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Monday, October 10, 2016

Reply of grand propaganda pitch + 4 More


Reply of grand propaganda pitch

In propaganda pitches, the supporters of dogma raise the following points.

Dogma supporters pitch #1:

The supporters of the annual mourning dogma claim: Baba did not add the Ananda Purnima celebration in Caryacarya on His own accord. Rather, margiis wished to celebrate Ananda Purnima and placed the inquiry before Baba and then Baba graciously approved it. Since no one ever asked Baba about the observance of the day He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form, Baba did not say anything about it. Therefore, now the supporters of dogma justify that, “It is our duty to bring Guru’s teaching full circle by raising the matter and commemorating this annual mourning dogma.”

In other words, the supporters of dogma claim that Ananda Purnima was not included until some bhakta asked Sadguru Baba to start the Ananda Purnima function. If some bhakta had asked Baba, "After the withdrawal of Your form as Mahasambhuti, what should we do?", then He would have added this annual mourning dogma.” That is the proclamation and “logic” that the supporters of dogma give in their propaganda pitch.

Reply #1:

At that time in 1955, when Baba graciously allowed the margii the opportunity to pose the question about celebrating Ananda Purnima, Ananda Marga did not have any scripture per se. Even Caryacarya was nonexistent. So in His divine liila, Sadguru Baba created this pathway to include the celebration of Ananda Purnima in the aforesaid manner. But by 1990, the situation was completely different. By that time, Baba had already given everything, and bestowed all the plans and programs and teachings of Ananda Marga. He had perfectly completed everything, including Ananda Purnima and innumerable guidelines about future events. Yet He made no mention of this annual mourning dogma. Keeping this in mind, the propaganda given by the supporters of dogma is laughable. No true bhakta can think like that.

Dogma supporters pitch #2:

The supporters of the annual mourning dogma raise the question, “How could Baba possibly tell what should be done after He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form.” That is the assessment the supporters of dogma give in their propaganda pitch. They say it would have been too painful to talk about and that is why Baba did not discuss such matters. And that's why the dogmatic program was not included in pre-1990 editions of Caryacarya. So the supporters of dogma took it upon themselves to insert the annual mourning dogma as the appendix of Caryacarya.

Reply #2:

Sadguru Baba is Parama Purusa - so He is not some type of pseudo guru. He is Mahasambhuti and He has graciously given all that was needed for humanity. He has given everything. And He was not feeling any problem in telling about the withdrawal of His form as Mahasambhuti and remaining ever-present in His original seity - for bhaktas. In Junior Acarya Diary, in the section on Guru puja, He has clearly and explicitly explained what to do after He has withdrawn His form as Mahasambhuti. That means how sadhakas do Guru Puja after He withdraws His Mahasambhuti form and when He resides eternally in His original seity - for bhaktas. This subject is not taboo for Baba. Here following is a summary of the section from Junior Acarya Diary.

This demonstrates that Baba was not shy or worried about discussing what should be done after the withdrawal of His form as Mahasambhuti and remaining ever-present in His original seity. That renders the logic used by the supporters of dogma as bogus, irrelevant, and nonsensical.

Dogma supporters pitch #3:
If no annual commemoration Baba becomes a myth

The supporters of dogma make the claim that since the annual MPD dogma of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna are not commemorated a very terrible result occurred. Now people think that Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna are only mythological figures. And they further argue that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji will also become a mythological figure if His annual mourning dogma is not observed. He too will become a myth. Such is the propaganda by the supporters of dogma.

Reply #3:

This is a laughable, and ludicrous premise. There is no annual mourning dogma for Gautama Buddha, yet Gautama Buddha has not become a mythical figure.

Ananda Marga ideology is complete

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers’ stone. Just as the philosophers’ stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (1)

in Him,
Madhurii Bhattacharya

Those who are core leaders of this dogma will do and die to keep it alive. This dogma is founded on the psychic disease of geo-religious sentiment. The main reason is that this dogma makes them special. Those with a dogmatic mind will always be allured to that very place. That is what those dogmatic core leaders believe. So they want to keep this dogma alive forever. After all this is their kamdhenu which blesses wealth turn.
  • The annual mourning dogma referred to in the above letter is so-called mahaprayan.
  • And the supporters of dogma are the proponents of so-called mahaprayan.

Who feels happy seeing the tomb?

One reader wrote that I have been there in Tiljala to see the holy tomb but I never cry. I never feel sad.

This is quite natural. Not all cry when visiting the cemetery. A mother always cries when she visits the tomb of her baby. But by seeing the same tomb, on-lookers and far distant relatives will not cry. Crying depends upon how much love you have for the one whose tomb it is.

