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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

News, WT's Barred...Plus Flawed Logic


This email contains three sections:

1. Letter: Example: How Misguided People Create their Flawed Logic In Support of Their Devious Agenda
2. Letter: News: Shravani Purnima Program: WT's Barred
3. Links

Example: How Misguided People Create Flawed Logic
In Support of Their Devious Agenda


Namaskar to all dear brothers and sisters.

In the following email you will see the confession of one gay margii from Finland, who finally admitted to having distorted Baba's discourse so that it will conform to his homosexual agenda.
The discourse which Baba gave is entitled "Samskara and Gender difference".
This Margii has decided that the discourse about gender difference should also be applied to the notion of "sexual orientation".
In other words, what he is saying is that since Parama Purusa decided whether a person will be male or female when they are born, then He also will decide whether that person will be a homosexual or not.
The brother has said that he took the English discourse, translated it back to Bengali, and then found better translations for the Bengali words, and then re-translated the discourse back to English.
Please see the attached document, where I captured photographic evidence of his confession.

Let us see what Baba actually said about this subject:

(The follow is an excerpt from Who's Afraid of the Tantric Guru by Dada Dharmavedananda)

Brother G from the USA stood in front of Baba. After some personal talk, Baba said, “Your mind is unnecessarily disturbed about the past. You made some mistakes of a sexual nature.”
G’s face suddenly became very red. “Yeah...yes, Baba,” he mumbled.
“When you were younger you had some misunderstanding about the relationship between men and women.”
He stared at the floor, saying, “Yes, Baba.”
“But it was not your fault. As a little boy you were simply influenced by your environment.”
G looked up at Baba. He sighed deeply, smiled slightly and said, “Thank you, Baba.”
“No need of thanks,” Baba said. “I merely convey to you the unadulterated facts. You were unaware. Unaware.”
G approached me after the session, wanting to get something off his chest.
“I never told anyone, Dada,” he said, “but since you were present today, I want to tell you that...that before joining Ananda Marga, I had...homosexual relations.”
He watched for my reaction. Seeing none, he continued, “Even though I’ve been doing meditation for a number of years, it’s always bothered me; I’ve always felt guilty. But now Baba’s freed my mind. When He said it wasn’t my fault, something let go inside of me. I feel so light now; I wouldn’t be surprised if I started to fly!”


As we can see from this, Baba has clearly stated that homosexuality is not something inborn, but rather it is due to influence from the environment.
Therefore, this gay Margii who has attempted to distort Baba's sacred ideology, and make it seem like homosexuality is inborn, is nothing but another attempt to attack Ananda Marga, and to try to insert the pseudo-cultural agenda of the Vaeshyans, into making people believe that homosexuality is something normal and natural.

In Him
Brother Rasaviharii

Here is the proof==

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

== Section 2 ==

News: Shravanii Purnima Program: WT's Barred


Entire margis of Vidarbha is united due to one unique Anandamarga program - it is called Shravanii Purnima Anandotsava which is held every year in August at Nagpur city. This programme is a well combination of RAWA programme, Prabhat Samgiita programme (all by professional artists), Akhanda kirtan and Seminar.  The main attraction of this AM programme is that WTs are not invited from any group. Family Acarya and Family margis deliver speeches. WTs are not allowed here since WTs have created so many groups. Unless entire WTs will be united, they will not be allowed to participate here.

Vidarbha margis have presented an excellent example among margis of the world. Devotional kirtan, Devotional speeches, Excellent RAWA programme and Prabhat samgiita by professional singers, nothing is left. Just participate here and enjoy bliss of Baba. In addition, kitchen is managed by professional cook. Off course, meals are sattavika and tasty too. Almost 200 margis attended the program.

Brother Deepak Pandey ji is the main organizer. Entire credit of success of this program goes to only Deepak Pandeji & Mrs Vanita Pande. They are being supported by some devotee brothers – Dashrath Kanthale, Manoj Chauhan, Devidas ji, Vinod shelke, Balkrishna Gotakar, Bhaskar etc.

