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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Distortion in 1950's AM book + 3 more


Distortion in 1950’s AM book


In Ánanda Márga publications, there are varieties of mistakes. And these mistakes have not originated in Bábá's recorded discourses. Rather, later on they came due to various flaws in the Publications department. Among the mistakes that arose therefrom, some are minor and some are extremely serious. And these misguide readers. Here is one such example.

See the para below highlighted in yellow. Please pay attention to the word in parenthesis, where our Publications has mentioned the term "Judge".

Here “Kázii” is family name, not post in judiciary

In “A Guide to Human Conduct” it is printed:
“No one would accuse the very incarnation of love, Shriiman Maháprabhu, one of the great revolutionists in the social and spiritual world, of adopting ways associated with hiḿsá; but he too pounced like a lion on the tyrant Kázii (Judge). If hiḿsá and use of force were synonymous, Maháprabhu, the incarnation of mercy, certainly would not have done so.” (1)
The above yellow section projects the false notion that Caetanya Maháprabhu attacked the judge, and that Bábá condones this attack on the judge. But that is far from the truth. Bábá does not appreciate attacks on the judiciary. Rather, here Bábá is referring to the tyrannical Muslim ruler Chand Kázii / Kázi who was controlling a place called Navadwip, in the kingdom of Nawab Hussein Shah. Chand Kázii was a ruthless tyrant who was mercilessly exploiting society in all kinds of ways. So Caetanya Maháprabhu and his followers challenged Chand Kázii. Thus, Bábá is appreciating Caetanya Maháprabhu's courageous and dharmic stand of striking back against those harming and exploiting the society. Such a use of force is proper and is not hiḿsá.


Adding the term “Judge” in the GHC book ruined the discourse. It misleads people about the meaning of ahimsa and misguides readers into thinking that attacking a judge is in concert with the teachings of ahimsa. All in all, Bábá's dharmic teaching becomes poisonous due to this distortion. Sadguru Bábá's message is to fight against injustice. But due to this distortion, this teaching became mutated into the notion that one should brazenly attack the judiciary and that doing so is in line with the code of ahimsa.

Rekha Basu

Note: The above yellow section, from the GHC book, is referring to Chand Kazi, a high ranking officer in the Kingdom of king Hussein Shah in Bengal. During the time of Mahaprabhu, he was the ruler of Navadwip. 

Ánanda Márga scripture: responsibility of Ánanda Márgiis

Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (2)

As Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything.

Longer version

In “A Guide to Human Conduct” it is printed:
“Consider the Mahábhárata. Mahápuruśa Shrii Krśńa had insisted to the Pandavas to take up arms against the Kaoravas, because the Kaoravas were aggressors (átatáyii) who had taken possession of the land by force. No one would accuse the very incarnation of love, Shriiman Maháprabhu, one of the great revolutionists in the social and spiritual world, of adopting ways associated with hiḿsá; but he too pounced like a lion on the tyrant Kázii (Judge). If hiḿsá and use of force were synonymous, Maháprabhu, the incarnation of mercy, certainly would not have done so.” (3)
1. “A Guide to Human Conduct”, 2009 Electronic Edition
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
3. “A Guide to Human Conduct”, 2009 Electronic Edition

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Not a single individual is alien

“Áj egiye calo sakal mánuś bhái, ámantrań sabáre jánái...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0968)


My dear human beings, today let us advance forward and embark on our collective march towards our cherished neo-humanism. We invite one and all. Brothers and sisters, everyone come; no one is neglected; nobody should think they are left out, not a single individual is alien. All are my kith and kin and invited on this grand occasion. We have to remain united and move together to form one human society.

