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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

AMPS book: mermaids exist? + 3 more


AMPS book: mermaids exist?


Baba has told so many truths about this world. He speaks with such clarity, precision, and knowledge on countless subjects: Spirituality, philology, history, art, bhakti, science, social life, economics, health and hygiene, and many other topics. Baba is undeniably the Supreme Authority on all subjects. That is why it is so astonishing to read the below passage.

Sadguru Baba’s spoken discourses are perfect and true. Yet here we have a case of how certain publishers distorted and printed His discourse in such an outlandish manner. Kindly read the following and help bring this matter to the fore so it can be corrected as soon as possible. The way the discourse is now reflects extremely poorly on Marga Guru.

Example of ludicrous statement in Ananda Marga book

The following bizarre passage comes from an Ananda Marga book printed by Tiljala Publications (TP).

TP wrote in our AM book, "We hear about a marine creature called a mermaid, or matsyakanyá, that lives in some parts of the world. Below the navel it resembles a fish, while on the upper part are flippers; its face resembles a sea lion's. As it is a mammal, it has teats, in the area above the navel. This creature sometimes rises out of the water for a short time showing its upper body but keeping the lower portion underwater; and then again dives deep into the sea. If one sees from a distance only its upper body and its teats, one may mistake it for a human girl. In fact it is a water mammal like a whale or a sea lion." (1)

TP wrote in our AM book, "It is said that mermaids are remarkable for their extreme sentimentality. I remember many years ago some villagers in eastern Indonesia killed a mermaid. Mermaids do not have the strength or intellectual capacity to fight against humans. Many mermaids (about fifty or sixty) came out of the water and flipped themselves up on the beaches and, because they are water creatures, died as soon as they came ashore. The local people believed that they committed collective suicide to lament in a mute protest against human atrocities because an innocent member of the mermaid community was killed." (2)

As is evident, the above two passages are completely zany and ridiculous. In this day and age of ultra-modern science, everyone knows that mermaids (half woman / half fish) do not exist. They are just imaginary creatures from mythology and Hollywood etc. Yet these two passages talk about mermaids as if they are real. And these above passages are from an Ananda Marga Publications book and Guru’s name is on the cover.

Dolphins not mythical mermaids

1. Actually, in the above passage, Baba is talking about dolphins, i.e. real animals. But those in Publications could not understand this simple fact and they made the passage about imaginary mermaids, which are the product of mythology and legend. But again, Sadguru Baba was describing dolphins.

2. The above bogus passage has been published in an Ananda Marga book. That gives the false impression that Baba Himself spoke in this outlandish way. When in fact it is the editors / translators who are responsible for inserting the mermaid term into this passage. That leads readers in the wrong direction.

3. So the editors / translators made a huge blunder. Baba is talking about dolphins, yet they translated it as mermaids. Dolphins are real; mermaids are fake. Everyone knows that mermaids are mythological. So if a new person picks up this book and reads this passage they will form a very poor opinion of Ananda Marga and Marga Guru. And they will not be inclined to follow Ananda Marga teachings and ideals. Rather they will run in the opposite direction.

4. The above passage is written in a way that positively asserts that mermaids exist. And the passage is falsely attributed to Sadguru Baba, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. It is beyond all understanding how such a ridiculous and fatal flaw could have occurred. This is the age of science, logic, and reasoning. Oceanographers and scientists have documented all forms of sea life etc. There is no scope for anyone to believe in the existence of imaginary mermaids. So new readers will think that our Ananda Marga philosophy is way off the mark. That is the “gift” that has been bestowed upon us by the editors and translators who have wrongly printed this discourse.

5. Mermaids do not exist; they are mythical, fictional, imaginary beings that are half human and half fish.

6. Baba is talking about dolphins that reside in the Indian ocean and coastal areas along the Indian coastline, as well as in other seas and oceans around the world.


We all know that being the Taraka Brahma, Baba has perfect knowledge of all aspects of life as He Himself is the Lord of this entire creation. His books should be printed and published in a way which positively reflects this truth. Unfortunately, the ridiculous insertion of the mermaid term into this discourse undermines that discourse and reflects poorly on Marga Guru. This is surely not the way we are to present Baba's writings to the world.

