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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom + 3 More


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Cry of sincere supporter: Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom
2. Comment: Re: Why wts should or should not engage in marriage dealings
3. PS #1: I can no longer bear the misery of the Cimmerian darkness of dogma
4. Links

Cry of sincere supporter:

Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom

One very sincere margii from Vancouver, Canada, who is devoted to Baba, tried hard to save New York sectorial office. He tried a myriad of pathways and tactics but tragically always he banged up against one immovable wall.

Here is his tragic tale of what he recently encountered. See for yourself how many doors he knocked as he directly tried to communicate with: (a) AMPS office, (b) sectorial office, (c) SS Dada Vimalanandji, (d) corporate secretary & chosen stooge of Centre Dhurva (Clark Forden), (e) AMPS Central GS Dadaji, (f) Central Office Secretary Dadaji, and (g) VSS global secretary - among others.

Here is one important section of his letter:

Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom

Margii Raghuram writes, ”The fact  that previously when I did manage to get a phone call answered by the  NY office secretary a week ago or more I was continuely refused the information as to who the new board members are or why the board was changed. Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom to do what you please.

It is clear to me now why 95% of the margis in the USA have voted with their feet and left your administration (if you could call it  that, more like misadministration, or non-administration). When will your stranglehold on Ananda Marga Inc. and AMPS NY sector loosen? Perhaps when the bodies of Ananda Marga give up their last gasp of air you will be satisfied enough to release us from your death grip.”

Note: To read Raghuramji's entire letter scroll down below…
in Him,

Note 1: About the term fiefdom

In Hindi, fiefdom means zamindari.

And the English definition of fiefdom is: The estate or domain of a feudal lord; an organization or department over which one dominant person or group exercises control.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?
To: Central Office Secretary AMPS Central <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?
To: "" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?
To: Clark Forden <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?
To: Acharya Vimalananda Avadhuta <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?
To: Acharya Vimalananda Avadhuta <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raghuram Oldham <>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM
Subject: has NY office been abandoned?
To: "Sectorial Office (NY)" <>


I get no answer when i phone the AMPS office, instead the call is forwarded to another phone  that has a full voice mail

I have not gotten an answer to my emails sent to sectorial office either.
SS does not answer his phone nor does SS dada Vimalananda respond to my Emails.

When I call the corporate secretary [Clarke Forden] I also get no answer

and there is no answer to my Emails from the corporate  secretary of Ananda Marga Inc.

To make things worse there is no answer to phone calls or Emails from global office secretary,central office secretary or central VSS global secretary. What on earth is going on? This is on top of the fact that previously when I did manage to get a phone call answered by the  NY office secretary a week ago or more I was continuely refused the information as to who the new board members are or why the board was changed.Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom to do what you please.

It is clear to me now why 95% of the margis in the USA have voted with their feet and left your administration (if you could call it that, more like misadministration, or non-administration). When will your stranglehold on Ananda Marga Inc. and AMPS NY sector loosen? Perhaps when the bodies of Ananda Marga give up their last gasp of air you will be satisfied enough to release us from your death grip.

Not respectfuly yours
Raghuram Oldham

== Section 2 ==

Re: Why wts should or should not engage in marriage dealings


Note: please find a link to the letter below.

== Section 3 ==

~ I can no longer bear the misery of the Cimmerian darkness of dogma ~

“Bandhu he niye calo…” (PS #1)


O’ Parama Purusa, my Bandhu [1], I cannot move forward with my own strength. Please take me along with You close to that flow of a’lor jharn’a’ ’[2] - that divine world - Brahma loka.

Baba, in my heart I can no longer bear the pain and misery of the Cimmerian darkness of dogma. Baba, please take me to the Divine world by breaking my deep slumber. With Your divine songs, remove all the inertia of mind so I can leave all sorts of dogma and move properly on the path of Ananda Marga, by Your grace...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1:

[1] Bandhu: Here below are some of Guru’s teachings on the term bandhu.

