogmatic customs, practices, advices after I came to know Baba's philosophy. But I have regards for them since they are elderly persons & they don't know the path of light of Ananda Marga. Similarly after Baba's physical departure we came to know the standard of so-called great sannyasii & gruhii dadas & diidiis. We have to discriminate the great dadas & diidiis with the help of the knowledge given by Baba.

Similarly when I could realise  MPD a dogmatic function, my father-in-law still was following MPD. In year 1995 he read the letter against MPD circulated by Ganesh Bhat dada of Sirsi & Manjula diidii of Shimoga in Karantaka & he could realise his mistake & left MPD forever. Similarly  A'c Harishankar of Ranchi stopped following MPD.

Like that, new margii brothers & sisters who came to know from me about the logic behind not to follow / observe MPD, expressed MPD is a black spot on Ananda Marga like shraddha function of prevailing religions which are opposed by Ananda Marga.

I agree with those who say that they get bliss from kiirttana performed in Tiljala from 21October to 26th October. But I oppose MPD which is the root cause of performance of kiirttana. The vaisnava followers also get bliss from Hare rama hare krisna kiirtana conducted on occasion of death day of their gurus. As per Ananda Marga philosophy observance of death day is dogmatic. Therefore I compare the followers of Ananda Marga (who attend / observe MPD) with these vaisnavas.


Following is Sukulji's earlier letter that inspired the above reply...


I am surprised. I generated great respect and love to Dada Bhaskarananda when I learnt "Glimpses of Mystery" but it just came to zero when I learnt letters of respected Pandaji.

In a similar way "Living with Baba" provided me a lot of honor and love to Dada Tapeshvarananda which I personally expressed him through his mail address and he too responded but, this mail has lessened it considerably.

I am unable to understand why such learned and senior dadas who have been so contiguous to Rev. Baba have lost their mind on such an irrational matter of MPD which is completely against Baba's teachings.

Dr T.R. Sukul

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tapeshvaranandji's Original Mailing


Here are various replies to Dadaji's below email:

Here below is Dadaji's original email:

From: Dada Tapeshvarananda <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:31:04 -0200


It was a history. The word Mahaprayan wsa approved and introduced by Ac Candranathji, Who was the President of Central Committee. Now Those are indiciplined and beyred Baba, those are not able to do WT life or ex -WT only they oppose. Kolkata margiis are only to maintain the History. It was the History He was biologically present. As He took physical body. There is a history, there is a document. Just to maintain the document they do Kiirtan. Those are not in favor of Kolkata or having Kolkata alergy They  only became Mad near Mahaprayan. 

Dada Tapeshvarananda
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma


Respected Readers,

Namaskar. Below please find five letters related with this critical issue of MPD dogma. The first letter is from Dada Mokseshvaranandji who is conveying experience.

Following that are separate emails from brother Lalloo, Sukulji, Deveshji, and Kamalkrsnaji. All such emails are in reply to Mokseshvarananda's letter.

In Him,
AM Universal Moderators

Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 10:28:31 +0530
From: Markus Rosbach <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin 3


This is my first time to attend this function. No matter what function it depends on the people with what motivations they come which could apply to any retreat of Ananda Marga. The happyness and joy in this event and the highly charged spiritual energy is incomparable to any event I have participated so far. The Mahaprayan is just an occasion used to do kiirtan, we could use any occasion in my opinion, why not an initiative for Baba's birthday to do the same - just do it- that in October besides dipavalii there is no major Ananda Marga festival - it is as if Baba allocated this space for this function. Moreover during this period there is a major school holiday due to Durga puja and Diipavalii, so instead of focussing on all those dogmatic functions, we rather have now our own overshadowing all of these with kiirtan.Is kiirtan dogmatic ? I don't think so.
 There are no speeches or discourses except Baba's recordings and workers RDS at the end.You make up your own mind - you want to be whatever you want to beno matter what the occasion.

BNK, Dada Mokseshvarananda

These following four letters are all in reply to Dadaji's above letter...

Subject: More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 09:22:01 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Namaskar Dada,
Good to hear from you.

"Appropriate to the solemnity of the occasion " is the message in in CV. and yet there is "happiness and joy" in this event. Are we celebrating or mourning?  Confusing, ain't it ?

