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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Value of protest fast + 3 more

Value of protest fast


In India, news comes regularly how one or another social reformist is undertaking a protest fast. This is ongoing because of the dogma of Gandhism etc - it is a psychic disease in India. The defective Gandhian way of thinking is that by fasting one will melt the hearts of those exploiters. But Baba mocks this idea by branding it as utopian. Those exploiters and wrongdoers will not be sentimentally swayed by seeing people perform protest fasts. Rather those wrongdoers will be pleased that their opponents are destroying themselves by fasting for days on end.

How to fight injustice & exploitation

Baba guides us to protest and fight social injustices by adhering to the principles of Prout. Then we confront the problem directly through mass education, economic policies and programs, social awareness and all kinds of ways outlined throughout His vast body of Proutistic teachings. So we are to wage a ceaseless war against exploitation by abiding by Proutistic principles - not succumbing to the detrimental Gandhian approach of fasting and ruining the body.

That is why Baba guides us to stand up and fight against injustices - not starve oneself and die. And that fight against injustice should be carried out in all kinds of ways - intellectually, morally, physically, socially, collectively etc - along all kinds of avenues. It is a dynamic approach that will buckle the knees of those very exploiters.

Jail: only circumstance for protest fasting

There is one and only one condition when one should fast against injustice. And that is when one has been placed under arrest and put in jail. And if while in jail one’s very life is threatened due to food poisoning - and all the jail authorities are corrupt etc, then in that unusual circumstance one’s only option may be to perform a protest fast. Outside of this circumstance, one should never resort to fasting to oppose injustices.

1. Jail is very different - one has limited means to protest when in solitary confinement - so fasting in that circumstance is different. If you are in a jail cell then you cannot communicate with others or organise, so there is limited means what one can do.

2. When outside one should engage in mass awakening - that is the Proutistic method. When in solitary confinement in jail then one cannot do mass awakening.

3. This issue came many times, when Baba was in jail. The margiis outside wanted to fast in protest, but Baba banned this practice.

So nowadays, when some in AMPS have taken to fasting to promote unity etc, while their aim is noble, they should be properly educated about Baba’s guidelines. And instead of doing a protest fast, they should arm themselves with the teachings of Prout. Then surely they will get success.

Bring revolution through Proutistic ideals

4. Some Wts fasted to pressurise margiis to engage in work and donate money for building construction and bring maximum new people to dharmacakra. Then Baba scolded Wts and ordered them to stop their fast. Baba told them that is not the way - better to convince and inspire, but not ruin one’s own body by fasting.

5. If Baba would have allowed this then fasting would have been going on all the time for one or another issue. Baba is against such type of penance - this body is of Parama Purusa and one should not destroy it. Rather Baba just instructed us to fast 2 or 4 times per month as per our normal health rules.

6. In Prout’s teachings on revolution, Baba has given various steps to bring revolution but fasting is not one of those steps.

7. Protesters and sympathizers should start a Prout study circle for their inspiration and understanding.


Fasting as a means of protest is not accepted in Ananda Marga. In that last 40 years in AMPS there has not been any fasting on that front. Otherwise - if that were our approach - then around the world always margiis would be doing this or that protest fast. But this is not our way. In Ananda Marga, we do not accept this dogmatic Gandhian method. To fight injustice and exploitation, we are to follow the ideals outlined in Prout.

Prout philosophy guides us, “Remember – you have to serve humanity. You have to dedicate yourself to the cause of humanity as a whole. Your life is valuable; your time is all the more valuable. You should not waste a single moment. The task is glorious. The task is novel. Lead the life of a warrior and constantly fight against evils. You will be victorious. So march ahead!” (1)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Baba forbids protest fasting

Years ago in the late 1970’s, one DS Dada was posted in Muzaffarpur and during that time there were 15 family acaryas in Muzaffarpur as well. And those family acaryas were constantly bickering and quarreling on all sorts of points. They were disunited and not talking to one another. To unite them, the local DS started a protest fast. News of this reached Baba and right away He sent word that DS Muzaffarpur must give up his fast immediately as he was just abusing and misusing his body by this tactic. By this everyone understood that in our Ananda Marga protest fasts are not appreciated. They are forbidden by Baba.