Devesh Kumar, Mumbai

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Answer to gay attack


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Answer to gay attack
2. Links

Answer to gay attack

Namaskar dear All,
If you look on Wikipedia under the name "paraphilia" then you will see a list of hundreds of kinds of sexual disorders. Some of those disorders include: sex with small children, sex with animals, people who enjoy causing pain to others, etc. All the way up until 1974, homosexuality was considered just another type of mental disorder. But then all of a sudden it changed, and the American Psychiatric Association began to classify homosexuality as a type of "normal sexual behavior". The American Psychiatric Association sold out to capitalists.

Baba's warning on gay

Baba saw this hidden agenda coming and He gave two discourses. One in 1981 which was first published in the book A Few Problems Solved part 9 and a second one in 1982 which was first published in the book Neohumanism: The Liberation of Intellect

Here i will post a few sections from these discourses:

Psycho-economic exploitation is the latest form of dangerous and all-devouring capitalist exploitation. It is a special type of exploitation which first weakens and paralyses people psychologically in various ways, and then exploits them economically. Some of the methods of psycho-economic exploitation include, first, the suppression of the indigenous language and culture of local people; secondly, the extensive propagation of pseudo-culture, exemplified by pornographic literature which debases people’s mind and particularly undermines the vitality of the youth; thirdly, the imposition of numerous restrictions on women, forcing them to be economically dependent on men; fourthly, an unpsychological education system with frequent political interference by vested interests; fifthly, the negation of dharma in the name of secularism; sixthly, the balkanization of society into numerous castes and groups; seventhly, the damaging of society by the use of unnatural and harmful methods of birth control; and eighthly, placing the control of different mass media, such as newspapers, radio and television, in the hands of capitalists. Both intellectual exploitation and psycho-economic exploitation are great dangers to the human race today. (1)

Human culture is one, though there are some local variations in its expression. But a particular group which is motivated by socio-sentiment to exploit others, tries to destroy the local cultural expressions of other groups. It forcibly imposes its language, dress and ideas on other groups, and thus paves the way for exploitation by paralysing those people psychologically. This is how people guided by socio-sentiment perpetuate exploitation in cultural life.

This is occurring throughout the world. Is it not your noble duty to save these simple and persecuted people from exploitation? Certainly it is. Those of you who did not understand this before, now do understand it clearly; or you will come to understand it later from others. Human beings must be saved. Why should innocent people be forced to live like sacrificial lambs? This must not be tolerated.

Suppose a particular group has a high standard of arts (theatre, cinema, etc.), but the number of rich people in that group is comparatively few. The culture of another group, on the other hand, is very undeveloped, but among them there is a greater number of wealthy people. Now, the latter group wants to maintain its exploitation over the group that has a more developed cultural heritage, because one way that psycho-economic exploitation can paralyse people in the psychic sphere is cultural exploitation – to impose vulgar cinemas and dramas upon those good people.

As you know, the mind has a natural tendency to degrade itself; it flows more easily downwards than upwards. So if some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others, this will break the latters’ spines and they will become paralysed. And those paralysed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They will never be able to do so, because mentally they will be completely dead – their capacity to raise their heads in protest will have been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again?

This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous, rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others to do the same. If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed. It is proper for human beings to struggle for political freedom, for social emancipation; but if their cultural backbone is broken, then all their struggles will end in nothing – like offering ghee into a fire that has died out.

If one’s spine is shattered, it is impossible to hold one’s head erect. Can those whose necks and backs are crushed under the weight of pseudo-culture, be expected to hold their heads high in any sphere of life? Hence it is the bounden duty of every rational person to save innocent people from pseudo-culture. (2)


If we look at Baba's prediction we can see that all of these forms of psycho-economic exploitation are occurring today. If you turn on a television to watch some TV programs, or go to the cinemas to watch a movie, you will see so many of them include people who play the part of the gay person. If you look at commercials in newspapers or billboards, you will see men dressing as women, or women having sex with other women. The agenda which the Vaeshyans are following is to indoctrinate people with the belief that homosexuality is something normal and natural. And sex is the cream of life - beyond sex nothing exists.

