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Monday, August 3, 2020

Spitting on the back: story


Spitting on the back: story


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

Sadguru Baba has made it very clear that AMPS properties are not to be sold - not for any reason. Yet so-called Rudrananda and his top stooges have been selling AMPS properties for their own personal gain for years, despite the outcry from sincere Ananda Margiis. Here below is the historical account from March 2015 of one such stooge, and how he pays a deaf ear to public criticism as he is so entrenched in his selfish and devious ways.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network in March 2015.



This following story is just like one scene unfolding nowadays in our AMPS.


This is the story of a sergeant major, a government employee, in the year 1942. This was a time when the Britishers were running the Indian government and committing countless atrocities - killing innocent citizens. The common village and city folk of India were brutally and senselessly murdered.

On one side, the public was furious and organised a protest. They decided to call for a labour strike. On the other side, there was one selfish employee who wanted to attend his office to maintain his post and prestige. That was the sergeant major featured in this below story.

The sergeant major thought, "I do not care whether my colleagues and neighbors were killed or not. If the government kills or exploits others I do not care as I have to support my bosses. That is my sole duty."

When going to the office then people asked him, "Where are you going?"

The sergeant major told them that he was going to support his bosses. By his response they understood that he was not in solidarity with them - rather he was supporting the imperialist exploiters. Face to face, those villagers tried to convince the sergeant major. But he would not hear their pleas and petitions, as he walked right by them.

Then in sheer and utter disgust, as the sergeant major walked on, townspeople people spit on his back. Even then, the sergeant major was so selfish and callous he did not stop; he just proceeded on to his office to support his bosses. The people briskly walked after him from behind and vigorously spit on his back - disgusted by his behaviour and dealing. The sergeant major’s garments were completely saturated in saliva and red betel juice. Those commoners drenched his back with their spit.

Once he arrived at his post, the sergeant major was asked, "What happened. Why are your clothes so wet and stained by red betel juice. What happened to the back of your shirt?”

The sergeant major replied that, "They spit on me, but it is ok because it gave me some relief in this scorching heat."

Such was the thick-headed, selfish, and stubborn outlook of that sergeant major. Now see the similar scene unfolding in NY sector...

Margiis “spitting” on Dada Vimalananda

Tragically, a similar course of events is unfolding in our Ananda Marga with regards to the Mexico land-selling issue - as well as the sale of New York sectorial office. Margiis are extremely angry and frustrated that Centre has been secretly selling off Ananda Marga properties. All along Dada Vimalananda has been blindly supporting Centre in this unholy endeavour of secretly selling Marga properties - and allegedly keeping the money for himself after paying off Centre etc.

So margiis have been complaining bitterly and writing openly about Dada Vimalananda’s dealings. Metaphorically, it can be said that they are “spitting” on him.

But Dada Vimalananda is feeling comfortable and happy. Dadaji thinks, “This only proves my stature. If I were unimportant and did not have a high post the margiis would not be writing me. So let the margiis express their vile and disgust. I will take it as an honour, and I will please my bosses and keep my SS post and prestige. That is what I live for in this world; that is why I exist. So I do not care what the margiis think, say, or do. Rather I feel glorified.”

Thus, Dada Vimalananda’s reply is no different from the selfish response of the sergeant major who felt “relieved” by all the spit as it saved him from the sun’s scorching heat.

SS Dada hiding out in Mexico the last 2 months

As further proof of Dada Vimalananda’s position, for the last two months he has been staying (i.e. hiding out) in Cuernavaca, Mexico with his land-selling partner, Yogendra. What exactly are they doing there together? Margiis allege that the two of them are plotting their course for future land sales and counting up their US dollars from ill-begotten booty.

All the while, Dada Vimalananda has completely ignored his incoming emails, and he has yet to step foot in the city of Monterrey - the place where he secretly sold off so many Ananda Marga properties - it is alleged. So in his own self-satisfied and smug manner, Dada is quite pleased with his position. He has the support of his big bosses in Centre - so whatever the margiis say or do to him is of no consequence. For the time being, he has opted to simply ignore all attempts by others to contact him. More about this is explained below.

“Spitting” on Dada V: One margii’s letter

Note: Please find the full letter of one margii to Dada Vimalananda in note 1 below.

So you the reader should decide, is the margii’s disgust towards Dada Vimalananda’s illicit dealings just the same as those townspeople who spit on the back of the sergeant major. In both cases, the common people are infuriated by the post holder’s utter disregard for the sanctity and well-being of the community. So they “spit” on him. And in both cases, the post holder - steeped in his own selfishness and arrogance - feels glorified by the attention and infamy.

