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Monday, September 20, 2021

Flawed things in Hindi magazine


Flawed things in Hindi magazine 


The below Hindi scan, from one of the Prout magazines, falsely states that the third rotation of the social cycle has ended in India and nowadays the fourth rotation is underway. 

Correct answer

But Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is guiding us that on this planet, only one rotation of the social cycle has been completed in some countries, while most countries have not completed even a single rotation of the social cycle. For details see notes 1 & 3 appended below.

Prout philosophy states, "So far in the first rotation [of the social cycle] of human history on this earth... in most countries the last stage of the first rotation [of the social cycle] is in progress. In a few countries the post-shúdra-revolution Kśatriya Age [warrior era] has been established, and here and there the first indications of the Vipra Age are beginning to emerge." (1)

Conclusion: dumbos

This type of false teaching in the name of Prout is not new. A bunch of fools are sitting and controlling the Prout magazines these days and they are either (a) propagating communist ideals or (b) writing their own hallucinations and intellectual extravaganza. The below Hindi scan is one such example. If you are new to this topic please communicate with us and we will provide you with more materials demonstrating their falsehoods and how these Prout magazine publishers misguide common readers. 
In Him, 

So far only first rotation of social cycle

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is guiding us that on this planet, only one rotation of the social cycle has been completed - i.e. era of unskilled people (shudra) to the warrior era (ksatriya), to the era of the religious clergy (vipra), to the era wealthy (vaeshya) people - in some countries, while most countries have not completed even a single rotation of the social cycle. For details see notes 1 & 3 appended below.

Prout philosophy states, "So far in the first rotation [of the social cycle] of human history on this earth, no sadvipra society has been formed. In most countries the last stage of the first rotation [of the social cycle] is in progress. In a few countries the post-shúdra-revolution [revolution of awakened mass] Kśatriya Age [warrior era] has been established, and here and there the first indications of the Vipra Age [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era] are beginning to emerge." (2)

Raktmanjarii: This a Prout magazine that is the mouthpiece of Universal Prout Student Federation. The below Hindi scan is from the article “Samaj Cakra ka’ Siddhant” by Niraj Narayan from the June / July 2018 issue, page 18. In this article they are making the false claim that 4th cycle of the vaeshyan era is now in vogue in India, but Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us that this is the 1st rotation of the vaeshyan era.

~ In-depth study ~

Note 1: What is one rotation of social cycle

There are four ages (#1 -> #2 -> #3 -> #4) and when each of the four ages has come into power, one after another, up to #4 then it starts over again at #1. That is one full rotation of the social cycle. And this continues on and on.

In His below teaching, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is guiding us that on this planet, only one rotation of the social cycle has been completed - i.e. era of unskilled people (shudra) to the warrior era (ksatriyas), to the era of the religious clergy (vipra), to the era wealthy (vaeshyas) people - in some countries, while most countries have not completed even a single rotation of the social cycle. For details see note 1 appended below.

Prout philosophy states, "Today, in the modern world, the Kśatriya Age [warrior era] and the Vipra Age [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era] are still evident in some undeveloped countries. In most developed countries the Vaeshya Age [wealthy people] is prevalent. In a few countries a new Kśatriya Age [warrior era] has emerged following shúdra revolution [revolution of awakened mass], and in one or two places we can even see indications of the emerging Vipra Age [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era].” (3)

Note 2: If you have money you have everything

One should not forget that in the vaeshyan [wealthy people] era money is paramount and all other values of life become meaningless. Qualities like morality, good conduct, dedication, sacrifice, proper dealing, strict behaviour, intellect, spiritual strength, or physical fitness and might have no value. If you have money then you have everything. The gross degeneration that society is facing on human values is happening now in this vaeshyan [wealthy people] era. To get money you can even sell your daughter in the market for prostitution. In its entire history, India has never faced the type of degeneration that is occuring now. This is enough to know that the vaeshyan [wealthy people] era has for the very first time. And above all Baba’s teachings are the best proof.