Kirtan is the food for us sadhakas and the longer the better. Kirtan is definitely not dogmatic, however, it being used to prop up the dogmatic mahaprayan initiative is distasteful. Much has been debated / discussed about the word and essence of mahaprayan (DEATH)- there is a bigger, broader picture. In the beginning there was some logic to the dreadful dowry system. Today one woman is being burnt alive every hour in India. Casteism also has its merits, however its demerits outweigh its merits. Baba was non-compromising on dowry, casteism, dogma and fissiparous tendencies.

Baba has spoken about a dog chewing on a dry bone which invariable cuts its gums. Thinking that the blood is from the bone the dog chews more vigorously- causing more bleeding. Time alone will reveal the dire negative consequences of man-made MPD Dogma.

We cannot create a new dogma to counteract any existing dogma (Durga puja). Baba has mandated many functions and festivals for us to enjoy the bliss of Kirtan. Why can't we (like you suggested) use one of these (Ananda Purnima) for a six day Kirtan?

Are we to believe that functions and festivals recommended by Baba himself is less important than MPD? Are we to blame Baba for the groupism in AM?  NO! these are human misgivings guided by a bloated ego and greed.

At this point in time Ananda Marga is in crises and by surrendering ONLY TO HIS DIVINE PLAN will we be able to overcome.

In Baba.

Subject: Re: More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 10:13:30 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Respected Dadaji,

Dada Mokseshvarananda is partly right. To do kiirtan is not at all dogmatic but the term MPD is dogmatic which is used  before the term kiirtan.

Rev Baba has given top priority to do kiirtan. He has encouragingly said to do kiirtan as and when we get free time for even one or two minutes . He often used to quote "Kiirtneeya sada hari". The full shloka is given below:-

 "tranadapi suneechen tarorapi sahishnuta
  Amanina mandeyam kiirtneeya sada hari"

This means, Hari kiirtan is not so easy, if you want to do Harikiirtan, you will have to have pain bearing mind like grass and trees and to pay respect to even those who do not deserve it. It is therefore said that one should always try to do kiirtan every time( means always try to acquire above said qualities as much as possible).

Rev Baba often used to repeat last three words of the above shloka .

So, why res. Dadaji is thinking that Kiirtan can only be done at the time of so called MPD? It will be better for him to do kiirtan as much as he can every time forgetting MPD.


Dr T. R. Sukul

Subject: Re: More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 19:22:42 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



It looks very funny that many WTs / margis have not yet realized BABA. They easily fall prey to dogma in the name of Kirtan or other. For thousand years, priests, religious leaders have been exploiting society in the name of religion. If our WTs will support dogmatic functions in the name of Kirtan, then who will save our beloved Baba’s mission from such dogmas. Baba always reiterated “Dogma no more”, “Dogma no more”….

Kirtan is always better. No doubt at all. But do kiirtan to support His presence (Ananda Purnima, etc) - not to support that BABA has gone forever as it is the very meaning of “Mahaprayan” word.

In order to attract margis, huge memorial building was constructed with beautiful marble podium in the centre for the sake of making Tiljala a “Great Pilgrimage”. They wasted hard earned money in millions in order to make memorial building more attractive and to attract margis of the world. Baba Says,” While money has been spent lavishly for the construction of beautiful places of worship, money has never been arranged for food, clothing, housing, education and medical care for the welfare of the poor. While for four full years all the state revenues of Orissa were spent for the construction of the Konark temple, during that period not a penny was spent for human welfare. Needless to say, the history of all countries is replete with such examples." (Ráŕh: The Cradle of Civilization, Ra'r'h - 6)

Our Ananda Marga is a poor organisation - hardly we have even a single great school or college. Most margii children are studying outside AM schools.  We should spend on schools; we should spend on PROUT and Samaj movements. We should spend to establish PROUT Government and Sadvipra Samaj  so that suffering humanity will be relieved; that will be the right investment. And for multiday kiirtan, we can arrange kirtan in Pandals like we do in DMS.

If we try to attract margi brothers sisters based on the beauty of our memorial buildings then always those people will become more enamored with temples and places of worship like the Golden Temple, Ajmer Sharif, Macca, Madina, Jerusalem, etc. This is the way Dogma begins.

