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Thursday, May 8, 2014

BP Ousted: Eye-Opening Story


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: BP Ousted: Eye-Opening Story
2. End Quote: Forced Conversion To Another Religion Is Bad
3. PS #4018: I Have Searched You For Ages And Ages
4. Links


This letter narrates what happens to those units that welcome all the groups. Step by step, one group or another will capture the entire unit. So be aware - this story is eye-opening. If you know any unit where all the groups are allowed, then please forward this letter to them. Then they can be prepared and prevent the disaster as happened in Balasore.

Here is the interesting story how B group ousted one BP in Balasore and put their own stooge there. We should examine how and why this happened.

As many are aware, Balasore is the gateway to South India from Kolkata. So it is a key and strategic place for Tiljala. But those margiis in Balasore were not supporting B group due to B group’s alleged murdering of Abhipremananda. So Tiljala (B group) hatched a conspiracy to capture Balasore. And here is what they did.

Tiljala leaders called upon two of their main followers – Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan – to start making in-roads. Both were given the duty.

More specifically, B group leaders gave Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan the “roadmap” for how to proceed: (a) Balasore margiis allow every group – (b) that is their weak spot – (c) so gain access to the unit and (d) capture everything.

Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan followed the instructions perfectly, and now their goal has been achieved. They captured the unit and here is how it was done.

1- Establish Relations with the Unit

First Kolkata personnel came to Balasore to manage relief efforts, show allegiance to the area, build bridges with the local margiis, and ultimately gain their trust.

Yet all along Tiljala was proceeding with a specific endpoint in mind: Make Balasore their outpost.

2 - Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyen Move In

Under one or another excuse, Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan each left Fuladi and moved to Baleshvar. This was a way of of moving towards their goal of capturing the entire bhukti by putting a stooge on BP post. To this end, Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan both started living there.

3 - Target Non-Supporters of B Group

By this point the stage was set and inroads made. Eager to gain full control of the unit, Tiljala began marking their supporters and challengers. Quickly lines were drawn, and they made the plan to gain administrative control of the unit.

4 - Remove the Current Bhukti Pradhan

Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Shrii Bhuyan were sowing the seeds and telling one and all that the reigning BP, Shrii Pratap Nyak, should step down as he is “too aged” . This was their rallying cry and justification. But the reality is that they wanted that BP gone because he (Shrii Pratap Nyak) was not a blind supporter of B group. And when Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Shrii Bhuyan  felt the opportunity was ripe for the taking, they gave the signal to Tiljala to dispatch Marmadeveananda to “take care of business.” Marmadeveananda’s duty was to oust Shrii Pratap Nyak from the chair of BP and install a “Tiljala-friendly” candidate, i.e. Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan.

5 - Install a B group stooge as Bhukti Pradhan

Now Tiljala as their “man” on the scene and in power. Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan is the BP and he is a blind follower of B group and bosom buddies with Shrii Bhaskar Jena, i.e. B group stalwart.

6 – Came Full Circle - I.E. Final victory

Long backing we can see this step-by-step roadmap was made and now they have gotten success on all points. Slowly it came full circle and now final victory is done. The unit is firmly in B group’s control and other groups do not go there.  Since then they are put a samaj office in jagrti.

When any unit keeps the door open to all the groups then this type of scene unfolds. It is just like if you leave your doors and windows open then  humans as well as beasts may enter and take over the house.

That is the takeaway – thing to learn – from this entire episode.

--- Here below are the details of this whole episode:


Baleshvar (Balasore) is a small town in between Cuttack and Kharagpur in Odisha. The Balasore bhukti includes Balasore & Bhadrak districts, as well as units like Bhadrak and Nilgiri. Kolkata is about 300 km away. A good number of margiis reside in Baleshvar and throughout the surrounding area.

The margiis in the town of Baleshvar did not like the Kolkata Administration because Tiljala Wts aallegedly murdered Ac. Abhipremanandji.


Under the leadership of Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak, the margiis of Baleshvar started dharmacakra in a rented house once a week, i.e. on Sunday. Plus they started doing akhanda kiirtan on the last Sunday of the month.

In this Balasore unit, under the bhukti pradhanship of Pratp Chandara Nyak, anybody from any group was welcome. In their eyes, B group thought they could exploit this weak point and make inroads. As mentioned, the margii brothers and sisters under the leadership of BP Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak used to regularly observe dharmacakra, monthly kiirtan, and Ananda festivals in this jagrti.

All the while, Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Kolkata WTs were feeling as if they were unimportant.