Note 3: What is Prout social cycle 

Question: What is meant by the completion of one rotation of the Prout social cycle?

Answer: From the beginning of human history on this earth there were unskilled uncivlised people - i.e. the people of the unskilled age (shudra era). This went on for thousands of years, and then the warrior age (ksatriyan era) emerged and then the slogan was: "might is right." This warrior age (ksatriyan era) also continued for thousands of years of human society. Next came the age of the religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits (vipran era). Then the theme of society was that, "intellect was everything." These intellectuals ruled indirectly the whole society. That also went on for several hundred years. After that the age of wealthy people (vaeshyan era) came to the fore and the common people believed that money is everything and if you have money you can purchase laborers, warriors, and intellectuals. Especially in western countries, as well as India, the age of wealthy people (vaeshyan era) is in vogue. 

Will steal all the wealth

The moment will come in the very near future when the wealthy will slowly, slowly steal all the wealth from the common people and the masses will become homeless and starve to death. And the rich will enjoy in their mansions. They will control all the property - buildings and farms etc - while others are servants. In that stage there will be revolution of the awakened mass (shudra revolution). When the revolution of the awakened mass (shudra revolution) ends there will be a dictatorship to bring law and order and that will be called warrior age (ksatriyan era). This second kstriyan era indicated that one complete rotation of the social cycle has finished. That means the age of unskilled people (shudra era) to the warrior age (ksatriyan era) to the religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits age (vipran era), and then the age of wealthy people (vaeshyan era) and then back to awakened mass (shudra revolution). 

In the future, for millions of years, this cycle will continue from one era to the next. On this planet, only one single social cycle rotation has been completed : [1] unskilled people / shudras, [2] warriors / ksatriyan era, [3] religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits / vipran era, [4] wealthy people / vaehsyan age in some countries, while most countries have not completed even a single rotation of the social cycle.

False things in Prout magazine

The below scan from the Prout magazine, Raktmanjarii, is falsely claiming that in India the third rotation of the social cycle has been completed and the fourth cycle (see notes 1 & 3) of the vaeshyan [wealthy people] era is in unfolding. But this claim is absolutely preposterous.  In various discourses Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has told that in India not even one rotation of the social cycle has been completed. Nowadays, India is in an era of wealthy people and slowly moving towards the revolution of the awakened mass - but that is not very near. And after revolution of the awakened mass a new cycle will begin. 

Note: In the below scan, please pay special attention to the fourth line up from the bottom. 

False assertions

The above Hindi scan, from one of the Prout magazines, falsely states that the third rotation of the social cycle has ended in India and nowadays the fourth rotation is underway. Not only that, the magazine wrongly proclaims that the fourth cycle of the ksatriyan [warrior] and vipran [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era] eras is also over, and that nowadays the vaeshyan [wealthy people] era of the fourth rotation of the social cycle is in vogue in India. These are the false assertions from the above Hindi scan.

Social cycle around the world

Prout philosophy states, "Today, in the modern world, the Kśatriya Age [warrior era] and the Vipra Age [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era] are still evident in some undeveloped countries. In most developed countries the Vaeshya Age [wealthy people] is prevalent. In a few countries a new Kśatriya Age [warrior era] has emerged following shúdra revolution [revolution of awakened mass], and in one or two places we can even see indications of the emerging Vipra Age [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era].” (4)

   Prout philosophy states, "So far in the first rotation of human history on this earth, no sadvipra society has been formed. In most countries the last stage of the first rotation [of the social cycle] is in progress. In a few countries the post-shúdra-revolution [revolution of awakened mass] Kśatriya Age [warrior era] has been established, and here and there the first indications of the Vipra Age [religious clergy, intellectuals, and pundits era] are beginning to emerge. As there is no sadvipra society, the social cycle is rotating in a natural way."
   "In every age the dominant social class first governs, then starts to exploit, after which evolution or revolution takes place. Due to the lack of sadvipras to lend their help, the foundations of human society fail to become strong."
   "Today I earnestly request all rational, spiritual, moral, fighting people to build a sadvipra society without any further delay. Sadvipras will have to work for all countries, for the all-round liberation of all human beings. The downtrodden people of this persecuted world look to the eastern horizon, eagerly awaiting their advent. Let the blackness of the new-moon night be lifted from the path of the downtrodden." (5)

1. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society
2. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society
3. Problems of the Day, Point #35
4. Problems of the Day, Point #35
5. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Outside You, there is nothing

"Tomár májháre kata mahávishva nihita, tomár báhire kichu náit..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4742)


Parama Purusa, so many great cosmoses are situated within You. Outside You, there is nothing; no entity can exist beyond You. In Your vibration, waves, and exalted status, I find everything - whatever I am searching for. The whole universe lies within You. 

Parama Purusa, everything, from the blade of grass up to the creative faculty, is Your sport and toy. You are playing with them always. Baba, You are the shelter of one and all, but You Yourself do not need any shelter. Everything lies within the periphery of Your playing field. Whether in the external world, in the core of my heart, or in the flow of my mind, in whichever direction I look, I get You.

Parama Purusa, Baba, within the vibration of my heart You are remaining eternally through Your ota and prota yoga. In the rhythm of my life, You reside as tunes and melodies. In the tempo of my heart, You exist as song and dance. You are that Entity who is my closest and resides in an isolated corner of my mind. Due to attraction and love, with intense longing that is burning like fire, I go close to You secretly...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4742

What is ota-prota yoga - 1

[1] Ota-Prota Yoga: By way of analogy we can best understand this term. Suppose a mother has five children. When she loves any one of them individually then that is akin to her ota yoga relation with that particular child. She has this type of ota yoga relation with each and every one of her children on a personal, individual level. In contrast, when that same mother loves and cares for her five children all together as a whole, collective family then that is akin to prota yoga.

Similarly, Parama Purusa has an individual loving relation with every bhakta on a personal, individual level. Whatever that bhakta thinks and says then Parama Purusa lovingly listens and cares for that bhakta. So that is the very personal relation of ota yoga. And when He thinks about the entire creation and the welfare of all at the same time, then that connection is prota yog

In their own personal life, every bhakta should appreciate Parama Purusa’s relation as ota yoga - i.e. a very intimate, personal link; whereas, lower grade bhaktas relate more to Parama Purusa via His approach of prota yoga.

In Subhasita Samgraha part 17 (Gwalior DMC in 1984), Baba has given the meaning of ota yoga and prota yoga in English. Ota yoga is "individual tactuality" between Parama Purusa and the unit entity; and, prota yoga is "collective tactuality" between Parama Purusa and all the entities, simultaneously.

The above definition describes the intimate relation between Parama Purusa and His jiivas through His ota & prota yoga. This same term has been explained in a slightly different manner in the following discourse.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is ota-yoga? He as the Cosmic Father has a direct relationship with each and every entity of this world...All are His affectionate children. This is His ota-yoga. Each and every entity, animate or inanimate, has a direct link with Him. Just as ota yoga means the Cosmic Father's relationship with each entity individually, prota yoga means His relationship with all collectively." (1)

And here is more about ota-prota yoga:

What is ota-prota yoga - 2

Otahprotah yogábhyáḿ saḿyuktah Puruśottamah.

[Puruśottama is linked to each entity individually and to all entities collectively.]

Ananda Sutram Purport: Puruśottama, the Nucleus of the universe, is the witness of and is directly concerned with every unit entity. This association of His is called ota yoga [the yoga of individual association]. Evidently Puruśottama is the collective entity of the universe as well as witness of the collective mind. This association of His with the collectivity is called prota yoga [the yoga of pervasive association]. In other words, it may be said that the one who is associated with His objects through both ota and prota yogas at the same time is Puruśottama. (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and bhakti to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the saḿskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhaka’s life.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6
2. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2-10
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section 3: Links ==

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