Here question arises- why we cannot arrange 5 days kiirtan on the occasion of “Ananda Purnima”? Ananda Purnima has been included in the list of festivals in Caryacarya by Parama Purusa, Mahasambhuti, but Mahaprayan has been created by human being (unit mind), not by Cosmic Mind and Mahasambhuti. Moreover, MPD is against Caryacarya as it is being solemnly observed beyond 12 days…

Baba says, "Human beings yield to this dogma with the sole intention of attaining selfish pleasures; even educated people knowingly submit to dogma. They know that they are surrendering their intellect to dogma, and that the outcome will be undesirable; they know and understand everything - why, even then, do they knowingly submit to it? They are all deliberate sinners and intentionally accept dogmas as truth. They observe that these dogmas are based on a´tma-sukha tattva...”

Devesh Kumar

Subject: Re: More Letters from Readers on MPD Dogma
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:08:22
From:k.krsna <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin




MPD dogma is just like this type of lower devotion described in this following discourse.

"Today there is a particular festival, the floor will have to be besmeared with cow dung in this way, the Ganges water will have to be sprinkled, the idols will be decorated in royal fashion or in the fashion of a child, the mantras will be chanted, the flowers offered, the leaves of Aegle marmelos will be offered in this way and so on. Such devotions practised within the bounds of externalized usage and rituals is called Vaedhii Bhakti." (Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Bhaktitattva)

In the Tilajla MPD program they perform various external rituals (this after this after this) whereby on 26 October there is a great series of rituals to solemnise and commemorate this event like flag hosting, a short discourse from PP Dada / President, ashiirvacana, and other variuos rituals. All this is done around the holy tomb. In that way, people are invited from far-fledged places. Those who reach there do not realise that the Divine Supreme Entity is residing in their heart. So they came to Tiljala to offer homage at the holy tomb. That is why MPD is vaedhii bhakti, i.e lowermost devotion. Again please read Baba's above quote to refresh how vaedhii bhakti is done.

We should all pay heed to Baba's below warning.

"“In Ananda Marga, there is no place for vaedhii bhati." (APH-14)

In Him,
Kamal Krsna

All are welcome to write in with thoughts and reflections... - Eds

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reply to Tiljala MPD Circular


It is the nature of dogma to attract crowds. Here lies the difference - would the same number attend a six day kiirtan organised for Ananda Purnima (sanctioned by Baba)? I doubt it! See the multitudes that gather at Ajmer - Are they there for spiritual elevation or for selfish motives - cures, good luck, win court cases, remove evil spirits, good health etc. The MPD will gravitate towards the same in the near future - if not already.

Most Indian margiis come from a Hindu background - it is so easy for them to slip back into the old Hindu dogmatic practice of annual commemoration of "DEATH". Only those established in genuine spirituality and knowledgeable in Baba's teaching will escape this grip of dogma.

Remember - Human existence is is an ideological flow. Live for your ideology and die for you ideology. Don't follow the misguided millions in the society. There is nothing ideological about MPD.

The letter by Ac Kalyanesvaranandji is full of contradictions - rather bizarre.

(A) Kalyanesvaranandji wrote: All have gathered at this "solemn occasion".

Reply: Yet, as we know, Baba says "let everyone be happy........."

(B) Kalyanesvaranandji wrote: During His life time on this earth, He does His Liila with the devotees.

Reply: Does His cosmic liila ever come to an end? When this happens it spells the end of the universe. Baba is Parama Purusa. His liila (divine play) never ends.  Baba continues to play His cosmic game. Those who are oblivious to this fact conclude that Baba is gone and that they are now in charge. They think and act as if they can now re-invent and re-design His divine teaching as they please. This mental outlook prevents one from surrendering. This is a non-devotional stance.

And verily there are many more contradictions from that letter.

Another sore point. Baba built one organisation. Now there are so many AMPSs. Can we be proud of this bifurcation and trifurcation? DOGMAS DIVIDE.

Homage has to be paid to Baba with every breath, every wakening, every moment, Guru Puja, Guru Sakash - and not with so-called MPD.

Enough has been said. I concede, it is not easy to free oneself from the grip of dogma. Only Divine intervention and surrender makes it possible.


in Him,

Note: If you do not have a copy of Tiljala's circular, let me know.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

#6 Re: Reply to Dada Abhidevananda On MPD


Respected Readers,

Namaskar. Below please find three letters related with this ongoing issue. The first letter is a statement from brother Bibhansuji; below that are two separate emails, by Lallooji & Sukulji, both of which were written in reply to Bibhansuji's letter.