As His disciples it is our duty to raise awareness about these errors, create the requisite circumstantial pressure, and ensure the current Publication in-charges make the appropriate changes and fix this outrageous blunder about mermaids.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (3)

In Him,
Prashant Basu

~ In-depth study ~

Tragically, this error is not an isolated one. There are innumerable errors in Baba's printed and published discourses. As His disciple, one should take the firm determination and vow that Baba's discourses are printed properly. Here below are Baba's teachings on importance and accuracy of scripture:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If one is not able to give the people proper guidance, then at least one should not misguide them. One must not divert them from the proper path by exploiting the tender and delicate sentiments of the human mind. In the physical world there should be a strict controller as a shástra – and it is better to have a strong personality than a written book – but in the mental sphere the scripture and the person who upholds the scripture have equal importance as far as their utility and practical value is concerned. There must be an excellent and all-embracing philosophy, in which there should be no loophole in any sphere of mind as far as possible." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us,"When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmasha'stra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be a'ptava'kya. A scripture is a guided entity." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Do this, don’t do this – to prescribe these dos and don’ts of life is the duty of sha'stra. And why does the sha'stra prescribe those things? For salvation and liberation sha'stras prescribe these dos and don’ts of life." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (7)

Print errata page about this error

On the title page of "The Awakening of Women" the names of two translators are given: "Translated by Ac Vijayanada Avt and Avtk Ananda Ruciira Ac." We do not know how such a gross mistake entered onto the pages of this book, but clearly the translators were involved somehow. Now is the time that those currently involved in the publishing of Baba's books should send out an errata page about this error. Without that, the book might be reprinted in the near future without making any updates. That would only deepen and prolong the problem.

Mythological tales about mermaids

According to Wikipedia:
  • "A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish." (Wikipedia)
  • "The first known mermaid stories appeared in Assyria, ca. 1000 BC." (Wikipedia)
So there is a long history of mythological tales about mermaids. In this modern, scientific 21st century, the whole world knows that mermaids are imaginary, not real. In contrast, the dolphin is the deeply sentimental and emotional creature which Baba is describing in His above cited passage. Sadly it is the dealings of the translators that they used the term mermaid instead.

1. The Awakening of Women - Part 2, Section #3 (Sentimentality: A Special Quality in Women)
2. The Awakening of Women - Part 2, Section #3 (Sentimentality: A Special Quality in Women)
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
5. Tattva Kaomudii - 2
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Incantation terms fails to convey

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “What is incantation? “Incantation” is a Latin term. It means “repeating a particular word”. And that word creates a special type of vibration, and that vibration will have actional effect on the material world. But the Sanskrit term for incantation is mantra. The rudimental meanings of “incantation” and mantra are not the same. Mananát tárayet yastu sah mantrah parikiirttitah – “The sanctified word that helps one in attaining salvation [is a mantra].” So they are not the same.” (1)

As Baba guides us in His above teaching, the English term incantation just means 'repeating something again and again'. That is incantation. Incantation does not lead to liberation. Whereas the repetition of mantra leads to liberation. So incantation and mantra are not the same. There is no proper English word for the Sanskrit word mantra. Although we use the word 'incantation' for mantra but it is not the proper word for the Sanskrit term ‘mantra.’ 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In Sanskrit the term Mantra means Manana't talrayet yastu sah mantra parikiirttiah-- 'Manan means 'inner suggestion', 'repetition within'. And Tarayet yastu - 'after this manan, when that entity liberates you from all metaphysical, all psychic and suprapsychic and also from all spiritual bondages, then it is known as mantra: Manana't ta'rayet yastu sa mantrah parikiirtitah." (2)

As explained in Guru’s above teaching, the term “incantation” simply means to repeat a word or phrase over and over again. For instance, if one repeats, 'Tom, Dick, and Harry', 'Tom, Dick, and Harry' again and again, then that very repetition is an incantation. Because incantation just refers to saying or chanting the same words in a repetitive style, again and again. There is no requisite for spiritual progress per se and an incantation does not lead to one’s liberation.

