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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Videos of Madhuvratananda's crimes


Video of Madhuvratananda's crimes


Please find below YouTube links posted in WhatsApp groups by Parmod Dev:

(*अगर live मुड़ी काटना और गोली चलाना सीखना है मधुव्रतानंद के चेले से सीखें जो आज भी Ds बीकानेर बना हुआ है*)

*आज संगठन में Eraws सेक्रेटरी के रूप में मधुब्रतानंद आज भी रितु पांडे के साथ अपना संपर्क रखा हुआ है इसका जीता जागता उदाहरण हमारे बीच में दिल्ली की सुबोध दीदी अच्छी तरीके से जानती हैं दिल्ली का हर एक मार्गी भी उसके करतूत को जानता है अभी-अभी विश्वस्त सूत्रों से पता चला है कि उन्होंने रितु पांडे के अकाउंट में ₹1600000 ट्रांसफर किया है इसके विरोध में क्यों नहीं आवाज उठाते हो यह तो सबसे बड़ा डकैत है जो साधु के भेष में संस्था के सबसे उच्च पद पर रहकर डकैती कर रहा है इसलिए आवाज नहीं उठाई है क्योंकि यह संगठन के साथ हैं*

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Moocher Wts + 2 more


Moocher Wts

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


In our Ananda Marga way of life:

(A) Baba's overall guideline is to be exemplary and teach by your conduct and behavior.
(B) Baba's definition is: Those who teach by their conduct are called acaryas.
(C) Baba has given another code to follow: Don't complain about your problem, but try to solve others' problems. Treat others' problems as your own problem.

Unfortunately, greedy and lowly central Wts (CWts) do not follow but rather avoid Guru’s above guidelines. For example, if so-called central Wts travel via train from point A to B, they phone all those stations where their train will stop and order local Wts posted in those towns or cities to supply them with freshly cooked hot food on the train. Those local Wts will have to serve them in the train compartment.

Outrageous and horrific dealings

If they (CWts) had a human heart, they would have easily arranged food for themselves at the starting point of their journey. Or something they would purchase whatever sentient food is available at the station. But in their extreme selfishness, they (CWts) do not think whether it is 2am or 4am in the morning, or midday in the scorching Indian heat of 45 degrees Celsius or 113 degrees Fahrenheit, or whether a hot, burning wind is blowing outside, or whether it is extreme winter season with freezing rain and hailstorms. In order to serve CWts on the train, the local Wt has to travel one hour by bicycle, or pay a fortune to hire a taxi to supply a few pennies of food to feed the greedy Central Wt who is sitting in a temperature controlled, first-class compartment.

The mind of these greedy CWts is so low that such genuine humanitarian questions do not even occur to them; such thoughts do not arise in their mind. These Central Wt's do not care. Shamelessly, they order junior Wts or those posted in the unit.

Sometimes, if the person on the train is very junior in age, i.e. suppose ten years sannyasii, and suppose the local Wt is seventy years sannyasii, then that young CWt orders the elderly person to take trouble and serve him. And if with genuine reason one does not go and attend, then they (CWts) try to harass the local Wt on false charges in the IRSS or RDS reportings, etc. This is a firsthand account I am writing. Those who are new to Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha may not believe this because such tales are so outrageous and horrific.

Examples of vileness of so-called seniors

But the nastiness does not end here. When these DS and DitS etc reach Centre for the meetings or reporting, then they have to pay for their own food. And during these gatherings, the Central Wts exploit these local Wts by giving them the worst class food you can imagine. On the top, they charge them money. But when Central people go to the unit of that DS or DitS, then they impose their will to have them feed them, serve them, and cook for them free of cost. And when those CWts have finished their food, then the local Wt has to wash their plate and utensils.

And beyond that, when those CWts go to local areas, they ask for money as well-- forcibly snatching money as arbitrarily imposed taxes. So see the hypocritical behavior. When lower ranking workers go to Centre, then they are treated like mere retinue, what to speak of treatment as an ordinary guest. And that is even after paying money. And when Central post-holders reach to those district and diocese headquarters, then they demand to be treated like kings and given all sorts of delicacies and dainties free of cost. And on the top they empty the pockets of the host. So this is the double standard.

The question is how did these people capture the Central post?