But now this pseudo-culture agenda is starting to gather around the fringe of Ananda Marga. It began with the late Dada Pranakrsnananda performing his sinful gay marriage. The agenda was carried on by people like Ossi Viljakainen (Omkarnath from Finland) and Jane Gatt (of Malta). Sister Jyoshna decided to tour the world with her lesbian lover, spreading her lies of telling people that it is ok to be gay in Ananda Marga. And finally it appears that this Pseudo-culture propaganda has even indoctrinated one fake Dada Ganadevananda, who is devoid of knowledge of Ananda Marga philosophy, to takes sides with their misguided cause. There is a proverb that thieves support other thieves.

It is very good that these type of perverted people have no room in H and B group. Only those groups that are so desperate for membership that they will invite horses, donkeys, and pigs. That is why Jyoshna type of people are grazing around in that land.

At His Lotus Feet
Brother Rasaviharii

Animals are not as bad as gay and lesbians. Because those pigs and animals will only mate during mating season but these lesbian indulge every day - always.

If someone has attraction towards the same sex or opposite it does not mean that one should indulge sexually. in AM society teachings yama and niyama - i.e. control. For example, one unmarried person may have attraction for opposite sex but he must refrain. or one widower has sexual attraction toward child but they have to control. They do not jump on that child. But gay logic is flawed.

Those who are interested to see the filthy gay abuse, please ask us.

1. 1981 Kolkata
2. 1982 Kolkata

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== Section 2: Links ==

Other topics of interest

True vs fake avadhuta

Inner voice

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wrong approach: harmful for bhakti


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Wrong approach: harmful for bhakti
2. Links

Wrong approach: harmful for bhakti

This type of photo (appended below) is not for spiritual progress. The mind should be pointed and this type of image harms one-pointedness. For meditation purposes Baba approved only two photo: varabhaya mudra and janusparsha mudra. Some use one photo and some use the other. But no one should use both of those photos. The mind can only feel extreme proximity with one not two.

Here is a very crude example: If your spouse knows you are attached with someone else also  - the whole relation will be poisoned. In the field of devotion it is more pointed. For bhakti sadhana only one photo is approved.

Collecting various types of photos is very detrimental for spiritual progress. Because when sitting in meditation the mind will rush in all kinds of directions. This point can only be understood by those who have average bhakti. Again for bhakti sadhana only one photo is approved.

This below photo is very important for historians only.

In Him,

For more in depth study please click on the below links

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

== Section 2: Links==

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Who were those asuras in Hindu scripture plus AMPS


This email contains three sections:
1. Important Teaching: Who were those asuras in Hindu scripture plus AMPS
2. Important Teaching: Women: why veil & exploitation
3. Links

Who were those asuras in Hindu scripture plus AMPS

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the Vedic era, the Aryans used to steal food grains and animals from the non-Aryans to perform their sacrifices and rituals (yajinas). In retaliation, groups of non-Aryans used to attack the Aryans to recover their possessions while they were performing their rituals. These attacks were grossly distorted in the Vedas, which gives the impression that the Aryans were good while the non-Aryans were evil. In fact, the non-Aryans were forced to attack the Aryans to recover their food to ensure their survival. Did the non-Aryans do anything bad? No, they did the right thing." (1)

In India, even today, the common public has been indoctrinated into the dogma that evil asuras were destroying the religious rituals and yajinas of aryans. They think that asuras are some type of nasty creatures that have very long teeth, dangerous claws like lions, horns on their head, and a very terrible face. That is how it is propagated in Indian mythology.

So Baba's above teaching is eye-opening. The truth about the aryans and non-aryans (i.e. the indigenous people of India) is a previously unknown aspect of history. No one was aware about this. Genealogy studies have since come to know that the so-called highest caste of Indians came from central Asia. When those aryans entered into India they treated the indigenous population as demons and created all kinds of stories and myths about them. So many false things were propagated.