Whereas when a mantra is repeated with proper ideation, then the aspirant will progress along the path of spirituality and be granted liberation, by His grace. The repetition of a mantra brings about that particular result. And that is the essential difference between incantation and mantra. The repetition of a mantra leads to liberation, while an incantation does not. That is why we say that the English term incantation does not accurately represent the Saḿskrta term mantra. 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Incantation and Human Progress
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Oṋḿkára and Iśt́a Mantra

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How dogmatic religions have endured

Ananda Marga philosophy states,"Religions sometimes survive for a long time, even though they are full of dogma. This is because they know how to twist their teachings to deny the truth and adapt to different circumstances. Their purpose is to secure the interests of a special, privileged class. Some religions have also survived because they have associated themselves with God-centred ideas, although they are not God-centred. They make some dogmatic propositions about God an important part of their teaching, and on this basis they sentimentalize the minds of the people. These sentiments penetrate deeply into the human psyche."

"The main weapons of dogma-centred philosophies are:
1) The propagation of stories, myths and parables to create superiority complexes;
2) The propagation of stories, myths and parables to create inferiority complexes;
3) The propagation of fear complex and inferiority complex amongst the people, especially the Shúdras."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All religions use these three types of complexes to inject superiority complexes, inferiority complexes and fear complexes into the minds of the people. They propagates parables, myths and stories to inject complexes into people’s minds. Is it not a fact? All religions are based on dogma – they are not based on logic – and they propagate their dogma through stories, myths and parables. All religions propagate that “My God is the only true God. Other Gods are false gods.” When some religions claim that their god is the only true God, it is an example of a dogma-centred proposition. All world religions are based on such dogma-centred theories."

"Take the case of Hindu myths. The authors of Hindu mythologies say that the Brahmans are born from the mouth of Parama Puruśa, the Kśatriyas from the arms, the Vaeshyas from the trunk and the Shúdras from the feet." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18 The Excellence of God-Centred Philosophy

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

समय समय पर तुम महासंभूति के रूप में आते हो,
परंतु तारक ब्रह्म के रूप में हमेशा रहते हो।

प्रभात संगीत 3331 "रूपेर मेलाय बसे तुमि ..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3331)


हे अरूप प्रभु! तुमने अपना आगमन इस दुनिया में किया है। तुम अपनी वेणु बजा रहे हो और सब को गीत सुना रहे हो। बाबा! तुम रूपके सागर में स्नान करते हुये, मेरे हृदय को अपनी दिव्य ओंकार ध्वनि  से  झंकृत कर रहे हो । तुम निर्गुण अवस्था को छोड़कर तारक ब्रह्म के रूप में इस धरती पर आये हो और मेरे सुख दुख में साथ रहते हो। तुम हमेशा मेरे हितचिंतक हो और हदय से मुझे प्रेम करते हो। समय समय पर तुम महासंभूति के रूप में आते हो, परंतु तारक ब्रह्म के रूप में हमेशा रहते हो।

बाबा! तुम्हारी दिव्य वेणु, जीव और जड़, कीट और वनस्पति, स्थिर और चलायमान सब को सदा आन्दित करती है। तुम प्रत्येक कार्य व प्रत्येक विचार मे ममता भर देते हो।

बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से तुम्हारी वेणु के स्वर हर कण स्पंदित करते हैं। हे परम पुरुष! तुम काल से परे नादतनु हो, तुम कालातीत हो, तुम समय से परे हो, तुम अपरिवर्तनीय हो। तुम वर्तमान भूत और भविष्य सभी स्थितियों में अपरिवर्तित रहते हो। तुम देशातीत और रूपातीत भी हो। काल तुम्हारे अधीन है ।

हे नादतनु ! हे बाबा! मैं तुम को साष्टाॅंग प्रणाम करता हूूॅं। 

== Section 3: Links ==

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

How to punish corrupt Wt


How to punish corrupt Wt


Ananda Marga ideology states, “Suppose there is a complaint against an ácárya/á and you know for sure that it is valid. The Acárya Board may take two months, four months, or a year to make a decision about this ácárya/á. But why should you wait that long for the decision? Under such circumstances you should take silent action – that is, do not accept the person’s ácárya-ship. It is a question of human rights." (1)

What is silent action

Every Ananda Margii is bound by the codes and edicts of dharma. So if any family margii, Wt, tattivka, family acarya, LFT, or avadhuta etc goes against dharmic codes and commits any wrongdoing, then any Ananda Margii can and should take silent action against him.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "If the conduct of senior persons, or táttvikas or ácárya/ás or avadhút/ikás, goes against the Sixteen Points, then you should take silent action." (2)

Silent action means expressing your displeasure with someone by not recognising their authority and / or avoiding them entirely. For instance, suppose an acarya has committed a wrong, and if Shyam takes silent action against that acarya then Shyam will not bring anyone to that acarya for initiation or invite that acarya to give a talk etc. And in all realms of life Shyam will avoid that acarya. 

