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Monday, June 1, 2020

Dead but alive + 3 more


Dead but alive

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


First let us see what Baba has said on this important topic where one’s life force is paralysed, but one is not actually dead.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It sometimes happens that due to sudden accident or the attack of a deadly disease, the body is so disturbed that its vital force becomes paralysed. This can happen with cholera (visúciká in Sanskrit), pox (máriigut́iká in Sanskrit), snakebite, death by poisoning, and death by hanging...In such cases, where the vital energy is paralysed, there is absolutely no chance of it returning if the body is cremated. If the body is interred underground it becomes even more grievous because that vital energy may reawaken for some time in the grave. After a short struggle the person falls again into eternal sleep in the darkness of the tomb. Thus, after these types of death it is better not to burn or bury the deceased until they have been examined by a competent physician." (1)

So Baba’s clear guideline is that to avoid prematurely burying or cremating someone whose vital force has been temporarily paralysed, then they should be placed under the care of an expert doctor.

Neither cremated, nor buried: put on medical watch

Plus Baba has warned us in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 10 (The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer, paragraphs 14 - 16) how a person suffering from smallpox or a snakebite does not always die completely. Rather their life force is sometimes temporarily suspended. In that case, if you bury them and they become conscious again, they will awaken underground enclosed in their coffin. That is why Baba warns us that caution is needed: Such persons should neither be cremated nor buried, but rather put on medical watch.

Baba also gives the example of the longtime tradition wherein during such cases they neither cremate nor bury the person. Because although it may be their regular custom to cremate the body, such as in India, but if they think that there still may be vital energy in the body they float the "deceased" person in water. Due to the cool waters the person may regain consciousness in which case they are saved. Baba appreciates this point and guides us that today in our Ananda Marga we should take similar precautions befitting this modern era - using advanced medical diagnosis etc.


In any and all cases where one’s vital force has been paralysed, the patient should be placed on medical watch and various scientific and advanced techniques should be used to revive the individual. The local people must never assume that the person is dead - and the body should never be prematurely buried or cremated. Rather, specially trained physicians keenly aware of the subtle mind-body link should be given scope to apply all sorts of medical measures as well as plenty of time to determine the veracity of the situation.

Surrender to Him,

It is very clear that Baba's teaching shows concern and places value on everyone's life, so every possible effort should be taken to ensure that no one is prematurely buried or cremated. But one person got confused and in his book has written about this topic in a completely different way - all done in Guru’s name.

~ In-depth study ~

See here what the person wrote in his book

So Brother Devashish's (Deva'shiis'a) writing (JY book) is completely contrary to Guru’s teaching. You may read for yourself in his book on page 68, paragraph 3, lines 4 thru 18. Or, if you do not have the book here is the quote for your easy reference. In the below quote, Devashish claims to be quoting Baba directly. Thus Devashish (Deva'shiis'a) is not writing his own opinion but rather indicating that these are Baba's actual words and that the "I" refers to Baba Himself. That is why Devashiish's confused approach is so sinful. Please read below - pay special attention to the yellow highlighted line.

The JY book states, "Now it so happens that in certain rare cases, before the vayus completely escape and merge into the universal prana, they remain suspended in the spinal column. This can happen only in the case of certain accidents, snakebites, and occasionally with cholera victims. In such cases the person has no vital signs. He appears to be dead but actually he is not. In those countries where burial is the custom, it is possible that a person may revive after he has been buried. There have been cases noted in these countries where a coffin has been disinterred and scratch marks have been found on the inside of the lid. Or the skeletons may have shifted position. Sometimes people attribute this to ghosts. For this reason, in ancient India, the bodies of people who had died from cholera or snakebite were traditionally floated downriver on a raft in the hope that they might revive. This is one of the reasons why I [Baba] support cremation. Should a person's life force be suspended and not be discovered by the doctors, then there is no chance of their awakening inside the coffin and dying a second, horrible death." (The Jamalpur Years, by Devashish, p.68, paragraph 3, lines 4 thru 18)