Looting the food of the native population and
throwing that food in their rituals (yajinas)

Verily those aryans created an entire mythology about such so-called asuras. The aryans claimed that demons were coming and ruining their ritualistic offerings and sacrifices of food and animals etc. But now the truth has been revealed. Those war-like aryans were looting the food of the native population and throwing that food in their sacrificial fires. In turn, the indigenous people were protesting and fighting back.

So actually, the so-called asuras were none other than the indigenous people of India. They were the original inhabitants of India, living here prior to the invasion of the aryans. Still nowadays, however they are condemned as so-called, low-caste creatures, by so-called upper-caste people. These asuras are treated unjustly and known as harijans which are regarded by upper caste people as despicable and low. But actually, these are the indigenous people of India.

Fake purodhas present themselves as demigods as they exploit the mass

It is very important to accurately depict history and keep records that properly portray what transpired. Bad people always try to distort history and befool the future generations. But the truth invariably comes to the surface.

This same type of drama has unfolded in our Ananda Marga as well. Hypocrites and cheats are projecting themselves as divine; such immoralist purodhas present themselves as demigods as they exploit the mass of common margiis. Now is the crucial period - a proper historical record must be made. If we are not careful, our grand-grandsons and daughters and all future generations will be taught false things and indoctrinated into the narrow agenda of the various groups. This is the wrong way forward. 

in Him,

1. Prout in Nutshell - 16, p.56

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Women: why veil & exploitation

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Purdah” means not only a curtain on the window or over the door, it means a piece of cloth covering the head and face of a woman (i.e., a veil); it means that a woman must not move freely outside the house; it also means keeping the women covered in burkas. The purdah was not in use among the ancient Aryans. It was originally a Semitic concept. Indian women did not use the purdah before the Pathan rule. The Sanskrit word avaguńt́hana [“veil”] is not an ancient word. (The Hindustani word ghunghat́ [“veil”] was used in the olden days in the sense of covering.) In those parts of India where the Pathans were not firmly established, for instance in south India and Maharastra, the veil was not introduced at all; to this day there is no such custom. Married women in ancient Maharastra never used to veil themselves – it was optional. Widows did not need to use a veil if they chose not to. Even where the Pathans were firmly established, the aborigines living in the hills and forests did not use the purdah. Today as well there is no custom of veiling oneself among the tribal women of Bengal and north India. Although the Santhals of Bengal are now totally identified with the Bengali mainstream, Santhal women do not use veils to this day.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Kakubh to Kavaśńa (Discourse 17)

== Section 3: Links ==

Monday, August 8, 2016

Delhi News: NCR opposes forthcoming DMS

NCR opposes forthcoming DMS

Dear Members,
Cordial Namskar
In context of resolution taken by Delhi State Committee (DSC) on 30th July, 2016 a meeting of Margiis of Delhi-NCR held on 7th August, 2016 (Sunday) at Prout Bhawan, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi.
Meeting began with introductory speech by Sri BD Singhji followed by Ac.' Santoshanandaji who emphasized to follow path of Dharma and encourage the common points. Ac.' Divyachetanananji, who was representing Kolkata Group, presented the circumstances of disunity and status of on going legal cases. Rajesh Singh and Bro. Amitabh Verma spoke on ideological and structural aspects of Anand Marga and presented with facts and figures  that the formation of Kolkata as separate Admn. is         neither ideological nor legal.
It was unanimously decided that DSC will not participate in the forthcoming DMS of Kolkata Group at New Delhi.
It was further decided that expenses of 2nd Sunday Kirtan at Prout Bhawan will be borne by DSC. Announcement regarding celebration of "Prabhat Samgiita Diwas" at Faridabad Jagriti on 18th September, 2016 was also made.
Warm Regards
Rajesh Singh
General Secretary
Delhi State Committee

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Wt: Looseness


Wt: Looseness


Wherever our Wts go, they are the emissaries or our ambassadors of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji and Ananda Marga ideology. So when any Wt fails to live up to this standard and instead becomes involved in xxxx scandals, then it does terrible harm and reflects extremely poorly on our AMPS organisation. Here is how one Wt xxxx, in fundamental ways, and what steps should be taken to rectify the matter.