In Him,
AM Universal Moderators

Re: Reply to Dada Abhidevananda On MPD

~ Part 6 ~

Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 17:55:52 +0530
From: Bibhansu Maiti <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal

The first and foremost thing is if you believe that Baba is always with us then you act in the way as we did at Baba's time.Baba has never never entertained any negativity in the organization. But the way you are writing will not only disturb the firm sadhaka but the new generation.May be your intention is good, but the way is not at all desirable. If you love Him and His mission try to rectify or point out the loopholes with very positive intention.  These mail will neither help to progress nor to propagate yhe mission in any way. If someone reads these mails they will surely consider you as the enemies not the friends of the marga. My request is instead of doing all these, let us try to do something concrete.


The following two letters are in reply to brother Bibhansuji's above email...
- Eds

Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:19:10 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal

Thank you Bibhansuji for the sound advice, however, I feel that margiis should not be misguided with a negative approach to spirituality- MPD dogma and the like. This is is disturbing to a firm sadhaka and new sadhakas alike.Sadhakas must be properly informed and guided according to Baba guidelines.If you truly believe that Baba is with us, then why MPD dogma ?
MPD is in my opinion not concrete- it is highly destructive. It has not been sanctioned by Baba. We will be judged harshly by the future if things are not put right now.

Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:51:49 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal


By this letter brother Bibhansu ji has realized that we must try to rectify or point out the loopholes of the mission with very positive intention.

This means if we see or realize any thing happening wrong according to our code of conduct and constitution it should be brought to the notice of every follower so that it may be rectified in time. The celebration of MPD is not prescribed in Caryacarya but due to the whim of some of us, this dogmatic act has been  introduced which is misleading common margiis. In such a situation it is very necessary to let them know their errors and try to rectify .

In this age of electronics the emails are the fastest means to contact and communicate the reality to the concerned. So we are following the positive approach with our sole intention to  eradicate the created ills in the organization. Since the truth is always bitter hence those who have selfish interests will surely feel hurt and treat us as enemy but we are doing this for the betterment of the organization .

So, brother Bibhansu ji, come forward and help the work done in the favor of the organization and if you have any better way to rectify such dogmas please suggest us.

Dr TR Sukul

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Monday, October 21, 2013

#5 Reply to Dada Abhidevananda On MPD


#5 Reply to Dada Abhidevananda On MPD
Namaskar Bibhansu,
Thank you very much for your deep insight on Taraka Brahma. It is quite evident that you have studied Babas books extensively.
By our "high sounding word" we are foolishly trying to do work for Baba by preserving the sanctity of His teaching.

It may well be that we are under-informed. It may be that Baba forgot to mention MPD in His books or the publication department was challenged in this regard. If this is the case then I can only conclude that MPD is not the brainchild of mortals but of the Gods in Heaven.

Please have a look a Carya'carya Part 1. It ends on page 91. Looks complete to me.
Eish! How absent-minded am I ? More pages pages 92 and 93. MPD.

I am certain that you will be able to enlighten us about a few trivial matters.

1) Taraka Brahma appears approx. every 3500 years. The last was Shrii Shrii Anandamurthii. Should human beings for the next 3477 years be sad on 21st Oct? See ''solemnity of the occasion". 
2) The word "mahaprayan" means "death". Is MPD not a yearly reminder that Baba is "dead". Do devotees of Shri Krisna yearly remind themselves that Krisna is "dead"? If so, which day is that? Baba has written much about Shrii Krisna. Has Baba anywhere recommended that MPD for Krisna be observed?
3) What is shraddhainjali? 
4) Has Parama Purusa Baba really composed theme songs for MPD?
5) How does one do Solemn Akhanda Kirtan?
6) It is a known fact that fake vaniis were created after 1990. Which vaniis are used for vanii exhibition during MPD ?

Lastly, see Chapter 21 Page 42, 43,44, 45 and 46. MPD in not mentioned. It must be the fault of the publication department.
In anticipation of your wise response.