The approach of trying to achieve unity by any type of fasting protest is not condoned by Baba. Excess fasting - i.e. more than what is allotted in Sixteen Points - is harmful to the body. And when the body becomes compromised and broken, then one cannot perform the work that is needed. So doing an extended fast for unity - or fasting for any social cause - is a misguided approach.

The dogma of Gandhism is prevalent in India whereby they try to solve all sorts of social problems by fasting protests. But this is not appreciated by our Ananda Marga. And this is well demonstrated by this above story.

Utopian Gandhian approaches never work

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Some people are of the opinion that only humanistic appeals and no other approach can affect a change of heart. Although the principles of such people may be high, in reality the soil of the earth is extremely hard. Their appeals to do good cannot easily gain support.”
   “What are humanistic appeals, or satyágraha? They are simply a special means of using violence to create circumstantial pressure. We can, in fact, call them the intellectual’s method of using violence. They are a way to make people eager to move along the path of human welfare without resorting to actual violence, relying on legal enforcement, or becoming angry and adopting the path of bloodshed. Or, in simpler language, they are a way to compel people to move.”
   “What is circumstantial pressure? Does it not aim to vibrate the individual or collective mind with the wave of collective welfare through the application of force? In fact, this approach is an attempt to touch the aspect of the human mind which is very tender and capable of responding to humanistic appeals. Thus, those who have finer sensibilities and rational judgement readily respond to humanistic appeals, or satyágraha.”
  “This sort of appeal does not hold much value for those with crude minds. To vibrate the minds of such people it is, and will forever remain, necessary to influence their minds by giving them a rude shock. Otherwise one will have to wait indefinitely for the sensitive violin strings of some secret recess in their hard minds to be similarly vibrated by high-minded appeals to do good. And meanwhile the existence of the helpless, exploited people, on whose behalf these appeals are being made, will have been reduced to dust.”
   “That is why no matter how much importance was given to the benevolence of the human mind by the Gandhian and Bhudan movements, or how saintly their propounders may have been, selfish and mean-minded people will never accept their principles. The bleeding sores on the feet of marching protesters will never be able to soften the minds of ruthless exploiters. Gandhism may be an excellent utopian model, but in the harsh reality of the world it is absurd and self-righteous.” (2)

Fasting for health & spirituality

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "On and around the times of new and full moon, one may observe that the gaseous and aqueous factors in the body rise up into the head and chest, creating an uncomfortable feeling. Therefore, if a person does not take food at these times, these factors will be drawn down from the higher portions of the body to the lower portions, thereby alleviating the uncomfortable feeling." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You should not depend on food too much. This is why I have prescribed fasting on four days a month for some people and two days a month for others, and personally I have proved by fasting for five years and eight months at a stretch that if people try, they can remain without food. If one's dependence on food decreases, one will gain more freedom in a particular aspect of life." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "So, fasting is a necessity in the eleventh moon, pu’rn’ima’, that is full moon, and new moon. In A’nanda Ma’rga, I didn’t prescribe these four days fasting, that is, for grhii’s — that is non-wholetimers, non avadhutas — they are to fast only two days, two eleventh moons. And for workers, avadhutas, they are to fast how many days? Four days. Because they will have to engage themselves more in spiritual and higher works, in intellectual and spiritual [realms]. That’s why they should fast four times in a month - and others, twice. But if others so desire, they may fast four times — I won’t say anything. But it is not compulsory. For them, two eka’dashiis." (5)

One should not fast for more than one day at a time

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Nor should you undergo fasting for a long period of time. I have prescribed that our monks should undergo fasting four days per month, two Ekádashiis, one Amávasyá, and one Púrńima’.” (AV-14, Seven Secrets)

According to Ananda Marga, one should not fast for more than one day at a time.

Please see the sign / banner behind the crowd that where it is written that to press his local political demands, in 2017 Dada Santoshananda was performing fast without water from 12 to 14 Sept. So you see that the poster which Dada Santoshananda made is against Ananda Marga principles. In the above quote Baba says something completely different: One should not fast for more than one day at a time. By not following the order of Baba Dada Santoshananda has committed sin.

