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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Our 1st Dada + 2 more

Our 1st Dada


History is an important marker. By seeing the past, we learn right from wrong and what errors not to repeat in the future. For this reason it is important to recall the actions of the first PP Dada.

Some wrongly think that if someone has committed egregious errors, and the person has already died, then their actions should not be analysed and reviewed. But Sadguru Baba says that history must be documented. If one forgets the history, then the same errors one commits again and again.

List of PP’s sins against margiis

In the ideological realm see what transpired while Dada Shraddhananda was holding the post of Purodha Pramukha.

Margii rights snatched away with PP Dada’s approval:
1. The destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual.
2. The ruination of the ACB system by putting “yes men” on the post.
3. The curtailment of margii rights with no scope to protest in writing or discussion etc.
4. Not recognising silent action as a fundamental right.
5. Elimination of freedom of speech to control and manipulate margiis and Wts.
6. In Suva sector, Manavendrananda created the fake SPB and got rid of the ACB.
7. The PKB (Purna Kalika Bandhu) system was exploited and rendered defunct.
8. The victimisation of countless whistleblowers - i.e. Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out.
9. Inimical expulsion of innocent margiis and wts.
10. The Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses.
(a) Countless intentional scriptural distortions were done such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if those discourses were not given by Baba in Bangla.
(b) Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages.
11. The insertion of the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas as the Caryacarya part 1 Appendix.
12. Invention of Fake Ananda Vaniis.

Imposition of dogma:
13. The agenda to exploit margiis by imposing dogmatic pilgrimages / tiirthas in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, and Jamalpur.
14. The introduction of the dogmatic mahaprayan, i.e. the yearly death day celebration and feast that is held annually on the death day 21 Oct. This is against Caryacarya.
15. Recitation of the shraddha mantra for the eternal Parama Purusa Baba during the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas gathering.
16. The propaganda of making Purodha Pramukha dada into a Holy, Divine Being in order to magnify and exploit the power of the PP post.
(a) Sarvatmananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra in order to show that PP is great and spiritually exalted. Only mortal humans have to attend, and PP is above. This is the dogma they propagated and which was approved by PP dada.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous…One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour.” (1)

But Sarvatmananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra.

(b) Sarvatmananda made the rule that PP need not attend paincajanya because he is spiritually elevated and far above. Only mortal humans have to attend, not  PP. This is the dogma they propagated.
(c) Sarvatmananda imposed the practice at DMS etc that PP does Guru puja while sitting up on his dais, not on equal seats.
17. The construction of dogmatic memorials and tiirthas to limit omnipresent Sadguru Baba and tie Him to a particular land or place, such as Jamalpur, Tiljala, and Ananda Nagar.

Miscellaneous wrongdoings:
18. Group leaders allegedly ordering vicious, even deadly, physical attacks on innocent Wts who were not in their group.
19. Sarvatmananda made the rule that Wts are forbidden to write to other Wts if not in their direct chain of command. This was approved by PP Dada
20. Sarvatmananda made the rule of not sharing archive materials with sincere margiis, and taking the spiritual treasures from margiis such as discourse cassettes and letters from Baba etc.
21. Changing the names of roads in Ananda Nagar. AMIT Road was changed to Memorial Road.
22. Sale of Ananda Marga properties and land holdings around the globe & pocketing the profits in their personal bank accounts etc.
23. Raising the Jai slogan, and salute to the Divine Father for PP Dada. (Note: In India, all monks are commonly known as Baba. So when the Jai slogan is raised then PP just keeps mum, smiles, and brings his hands to his heart. By this way, the general populace and naive margiis think that the Jai slogan is raised in PP Dada’s honour. Whereas if PP raises the slogan then people will not think that PP is being revered. They will think that Baba must be someone else. So for the sake of his prestige PP does not raise the slogan. They also implemented the bogus system that the jai slogan should be at the railway platform when PP Dada’s train arrives. They gather all sorts of stooges and sycophants to stand on the platform to raise jai slogan for PP - but good mariis would never do this.)
24. Turning the treasure of Prabhat Samgiita into a money-making venture where for the sake of profits Prabhat Samgiita is placed in the hands of the degraded film industry. This was done in the 1990’s.

Thus, behold what happened to our AMPS under his tenure. And all the while PP Dada was utterly consumed by his own petty glory in writing his doggerel Shraddha Shuman about television and other ridiculous topics. Even elementary school children 8 years-old write more meaningful original compositions. Yet here is PP Dada Shraddhananda  - the top postholder of a world-wide socio spiritual organisation - writing so-called compositions and attempting to pass them along as something great.

~ For more about Dada Shraddhananda’s doggerels, kindly reference link #1 at the bottom of this email. ~

How narcissism brings one's downfall

PP Dada Shraddhananda's samskara was brought to that top posting where he met his final downfall. In a nutshell, that is how this relates to the tragic plight and downfall of PP Dada Shraddhananda.

There is no doubt. The first PP, i.e. Ac  dada Shraddhananda Avt, utterly downgraded the post of Purodha Pramukha. He ruined the entire prestige of the PP post. He signed off on so much dogma. And He passed his days watching TV. By all these events, Dada Shraddhananda clearly documented his place in history and he literally became like a deflated spare-tire - i.e. completely useless in all regards.