In Him,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ Reply to Dada Abhidevananda On MPD
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:31:27 -0700
From: Bibhansu Maiti <bee
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin 2 <>

Instead of of polluting the devotional sanctity of MPD and blackmailing imotion of devotees do some work for Baba, if tou really think Baba as Tarak Brahma. Only high sounding word will not work. Now people throw all these mails to dustbin. MPD is one of the most devotional function of AM where thousands of margiis enjoy His bliss.  
May Baba lead us in right path. It will be continuing for ever. You can never stop it. Baba wants devotion not dry intellect.

I think you will have courage to display my mail.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Donkey Marriage - 1



Revolutionary marriages (RM) are a big part of our Ananda Marga way of life. As we all know Baba has placed tremendous importance on RM's and waged a ceaseless campaign against caste marriages, the dowry system, and all kinds of exploitation related with marriages.

In a nuthsell, the benefits of the RM system are vast indeed as it strengthens the gene pool by marrying people who come from diverse backgrounds, brings tremendous social unity, and is integral for forming one human society - among so many other plus points. As Ananda Margiis, we must be vigilant to attend to and follow Baba dharmic guidelines with regards to marriage. After all, this is an essential component of society building and if we do not adhere to His given tenets, then who will.

Unfortunately, the recent trend in certain parts shows how some are short-cutting and even blatantly disregarding and going against Baba's given revolutionary marriage system - in a multitude of ways. Here we are not only talking about the bride and groom, nor just the margii families involved, but also our Wts who attend, sanction, condone, and preside over such marriage ceremonies.

Here following are some of the transgressions taking place:

On 18th May 2013, Pratap Nayak, a senior margii and Bhukti Pradhan of Balasore in Odisha (formerly known as Orissa) arranged the marriage of his son with a non-margii girl of the same caste. So this the first martial violation as it is well known in Ananda Marga that we do not support caste marriages.

The second issue is that just prior to getting married the boy was seen driving a newly purchased Maruti 800 automobile. And it is no surprise where this car came from. The boy received it as part of the dowry from the bride's family. THus a big dowry was paid to the boy's family. That is a serious violation of our Ananda Marga marriage system.

And the third chief violation is that neither the boy nor the girl have reverence for Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. The boy has zero interest in Ananda Marga and the girl was not a non-margii. Yet they both took vows in the name of Sadguru Baba. But without proper regard for Him and without performing His sadhana, they are both completely unable to fulfill those vows. That is the third major violation. More about this is described further down in this email.

The fourth and final problem is that central workers like Ac Priyakrsnanandji of Kolkata served as the priest, and some other sanyasii dadas & diidis attended this marriage. Thus not only did those Wts attend the proper but they actually convened the ceremony, thus implicitly condoning a caste marriage, the dowry, and the fact that neither groom nor bride was in position to take an oath in the name of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Not only that, most of those Wts took food at this ceremony - i.e. full belly. Yet that should not have been done as this marriage ceremony incorporated so many dogmas like casteism and dowry. Ac Priyakrsnanandji and others involved should have taken the responsibility to ensure that the marriage adhered to the marital codes as given in Ananda Marga philosophy. Instead those workers paid a blind eye to such matters, and they got completely wrapped up in Hindu dogma and packaged the wedding in that way as well. This is nothing short of tragic and shocking that certain, "big" Dadas succumbed in this way. What is the need for them to move around in orange dress if they are going to walk arm-in-arm with all local dogmas. That is perhaps the biggest tragedy

Rule Violations: Caste marriage, acceptance of dowry, breach of sanctity of marriage vows, Wt support


With regards to violations of our Ananda Marga marriage system, we cannot blame non-margiis as they are ignorant of all such matters. Senior margiis must certainly be held accountable. Most shocking of all is those Wts who perform, preside over, condone, and attend such marriages that are in clear violation of Baba's dharmic marriage system.

Wts should not be giving marriage oaths to non-margiis and those who lack reverence for Ista. Yet clearly certain workers are in violation of this. Furthermore, our Wts should not be attending let alone eating at such marriage gatherings. Yet here again many are contravening Baba's codes.

For instance, if a dowry is involved then no Wt or senior margii should conduct that marriage ceremony - nor should they attend or eat at such a program. All that can be said is that laokik family members may attend out of family obligation but they must not take food at such a ceremony.

Yet so many Wts are in clear violation of this by attending and condoning caste marriages, marriages with dowry, marriages with non-margii brother, and marriages with those who lack reverence towards Ista. This begs the question why our Wts are involving in this way. Are they getting payment for performing such marriages?