~ Dada Santoshananda ~

In India, news comes regularly how one or another social reformist is undertaking a protest fast. This is ongoing because of the dogma of Gandhism etc - it is a psychic disease in India. Gandhian idea is that by fasting one will melt the hearts of those exploiters. But Baba mocks this idea by branding it utopian. Those exploiters and wrongdoers will not be sentimentally swayed by seeing people perform protest fasts. Rather those wrongdoers will be pleased that their opponents are destroying themselves by fasting for days on end.

Alternate: Santosananda, Santos’ananda, Dada Santoshananda, Santosanand

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission
2. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
3. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Fasting
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, In Kali Yuga, Strength Lies in an Organized Body
5. 12/1/71 Patna

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Dedicated myself for the service of all

"Sabár seváy tánri karuńáy, sabákara tare ámi elum..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4557)


By the karuna of Parama Purusa, my life is for the service of everyone, not only human beings but animals, plants, flora, fauna, and animate and inanimate beings. I have come onto this earth to serve one and all - to fulfill everyone's hopes and aspirations. By the grace of Parama Purusa I have taken everyone’s burdens on my shoulders. So my problems are my problem and the problems of others are also my problem.

Is it that human beings are only tall-talkers - are they just full of hot air. No, they have feelings; other's pain and pleasure resonate in their heart. I feel the torment, agony, and suffering of humans, animals, birds, and plants. I will tell everyone about their plight. I will spread the gospel of neo-humanism everywhere. Baba, I will sing Your glory. Today by Your grace, I gave up all comforts and dedicated myself for the service of all.

O’ my brothers and sisters, good people of the universe, o’ my friends, my universal kith and kin, my own, everyone listen to my vow. By His grace, I have dedicated myself for the service of all. I am for everyone. Now always please give me the opportunity to serve you. In exchange I don’t want anything from you. Just I am offering my deep heart - full of mamata, with love and affection.

By the grace of Baba, my life is for the service of everyone - human beings, animals, plants, flora, and fauna. For everyone I have come onto this earth...

Note For Prabhat Samgiita #4557:

[1] Mamata': Mineness; In Sanskrit “mama” = mine, and the suffix ta’ = -ness; hence “mineness.” To have equal or more love for something / someone than one has for oneself.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "What is the meaning of “mamatá”? Mama + tá = mamatá. Mama means “mine” and thus mamatá is the inner idea of being mine, the feeling that something is my own." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "“Mamatá” means “mine-ness” – “Mama” means “one's own”, and the abstract noun derived from it is “mamatá” – meaning, thereby “mine-ness.”" (2)

For example, suppose you are suffering from a fever then naturally you will be concerned about your own health. You will try to cure yourself by going to the doctor and taking medicine etc. If you have mamata for someone else, then if they are sick with a fever you will have the same degree of care for their condition as your own. When one does sadhana then this sense of mamata grows and one ultimately has the feeling of mamata towards the entire created universe. Without sadhana, one’s sense of mamata will be extremely limited whereby one might only care about their own individual existence. So when the mind is extremely narrow one only has mamata for oneself. Those with a slightly broader mind will have mamata towards their parents and family members. And as the circumference of mind expands one will have mamata for other relatives and community members etc. However, it is only with sadhana that the periphery of mind can grow further and further wherein one’s sense of mamata includes all beings and expressions of this cosmos. Parama Purusa has mamata’ for each and every entity - this entire creation, all living and non-living expressions.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Pleasing the Lord

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Quality to become millionaire

Here is something to keep in mind when viewing those capitalists who are now ruling this earth. The following is the gist of the original Hindi.

The person who cannot cheat others cannot become a millionaire overnight. You know as I told many times the goddess of wealth is established in sin. Only the person who is a terrible sinner and knows how to cheat others as quickly as possible, only they can become a millionaire. The goddess of wealth is the goddess of sin.

Based on the discourse: 'Introduction of Various local Gods and Goddesses', (AV-11 [H] pg 7)

== Section 4: Links ==

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