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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Re: Blind Wt Worker Teaches Wrong Things

~ Baba ~

 Re: Blind Wt Worker Teaches Wrong Things

Respected Dadaji,

         In this article and the linked article of it, "Namaskar " has been discussed in detail and there is no doubt that doing namaskar along with the mudra is beneficial to all. In AM by namaskar we do not salute to any individual but the consciousness in him/her which is the reflection of cosmic consciousness. In this way our system of salutation is unique and as per rev. Baba's direction, we should be first to do namaskar to the person we meet (without waiting his reply), than to be the replier of namaskar.

But, I would like you to see [page 126 para 3]  "Yoga Psychology" which deals with the discourse on 'glands and sub-glands' given by rev. Baba on 12th may 1990.

This para reads as below:-

"you can only bless those you like.If you accept salutations from those you dislike, negative sentiments may arise in your mind, increasing the lower propensities and decreasing the higher propensities in those seeking your blessing. So you do not have the right to accept salutations from all people, and you should not automatically bless every one."

This para gives directions as Ac Yogeshvarananda Avt (Mumbai DS) seems to be following. Please bring this to the notice of the writer of this article and inform me about the out come.

TR Sukul

To: AnandaMargaNewsBulletin
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 23:45:37
From: Mahadeva Shinde
Subject: Race Should Not Be Highlighted + Mumbai News



We expect that WTs will teach us. Now the time has come where we are bound to teach Ac Yogeshvarananda Avt what is the Namaskar (salutation) system in Caryacarya. In fact he (Mumbai DS) is confused about “Namaskar” (Salutation) system.

Normally he does not do namaskar if he does not like certain margis or WTs. And he proudly declares in “Dharma Cakra” that Baba has instructed in Caryacarya - one should not do Namaskar if he or she dislikes him or her.

Ac Yogeshvarananda Avt is completely wrong. Baba has never instructed such thing in Caryacarya. In this way, DS dada has been disregarding Baba which is against “Ista and Adarsha” of 16 points. In addition, he has been misguiding gullible margi brothers and sisters by teaching wrong things.

In Caryacarya, Baba has written something similar about “carańa sparsha prańáma [bowing and touching the feet]”, but not about “Namaskar (salutation). Baba Says, "...Never do “carańa sparsha prańáma (bowing and touching the feet) to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be.

About Namaskar, Baba has written, "...As ideal human beings you should not wait to [do] namaskar after another has greeted you: you should rather take the first opportunity to greet others. When someone greets you, it is merely common courtesy for you to salute back; you do not become an ideal human being thereby. Rather one who seizes the first opportunity to salute others is the ideal. So you should always make an effort to do namaskar to others first: you should not care whether the person whom you greet will greet you in return or not. (When people come to me during personal contact, I greet them first whether they salute me or not.) By giving honour to others you will not be belittled, you will rather enhance your prestige...” 29th Nov 1970, Calcutta (SS part- 10)

Non Compromising strictness to ISTA and ADARSHA - So please teach him.

Please find below what Baba has written about three types of Salutaion system in Caryacarya part one:

There are three methods of salutation: (1) sáśt́áuṋga prańáma [prostration], (2) carańa sparsha prańáma [bowing and touching the feet] and (3) namaskára [salutation].

Sáśt́áuṋga prańáma: Sáśt́áuṋga prańáma is a symbol of simplicity. It is to be done only to Márga Guru. It signifies surrender to the ideology. Women can do salutation by touching the ground with the forehead instead of full prostration.

Carańa sparsha prańáma: Carańa sparsha prańáma means to touch the feet of a revered person with one’s hands and then to touch one’s forehead with those same hands. This prańáma should be done only to those who command high regard from the worldly or spiritual viewpoint. As far as possible, do not do carańa sparsha prańáma except to persons such as these. Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be.

Namaskára: Namaskára is done by bringing the palms together and touching the ájiṋá cakra [the mid-point of the eyebrows] with the thumbs, without bowing. It can be done to all regardless of their age, because this mode of salutation is used with the ideation that everyone is the manifestation of the Supreme Being.

Do not shake hands with anyone, because it is unhygienic, and do not do kurnish [a kind of court salute signifying submission to one’s authority] to anyone, as you are not anyone’s slave. Kurnish is a symbol of slavery, so as a form of salutation it is strictly forbidden. (1956, Jamalpur)

Baba also says, ”….Amániinaḿ mánadeyaḿ: You expect that people should respect and honour you, but you never think that you should also respect and honour others. Saḿgráme vaepariityaḿ: this principle has already been explained. You long for name and fame, and you are burning with impatience because you are not receiving the honour you expect. So you must use the reverse strategy: give respect to those whom no one gives respect, and your mind will become balanced and at peace. When beggars are stranded by the wayside, do you ever care to salute them? Why not? Are they not dignified human beings, are they not also expressions of the same One Supreme Consciousness? But when well-dressed, high-placed ministers and leaders stand before you, you lie prostrate before them – why this discrimination? All are manifestations of one and the same God: yet one person you greet warmly and another you utterly neglect – why this differential treatment? It means that there is a hidden sense of flattery in your mind and you are surreptitiously trying to gain honour from the elite. Rather you must give respect to those who do not receive respect from anyone; in this way your minds will become balanced and you will progress."  29th Nov 1970, Calcutta (SS part- 10)


In fact, Yogeshvarananda dada is a rude and negative mentality dada. He is a big supporter of present GS Citsvarupananda. In Ranchi AMPS, many WT s are against this Mumbai DS due to his rude behavior. Many WT have complained against this dada to Rudrananda and Citsvarupananda. For example: Nirmohananda, Raviprakashananda, Nityasundarananda, Sandiptananda, etc. But no action has been taken against DS.

He is being guided by Citsvarupananda. In fact, DS has spoiled general relations of Mumbai margis. Due to his rude behavior, many old margiis and educated & intellectual margi do not attend DC in Jagriti. Many times, DS does not reply the Namaskar of margiis. That is why many margiis are not happy with DS.


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