All in all it is quite disturbing to see and 100% contrary to Guru's teachings.


Actually this whole episode of our wholetimers involving in arranging marriges, conducting ceremonies, and doing match-making is not what they should be doing. This is the work of senior margiis and family acaryas. The problem is that sannyasi life is not easy and one various Dadas and Didis take active roles in marriage arrangements, all too often they end up matching themselves as well, thereby leaving their sannyasi dress behind. This is the unholy and disastrous outcome. Thus Wts should not put their mind in that direction. They should leave such works entirely up to senior family margiis and family acaryas. If and when necessary, our WT Dadas may give advice from afar when called upon and needed. Other than that they should involve in the creation of more wts and lfts and leave the arrangement of marriages to family people.


Here are Baba's key guidelines on our Ananda Marga marriage system. The following twelve point are from the chapter "Marriage Ceremony" in Caryacarya. Thereafter further points are given in succeeding sections of this email.

A Few Instructions

(1) While arranging a marriage [in the case of that kind of marriage], the guardians should not consider the caste or nationality of the bride and bridegroom, but they must consider the family and the merits and demerits of the two. The guardians, before fixing the marriage, will seek the opinions of the bride and the bridegroom and proceed accordingly. The guardians should not allow matrimony between persons connected with each other either on the paternal or the maternal side for three generations, ascending or descending.

(2) In the case of arranged marriages, the guardians should finally meet and ascertain the consent of the bride and bridegroom, and bless them, at least a day before the marriage is solemnized.

(3) If the boy and the girl settle their marriage themselves, it is proper for the guardians to give their consent. In case the guardians feel that the consequences of such a marriage will be harmful, they may ask the boy and the girl to reconsider their decision. Even then, if they do not change their opinion, the guardians will give their consent, but they will be in no way responsible for such a marriage.

(4) Every person should marry if there is not sufficient reason against marriage. A decision for marriage should be taken with full consideration of one’s physical, mental, and financial conditions and environmental circumstances. No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage. [[According to Ananda Marga,]] marriage is not a hindrance to dharma sádhaná; rather, marriage is a dhármika ceremony.

(5) Male members of the Marga can marry females outside the Marga, but it will be better to marry a female member of the Marga to a male member of the Marga, as far as possible. If a suitable match is available outside the Marga, the marriage may be solemnized, but efforts should be made to initiate him into the Marga without delay.

(6) For marriage, neither party can demand a dowry.

(7) A widow or a woman forsaken by her husband can remarry. A man marrying such a woman will be given a special status in the society. He will have to shoulder the responsibility of bringing up the children by her previous husband.

(8) If a woman forsaken by the society desires to lead an honourable life, proper opportunities should be afforded to her. If anyone marries such a woman in the manner prescribed by the Marga, the marriage should be properly respected.

(9) Men can prove their manliness by marrying shelterless women. Do not at all allow a woman to live [[in neglect]].

(10) It is proper not to marry again when one’s wife is alive. But sometimes, due to social or family necessity, more than one marriage can be accepted. If there is a need of more than one marriage, the clear permission of the wife has to be obtained in the presence of five responsible persons (one of whom will preferably be an ácárya/á). The second marriage will not be permissible without the permission of the wife. These five persons will specifically ascertain the veracity of the statement of the petitioner.

(11) In Ananda Marga no one will be looked down upon as an illegitimate child. In such circumstances, the parents of the child will be compelled to marry in the prescribed manner, and if need be, the man will have to agree to more than one marriage.

In order that the dignity of a child born out of wedlock may be saved, it will not be necessary to take the permission of the earlier wife for the marriage.

(12) The mantras in the Ananda Marga marriage system are such that the question of divorce does not arise; but in very extraordinary circumstances, on charges of characterlessness, irresponsibility, or cruelty, divorce may be accepted. The complainant (man or woman) will appeal to five important responsible persons of the Marga (an ácárya/á preferably being one of them). On being satisfied regarding the validity of the complaint, they will allow the complainant six months’ time for reconsideration. If the petition is still not withdrawn and the reasons for the complaint remain unaltered, divorce will be accepted. In this connection, the procedure for the division of the properties will be formulated according to the demands of the time.


