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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Poor example + 2 more


Poor example


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again, in which case they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). For decades now, groupism has riddled our AMPS. Our duty is to understand the cause and point out the ills when it rears its ugly head. And that is the essence of what this letter is about. Keeping this in mind, please read the below piece which was first posted in 2017 as an historical account of how Wts perpetuate groupism in our AMPS.   

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This letter was first posted on this network in November 2017. 



There was a Shravanii Purnima programme in Nagpur where representatives from all the groups were invited. When those representatives arrived, it was applauded as if something really great had been achieved. The inconceivable event had occurred where representatives from the three main factions came on site representing their own groups. This was touted as a grand success. Now according to Baba’s direction with the tool of neo-humanism we should assess this incident and see if it was really great, mediocre, or even lowly. First, however, let us see what typical, hypocritical politicians do in similar situations and how they befool the public.

Believing caste: drama of eating with untouchables

Take a look at what happened at this event. The Indian Express newspaper writes, “Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday had lunch with around 500 Dalit “untouchable” people.” (Courtesy of Indian Express)

See below how Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is feasting with dalits, i.e. so-called untouchables. By this way he is drawing huge recognition as he is showing himself as a great soul willing to sit with those “untouchables.” The newspapers are singing the praises of this chief minister for his humility and open-mindedness. 

But according to our standard in Ananda Marga, the chief minister is not up to the mark because he still believes in casteism. He is a coward as he does not have the courage to denounce the caste dogma. That is why he presented himself as a member of an upper caste and he treated others as lowly, i.e. untouchables. By keeping the caste system and untouchabillty alive, he himself is benefited. That is why according to neo-humanism this chief minister is a coward, not a revolutionary. Revolutionaries will denounce the caste system and treat everyone as a human being. That is what neo-humanism teaches us. 

In other words, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath does not have the requisite moral strength - he is a coward. He can’t declare the abolition of casteism. Rather, by accepting the caste dogma and maintaining the status quo, he himself is benefited because he is a member of the so-called upper caste. For this reason, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath wants to silently uphold the rigid caste system. So his display of eating with dalits is just his befooling tactic - not a noble deed. But the public is ignorant; that is why they are awed by the minister’s show and cannot recognise his cowardly dealing and black mind. True revolutionaries will denounce the caste system and treat everyone as a human being. Per the standard of neo-humanism, this chief minister is a lowly fellow, not a dharmic revolutionary. That is why he is treating others as low caste, untouchable dalits, i.e. not as a human.

Show of hypocrisy: CM is eating with “untouchable” people

Show of hypocrisy: CM is eating with “untouchable” people

In the above photo, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is guided by his own self-interest for his willingness to sit and eat with all the dalits, i.e. lowest caste people. The common citizens are hailing him as a great soul for his so-called noble deed, and from far and wide the chief minister is drawing tremendous praise from society. So it looks like he is really great and open-minded. 

But according to our Ananda Marga ideology, the chief minister’s actions undermine the teachings of neo-humanism. By keeping the caste dogma and recognising dalits, the chief minister is perpetuating untouchability dogma. And by this way the minister is directly benefited as he is a member of an upper caste. In cementing their lowly status as so-called untouchables, the chief minister is placing himself on a pedestal above by keeping the fire of casteism alive. 

Group representation: anti-neohumanism

Similar is the case with AMPS. Check out the scene at the recent Shravanii Purnima programme in Nagpur. In this below photo, avadhutas are not attending as neo-humanists but as representatives of the various groups. In turn, those Dadas are getting praised by some onlookers for their greatness in attending this event. Some naive people are thinking that, “These Dadas are really high-minded sadvipras and the vanguard of humanity.” Yet according to the standard of Ananda Marga ideology and the tenets of neo-humanism, these Dadas are cowardly and dogmatic. They are coming as group representatives because they do not want to give up groupism or destroy it. Rather they are enjoying their post and prestige in their particular group. That is why they are arriving as representatives of their given faction. 