Dada Ramashrayananda is xxxx for allegedly having numerous xxxx with xxxx. At some point Dada Ramashrayananda had an alleged xxx with a 19-year-old xxxx from Oran, Argentina. And verily he was always crossing the boundaries by discarding his sannyasi uniform and wearing civil dress so he could walk around town holding hands with his xxxx(s). This not a one-time ordeal but rather regular, ongoing behaviour by Dadaji. Every Ananda Margii knows that interacting with and teaching meditation etc to sisters is the work of female Wts. Here Dada Ramashrayananda is going against this basic, fundamental code.

Dada Ramashrayananda and his alleged xxxxx

It is alleged that one other sister’s name was Giitanjali and there are many more. One xxxxx was even only 15-years-old. Some are margiis, some are semi-margiis, and some are non-margiis. One Sister Pramiila stood up against his xxxxx deed, and Dada Ramashrayananda frightened her by threatening her that, “If you do not shut your mouth I will do black magic on you.” Sister Pramiila became so scared that she suffered serious psychological problems. As you may know, there are many countries like Brazil and Argentina where in the countryside the people still have a strong belief in black magic. Some Dadas like Dada Ramashrayananda take advantage of this weakness and exploit those simple people.

So many Wts were aware about Dada Ramashrayananda’s penchant for xxxxxx, and some Didis complained about it but since Dada Ramashrayananda was living under the shelter of Dada Rudrananda - no action or redress was ever taken. Dada Rudrananda always gave Dada Ramashrayananda a pass. In this way, the xxxx behaviour just multiplied. And tragically still it is going on. Just lately, various Didis again complained and other Wts openly accused Dada Ramashrayananda on email how nothing has changed - i.e. now Dada Ramashrayananda is SES of Manila sector and living in Vietnam, but still he tosses aside his dress and walks hand-in-hand, arm-in-arm around town with his favoured xxxxxx(s). But still nothing was done by Rudrananda.

It is alleged that when Dada Ramashrayananda left South America he swiped all the money from GT sector after selling huge parcels of land from the Cordoba MU (Argentina). And now Dada Ramashrayananda is indulged with xxxx in Vietnam. To maintain this type of xxxxx life Dada Ramashrayananda lives as a money-paying pawn / stooge under the shelter of Dada Rudrananda etc.

So in no field of life has Dada Ramashrayananda rectified himself. All the issues and problems outlined above are still going on as we speak - the alleged financial scandals, the involvement with his laokik family, the embezzlement, the alleged affairs with numerous young xxxx.

In Him,

Why Rudrananda gives central key posts to characterless wts

It is alleged that when they perceive weakness in a particular Wt - i.e. such as when a Wt falls into an illicit relation etc - then they bring that worker into a top central post, or place them on a board or in central committee. This is how they begin to exploit that worker’s weakness to generate loyalty.

For instance, It is alleged that if a particular Wt is characterless and involved in illicit affairs, then that worker becomes a prime candidate to be invited into Dada Rudrananda’s or Dada Sarvatmananda’s inner circle. Why? Because then Dadas Rudrananda / Sarvatmananda can easily control manipulate that worker. Using that worker’s illicit relations as leverage, Dada Rudrananda / Dada Sarvatmananda can get that Wt to do their dirty work. What is dirty work? That means being a blind servant of those bosses and engaging in sub-standard dealings to preserve the name and power of that ruling party.

So in place of demoting or punishing an alleged characterless Wt in an attempt to make them a better human being, It is alleged that they give that worker the green light to continue on in their depraved dealing. In exchange, Dada Rudrananda / Dada Sarvatmananda demand the undying loyalty of a characterless worker. And that depraved worker knows that they must fulfill all the “check-boxes” of loyalty to their boss, otherwise that worker will be left unprotected and their misdealings will be exposed in front of all. That is the “leverage” that Rudrananda / Sarvatmananda employ to get loyalists to do their dirty work. Characterless Wts who are completely under the thumb of Dadas Rudrananda / Sarvatmananda. Characterless Wts have no limits so they get the top posts.