And in another scenario, if the wrongdoer is a friend or junior person, then one can take silent action by simply not talking with that individual - and stopping all forms of interaction with them. The wrongdoer will quickly sense that you are displeased with them. By this way, silent action creates a sense of shame within the wrongdoer.  All must live up to the precepts of dharma, i.e. Sixteen Points. Otherwise silent action may be taken against that person.

Silent action against culprits is very difficult these days why

At the same time, silent action has a limited periphery. It is similar to throwing a stone at someone - one can only throw a stone so far. Beyond that distance the stone cannot reach the intended person. In the same way, silent action cannot be practiced from a distance. Suppose someone is sitting in Saudi Arabia and has no communication whatsoever with the US president. If that person is unhappy with the US president and decides to practice silent action against him from there in Saudi Arabia, that will be meaningless. Or if one Margii is sitting in Brazil in a remote village, and he is practicing silent action against his SS who is sitting one thousand miles away; that is just one’s ignorance and folly.

Silent action can only be practiced when one has regular dealings with the person in question. Direct communication has to have been prevalent preceding taking silent action. Then if one practices silent action by avoiding the other person and not speaking with them, then the targeted person will feel hurt. But if the next person is a thug or a hit man, bandit etc, then if you are unhappy with their deeds and start practicing silent action toward them by avoiding them, they may attack you. Because they have tamasik power. That is the situation that has been going on in our AMPS for several decades.

Unfortunately, there is no such conducive environment for taking silent action in our AMPS these days. Those who try to practice silent action against wrongdoers face severe backlash and victimisation. Such immoralist AMPS leaders alienate, pursue, and verbally and physically attack any individuals who dare take silent action against them.

In most cases, the root cause is that those guilty Wts take retribution. Remember, every person practicing silent action has the full right to do so. Silent action comes within the scope of basic human rights. But those in question immediately react and seek revenge. Hence, practicing silent action against such culprits is very difficult these days, especially when AMPS is dysfunctional.

Margiis don't take silent action - why?

Baba has graciously given so many guidelines and dharmic codes: Fasting, asanas, sentient diet, 2x daily sadhana, seva, attending dharmacakra etc. And these are accepted by all. Silent action is also one of Baba's mandates. Yet this is not recognised by corrupt leaders.

Consequently, nowadays, everyone in AMPS knows that by doing silent action they are playing with fire. Taking silent actions means inviting huge, terrible backlash by those dadas in charge. Taking silent action is an express ticket to be alienated and disowned by that very community you consider to be your own. Indeed the blowback will be so severe that no Ananda Margii wants to bring this upon themselves by taking silent action.

Such is the ugly environment and arena of revenge Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha has become - and this is related with all the various groups. That is why no one ever practices silent action.

Why not silent action against corrupt leader

When negative people have such a stronghold in the organisation whereby good people cannot even talk freely, then where is the scope for people to take silent action. Indeed during the height of Sarvatmananda’s regime in the early to mid-1990s, he and his stooges like Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Vandanananda, and Didi Ananda Giita, never allowed such things. Anything contrary to Sarvatmananda’s agenda was seen as outright dissent, in which case that person was harshly victimised, threatened, expelled, attacked, and even killed.

That was the situation under B group's tyranny and now other groups are following a similar pattern. The sense is that when those at the helm are depraved the common people cannot even whisper to their friends about some injustice or wrongdoing - what to speak of taking silent action. Because spies of the regime will infiltrate, expose, and victimise them. This happened in communist countries and Dada Sarvatmananda created that same negative environment in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha after 1990.

Silent action can only function when AMPS is run by good people, sadvipras. In that case everyone's rights are recognised and accepted. And no one is going to get threatened or victimised for expressing their God-given rights, i.e. silent action. And in that just environment if one takes silent action against an acarya leader who did wrong, then that acarya will appropriately consider the case and rectify their behavior accordingly. In result, there is a clear-cut benefit.

Human rights in AMPS

Failing that, when those leaders themselves are unjust, it is foolish to resort to silent action. Because when the 'rulers-ruled' relation is in vogue, then the whole practice of silent action becomes crippled. Silent action alerts those in power to strike down on you. It is just like if one files a complaint against police brutality with the local police department, and if that police department is corrupt, then that complaint will go nowhere. Rather the police will strike you down.