(A) Is it because they are highly qualified intellectuals?
(B) Is it because they are highly qualified bhakta like sages of so-called heaven?
(C) Is it that they have so much dedication, and on the basis of the virtue of their sacrifice they are awarded a Central post?
(D) Is it that their conduct is top notch?
(C) Is it that they have done so much work and established Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in countless units?
(F) Is there any other merit which is recognized in any standard civilized organization to get a higher post?

The answer to all of the above is "no". Then is this post gotten with any sort of demerit? Yes. And those demerits are quite alarming. So on what filth, or how did they get this Central post? The answer involves being a top stooge with a good bit of debauchery. Verily the dirty dealings of these CWts knows no bounds.


This is a short narration or glimpse of how general DS and DitS Wts suffer. And due to this, ninety percent of Wts who graduate from the training centre leave within a few years. This is one of the unfortunate reasons the number of Wts is shrinking day by day. Whatever number was there last month, this month it is less. This is a very, very negative and concerning trend. How long will we sit and watch silently?

In Him,

Central Wts give grandiose lectures in front of large audiences that one should follow yama and niyama and conduct rules, but in their practical life they do the exact opposite.

~ In-depth study ~

Luxuries not allowed & care of junior Wts

- Wt conduct rule: “One should leave all sorts of luxuries.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #6)

- Wt conduct rule: “You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life.” (Fourteen Points, Point #6)

- Wt conduct rule: “You should always think that you are to see the Cosmic brotherhood, so your voice should be as sweet as honey. You should also try to cultivate the cult of hospitality.” (Fourteen Points, Point #6)

- Wt conduct rule: “We are all the children of the same Father, we are all the members of the same family. By fighting against all kinds of evil forces, we will establish the glory of our Father and the glory of our family.” (Fourteen Points, Point #13)

- Wt conduct rule: “Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of their supervised stuff in all respects.” (Six Additional Rules, Point #2)

Conduct is the main thing

Ananda Vanii states, "Your ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your social or economic status have nothing to do with your ideal." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Sádhaná is not possible without such a moral ideation. Sádhaná devoid of morality will divert people again towards material enjoyments and at any moment they may use their mental power, acquired with much hardship, to quench their thirst for meagre physical objects. There are many who have fallen from the path of yoga or tantra sádhaná and are spending their days in disrepute and infamy. Whatever little progress they achieved through forcible control of their instincts, was lost in a moment's error in pursuit of mundane pleasures. It must, therefore, be emphasized that even before beginning sádhaná, one must follow moral principles strictly. Those who do not follow these principles should not follow the path of Sádhaná; otherwise they will bring about their own harm and that of others." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Acárańát pát́hayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one’s conduct is an ácárya.” If you cannot learn anything from the conduct and behaviour of a certain person, why should you accept that person as an ácárya/á? ...Take silent action against the offending ácárya/á. And what will be the nature of this silent action? You will disavow the person as an ácárya/á; you will not accept the person as an ácárya/á. I [[vest]] this authority in you. I will never seek any explanation from you as to why you have disavowed the person. Human beings will win honour if they exhibit exemplary conduct." (3)

1. A'nanda Va'nii #13
2. Guide to Human Conduct, Introduction
3. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, Silent Action

To know more on this very point, click here ==> (a) Trick to get top post or (b) Vampire psychology: Wts

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba, You are before me

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart. 

"Esecho ámár ghare, kripár pasará háte kare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3233)


Parama Purusa, You have come to my abode holding a basket of krpá, my compassion-personified Entity. Your august arrival in my home is not due to my calling – it is solely because of Your infinite love for me. Baba, You have taken so much trouble in coming here. You are bliss-personified. I do not have any merit of my own, nor have I done any good deeds or proper sadhana to bring close to You. Even then, with a deep yearning in my heart, I go on remembering and calling You. Today, You blessed me and entered my abode. It is Your causeless grace.
Supreme Entity, Baba, the brilliant stars of the vast, expansive sky are chanting Your name and singing: “You are the Supreme Being, the only Saviour -- You help everyone.” Everywhere, all the time, You pour Your causeless karuna on one and all. You are the controller of this entire universe. In the blue sky, meteors and galaxies are shining their effulgence for You - to serve You, to please You. Today, You have come to my home. It is Your endless mercy.

Parama Purusa Baba, You have given me so much, but, alas, I did not offer anything to You. Whatever I have in my life is because of Your affection. I do not have any merit of my own. But You have bestowed upon me Your abundant blessings and filled my entire existence with Your fathomless love. Unfortunately, I did not give You anything. Baba, today I have placed tiny fresh flower blossoms along with my entire being at Your lotus feet. Now, You have come to my abode. I am surrendering myself at Your altar...

