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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

WT: swelled with unnecessary fat + 2 more


WT: swelled with unnecessary fat

Note: This is not for those who don't have concern for our Wts.


Sadguru Baba says, “In the world today a handful of people who do no physical work, but live by their wits, have appropriated to themselves most of the wealth of humanity, so they are able to buy comparatively expensive foods, and use them to satisfy their taste buds. As a result, they, on the one hand, swell with unnecessary fat, while, on the other hand, those people doing hard manual labour are forced to live in poverty and deprived of the ghee, butter and sweets they need to maintain their bodies...So my point is that obesity is primarily a disease of well-off, non-labouring society.” (1)

Overweight Dada

​Overweight Dada

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, “High-salaried office workers, rich businessmen and parasitic politicians are those who suffer most from obesity…. Another distinguishing mark of such people is that they are most greedy for those foods which are most fattening; that is, when invited outside, they will never even by mistake eat much in the way of vegetable preparations – instead they will eat a lot of luci, fish, meat and sweets. As they grow older and their livers become weak, they will lose that voracious appetite. Then they will sorrowfully say to people that they cannot consume food as they used to. Their muscles become flaccid and they begin to suffer from acidity, constipation or intestinal troubles. Fat accumulated on the chest affects the heart and lungs and makes it difficult for these organs to function.” (2)

Losing existing Wts / workers faster than gaining new ones

Sadly, the problem of obesity is prevalent amongst our Wts. Here above is one obese Dada. Obesity itself is a deadly disease. Those who are obese will in due course face life-threatening diseases like coronary heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

And verily 70% of our Wts are not regular in doing asanas and fasting. And that is the problem. In our organisation so many Dadas are suffering from high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes etc.

Nowadays, many Dadas in uniform are obese. Thus we are facing a deficit situation with our workers. We are losing existing workers faster than we are gaining new ones. All in all it is an unfortunate state of affairs.

Varanasi WT training centre is empty

In addition, at present, the Varanasi training centre (TC) for Wts Dadas is empty - barely any new blood is entering our Wt ranks. Rudrananda is a capsule of negative microvita, and he systematically destroyed the TC. This is the long history, and someone should come forward and write it. The whole day in and day out he does dirty politics. He has destroyed the sanctity of AMP.

Now let’s come to our main point of obesity. And many of the Dadas in uniform are obese. Thus we are facing a deficit situation with our workers. We are losing existing workers faster than we are gaining new ones. All in all it is an unfortunate state of affairs.

Margiis are requested to participate in fixing this problem. When you see an such Wt patient then politely try to convince them that their existence is very meaningful and they should cure themselves from this ailment of obesity by strictly adhering to the do’s and don’ts from Guru’s Yogic Treatments book.

In Him,

1. Yogic Treatments, Obesity
2. Yogic Treatments, Obesity

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The tender image of His sweet, charming face…

PS Intro: This song depicts that initial time when Guru first comes into the life of any bhakta. In that special moment, it often happens that one does not really understand the great importance and pure divinity of that charming Personality. But then later on, after further reflection and sadhana, one gradually develops an inner appreciation of the greatness of that Sadguru. Then the sadhaka wants Parama Purusa's proximity more and more. With this feeling, the sadhaka will look back upon those old memories with repentance. Because when Parama Purusa first came to the sadhaka then he - the sadhaka - was not able to receive Parama Purusa properly in his heart. The sadhaka could not fully grasp the true value of Sadguru's gracious visit. So now when the sadhaka has a more developed longing and yearning for Parama Purusa, then he feels that he foolishly wasted that earlier opportunity when Parama Purusa Himself came in his life. Because now at present it is not so easy to get Parama Purusa by oneself - by one's own doing. That type of scene is expressed in this following Prabhat Samgiita.

"Path cine esechilo aja'na' pathik, mor duya're ks'an'ik da'nr'iyachilo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2371)


O' how gracious that Divine Entity is. Ajana Pathik came to my home with great intent and stood directly in front of my door for a moment. Tragically, that time I was not aware about who He was so I did not invite Him to come inside. Thus with His sweet and gentle smile He slowly went away that time. Afterwards, the tender image of His sweet, charming face was floating in my mind again and again - I could not forget Him. A few moments passed like that.  

After some time, I realised my blunder and I opened the door and desperately ran outside as fast as I could and looked around trying to find Him - hoping to find that divinely charming Entity. I searched for Him in near and far places, but that was all in vain; He was not there. Alas, I could not find Him; only His mala was there. Where has He gone.

Today, I feel deep repentance. In human life, so many mistakes happen; and, people also feel remorseful for those past wrongdoings. So now I am summoning Him again and again with a very deep, heart-felt longing and with an upsurge of emotion. But I do not know if that call is reaching His ears or touching His heart. My dearmost Baba, please hear me.  

When I was not aware about who He was then at that time He came, but I did not receive Him. And now, by His grace, I feel love for Him in the inner core of my being, but He is not paying heed to my yearning for His proximity. My Divine Entity, please do not play hide and seek with me any longer. Please come, You are my everything...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2371:
[1] Ajana Pathik: The term Aja'na' Pathik means 'The Divine Entity Parama Purusa Who moves around this entire universe, and resides everywhere and knows everything; irrespective of where one goes, He remains along with you'. That is one of His many unique attributions and that is the speciality of the name 'Ajana Pathik'. The name 'Ajana Pathik' denotes this special quality.