Main story: Spitting on back

Here is Sadguru Baba’s first-hand account of the story about the sergeant major:

~ Shabda Cayanika - 5, Disc: 32 ~
“I was sitting down flipping through the pages of a newspaper and found myself reading the same news over again. I held out some faint hope that I might come across any new piece of news. But where could any new news come from, I thought? How could any important piece of news surface, when even a small particle could not avoid the censor's scissors?”

“Then I ran into our local Sergeant-Major. He was working in the military. It was the year 1942. All employees had had their leave cancelled due to the emergency situation and had been ordered to return to the army. So he also was returning.”

“The trumpets of the Second World War were sounding then in different corners of the globe. That sound of the kettle drum could also be heard in different parts of India if one paid attention. Part of India had become a battlefield at that time with the Indian National Army crossing the border into India.”


“A certain judge made our colleagues swear allegiance anew in Bengali to British India. The Indian soldiers could no longer be trusted that much, as if it were a portent of the Sepoy Mutiny in a larger context, a newer terror in public life.”

"The suffering of the people reached its zenith point. Food, clothes and consumer goods were not only costly but hard to come by. Millions of poor people were dying of starvation, their knees buckling as they fell headlong to the ground. No one had time to shed salty tears over them when seeing their suffering. Such incidents were so frequent; people saw so much of this, that their tears dried up."


"I came to you for some work," the Sergeant-Major told me.

"What work would that be, pray tell?"

"Please have a look at the back of my shirt."

"Yes, I see it. I don't see anything unusual."

"Innocent people have been fired on in many of the surrounding villages and many have died. In protest, the government servants of this area have refused to attend work. But I have dedicated my body, mind and soul to the service of imperialism. How can I stay away from my duties? So I set out from home. The local people started hurling abuse and harsh words at me. I didn't let it upset me, nor did I forget even for a moment that my life was dedicated to the service of imperialist power. It won't do for me to stop. I have to join my duty."

"That much I understand," I told him. "I can see that with my own eyes. But what happened to your back as a result?"

"The young as well as the old people of the area all started spitting at me. I could feel that much of my back became drenched with spit. So I came to show you. Please check and let me know how much of my back is wet."

"Your shirt is not yet wet," I told him. "It may become a little wet if you dive in an ocean of spit for the next seven hundred more lives. Come back to me then."

"You told me that the name of Shyamal Shasmal won't be remembered by history, nor will it be on the metal casket. So you will record his name in your story. But what is going to happen to me?"

"You will also be one of the protagonists of my story. Your name must be there in the story."

"The Sergeant-Major's face brightened up."

"From today onwards you are a person of historic importance," I told him. "I used to know you only as the Sergeant-Major. I cannot understand into what depths your real name has sunk. Would you tell me your real name, just once? Only then can I make a place for you in my story."

"My name is Akalmand Singh," the Sergeant replied.

(Shabda Cayanika - 5, Disc: 32)


When a person is so low-minded then they have no concern about ideology or universal welfare. So long as their personal desire is met they are satisfied. In both cases, i.e. the sergeant major and Dada Vimalananda are completely consumed by their own post and power, and do not have any concern about the well-being of the people. That is why everyone “spits” on them.

in Him,

Note 1: “Spitting” on Dada V: One margii’s letter

This below margii’s letter is akin to spitting on Dada Vimalananda.

From: Raghuram Oldham
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: has NY office been abandoned?
To: Acharya Vimalananda Avadhuta <>
To: "Sectorial Office (NY)" <>


I get no answer when i phone the AMPS office, instead the call is forwarded to another phone  that has a full voice mail

I have not gotten an answer to my emails sent to sectorial office either.

SS does not answer his phone nor does SS dada Vimalananda respond to my Emails.

When I call the corporate secretary [Clarke Forden] I also get no answer

and there is no answer to my Emails from the corporate  secretary of Ananda Marga Inc.

To make things worse there is no answer to phone calls or Emails from global office secretary,central office secretary or central VSS global secretary. What on earth is going on? This is on top of the fact that previously when I did manage to get a phone call answered by the  NY office secretary a week ago or more I was continuely refused the information as to who the new board members are or why the board was changed.Ananda Marga is not your private fiefdom to do what you please.

It is clear to me now why 95% of the margis in the USA have voted with their feet and left your administration (if you could call it that, more like misadministration, or non-administration). When will your stranglehold on Ananda Marga Inc. and AMPS NY sector loosen? Perhaps when the bodies of Ananda Marga give up their last gasp of air you will be satisfied enough to release us from your death grip.

Not respectfuly yours
Raghuram Oldham

So you the reader should decide, is the margii’s disgust towards Dada Vimalananda’s illicit dealings just the same as those townspeople who spit on the back of the sergeant major. In both cases, the common people are infuriated by the post holder’s utter disregard for the sanctity and well-being of the community. So they “spit” on him. And in both cases, the post holder - steeped in his own selfishness and arrogance - feels glorified by the attention and infamy.

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