In his above writing, Devashish (Deva'shiis'a) is making the outrageous claim that Baba guides us that in Ananda Marga we perform cremations to prevent someone from being buried alive. That is, if a patient is wrongly and prematurely thought to be dead, if they are cremated then at least that patient will be spared from suffering from being buried alive in a coffin. This is the callous and wholly fallacious logic Devashish (Deva'shiis'a) has given in his book about the Ananda Marga system of cremation. Remember, this JY book has been written for the general public as well, and those non-margii readers will be appalled by this gruesome portrayal and they will think we are some type of primitive tribe. Devashish has committed great sin as he has done all this in the name of Marga Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.

When in reality, all-knowing Sadguru Baba watches for the welfare of all and strictly advises us that all patients, whose life force has been paralysed, should be placed on a medical watch. So ours is an advanced and neo-humanistic approach.

What steps to take

So such books like the JY book that are filled with misnomers and inaccuracies should be removed from the shelf - and corrected if possible. And persons like Devashish who have a hankering to write -  but are not up to the proper standard - should have to report to an Ananda Marga editorial board before allowing any of their work to be put in print. Otherwise these types of unacceptable and egregious errors will continue to occur.

Horrifying claim: Cremate to avoid burying alive

One writer gives the impression that in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha we do not care about suffering people and that our preference is to cremate them even if they are still alive. In his JY book, it is “explained” that Baba says living persons should be cremated so that they do not get buried alive and end up suffering and suffocating in the coffin; to prevent such mishaps, before their actual death they should be burned. That way they will be spared the possibility of further suffering. The "writer" gives such justifications in the name of Baba. In this way, he is putting forth Ananda Marga's position on cremation.

As we know, Ananda Marga philosophy supports the practice of cremating bodies for so many scientific and spiritual reasons; but it is written in the JY book that the practice of cremation has been adopted in Ananda Marga because if a person is still alive and not fully dead, then at least they will not awaken buried in the ground and suffer. And this alarming reasoning is written in the name of Sadguru Baba.

Such is the false logic outlined in the JY book for Ananda Marga's system of cremation: If one is wrongly proclaimed dead then at least they will be cremated and thereby killed, and will not suffer by being buried alive. This is the JY book’s outrageous proclamation - all done in an attempt to clarify the reasoning behind Ananda Marga cremation rules.

Prevent tragedy - place on medical alert

Cremating someone so as to avoid burying them alive is akin to the following.

(a) It would be just like if one issued the proclamation that Ananda Margiis dance tandava with skulls in order to terrify people. When that is not at all the reason why we use skulls in our tandava dance. Everyone knows that tandava has great physiological and psychic benefits and the skull itself carries a deep spiritual significance which Baba has described in detail. So hypothesizing that tandava is done to terrify people is baseless and misleading.

(b) It would be the same as justifying that our avadhutas wear orange because hunters in the USA wear orange, and since our avadhutas also like to hunt they too wear orange. Or that, there are some prison inmates that are given orange uniforms, so our avadhutas wear orange because they also commit crimes. These are all ludicrous and bogus justifications.

Similarly, our approach to cremation has nothing to do with what the "writer" is telling - i.e. killing someone whose mind is in a suspended state. That is not at all why we do cremation. Indeed the moment we recognise that someone's mind is suspended we will put them on medical alert. And they will not be cremated. Whereas, if the person is really dead, then our basis for doing the cremation is based on many noted scientific and spiritual benefits which Baba Himself has outlined.