So Kolkata Administration Wts used to come. So margiis of Baleshvar started helping them; this helped bridge the gap between Baleshvar margiis and the Kolkata faction. Though the margiis of Baleshvar were never against any group.


Although Baleshvar margiis used to invite senior margiis like Bhaskar Jena (Ananda Marga High School, Fuladi (Baleshvar Dist) to attend kiirtan, Shrii Jena did not like to go Baleshvar as he did not support the BP-ship of Pratap Nyak, as he wanted full control.

For one or another excuse, at the opportune moment Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan left Fuladi and came to Baleshvar to fulfill his allotted duty of oust BP Pratap Nayak and capture the post.

Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Shrii Bhuyan started telling that Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak should retire from the BP post because he is old and unable to attend dharmacakra, and other programs on a regular basis. Margiis who supported Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak wanted an election.



In Sep '13, Ac Marmadevaanda was sent by Kolkata Admin to oust Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak and nominate Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan (brother of Shrii Pitmabar Bhuyan and close person to Shrii Bhaskar Jena) as BP. Those who were leading i.e. supporters of Pratap Nayak wanted an election.

When the proposal was forwarded by Bhaskar Jena group to remove Pratap Nayak from BP post, Pratap Nayak & his group advocated for election instead of nomination.

Ultimately, Pramod Sahu came forward to contest the BP election. Pramod Sahu is a very sincere devoted margii. Pramod Sahu made his wife & daughter margiis. He has revolutionary spirit. Pramod Sahu is against so-called mahaprayan.

He asks to senior margiis when Baba has given directive not to take Shra’ddha’nna, is it correct for our Gruhii & WT margii brothers & sisters taking food in a separate place after leaving the place of shraddha observer (expense is borne by shraddha observer).


When Pramod Sahu gave his name as contestant of BP election, Marmadevananda was already planning that Vishvambhar should be BP. So when Pramod Sahu came forward then Dada Marmadevananda concocted a baseless excuse and argued that Pramod Sahu was an outsider because he hails from another district (Kendrapada, undivided Cuttack district). Here the point is that there is not rule that the BP must be born in that region; that is just one bogus and fake rule.  Sahu  contested that I have been staying in Balasore for the last fifteen years – all the while working in local engineering institutes. Not only that, Sahu informed them that the Ranchi BP Sudansuji was from Deoghar. In addition, Shrii Narayan Panda has been working as BP in Visakhapatanam for last eight years yet Pandaji is from Cuttack. These are examples of people not born in that area yet were the elected BP of that unit. When this fact was raised then Marmadevananda and all remained silent.

Compared to Pramod Sahu, Biswambar Bhuyan is not very strict in 16 Points; plus he accepted dowry in the past and has no revolutionary spirit. In contrast, Pramod Sahu’s background is very strong to be BP. He gave a lot of energy and efforts to start dharmacakra, akhanda kiirttana, and Ananda festivals etc. Plus throughout he was involved in uniting all margiis.


The number in support of Pratap Nayak / Pramod Sahu is much more. The Bhaskar Jena group was continuously telling Sahu to withdraw his name as BP. Lastly Sahu got disgusted because of this harassment, & withdrew his name and finally Vishvambhar got BPship from Marmadevananda without any contest.

The Prout rule was not followed – in the case of an uncontested election, the candidate must win by passing the pro and against vote.

“No candidate should be declared elected without a contest. Rich and influential people can compel other candidates, by financial inducements or intimidation, to withdraw their nomination papers. So in cases where it is found that there is only one candidate, the popularity of the candidate will have to be tested. If the candidate fails in this test, the candidate and all those who withdrew their nomination papers will forfeit the right to contest the subsequent by-election for that constituency. This means that they will have to wait until the next election.” (Problems of the Day, point #33)


B group captured the unit without election. They failed to hold a pro and against vote.

In order to have re-elections, there should be a sufficient gap of time for the re-election process. Plus the voter list must be prepared adequately ahead of time.

On this front various injustices were done:
(a) suspension of BP
(b) unjust election
(c) system not followed
(d) false voter list etc


They tried to increase the voting numbers in their favor but could not do. So they demoralized Sahu. All the while, margiis in Bhadrak and Nilgiri were not informed nor got opportunity to use their voting rights. This is serious exploitation and similar things happened in Ranchi.

Margiis of the world should be educated that the BP ship / system is under attack. Nowadays, only stooges of a group are getting placed as BP.


