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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Proof: insult to Guru with lies


Proof: insult to Guru with lies


Here is Rudrananda's fictitious account printed in his so-called book where he is writing one bogus tale. By this way, he is trying to belittle Guru and simultaneously trying to jack up his own image - above all. This is the devious and notorious way of Rudrananda's slimy character.

This debased human being shamelessly writes that he went out in the freezing, cold cemetery to do his usual, nightly, daily penance. He writes that on this particular night in Mythe Shimla there was frozen rain and hail for 4 hours. It was extremely cold as the temperature in Mythe Shimala can be minus 7 degrees Celsius, i.e. 19 degrees Fahrenheit. And Rudrananda writes he was out in that extreme cold for 4 hours at this hill station cemetery doing night sadhana with no clothes in the freezing rain. And he goes on to say that when he returned back from this frigid, bone-numbing experience, then it was 4am and Guru was snoring.

The question is why does Rudrananda write such outrageous lies. The reason is that habitual liars forget about the truth and become so dull-minded that they think their lies will not be detected. And, step by step, gradually their fabricated tales become so blatant and outlandish that even their own sycophants get overwhelmed and put off by them.

In Him,

Please find below a scan of page 98 from Rudrananda's book " Sharnagati" where he delivers this patently false account how in 1966, during Shimala DMC, he (Rudrananda) was with Baba and left at midnight to do his cemetery sadhana in the freezing, cold rain. And when he returned at 4am Baba was still sleeping and snoring and Rudrananda awakened Him upon his arrival. This is the completely rubbish story, Rudrananda conveys in his book.

The above scan is page 98 from Rudrananda's book " Sharnagati" where he delivers this patently false account how in 1966, during Shimala DMC, he (Rudrananda) was with Baba and left at midnight to do his cemetery sadhana in the freezing, cold rain. And when he returned at 4am Baba was still sleeping and snoring and Rudrananda awakened Him upon his arrival. This is the completely rubbish story, Rudrananda conveys in his book.

Preach only satya

Here Baba guides us how every dharmika should conduct themselves - living a life in line with the truth of satya through thought, word, and deed. That is how we can gain the people's support.

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Preach only satya. Whatever you have done with reasons thereof...Win over their heart by propagating satya but without abusing anyone. When, they will feel the ideal of satya and come to know of your untiring karma sa'dhana', naturally, they will abandon their wrong notions about you; they will even start respecting you." (1)

1. Ta'ttvika Diipika': Dvitiiya Parva

== Section 2: Links ==

More important letters

Legal Notice: ©2018 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

Good & bad, even worst news about various factions + Da'nvrata'


See perverted didi Da'nvarata' promotes filmy song not PS


Didi Ananda Danavrata is always in bed with Madhuvratananda so she leads a debauched life. Due to her illicit lifestyle Danvarata selected as women's head (WWD). 

Unfortunately, this woman is not promoting Prabhat Samgiita, Baba;s teachings, or dharmic guidelines. See her mental standard as she is promoting Bollywood songs of a perverted nature.

Baba says that whenever there is sin, one should mercilessly expose it, unmask the sinners / perpetrators, and usher in the era of honesty, morality, and dharma.

in Him,
Divya' Mariicika'

== Section 2: News ==

How B group earns money


Ranchi AMPS's all schools are sick (i.e. less than 50 students in their entire institution). Most of healthy schools (i.e. more than 50 people in their entire school) belong to either Kolkata group or 3rd front. Ranchi AMPS's strategy is to capture healthy 3rd front schools and enjoy the income. They captured Godda school from 3rd front after mercilessly bloodying dada Mahavirananda. They captured the Pune didi school from Gita didi group. Similarly, they might have instructed Nityapremananda dada to fight with some WT of 3rd front to capture or destroy 3rd front school at Dhanbad, but he did not want to do that, maybe due to some type of weakness.

Madhuvratananda, Hariishananda and Citsvarupananda have been ruling like dictators and torturing innocent WTs. Some who do not understand say that Nityapremananda dada is one of the victims of their dictatorship. 

Do you know what is the main source of Income of Kolkata group? There is a rumour that there are 535 AM schools in West Bengal and Tripura and they exploit poor families by selling them books at exorbitatnt prices. That is the main source of Income, unfortunately. Baba wants education to be free and books should not be sold to cheat others - rather books should either be free or distributed on a no-profit / no-loss basis. The money cheated from margiis for court cases should be used in social service.

All the sectors except Suva sector are being controlled by Ranchi AMPS. Kolkata group is limited to only cheat Bengal, Northeastern states of India, and Suva sector.

You know Rudrananda team has spoiled the spirit of AMPS, tragically. 

In Him, 
Giridhara Deva

Note: Nityapremananda is a hired hitman of H group

== Section 3: News ==

Soliloquy of thug Nityapremananda

Nityapremananda is crying bitterly beause he is disgusted with H group but he was H and is till an H grouip thug. he attacked Mahaviirananda and bloodied him - you must have seen the photo - and captured Goddha AM school from third front. And he did similar types of crimes in other places.

In the following letter NP himself is bragging about those crimes. Now in disgust with H group he is telling that H group is telling him to loot Dhanabad school, which Nityapremananda does not want to do because he has some weakness there. Not following the order he was scolded punished and got abused.

Recently H group order Nityapremananda to got and loot Dhanbad school but he has some soft corner there in dhanbad that is why he does not like to do. due to this disobedience H group has punished Nityapremananda. So in disgust he is declaring in this below letter that he is going to wander around as a street dweller for quite a while and then he will return back.