Conduct of an acarya

Guru says in His discourse entitled Conduct of Acarya: "Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas." (1)

Guru says in His discourse entitled Conduct of Acarya: "Bear in mind that people may be harmed or misled by even a small weakness or defect in the conduct of an ácárya. Just as it is the duty of a father to educate his children properly by his good conduct, an ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy warns how improper leadership brings terrible harm to society.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Today there is catastrophe and misery in human society and there is one reason: the defective leadership of society. People blindly follow even unintelligent leaders. The leaders hypnotize and attract thousands with their tall talks, gestures and other dramatics. Understand that the poverty and misery of any people in any country are the sins of the leaders. True leaders should always be vigilant and think how to work best for human society: they must be ever cautious that under their guidance the people are not led to darkness, death and immorality.” (3)

Wt conduct Rules do’s and don’ts

Here are some of the Wt rules of conduct that Wts must follow.

Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhu'ta must not remain in a lonely place with any female." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #13)

Wt conduct rule guides: “One should not look at the face of the opposite sex.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #15)

Wt conduct rule guides: "You will have to protect yourself from sexual weakness..." (WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12)

Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhuta shall treat every woman of the world, including his ex-wife, as mother." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #11)

Wt conduct rule guides: "Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted." (32 Rules for Avadhu'tikas, pt #30)

Wt conduct rule guides: "One should attract others by one's sacrificing nature." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #20)

Wt conduct rule guides: "One should not be greedy." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #12)

Wt conduct rule guides: "You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life." (Wholetimer Conduct Rule, Fourteen Points, pt #6)

Wt conduct rule guides: “One should leave all sorts of luxuries.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #6)

Wt conduct rule guides: “One should make others good by becoming an ideal person.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #22)

WT Conduct rules on black money

By their tactics, he/she has certainly contravened Guru's teachings and conduct rules on black money. Following are Baba's mandates for wholetime workers:

Wt conduct rule guides: "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a)

Wt conduct rule guides: "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1b)

Wt conduct rule guides: "Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1c)

Wt conduct rule guides: "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1d)

Wt conduct rule guides: "Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1e)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya

== Section 2: Links ==

More letters on Dada Ramashrayananda's dealings

Recent postings

Friday, August 5, 2016

Avadhuta: elder torture, crime, and death


This email contains two sections:

1. Posting: Avadhuta: elder torture, crime, and death
2. Links

Avadhuta: elder torture, crime, and death

These days, in India, elder neglect is a crime. So those on the scene should inform the police to take care of the situation according to the laws of the country. Even if that means arresting the concerned parties. Please read below the tragic and graphic reports how one avadhuta was put in the circumstances to die quickly.

From: Baba Nam <>
Date: Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 1:31 PM
To: Acarya Nirmohananda Avadhuta <>