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

Monday, December 21, 2020

Hideout of Vimalananda in Boston & Washington DC after committing sin


Hideout of Vimalananda in Boston 
& Washington DC after committing sin


Vimalananda has been staying there in NY sector since Feb 2020 yet he has not set foot in any jagrti or master unit since his arrival. It is quite a curious phenomenon. After all, Vimalananda is SGPU and also part of CC & CEC member and purodha, so he should set a proper example by living and staying in our AM jagrtis etc. But instead he is just staying in one hideout.

Let's explore this phenomenon....

Selling of sectorial office & more

(A) Some years back when Vimalananda was holding the post of SSNY sector, he just about blew up the sector by hocking and selling all sorts of AMPS properties including the sectorial office and numerous other AM properties. It was literally a merry-go-round of clandestine land sales. And all the profits were funneled off to Rudrananda while Vimalananda got to keep some scraps that were tossed back to him. This was a horrible contravention of AM policy, as Sadguru Baba ordered that one should never sell AM properties. Vimalananda just plunged himself in sin those days.

(B) Having born witness to this scathing situation, most margiis of NY sector have zero desire to see Dada ji, as he gutted NY sector for his own post, prestige, and wealth. Those sadhakas in NY were horrified by what they saw and have no wish to cast their eyes on Vimalananda due to his sinful and nefarious dealings, and ruination of the sector by his selfish and harmful acts. 

Hiding out with Dhruva etc

(C) With no other recourse or gumption, Vimalananda has spent the entire time with one or two margiis like Dhruva (Clark Forden) & Maniish etc. In this regard, Dhruva gets the top prize as he will do anything and everything for a little recognition by the powers-that-be. Dhruva cuddles up like a puppy to the big factional thugs and their dogs like Vimalananda. 

(D) The whole situation is unreal. The former SS of NY sector has returned back to that sector only to hide his face the whole time, shielding his cowardly self from having to face the facts in front of margiis.


(E) When any good person returns to a place where they used to work or live they are widely celebrated and received with good-feeling and joy wherever they go. Everyone has a great desire to see that person and share their feeling of the heart. In contrast, if someone who committed sin and returns to that place they will have no gumption to show their face. Such is the case with Vimalananda during his ongoing stay in NY sector. Essentially, Vimalananda's stay there in NY can be characterized as like the life of a sinner.

in Him,
(Patricia Neumam)

More key points

The funny thing is that although Vimalananda sold those AM properties for the demon king Ravana Rudrananda in NY sector and got a central posting, once he (Vimalananda) went back to India to collect his riches he had a bit of a falling out with Rudrananda. So now Vimalananda walks around like a drenched cat. Such is the fate of those who sell their souls and ignore and undermine Baba's dharmic teachings. 

Truth be told, Maniish is more inclined towards Tiljala faction, and is therefore not very keen on Vimalananda, but he ended up becoming an aider and abettor to a sinner, i.e. Vimalananda. 

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Formula for conflict

Prout philosophy states, "Human longings are infinite. If these infinite human longings are allowed to run after objects of worldly enjoyment, conflict among human beings is bound to take place. As material wealth is limited, over-abundance for one leads to crippling scarcity for others. These infinite human longings can be fulfilled only through psychic and spiritual wealth. Brahma has generously arranged infinite psychic and spiritual wealth for human beings; humanity will have to properly utilize that wealth." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #37

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Reality of dreams

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "During sleep these thoughts, in the absence of contact with the hard realities of the external world, appear to be real. Thus people who are not at all affected in the waking state by propensities of fear, anger, etc., may be deeply affected by them during dreams; because, as I said earlier, in the waking state, people know that they are imagining; but during sleep, they do not realize that the play of their imagination is going on. So during that period their dream-thoughts become hard reality for them."
   "During the time of waking, because there is much resistance from the external reality, there is not much speed of imagination; but during sleep, in the absence of this resistance, there is great acceleration. Within one second people can imagine a vast epic like the Mahábhárata. Sometimes during dreams the dreamers, propelled by such propensities as anger or greed, restlessly move their limbs about. If those moving limbs come in contact with any hard object, the imaginary dream is broken, the dreamer's sleep is disrupted and the dreamy fantasy woven in nets of imagination comes abruptly to an end." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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