Here the overall point is that no rule is potent when the direct authorities that are supposed to uphold the rule are themselves corrupt. Unfortunately, such is the case of silent action in this present era of AMPS. So when the situation is enveloped in darkness and one's voice is suppressed and people's genuine rights are not recognised then other means need to be taken.


From time to time, someone expresses their grievances through various networks, and then some naive or cowardly people suggest, “Why are you bringing the garbage of AMPS into the public view and making a hue and cry? If you see anything wrong is going on, then just practice silent action towards the wrongdoers.”

After reading this entire letter, it is evident that silent action does not work with subhumans. With them, some other measures should be taken to help them mend their devilish ways and bring them on the right path. That is Baba’s standard approach.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Besides You & me there is nothing else in this whole universe

"Tumi ácho ámio áchi, ár keu nei e tribhuvane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2027)


Parama Purusa, In this entire universe - throughout this tribhuvan - only You and I exist. There is nothing else in this whole universe. I love You so much. You have brought me here in this life. Baba, with Your love and compassion, You are helping me, always keeping me under Your wings. By Your divine grace, I always receive Your tender love and care - both in times of great joy, as well as in times of intense suffering. Always, in each and every circumstance, I feel Your sweet and loving presence. In our closeness only You and I remain. In this whole universe there is none besides You.

Parama Purusa, by Your mercy I receive Your blissful touch in the refulgence of the dawn. Prabhu, Your charming smile gets expressed in the blossom of the lily and in the flowering of the lotus. In the dry, burning desert You are the soothing balm. In that unbearable heat, You provide a cool oasis and lush verdant leaves. In my gloomy days, You are my hope. Supreme Entity, You are ever gracious on me and saturate my dreams with Your eternal presence.

Baba, Parama Purusa, in the form and fragrance of the tender flowers, You dance and emanate in the vast blue sky. You always manifest Your ever-blissful Self in each and every cell of my being - as well as in the most distant corner of my mind everywhere. Your magnanimous, illuminating smile shines like a blissful, fixed lightning bolt throughout my entire existence - inside my mind, as well as in each and every pore of this vast, infinite cosmos, and also in every mind in the universe. 

Baba, You are that most effulgent and loving Personality - I offer myself at Your altar...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2027:

Tribhuvan / triloka: The prefix "Tri" means 'three' and the term "bhuvan" means 'world'. And here Ananda Marga ideology further clarifies what He exactly means by tribhuvan, or the three worlds:

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Tribhuvana means the expressed world, the psychic world and the astral world or, you may say, Causal World." (1)

This following section about triloka is from general darshan of 16 July 1980 in Patna. The two excerpts cited below define what the three lokas are and where they exist.

What are the three lokas

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The Supreme cognitive faculty is the subjectivity. And the second compartment of His Cosmic Mind takes the form of this moving world, of this animated or inanimated world. Everything resides, everything is created, everything is maintained, everything is nourished, and everything undergoes final metamorphosis within the vast objectivated mind, that is within the second mental counterpart of the Supreme Entity...”

“Now, what's the meaning of triloka, tribhuvana ? You have got a physical body made of so many elements, so many compounds. And we say it is [the] quinquelemental universe, composed of five fundamental factors...”

“And you exist in this realm of physicalities. This is one bhuvana. And, the subtler portion of the physical structure of living beings, when that subtler portion gets powdered down, is metamorphosed into ectoplasm, it becomes the mind. You have got a mind. And as all of you know, you are not the mind. You are the owner of the mind. So, your second existence is the mental world. Second world...”

“Your "I" is concentrated round your ego. And that pinnacled ego touches the astral stratum. So, that astral stratum is the third world. One physical world, another mental world, and another that subtle astral world. So, there are three worlds.” (2)

Where three lokas exist

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Both for microcosm and Macrocosm. In case of Macrocosm, all these three worlds lie within the second compartment of the [Cosmic] mind. First compartment is the cognitive mind. And second compartment is the "done mind", objectivated mind, mind that can be seen, that can be realized, that can be enjoyed singularly. So, these are the three bhuvanas, three worlds.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Role of the Cognitive Faculty
2. 16 July 1980 in Patna
3. 16 July 1980 in Patna

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Loud Wailing + 2 more

Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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