[A] "'Bandhu' means 'those within the bondage of love'. That is when one can not tolerate the idea of separation it is called 'Bandhu'. Now you see in this world have you got any Bandhu? No. Even your friend, your best friend-- he also did not come at the same time as you and after leaving the cremation ground, there is permanent separation. He will be with you up to the cremation ground. After your cremation he won't be with you. So he is not Bandhu-- he is not friend for he can tolerate the idea of separation."  
   "So who is the real friend? Parama Purusa. When you are in this physical framework - in this quinquelemental framework, He is with you, with your body, with your mind and with your spirit. After death, He will be with your mind, with your soul. When the body will be lost, the body will become one with the earth but mind and spirit will remain, He will be with you. So He is the real friend, He is the real Bandhu. And there cannot be any mundane friend, mundane Bandhu." (1)

[B] “What is the meaning of “bandhu”? In Saḿskrta, the meaning of the word “bandhu” is “to bind”. Bandhu indicates that person or entity who cannot stand separation. Parama Puruśa or Saguńa Brahma is closely and intimately connected with this expressed world, or jagata. He is pervasively connected with every individual entity, be it a living being or a crude object. He is also linked through and through with the universe as a whole. In other words, He is indissolubly and inextricably involved (ota prota) with everything. Therefore, He is the only bandhu of this universe. The rest of your bandhus in the physical world are not your eternal friends. Though they are with you now, a day will soon come when they will go away; they will be separated from you. When you depart from this world, these friends will accompany or carry your dead body. But how far will they accompany you? They will accompany your body up to the cremation ground or the burning ghat. Having gone so far, at the most they will return to their own dwelling places. So they are not your real bandhu. There is a shloka in Saḿskrta:”

Atyágasahano bandhu sadaevánumatah suhrd;
Eka kryaḿ bhavenmitraḿ samapráńáh sakhásmrtah.

“He who loves [[so much that]] he can never sustain the grief of separation, is known as “bandhu”. In this sense, nobody can have any bandhu in this world. Only that Jagatabandhu – that Parama Puruśa – can be your bandhu. No one else is your bandhu. Only He is your real friend.” (2)

[C] “In this world anybody and everybody can tolerate separation from you. When a person dies, what feelings will his mother and father, his brothers and sisters show? They will cry aloud, but after two or three days, normalcy will return. They will resume their normal mundane duties. And after a few days more or a few months they will forget the person. In societies where a widow’s marriage is accepted by people, the widow will remarry. In India, in upper-class Hindu society, a widow’s marriage is not accepted, but in a major portion of the world, even in India in some cases, a widow’s marriage is accepted by others. So you cannot say that any of your relatives is your bandhu. Nobody is your bandhu, or friend, in this respect. According to Indian custom, parents having only one son may adopt another child, who is then called bandhu. But Jagat Bandhu is the only real Bandhu. Parama Puruśa is the only real bandhu. He loved you in the past; He will love you in the future. He alone is Bandhu. His name is Jagat Bandhu.” (3)

[2]  A'lor  jharn'a' dha'ra': In this song the phrase, A'lor  Jharn'a' dha'ra' literally means the stream flows created by the fountain of effulgence.  In the spiritual sphere we can say this refers to the apex stage of dhya'na or the spiritual world satya loka that is close to Parama Purus'a.

[3] Prabhat Samgiita presents the true devotional expressions of our Ananda Marga sadhana. That is the inherent charm of Prabhat Samgiita. Those songs purely reflect a bhakta's heart-felt feeling with Parama Purusa.

The first composition was:

"Bandhu he niye calo..."

Meaning: O’ Parama Purusa, my Bandhu, I cannot move forward with my own strength. Please take me along with You close to that fountain of effulgence - that divine world - Brahma loka.

As we know, the term Bandhu signifies a very close relation with Parama Purusa - where one cannot bear separation from Him. Those bhaktas who feel in their heart that Parama Purusa is their Bandhu, or intimate friend, are indeed blessed. They feel that, "Without my dear Bandhu I myself cannot exist." Such is the depth of the relation of Bandhu - one of the four main bhavas or ways of personally relating with the Lord.

This first song is the embodiment of pure devotional expression and uniquely shows how to relate and interact with the Lord Parama Purusa in a close and intimate manner, where one can express their inner thoughts and feelings to Him. In contrast, in so many of the religions God is a distant figure and one cannot communicate with that Entity.

Then in the second song - "E ga'n a'ma'r a'lor jharn'a' dha'ra' -  the devotee is saying that this is my song of effulgence. And the compositions go on and on.

Thus this first song was the start of something great - a Prabhat Samgiita collection of 5,018 songs that expresses the true devotional approach in Ananda Marga. So the holy creation of Prabhat Samgiita is from darkness to effulgence. Where the devotee says, O' Baba lead me on this very path.

About this grand topic - there is much to say.

1. AV-12
2. AV-6, Parama Puruśa – the Only Bandhu
3. AV-4, Your Real Friend

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