Sadguru Baba says, "At the time of marriage the bride and bridegroom should not have any direct relationship three generations above and three generations below. If this condition is not met, the marriage should not be solemnized." (1)


There are some who may say that adhering to the Ananda Marga marriage system is too difficult and virutally impossible. They argue that there should be some leeway - i.e. slackness in the rules - otherwise no one will participate in our revolutionary marriage system. People are not ready to give up caste dogma and forgo dowry. That is what some say and then they give the following suggestion: Best then is to compromise and not emphasize the importance of following all of Baba's stated rules on revolutionary marriage.

The reply to such persons is as follows. Ananda Marga is not a popularity contest nor are we seeking numbers at the expense of our ideals. Baba never advocates any kind of compromise with Ananda Marga guidelines.

"We will not deviate an inch from our ideology, nor will we allow others to do so." (2)

Indeed, once one begins compromising on points of dharma then the outcome is terrible - more and more degradation occurs until the original guideline is no longer recogniseable. That is the theme Baba has expressed in the following story.

"Perhaps you know the old story of a milk vendor. Once a customer asked a milk vendor. “How is it that you sell me milk at one kilo for one rupee, whereas the other vendor gives it to my neighbour for two kilos a rupee?” The vendor replied, “If you like, I will also give it to you for two kilos a rupee.” So the vendor started giving milk at that price. After a few days, the customer said to him, “Look here, another milk vendor sells 16 kilos of milk for one rupee. Why don’t you?” The vendor replied, “I can also, if you like.” After a few more days, the customer said, “See here, another vendor is selling milk at 18 kilos for a rupee!” “I can also do that if you want,” answered the vendor, “but this time I will not be able to retain the original colour of the milk!” That is, the vendor will have to pour such a great quantity of water into the milk that it will no longer remain white!" (3)

The main teaching here is that once one begins to compromise or adulterate then that continues until the original substance no longer resembles its former self. That is what happened with the milk in the above story.

And that is what will happen to our revolutionary marriage system in Ananda Marga. As soon as the bending of the rules or compromise occurs on caste marriages or dowry, then that will trigger more and more compromises until finally our marriages will have absolutely nothing to do with Baba's given revolutionary marriage system.

That is why Baba guides us to never compromise on points of dharma, i.e. never compromise on Ananda Marga ideals. He wants that we uphold the tenets of dharma. That is our measuring rod, not how popular we are with the common people. Lastly, by upholding the tenets of bhagavad dharma, then good people will be attracted to Ananda Marga.

So we should be ever strict to live by the tenets of Ananda Marga ideology - there is not any question of abandoning those core values and guidelines in order to become more popular.



In marriage, Baba has given the mantra and meaning, and the meaning is treated as an oath. The mantra begins with the following vow, which first the groom and then the bride must repeat.

"I say on oath in the name of Parama Brahma and Marga Gurudeva that out of my own free will I will accept Shriimatii / Ms. ... as my wife." (Caryacarya)

In this above quote, the oath is taken "In the name of Parama Brahma and Marga Gurudeva". So here the point is that if the oath taker does not believe in Marga Gurudeva, then taking an oath in His name has no meaning for that person.

To take an oath in someone's name, one must have adoration for that person or entity.



For example, if one margii takes oath in the name of Marga Gurudeva, then that has deep meaning. Because the margii has heartfelt feeling for Baba, our Marga Guru. But if that same margii takes oath in the name of Allah, Jesus or Hanuman, then what will be the sense of that when the margii has no feeling for those entities.

Similarly, if a non-margii sister takes the oath on the name of Marga Gurudeva, then what meaning will that have when she herself does not feel that Baba is her Guru. If she had the feeling that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is her Guru then she would have taken initiation. Not having done so, it is just hypocritical for her to take oath in Marga Guru's name. Officially on paper the oath can be done, but in the real sense no oath has been taken.
(From letter of 11/8/2013 on Unmatched Marriages.)

It is just like if an atheist takes an oath in the name of God, then oath does not mean anything. Because that atheist does not have any feeling for God. So then how can an oath in the name of God hold any meaning - in that circumstance it cannot. An oath is meaningful only to the degree one has faith and belief in that Entity. Likewise, when non-margiis do not have faith in Ista or Ananda Marga ideology, then how can the oath they take in the name of Baba hold any real value or meaning.