My sisters and brothers, due to infighting between different theories, dogmas, clans, countries, and the battle over what is “mine” and “yours” etc, all kinds of fissiparous tendencies have divided our human society into pieces. Our universal family is rolling in the dust. The demons have pulverized us by injecting narrow-minded, pseudo-ideologies, and dogmatic religious teachings. Various myths and gospels have segregated one person from the next. They all preached the false message of the superiority of their clan, religion, or group. And they have destroyed the unity of the entire cosmic society. We are to make one universal human family which is all-inclusive and based on neo-humanism. Our goal is Parama Purusa. We are all one—our Father is the same Supreme Father. Ours is a paternal family relation. Now we should come together and march forward hand-in-hand, shoulder-to-shoulder and wipe away the tears of the suffering and bring them unto the balm of peace. We are to establish ek manav samaj—one human society.

My dear brothers and sisters, the peace and tranquility of our universal family was poisoned by myths, gospels, and dogmatic teachings. The flower pollen of peace and tranquility has become one with the dust. These anti-social elements do not want to see people living together in harmony. So they have inserted the seeds of division and tainted the moonlight too. O’ fellow travelers of the path of life divine, come - we can resolve whatever problems that arise  By the grace of Parama Purusa, victory is ours. With a strong hand, row the boat, fighting against all obstacles. Let us move forward by His grace…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Example: AMPS regurgitating dying dogma


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If anybody tries to re-establish an old political, economic or religious theory of two thousand years ago – a theory or ism based on past time, space or person – using whatever type of psychology, sentiment or adroit propaganda, it will not be possible to correlate it with the existing physical waves. Once lost the parallelism between the ism and the physical wave cannot be restored, even if the old mental environment is re-created. We perceive the change not only in the physical wave but also in the mental wave. No amount of scientific effort will make it possible to restore the mental wave of the past.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “There was a time when kings were worshipped as the incarnations of God, but today if anybody tries to reintroduce this antiquated practice using psychological propaganda, it will be impossible for people to accept it." (2)

Note: Here are a few examples of Baba's above guideline.

Example of Christian, Islamic, Hindu dogma dying fast

(A) Certain Islamic fundamentalists want to implement 1500 year-old tenets in areas where they presently rule. This is evidenced by their application of the Islamic justice system where they employ antiquated punishments like chopping off a person's hand for stealing and beheading "guilty" persons in public. Such punishments are based on Islamic law. But, no matter how hard they try to implement such cruel laws, it is impossible for them to gain success in this 21st century. The public will never accept or appreciate this.

(B) Hindu fundamentalists and believers of the caste system still want to follow worn-out  / outdated caste distinctions like the use of the sacred hair, sacred thread etc.  But now the general populace is fast giving up caste divisions and they are not going to follow them again.

(C) Fundamentalist Christians want to implement socially outdated rules of the Bible, when already the common people have advanced beyond such codes.

(D) White supremacists want to forcibly impose stale edicts on racial supremacy. But here again the common people are not inclined in this manner.

In all such cases, implementing these outdated doctrines is no longer possible; the general mass will never appreciate such antiquated rules and restrictions. They will never be implemented. Why is this impossible? Because time, space, and person have changed; that era is gone. That old philosophy is unsuitable for this present era.

Short life: MPD / tomb worship

Today some are not very elevated so they do not feel the proximity of Sadguru Baba. Theoretically, they acknowledge that Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is close, but in their practical, day to day, spiritual experience, they do not feel that proximity. Philosophically, they know that Parama Purusa Baba is everywhere, but practically not. That is why some appreciate the dogma of MPD (mahaprayan divas) - which means that Baba is gone. They like to go and join this gathering. However, this MPD dogma will not last forever; its days are short-lived.

Future margiis will feel Baba’s presence always. They will laugh at this MPD / tomb worship dogma and will not attend. It is no different from how nowadays in our human society so many ills are already gone - nobody likes those things. For example, the practice of human sacrifice was very common, but now nobody can think to do this. In the past, slavery was also prestigious, yet now it is viewed as inhumane and humiliating - as is the case the with the dogmas of stoning and burning people to death, as well as cannibalism. All those old rituals and dogmas are a thing of the past. Similarly, the dogma of MPD  / tomb worship will vanish like so many outdated dogmas that people used to follow.

In Him,
Ranjana’ Ganguli

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress

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