When far distant relatives sit by the grave site they do not cry. But if the tombstone is of your most loved one then you are going to cry. You will not be happy or blissful. This is very normal.

In the case of mahaprayan attendees, some cry and some not. Those who think that the tomb is of my closest one they cry; and those who have a distant feeling do not cry. This happens everywhere - both in the general society and in MPD. So MPD is a sad ceremony for loved ones.

In contrast, those who have a financial stake in the funeral ceremony, and those digging the graves and selling ornaments etc, they all feel they feel very happy by their material gain. But loved ones are surely going to cry. That is why for them it is a sad ceremony.

A mother always cries when she visits the tomb of her baby. But by seeing the same tomb, on-lookers and far distant relatives will not cry. Crying depends upon how much love you have for the one whose tomb it is. So MPD is a sad ceremony for loved ones.

Unfortunately, those who do not cry when seeing the tomb are distant people. They visit the tomb for some other material gain. And the worst part is when they return back they tell the mother that the visit was blissful.

1. Problems of the Day, point #36

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा ! तुम्हारे शुभ आगमन
से सूखे मरुस्थल में हरियाली आ गई है

प्रभात संगीत 1215 एशेछो एशेछो तुमि एशेछो, ममता उजाड़  करे एशेछो


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम अपार प्रेम का आशीष लेकर मेरे पास आए हो । यह तुम्हारी कृपा है । हे बाबा ! केवल मेरे ऊपर अपार कृपा करने के लिए तुम आए  हो । तुम्हारे पवित्र आगमन से सबको बढ़ावा मिला है । बाबा ! तुम्हारे शुभ आगमन से सूखे मरुस्थल में हरियाली आ गई है । उनके जीवन ने वनों का रूप ले लिया है । उनकी प्रसन्नता से तुम्हारी मुस्कान झलकती है । यह और कुछ नहीं तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा है ।

हे मेरे परमप्रिय ! तुमने कृपा कर इस धरती को अपने शुभ मधुर प्रवाह से भर दिया है । तुमने उदास, घबराए, डरे, लोगों के चेहरों पर मुस्कान ला दी है । तुम्हारी कृपा से वे अब आनन्द से भर गए हैं । वे लोग जो रो रहे थे और दुःख में डूबकर उदासी भरे कष्टों में घिरे थे , तुमने उनके जीवन में  मधुर आनन्द भर दिया है ।  अब वे आशा से  भरे आनन्द में झूम रहे है । तुम्हारे कोमल  स्पर्श से फूलों में अमृत भर गया है यह तुम्हारी लीला है ।

बाबा ! पूरी सृष्टि  तुम्हारे आनन्द में ही डूबी  है । चारों ओर बगीचे के फूलों की मधुर सुगन्ध फैली है । नाचते पक्षियों की चहचहाहट से वायु में सङ्गीत सुनाई देता है । पूर्णिमा का चाँद अपनी चाँदनी चारों ओर बिखेर रहा है । पूरा संसार इस चाँदनी में नहाया सा लगता है । तुमने सब को अपने प्रेम से और पूरे  संसार को दिव्य अमृत से लबालब भर दिया है । (1)

1. Hindi purport of PS #1215 translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How humans become great

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Who is mahat (great), who is maha'na (great), about this it has been said, 'paropaka'rat mahat', or those who are serving others. They are called mahat. Those who have studied volumes of books, or those who accumulated huge wealth, those who have a prestigious family heritage, good reputation in the society, all these things are there, etc even then they cannot be great if they do not serve others. Those who are serving others, they are mahat, great. To do social service huge money is not needed. Whatever strength you have at present in your hand, utilise that to serve others. If body is strong physically then serve with physical body, and if you have money then serve with your money, if you have intellect then do with intellect, if you have courage then do with that, if you do not have anything then you do by your good thoughts and well-wishing. Human beings become great by serving others. But where there is not service they become low and mean. They become meager." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 28 (H)

== Section 4: Links ==

Re: How stand-alone emotion is risky

The writer is correct. One must ascertain the underlying meaning of philosophy, scriptures so called Holy books. Otherwise dogmas become one with our minds. Our minds become entrapped in a box. Fear of dogmas being created I see already happening in Ananda Marga.

I finally acquiesced when relative to Mahaprayan observance. No God does NOT die In fact..I thought that self evident. I thought everyone knew and realized every nano second that BABA Taraka Brahma is seated in our Gurucakras.

Pennsylvania USA

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: How stand-alone emotion is risky

== Section 5: Links ==

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This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Reply of grand propaganda pitch
2. PS #1215: हे परमपुरुष! बाबा ! तुम्हारे शुभ आगमन से...
3. Important Teaching: How humans become great
4. Comment: Re: How stand-alone emotion is risky
5. Links

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