As we know, in Ananda Marga, an oath is taken very seriously. One must have a deep feeling, connection and commitment to take an oath. Moreover, here we are talking about marriage, a life-long commitment. So the marriage oath is a critical matter. It must not be taken on the name of one entity for which one has no feeling. Otherwise that is just hypocrisy.

This marriage oath is Baba's clear-cut injunction on marriage. Because this oath is being taken on the name of Marga Gurudeva. And as is already clear, when one has no heartfelt feeling or adoration for Marga Gurudeva, then that oath has no meaning. So this oath is very clear-cut, and it is given directly by Baba. A non-margii cannot take this oath.

On this basis, it is proven that both parties intending to marry within the Ananda Marga marriage system must be initiated margiis who accept Baba as their Guru.
(From letter of 11/8/2013 on Unmatched Marriages.)


“तुम लोग dogma के ख़िलाफ़ सङ्ग्राम करते रहोगे | और केवल—मुँह से बोलोगे कि dogma ख़राब है—सो नहीं | अपने करके दिखला दोगे कि—तुम dogma को नापसन्द करते हो |

हम तो सबसे कहेंगे कि हम लोगों को जल्द से जल्द समाज बना लेना है | और, दुनिया में सर्वत्र आनन्दमार्ग का प्रचार और-ज़ोरदार करना है | समाज बनाना है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage चाहिए | …

जो लोग guardian हो, माता-पिता हो, अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो कि—तुम dogma के ख़िलाफ़ हो |

घबड़ाओ नहीं, किसी से डरो नहीं | अपने वैयष्टिक प्रयास से अगर नहीं हुआ, सामूहिक प्रयास से करो | घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | और हम तोरा सिनी रो साथ छियो |”

क्रान्तिकारी विवाह (4)

“अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage करा लो | और जो हिम्मतवार लड़के हैं, वे, उनके guardian, उनके माता; वे लोग क्या करें ? जात-पाँत को लात से ख़त्म कर दो, चूर-चूर कर दो | एक दल, एक मज़बूत समाज बना लो | और हम लोगों को दुनिया के कोने-कोने में आनन्दमार्ग का पैगाम पहुँचा देना है | इसलिए अधिक से अधिक सङ्ख्या में whole timer worker की भी जरूरत है | कोई whole timer worker बनो | कोई revolutionary marriage करके समाज को मज़बूत बना दो |” (5)


The Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage system is an important dynamic for building a healthy human society. Throughout history, marriage has been used as a tool to either exlude or include various sections of humanity. Now, for the first time ever, the world bears witness to the ultimate system of marriage that will yield unparalled results. Yet the very Dadas (and some family acaryas) in charge of overseeing Baba's revolutionary marriage have seemingly defaulted. Otherwise, how else to explain the above meltdown where a caste marriage was performed complete with a dowry. Baba Himself personally fought against this in the 1950s or even earlier. Now, decades and decades later, our top Wt administrators are jettisoning our Ananda Marga back into the stone ages on this critical matter.

in Him,


The aforementioned marriage in Balasore, Odisha was nothing but a donkey marriage. Superficially, they had everything ready in terms of proper outfits and acaryas on hand etc, but upon closer examination the foundations of this marriage were completely bogus as it was wrapped up in caste and dowry dogma etc. The entire marital function and ceremony contravened Ananda Marga ideals. That is why it is called a donkey marriage. On the outside it looks like Ananda Marga but in reality it is not Ananda Marga. That is what is meant by donkey.

It is just like if one is doing sadhana sitting in a very erect position hoping that someone will notice him in sadhana and be impressed. But internally, that "meditator" is just thinking about himself, not Parama Purusa. So this is not real sadhana; it is just donkey sadhana. It looks like sadhana but on closer look it is clear it is just donkey sadhana.

Same is the case with the aforementioned marriage in Odisha. To the untrained eye and non-sadhaka, it may look like an Ananda Marga marriage, but to every sincere Ananda Margii it is evident that this was just a donkey marriage.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Bhaerava and Bhaeravii
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14
3. AFPS-3, Genius and Technician
4. Kra’ntika’rii Viva’ha, Deoghar 1/8/84, General Darshan, Not Printed
5. PS Purport 1030 + WT Discourse – 2, 1/14/1984 Patna, Not Printed

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