Literally, Aja'na' means 'unknown' and Pathik means 'traveler' or ‘tourist.’ But this is just the word by word, literal translation; and proper nouns are not meant to be translated. So we cannot call Him the ‘Unknown Traveler’ or ‘Unknown Tourist', or Unknown Vacationer', or 'Unknown Backpacker', or 'Unknown Visitor', or 'Unknown Globetrotter', or 'Unknown Daytripper', or 'Unknown Hitchhiker.’ The spirit and meaning is then lost.

The inner sense of the name Ajana Pathik is that Parama Purusa is always moving throughout this vast cosmos and He is constantly present with everyone, all the time. He is in the Cosmic Nucleus yet at the same time through His ota and prota yoga He is everywhere - carefully watching & lovingly guiding everyone. This unique aspect of His grand Personality is treated as Aja'na' Pathik. Because He is constantly traveling yet present everywhere. He is in the nucleus as well as throughout this entire universe.

As the Ajana Pathik, Parama Purusa Baba moves and moves and moves. In their spiritual approach bhaktas feel that wherever they go the Aja'na' Pathik will always be there to shower His blessing. By His grace, bhaktas can always get His intimate company and companionship. With this mystical link, sadhakas understand that Parama Purusa is present everywhere, yet side by side He travels on and on throughout this entire cosmos. Thus He is Aja'na' Pathik.

Overall the name Aja'na' Pathik has one special and unique meaning that goes far beyond its literal translation. And in our hearts we A'nanda Ma'rgiis know and feel that Baba is that Aja'na' Pathik. Indeed in His discourses, in Dharma Samiiksa, and in reporting, in DMC, and in numerous ways Baba has shown this very fact that He is ever-present and always along with us. He is always moving and wherever we go then He will also be there. Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and one of them is this special quality where He always remains along with us wherever we are in this vast universe. In this way He is known as - Aja'na' Pathik. In true sense, as the omnipresent Entity, He does not go anywhere because He is everywhere; but in a more literal manner He goes from place to place.

Those who use ‘Unknown Traveler’ or ‘Unknown Tourist’ in place of Aja'na' Pathik are naive and ignorant.

== Section ==

Rudrananda shaking hands with communal group, Indian Hindu fundamentalists, RSS and imposing on Ananda Margiis


Note: Here below is the discussion on whats up about the newspaper report about news which came related with Rudrananandji’ afforesaid announcement which is published in the newspaper.

[09/10 10:49 AM] Niranjan Kumar: We know that BJP is political outfit of RSS. All activity and policy of BJP is controlled by RSS.

We have huge ideological difference from RSS. Both have separate organisation.
Where RSS is petty Hinduwadi, nationalist organisation.

We are Global organisation and do not support petty nationalism. We have Proutist universal which is global organisation and aspire to make world government for well being of global society.

Where RSS believe in Hindu fundamentalism which accepts all defects of Hinduism like dogmatic idol worship, brahmanical caste system etc and also create a communal hate in society.

Where Ananda Marga supports scientific spiritual practice. In our caryacarya we are instructed to respect the faith of other and not heart other unnecessarily.
[09/10 10:58 AM] Ashok Priyadarshi: It not matter of pride that we support any political party and boast that PROUTIST is a part of government.

Rather, we stick to BABA's ideology, keep it intact and pass it on to the next generation. Our system is a path and we must march towards the goal.

[10/10 4:44 AM] Niranjan Kumar: Please get input from Deoghar DMS. Confirm whether any announcement has been made for supporting BJP. Ask GS and cs PU to confirm the policy. Confirm from Samaj lft. Whether they have been told not to field candidate in election.

And ask from newspaper their source of information.

( As per information news of newspaper is authentic and the policy to support BJP is official - which could confirmed by making simple call to GS)

And Now big question is if GS announced to support BJP. Is it not organisational order?

And if we don't cast vote to BJP is this not a anti organisational act.

If Samaj fight election Will action against Samaj worker will be taken as it was taken against member of erstwhile National committee (margii).

[10/10 6:59 AM] Ashok Priyadarshi: As a Samaj worker ( being Margi ), we must vote our candidates. Condemn all divisive forces strongly, whether they are our own people. Never compromise.

[10/10 8:25 AM] Jitendra:  Dada Niranjan jee n Ashok jee..question is that how dare anyone to take this type of announcement on behalf of AMPS......AMPS is a property of each n every margii so if this type of announcement done then it is a crime. If this announcement done by any samaj or our political forum then it’s ok but no one can decide that every ananda margii will vote BJP.......Ananda Margii is bound to do only those things which mentioned in CARYACARYA. NO one can give such type of statement on behalf of margii or on behalf of plz. Come forward and resolve this issue that no one can flash this type of statement publically. This is a well planned step to defame sanstha in society.......Our Ananda Marga is a man making organisation then how can we bifurcate good or bad, in higher or lower. AMPS is not a political organisation so it should be never repeated........

[10/10 9:38 AM] Niranjan Kumar: As far I know all Samaj worker is frustrated with decision of central worker specially GS dada. So Samaj worker is not behind this decision ( no question to blame them)rather administration of Amps Ranchi is behind this decision. You or anyone may talk with centre which they will confirm because they are openly supporting this idea. ( Sina thok ke BJP ka samarthan kar rahe hai)

== Section 3: Links ==

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