My name is Ratnakar Singh. I am doing a job in Bokaro Thermal and I am from Jamalpur. I was initiated by Late Ac. Nirmeghananda Dada on1 January 2006 at Anand Nagar, Purulia. He gave me all lessons. On 28 July 2016 morning a margi brother of Chas Bokaro  informed me by phone about Nirmeghanand Dada’s sad demise. I took leave from my office and at noon I left for Anand Nagar Prout Bhawan. After arriving there I found dada’s mortal body was on pire. I silently did a namaskar to his invisible soul. Towards evening I met some dadas and volunteers in front of Sevadal building. I spent nearly 3 hours with them there. Then after I left for Pundag Station.  I shall write here some very intriguing matters  what those dadas and volunteers narrated. They gave my Dada’s photo in my mobile.
They told-  Nirmeghanand dada  did not meet a natural death, but he was killed by new SG of PU Ac. Vimalanand and CS of PU Ac. Paramanand. He was not getting proper medical treatment, food in Prout Bhawan. Nirmeghanand dada  was very simple man, therefore he was kept here. Old and sick dadas cant live here. Organisation does not have any shelter house for old and sick.
Then I remembered some past events. I visited Ananad nagar Prout Bhawan on second week of July 2016 to meet Dadaji. I purchased some biscuits, apples and banana for my Acharya dadaji. I met him in a big room near the kitchen at noon. Dada was getting ready for his noon meal. When he saw me  he felt very happy and welcomed me in feeble voice. He was delighted when I gave those bananas etc to him. I saw his food items- 5 triangle shaped dry chapati roti(to cheat him for  Paratha), black-yellow colour water of dal, watery curry of ladies finger and potato( very small quantity). I asked him many queries about his foods, medical care, daily needs what he was getting there.
I am now writing what Nirmeghanand Dada told me-  “ You saw now the food what I get here. Vimalanand is not giving money for Prout Bhawan. He is a great miser, all know him. Generally I don’t get dal pulse everyday in meal because of shortage of money. The cook of this building is a very cruel man. After death of Shidhhyoganandji I became hopeless because organization did not arrange for a dada in place of  Shidhhyoganandji. Due to depression I became weak and could not express my words. I was contacting margis by phone to arrange money for Anand nagar and my treatment. Madhuvartanand, Abhiramanand, Nabhtitanand, Paramanand….. and some other dadas were telling margis don’t give money to Nirmeghanand, he is psychic patient. I have enlarged prostate. I get many times pain in my heart left side of chest.  Always I was thinking about organization and Prout Building, Prout magazine. I was collecting money every month by touring whole India. I was giving money to Patna magazine, Anand nagar Prout Bhawan, and occasionally to legal need at Delhi. Always I was having money in my pockets. But now gradually I became sick and could not make tour and could not collect money. I became poor. Nobody comes to me now. Nobody talks with me. I am now a rejected material. I feel restless when I think about Vimalanand and Paramanand’s hypocritical behavior. I am useless for the organization. Here these fellows give me medicine meant for psychiatric patient. I want to go to Ranchi for ECG of my heart. In this building many times no electricity for  4 or 5 days at a stretch. Difficult life in dark  and too much heat and mosquitoes. In Delhi I was getting food, medicines, care properly. Vimalanand and Paramanand brought me to this hell to die. They want Prout Building of Delhi for their hidden plans. For this reason they threw me out of Delhi. Paramanand took away my mobile phone. These two want money and power only by exploiting margis and organization. Vimalanand sold Anand Marg property in America and he has kept a good amount of money in secret place. Very cunning person. He has money, so he has ego. He never helps anyone. He gives long lecture without any output. Here scarcity of food to survive, but he is blind and silent. I am dumb and week. Organization threw me here to die quickly. Food what I eat here you can see and imagine. Those old, aged dadas who have money, they are enjoying. I never kept money secretly. See what my condition is now. ”
This is the ground reality of Anand Marg organization. Honest and sincere dadas cant survive.     In old age no medical care, no food, no guaranty of minimum necessities of life. Those who have secret money life will be pleasant to them.
Ratnakar Singh, Bokaro Thermal, Jharkhand State.

-- Here below is brother Tandava's comment about the above case incident. - Eds

Report to police

My hunch is that most probably there are still many more cases of elder abuse in Ananda Marga where monks are struggling on the brink of life and death and not getting proper care. So we have to check each and every unit in Ananda Nagar and check to see how elder neglect and torture is going on. This type of thing is not new unfortunately. There are many such incidents that happened in the past. Above are some of those names.

In many countries if a child is harassed, abused, beaten, tortured or sexually attacked then if someone knew about it then they are legally liable to report it to the authorities. A failure to do so will result in their own arrest. So everyone is legally bound to report child abuse. And in many countries, the same is the case with elder abuse, i.e. the torturing of senior citizens. The standard of our Ananda Marga is far above that of the general society, but certain criminal minded people have
brought that standard way down, far below. Such derelicts are trying to destroy the sanctity of our Ananda Marga. Yet Ananda Marga is meant to be a shining light for how to elevated society to a greater standard.


The abuse and torture described in the above letter is worse than how people would treat their slaves in the hoary past. At least those slave owners had a little bit of mercy. But these Dadas are committing heinous acts with their own peers and colleagues. You will not even find this even in the animal kingdom, what to say about any human society. Animals help others in times of crisis. All     in all this is an absolute slur on our Ananda Marga.