The great benefit from all this is that everyone could clearly understand the tremendous contrast between the divine greatness of Parama Purusa Baba and the useless ways of Dada Shraddhananda. Without this incredible contrast - i.e. if the first PP had been fully dharmic in all respects - then some would have revered that first PP as a god.

But since the first Dada Shraddhananda behaved in such a foolish manner no one ever became confused - rather most lost all respect for Dada Shraddhananda and any others who conduct themselves in such a blind and adharmic manner.

Doggerel — sloppy poems – Shraddha Shuman

In those early years, just after 1990 and onwards, Dada Sarvatmananda was of the firm belief that the more prestige the post of PP held, the more power he himself would wield since he was essentially in command of Dada Shraddhananda. That was one side of the situation. The other side was that Dada Shraddhananda had his own inherent proclivity for social stature and respect. To heighten his prestige, PP Dada Shraddhananda wrote approximately ten thousand doggerels - sloppy poems - which he called "Shraddha Shuman". Dada Shraddhananda was thinking that instead of Beloved Baba’s Prabhat Samgiita, sadhakas should sing Shraddha Shuman before sadhana. Then his own glory would last forever. Here it has to be told that Dada Shraddhananda himself had an unfortunate weakness for name and fame etc. And one of the ways he sought to glorify himself was by writing his doggerel — sloppy poems – Shraddha Shuman. For more about this see link #1.

Not only did PP Dada Shraddhananda write his own useless things in the form of Shraddha Shuman, but, in addition, in his own book he clearly demonstrated that he had no understanding of Prabhat Samgiita.


By studying and reviewing the dark history of the first PP Dada and the horrendous effect this had on our organisation (AMPS) we will be in better position to solve the existing problems and prevent the imposition of future dogmas. Everyone will be keen to follow and implement Baba's teachings and vigilant not to let a similar era of degradation repeat itself.

In Him,
Amar Sharma

~ In-depth study ~

Frog, gold coin, & king - part a

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Habitual exhibitionism is one of the mental diseases of humanity. The root cause of this disease is the psychology of inflating one's personality so that others are confounded, stupefied and overawed – they become speechless and gape with wonder at that inflated personality. Leave aside the person who has some merit, some capacity – even those without the least wealth, from whom you cannot expect a single penny even if you do seven hundred sit-ups and push-ups before them – even such people seek to exhibit themselves like fools or pandits. They never even care to know whether anyone has detected them or not, or whether others are actually laughing at them behind their backs: they remain totally obsessed with themselves. They even tend to forget that the Operative Principle, which is responsible for all actions, big or small, benevolent or malevolent, is absolutely dependent on the witness-ship of the Cognitive Principle. Those who have meagre intelligence may not be able to grasp this philosophical idea, but those who claim to have some intelligence, although they understand it, want to forget it. And behind this, the same psychology predominates – the psychology of exhibitionism, the psychology of self-display." (2)

Frog, gold coin, & king - part b

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There is a story for children about a certain king who had an iron safe where he kept his gold coins. These coins, because of long disuse, became mouldy. One day the king spread the gold coins in the sun to dry, and a frog picked up one of the smallest pieces. At this its belly puffed up and its throat swelled up, and it began to announce in its characteristic rasping voice..."

"At this, everyone came and asked the frog, ‘Well, sir, what wealth do you actually have?’ Then the frog spun that little coin around at least seven hundred times, saying, ‘Am I less than the king?’ This is an example of the psychology of exhibitionism..."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "People with this mental defect lose their power of discrimination. First, they think that since they are so great, there is no need for them to learn anything from others. As a result of this, their further progress comes to a halt. Secondly, the arrogant attitude of this asmitá banishes from their minds the humble psychology of the learner. They lose interest in learning anything useful; so not only in the world of knowledge, but also in the world of practicality, they become misfits in life because of their mountainous accumulated ignorance..."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is not that arrogance of this sort simply obstructs their progress. The human mind, like the human body, is dynamic. No one has come to remain here; everyone is moving – for movement is a must. Now, the mind whose further progress is blocked will also have to move this way or that; so when one must move, but the path of progress is blocked, one is compelled to move along the path of degradation. Thus the arrogance born of this asmitá will lead people towards their downfall. This arrogance, which makes them want to display themselves, forgetting all other things, is termed aham'kára [vanity]. The predominant vrtti behind it is aham [ego]: “I am everything, there is nothing beyond and outside me.”" (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (Discourse 10)
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (Discourse 10)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Crude justification of capitalists

Prout philosophy states, "The ambition to become rich by exploiting others is a type of psychic disease. In fact, if the infinite longing of the human mind does not find the proper path leading to psychic and spiritual fulfilment, it becomes engaged in accumulating excessive physical wealth by depriving others. If any member of a joint family appropriates food from the family food store by using physical or intellectual force, he or she becomes the cause of misery to others. Similarly, when capitalists declare, “We have amassed wealth by our talent and labour. If others have the capacity and diligence, let them also do the same; nobody prevents them,” they do not care to realize that the volume of commodities on the earth is limited, whereas the requirement is common to all. Excessive individual affluence, in most cases, deprives others of the minimum requirements of life." (1)

1. Problems of the Day #4

== Section 2: Links ==

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