The following Hindi letter is colorful., interesting and hilarious how one thug is writing openly about this thuggery and exploitation by h group. but one good point is there also. he is concluding that there is no value in H group for following the order of blind people as they give more importance to bootlickers.

Nityapremananda is blind that although he says he is not a bootlicker but he was a bootlicker and that is why he was following ghastly orders. He went and beat Mahaviirananda.

Now please read the following

in Him,

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

आदरणीय SES दादाजी

मेरे साथ हमेशा ना इन्साफी होते आ रहा है
जबकि हम संस्था की समस्या का समाधान के लिए अपने जान की कभी परवाह किए बिना काम किया और हमारे ऊपर बाबा की कृपा से सभी जगह हमे जीत मिली । चाहे देवघर हो, या रांची या फिर गोड्डा हो, उनकी कृपा से सफलता मिली।

लेक़िन उसके बदले में मिला  गाली, गलौज, प्रताड़ना और पिटाई लगी।

वर्ष 2015  देवघर DMS के द्रव्यान सभी Workers के सामने हमे जलील किया गया।

वर्ष 2016 मार्च DMS में satyasarananda के द्वारा बिना गलती के गाली,गलौज किया वह भी रात बारह बजे यदि हम चुप नही रहते तो अवश्य ही मेरी पिटाई भी होती। लेकिन जब सुबह में पता चला कि मेरी गलती नही है तो मुझसे माफी मांगने लगे।

वर्ष 2017 मार्च  जमालपुर RDS first day GS दादा के आदेश पर PP DADA से मिलने पर Raakesananda दादा 
के द्वारा मुझे डाट, फटकार किया उसके बाद मारपिटा किया।

वर्ष 2018 मार्च DMS जमालपुर BABA का फोटो remodaling पर बोलने पर ( बीमार हालत था जो कि सलाइन का नोवत आ गया था जिसमे दिन भर मे 12 से 15 बार letaring हुआ) रात 10:30 से 11:30 तक दादा harisananda अपने room में बैठा कर मानसिक प्रताड़न किया।

वर्ष 2018 October  RDS में दादा madhuvartananda अपने चमचे के द्वारा उठवाकर अपने Room लाया उसके बाद Room  बन्द कर गाली, गलौज किया फिर मारने उठे तो चमचा ने madhuvarataanand दादा का हाथ पकड़ लिया तो मार लगने  से बच गया।

Dayasekharanand दादा
Amalesanand दादा आदि दादा   और 

LFT दादा

इन सारी दर्द को इसलिए  बर्दास्त करता रहा कि हमे गोड्डा के आश्रम को हासिल करना था । परमपिता बाबा के चरणों में देना था।और गोड्डा के मार्गीयों   और कुछ सन्यासी दादा पर केस और वारंट था, उसको ख़त्म भी करना था जो वह भी बाबा की कृपा और मेरा प्रयास से सभी लोग मुक्त हो गए। और  केस समाप्त हो गया।

अब दादाजी घटना याद आती है तो दर्द बर्दास्त नहीं होता है इन्साफ का किरण दिखाई नही देता क्योंकि सभी हमारे अधिकारी  इन्साफ देने में LLB किए हैं । फिर धनबाद जाकर अपने ही गुरु भाई से कितनी लड़ाई करु दादा  इसलिए अपने दिल का दर्द को भुलाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूँ यही कारण है कि  मै अभी इधर-उधर भटक कर समय बिता रहा हूँ और मन को समझा रहा हूँ क्योंकि मुझे बिदेश जाने की काफी लालसा है । चोंबीस वर्ष सन्यासी जीवन बिताने के बाद हमे पता चला संस्था yes man बनके रहने पर सभी इक्षा पूरी हो सकती है और दादाजी हमारे तो खून में ही नही  Yes मैन बनने का तो दादाजी क्या करे मै तो मजबूर हूँ इसलिए दादाजी please मुझे माफ़ कर दीजिए

इसलिये दादाजी चिंता की कोई बात नहीं है हमारा बाबा से यही प्रार्थना है कि बाबा आप अपने चरणों से दूर नहीं रखिएगा हम कुछ समय के लिए भटक चुके हैं आ जाओ भटक रहे हैं समय बीतने पर फिर हम पुनः आपके पास आ जाएंगे इसलिए दादा जी आप कोई चिंता ना करें हम आपके साथ हैं और बाबा हमारे साथ हैं अभी थोड़ा मेरा कुछ सपना है ख्वाइश है घूमने की फिरने की जो ने जो हम 15 साल झारखंड में कैद रह करके बता दिए उसको मैं थोड़ा पंछी की तरह उड़ना चाहता हूं यह सपना रह जायेगा और संस्कार बन गया तो भोगना जरूरी है दादा जी वरना पुनः जन्म लेना पड़ेगा। फिर मैं आ जाऊंगा धन्यवाद
 इसमे किसी का कोई दोष नही है यह सब बाबा की लीला है जो मेरे साथ घटना घटी और मुझे किसी से कोई शिकायत नही है दादाजी

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

== Section 4: Links ==

More important letters

Legal Notice: ©2018 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains four sections:1. News: See perverted didi Da'nvarata' promotes filmy song not PS
2. News: How B group earns money
3. News: Soliloquy of thug Nityapremananda
4. Links

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