Gradually Bahakar jena started putting banners of Utkal samaj and Prout Express magazine in the jagrti.

Bhaskar Jena is misusing jagrti and started samaj office there. In parliamentary election he used as party office. This was wrong and against ethics and codes.

The margiis who elected & supporting Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak got depressed.


At present, Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan is BP and he has formed a bhukti committee. In this committee the above depressed margiis are nominated by him without their consent.

When any unit keeps the door open to all the groups then this type of scene unfolds. It is just like if you leave your doors and windows open then  humans as well as beasts may enter and take over the house.

That is the takeaway - thing to learn - from this entire episode.

in Him,

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Forced Conversion To Another Religion Is Bad

"In the past there were many instances when large numbers of Hindus were forcibly converted to another religion. Hindus were fed onions or beef without their knowledge and women were abducted, compelling them to transgress their religious beliefs. As a result, they were excommunicated by the Hindu priests. They were declared outcastes. When those who had instigated the transgressions observed this development, they escalate their campaign of forcible conversion." (PNS-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles)

"If Hinduism had not practiced idol worship, Kalachand would not have been converted. Because of his forcible conversion, Kalachand became extremely hostile towards Hinduism and launched his own campaign of terror against it. A religion should be so strong that no one can be converted from it." (PNS-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles)

"Ánanda Márgiis should never compel people to follow Ánanda Márga philosophy. Rather, they should always inspire people along the path of spirituality by encouraging selfless service, sacrifice, good conduct, spiritual practices, the development of all-round knowledge, etc. Ananda Marga is a comprehensive mode of living based on spirituality, and in Ananda Marga sádhaná, dhyana and japa are atmic or dharmic jiivika." (Prout in Nutshell - 16, Three Types of Occupation)

Note: In Ananda Marga, we do not subscribe to the policy of forced conversions; whereas, this approach is prevalent in many of the religions where they convert their prey under the pressure of the sword or by brute force. This is especially true of the Semitic religions. They did this in the past and they are doing at present also. In Ananda Marga, we do not support that modus operendii. Rather people come to accept Ananda Marga by their own free will and desire, after understanding and learning the fundamentals. A similar approach should be taken with one's own kids also. Do not force them to participate, rather logically convince them, little by little.

== Section 3 ==

~ I Have Searched You For Ages And Ages ~

PS Intro: The following two terms appear in the below purport.

[1] Jiirn’ Tarii: (literally meaning ‘worn-out boat’). This term indicates how the journey has been slow in their worn-out boat. Non-margii life is a very slow journey. Even after getting initiation onto the path of sadhana the aspirant is just lazily attending to his meditation practice – inching his way towards Parama Purusa. So the sadhaka is not pointed in his approach. That is why he is moving very slowly. And this is conveyed by use of the term - jiirn’ tarii (worn-out boat) - in the below song.

[2] Ka’ler Sagar: (literally meaning ‘ocean of time’). Since one’s initial birth there is a vast yet measurable distance between the aspirant and their Goal. That distance which spans countless lifetimes is known as the ocean of time. That expanse is what the sadhaka must cross to reach their goal. And by slowly revolving around the Cosmic Nucleus one advances on their journey. The sadhaka has been crossing that ocean of time. And there is sure to come a day when invariably that sadhaka will traverse that entire ocean of time and become one with their cherished Goal – Parama Purusa.

“Toma’y a’mi khunje gechi, kato na’ yug dhare kato yug dhare...” (PS 4018)

O’ my Dearmost, I have searched You for ages and ages. Since time immemorial, since the dawn of my existence, I have been seeking You. I have rowed this worn-out boat, jiirn’ tarii [1], in this ocean of time, ka’ler sagar [2] for so many lives – one after another. O my Lord, birth after birth, creeping across the expanse, I have been slowly moving towards You. And now today, still, I am just doing my lethargic meditation, trying to reach to Your lotus feet.

O’ Divine Entity, O’ Parama Purusa, I have been searching You in all the directions: Left and right, front and back, up and down, far away and close by, in each and every nook and corner of this vast creation – everywhere. I have also looked for You in the scenic panorama of forms throughout this expressed universe. I have looked so many places in search of You.

O’ Prabhu, no matter where I looked, You could not be found. You did not give me any hint as to where You were residing. Nor did You ever tell me Your divine tales or share Your blissful stories indicating Your whereabouts. Baba, I never heard anything from You. Even then, with my heartfelt longing I go on calling You – just to please You and have You.

Baba, You have blessed me with the understanding that You reside in my heart eternally...

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