In Him,
Tandava Murti

Excuse me: Although it is commendable this Ananda Nagar reporter took steps to inform everyone of this tragedy, I cannot wrap my head around why he did not speak up earlier when he knew this was all going on for months. And he just kept quiet. It is obvious he felt threatened by Dadas - that is why he did not speak up earlier. If earlier he had informed us all of the situation - just as he spread the news around the globe today - then the deceased avadhuta might still be sitting among us today.

Here is a photo of the victim Acarya Nirmeghananda Avadhuta:

Here is a photo of the victim Acarya Nirmeghananda Avadhuta

Here is a link to a similar case wherein respected Dada Shantatmananda ji was also neglected and allegedly tortured - which led to his premature death.

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

== Section 2: Links ==

Example of hypocrisy


This email contains two sections:

1. Posting: Example of  Hypocrisy
2. Links

Example of hypocrisy

All know that after the poisoning attempt, Baba fasted for half-a-decade in jail. Many officials and diplomats reached there and respectfully requested Him to give up His fast, but Baba openly told that, “My universal ideology Ananda Marga is more important than My existence.” Ultimately, after all this suffering, the situation changed and Sadguru got victory. Those concocted charges of murder case were thrown out.

So here we are. Nowadays many proclaim to be His disciples yet it is so pathetic to see that we do not have the backbone to stand up against all kinds of narrow and group interests that are festering in His AMPS. On the one side some hypocritically claim themselves to be neo-humanists and on the other side those same people openly support and proclaim themselves as key figures of a groupist agenda. Altogether it is shameful to call oneself as His disciple and go against His basic fundamentals.

Here below is the example how some openly associate and brag about their support in groupist activities. Yet side by side shamelessly brag that they are following the neo-humanistic philosophy and teachings of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

From their brochure:
  • 1. Shri Shyam Bang, Chairman
  • 2. A'c Divyachetanananda Avt, Secretary
  • 3. A'c Santoshananda Avt, Joint Secretary
  • 4. A'c Citibodhananda Avt, Organising Secretary
  • 5. A'c Vishvamitrananda Avt, Finance Secretary
  • 6. Shri Bibhansu Maity, Public Relation Secretary
  • 7. Shri Sundaram Choudhary & Smt Kiran Biswas , Cultural Secretary
  • 8. Shri Gautam Deshmukh and Avt. Ananda Sampriti A'c, Reception DMS Committe Members
  • 9. Shri Dilawar Singh (Delhi)
  • 10. Shri Trilok Singh (Delhi)
  • 11. Shri Gopal Singh (Delhi)
  • 12. Shri Hawa Singh Nain (Haryana)
  • 13. Shrii Jaichand Saini (Ludhiyana)
  • 14. Dr. Surjiit Verma (Patiala)
  • 15. Shri Tapan Biswas ( Delhi)
  • 16. Shri Gopal Gupta (Kanpur)
  • 17. Shri Puskar Thakur (Kullu)
  • 18. Shri Tarun Samantaray (Delhi)
  • 19. Shri Niranjan Dhar (Delhi )
  • 20. A’c. Vishveshvarjii (Bihar)
  • 21. Shrii Arjun Narayan Chaudhry (Patna)
  • 22. Prof. A. K. Bhaskar (Patna)
  • 23. Shrii Pradiip Anand (Mumbai)
  • 24. Shrii Nagesh Sandu (Mumbai)
  • 25. Shrii Basant Sarangi (Mumbai)
  • 26. Shrii Narayan Panda (Vishakhapatnam)
  • 27. Shrii Thejas (Banglore)
  • 28. Shri Sudip Chakraborty (Ludhiana)
  • 29. Shri Prashant Singh (Tata)
  • 30. Shri Bhaskar Jana (Odisha)
  • 31. Shri Kanhu Behura (Odisha)

If anybody has the list of “cardholders” of other factions form their brochure - please share that with us. Kindly attach that and circulate that list. All should know they are groupist.

Ananda Vanii says, “Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology.” (1)

In Him,

1. Ananda Vanii #14

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

== Section 2: Links ==

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