1. Shabda Cayaniká, Part 1 Disc: 3

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *
== Section 2: Important Topic ==

Manifesting Ánanda parivára

Prout philosophy states, “Ánanda Parivára or establishing a universal spiritual family involves not only a World Government but also a Universal Government. More correctly it is a universal social order. The question is, how can such a Parivára be established? This will certainly come through revolution which may be democratic or undemocratic; or it may be a pyramidical, palace or nuclear revolution. Among all the types of revolution, nuclear revolution is the best. The nucleus of creation is Cosmic Consciousness. It is also the goal of revolutionaries, and whatever they do by way of revolution with this goal in mind leads them to the culminating point of their life’s march. Revolution must have an ideological goal. In essence, revolution means controlling all the three nuclei of the universe – physical, psychic and spiritual. It is possible to make people conscious of Proutistic ideas in a democracy. This consciousness will have a repercussion in elections. Even before elections are held this consciousness may launch a revolution to change the social order.” (1)

Note: To establish a blissful universal family:
(a) For this sadvipras should be created:
(b) Sadvipras will bring revolution:
(c) There are various types of revolution:
(d) Nuclear revolution is ideal.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to manifest your inherent greatness

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Whatever you have said, or are saying, or will say in future, lies within you as dormant vitality. A great potentiality lies dormant in each human being, just as a huge banyan tree lies latent within a tiny seed. The banyan seed sprouts when light, air, water and fertile soil exist in requisite amounts. It subsequently grows foliage and branches, and in the course of time develops into a gigantic tree. Similarly, the immense potentialities of human beings lie latent and hypnotized in the kulakuńd́alinii at múládhára cakra as dormant humanity. When the kuńd́alinii is raised upwards through mantrágháta and mantra caetanya in the process of meditation (this process is called purashcarańa in Tantra and amrtamudrá or ánandamudrá in yoga), the doors of human potentiality start opening one after another. Human beings grow in beauty and vitality, their flowers divine, their foliage lush. Such individuals develop into great people in the eyes of the public and finally become one with the Supreme Entity." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा !मैं तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा  का सदा से  भिखारी हूँ 

प्रभात संगीत 0187: तोमाके चेयेछी चेयेछी सब काजे...

 बाबा ! मेरी इच्छा है कि अपने हर काम में तुम्हें ही देखूं। बाबा, ऐसी कृपा करें कि मैं जो कोई भी काम क्यों न करूॅं, तुम्हारी वराभय मुद्रा हमेशा  दिखाई देती रहे। मैं तुम्हारी  सबसे अधिक समीपता अपने हर कार्य में चाहता हॅू चाहे वह भौतिक हो या मानसिक या आध्यात्मिक।

 बाबा! मैं चाहता हूँ  कि तुम्हारी कृपा से तुम्हारा आनन्द देने वाला आकर्षक रूप मेरे हृदय में हमेशा सभी काम मेंरहे । हे  मेरे दिल में रहने वाले  प्रभु ! मैं इस धरती पर तुम्हारी सेवा में बने  रहने को ही आया हॅूं। दिन प्रति दिन मैं तुम्हारे सुख देने वाले  चिंतन में आनन्द से  तैरते हुए तुम्हारी ओर ही बढ़ता जाऊंगा। बाबा! मैं चाहता हूँ  कि तुम्हारी कृपा से जहां कहीं भी मैं तुम्हारे गुणों  का थोड़ा सा भी बखान करूँ, तुम प्रसन्न होकर मेरे मन में ही रहो।  तुम्हारी सुख देने वाली  तान मेरे हृदय में गूंजती रहे।

 बाबा !  रात को अकेले  में, चाॅंद तारों के नीचे बैठा  जब मैं तुम्हारा ध्यान करूँ,  तब तुम हमेशा  मुझे आशीष देते रहो। मेरे  मन का मोर अपने रंगीन पंख फैलाये बहुत  आनन्द में नाचने लगे । बाबा! तुम्हें पाकर मेरा मन आनन्द से नाच उठता है। हे  मेरे परमप्रिय बाबा! जब भी मैं कोई काम करूँ, तुम मेरे मन मन्दिर में आकर हमेशा आशीष देते रहो और हमेशा  मेरे साथ ही रहो ।  मैं तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा  का सदा से  भिखारी हूँ । 

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