The whole scene is preposterous. When Baba made these people as avadhutas, He announced on the stage that these avadhutas are going to spread the gospel of neo-humanism across the planet. If they were true to their vows, these “avadhutas” would completely renounce any form of groupism and hoist the flag of neo-humanism. But instead look what happened. These Dadas are openly embracing groupism as it serves their petty interest. It is so sad how they became so degraded they are proudly representing their group at a public event. By their very action, they are rejecting and throwing sand in the eyes of neo-humanism. They are narrow-minded, lowly groupists.

~ Synod of groupist Wts: Shravanii Purnima Programme in Nagpur ~ 

In the above photo, after spitting on neo-humanism, lowly representatives of the various groups of AMPS converged on Nagpur and sat and took food together, just as the Chief Minister did with those so-called Dalits. Some passive onlookers thought that those Dadas (i.e. group representatives) are really great and open-minded. Sadly, they promoted this as some type of historic and magnificent gathering. In actuality, this is far below the standard of teachings of neo-humanism. 

By accepting factional distinctions, those group representatives are deepening the imprint of groupism in our AMPS society. Sadly, they emulated the ways of non-margii life, i.e. accepting social divisions, in order to benefit their group cause and boost their own stature. They are lowly beings, not neo-humanists.

How programme was touted

If you read this below scanned letter carefully you will find that there is no trace of neo-humanism, just it is a groupist gathering in the name of Ananda Marga. It is sad what happened to us all. 


Our view in Ananda Marga is that all are human - everyone is the child of the same Supreme Father. Parama Purusa Baba does not demand that margiis or Wts come from a particular caste, race, or creed. Rather in the pre-1990 era of AMPS, it was strictly off limits to even inquire or discuss a person’s group etc. Doing so only serves to divide the society - not unite humanity. All were recognised as human. That is the modus operandi Mahasambhuti Baba set for our organisation AMPS pre-1990. It is so unfortunate these Dadas could not live up to that standard.  They are attending this function as group representatives.

In Him,
Ganesh Karkare

~ In-depth study ~

Enormous harm to humanity by delaying revolution: trimmed quote

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You may have observed many people in the world who delivered long lectures against... [group] discrimination and untouchability, saying, “No, all are equal. I will take food touched by any...[group]. If you give me filtered water in a clean glass I will not hesitate to swallow it – just watch me drink!” And the audience applauded, “Very good! Very good!” These people are called reformists; but their inner intention was to maintain the...[group] system. Had they really wanted to remove...[group] discrimination, they would have declared, “The cause of this untouchability is the...[group] system. Because of the...[group] system, discriminations have emerged between high and low, touchable and untouchable, one caste and another. So let us first of all break the bondage of...[group]!” If they had had the courage to proclaim this directly, they would have become revolutionaries. But they lacked such boldness, and thus they did enormous harm to humanity by delaying revolution.” (1)

Enormous harm to humanity by delaying revolution: full quote

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You may have observed many people in the world who delivered long lectures against caste discrimination and untouchability, saying, “No, all are equal. I will take food touched by any caste. If you give me filtered water in a clean glass I will not hesitate to swallow it – just watch me drink!” And the audience applauded, “Very good! Very good!” These people are called reformists; but their inner intention was to maintain the caste system. Had they really wanted to remove caste discrimination, they would have declared, “The cause of this untouchability is the caste system. Because of the caste system, discriminations have emerged between high and low, touchable and untouchable, one caste and another. So let us first of all break the bondage of caste!” If they had had the courage to proclaim this directly, they would have become revolutionaries. But they lacked such boldness, and thus they did enormous harm to humanity by delaying revolution.” (2)

1. The Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
2. The Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Wrong use of fan

Shabda Cayanika states, "If a hand fan is used in a small room it certainly generates some breeze but that breeze does not give much relief from the fatigue of summer. Such a breeze within those small confines becomes more and more injurious to health with every passing moment. The breeze of an electric fan within a closed environment is even more harmful. If a person sleeps with this kind of a breeze they feel heavy when they wake up; a weak or sick person feels feverish. The breeze generated by a fan within a confined space is called kut́heru; since ancient times it has been considered as something which should be avoided." (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 29

== Section 3: Links ==

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