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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Pranavatmakananda’s bogus story on Whatsapp


Pranavatmakananda’s bogus story on Whatsapp


Dogmas are bad; injecting dogmas in the name of Baba is sinful. Yet that is what is happening in one Baba story book.

Bogus story: non-margiis would die at DMC if…

Alert! The following in yellow highlight is a synopsis of a false and bogus story:

            आचार्य विश्वनाथ जी *बाबा* से कहते हैं- "तब सामान्य लोग आपको किस तरह जान पाएँगे?"

            *बाबा* ने कहा- "यह तब होगा जब *मैं* संसार छोड़ दूँगा। विश्वनाथ! तुमने देखा है कि बहुत से लोग *मेरी* उपस्थिति से समाधि में चले जाते हैं। ऐसा उनकी कुण्डलिनी जागृत हो जाने से होता है। जो लोग साधना नहीं करते हैं, वे *मेरी* उपस्थिति को सहन नहीं कर पाएँगे। उनमें दिमागी असंतुलन भी आ सकता है।"

            *बाबा* की बातें सुनकर आचार्य विश्वनाथ के मन में विचारों का झंझावात उठ खड़ा हुआ। वे उनकी बातों से पूरी तरह सहमत नहीं थे। उन्होंने सोचा कि *बाबा* केवल बहाना कर रहे हैं। *वे* तो रोज ही कार्यालय में कितने लोगों के सम्पर्क में आते हैं। वे सब लोग तो समाधि में नहीं जाते! फिर इसी तरह लोग जनरल दर्शन या धर्ममहाचक्र में भाग लेंगे तो कैसे अस्वाभाविक हो जाएँगे?

            *बाबा* उनके मन की बातों को पढ़ रहे थे। उनके विचारों को रोकते हुए बोले- "विश्वनाथ! अपने कार्यालय में रहते हुए जो तरंगें *मुझ* से निकलती हैं उनमें और धर्ममहाचक्र या जनरल दर्शन के तरंगों में बहुत अंतर होता है। कार्यालय में *मैं* लोगों के लिए एक सहयोगी मात्र हूँ, वहाँ पर *मैं* केवल अपने लिए निर्धारित कर्तव्यों का पालन करता हूँ। किन्तु जब *मैं* तुम लोगों के साथ होता हूँ तो एक गुरु का कार्य करता हूँ। *मैं* तुम लोगों को प्यार और दण्ड देता हूँ। कभी-कभी बहुत सख्त भी होता हूँ। जब *मैं* समझता हूँ कि मार्गी लोग अपने पूर्व संस्कारों के बोझ को अकेले नहीं ढो पाएँगे तब *मैं* बिना बताए उनके संस्कारों को हर लेता हूँ। *मैं* निर्बाध रूप से आध्यात्मिक तरंगों का उत्सरण करता हूँ जिससे तुम्हारे सभी चक्र और हार्मोन्स के स्राव प्रभावित होते हैं। *मैं* तुम्हारे मन के विभिन्न परतों को शुद्ध बना देता हूँ जिससे कि *मेरे* समीप आने पर तुम आध्यात्मिक आनन्द का अनुभव कर सको। इस प्रक्रिया में कई लोगों की कुण्डलिनी जाग उठती है और वे थोड़ा-थोड़ा असमान्य हो उठते हैं। कोई हँसता है, कोई चिल्लाता है, कोई रोता है और कोई हुंकार भरने लगता है। इसलिए *मैं* कहता हूँ कि जब *मैं* तुमलोगों के साथ रहता हूँ तब *मैं* वही व्यक्ति नहीं होता जो कार्यालय या घर में होता हूँ।"

The above is a summary of the bogus story that Ac Visvanath ji conveyed to Pranavatmakananda, who then published the story in his book.

Fact: non-margiis always attended DMC - and lived

Here is the proof why the story is bogus. All through the many years that DMC was held non-margiis were a regular presence and they never died.

(A) The cho dance was regularly performed during the RAWA programmes at DMC and those dancers were hired professionals who were primarily or exclusively non-margiis. And those non-margiis did not die by attending DMC.

(B) The people who erected the DMC pandal itself were non-margiis. And they stayed throughout the 3-day DMC programme to ensure the pandal remained safe and strong. In addition, non-margiis oversaw all the technical needs such as the PA system, lighting, and speciality arenas. Here again, those technicians remained very close to the stage to ensure the DMC gathering went smoothly. And those non-margiis did not die by attending DMC.

By the above examples, it is evident the lives of non-margiis were not threatened by attending DMC. They did not die due to the high vibration of the DMC gathering. There were not dead bodies scattered all over the compound because those non-margiis died. Rather, while at DMC those non-margiis just lived in their normal mode of life.

PK Dada’s book: riddled with bogus tales

So the account that Ac Vishvanath conveyed to Pranavatmakananda is totally bogus because Vishvanath is claiming that non-margiis would die if they attended DMC. Not only that, Vishvanath had the audacity to state that falsehood in the name of Baba. He attributed that bogus reply to Sadguru Baba. He did not even have the courage to project it as his own theory. By attributing that falsehood to Baba, Vishvanath is committing a grave sin. And that sin is compounded by the fact that Pranavatmakananda then took that illogical and ridiculous account and put it in his book, thereby giving life and credence to that fake and misleading story. When people read that account, they will blame Sadguru Baba for issuing such a proclamation. That is the terrible harm done by recounting and printing such a fabricated tale.

Sadly, Pranavatmakananda’s books are filled with such types of fallacious accounts. Rather the more outrageous the story, the more Pranavatmakananda was inclined to include it in his book. PK dada has a strong penchant for such concocted tales in the name of Baba.

In Him,

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Ever since that occasion 
PS Intro:  Parama Purusa is most loving for the bhakta. Because Parama Purusa lives all the 24hrs with the sadhaka, not only in this life but all future lives as well. Parama Purusa lives with everyone but those who feel this realise this experience how their life is full of bliss. They never feel sorrow because Parama Purusa is with them all the time to help them always. Singing and chanting His name brings greater proximity and affection, and the bhakta wants more intimacy. This song flows in that way. 

"Tumi, esechile mor bakul vitáne, ná boliá gele kár ghare, shiharańe shońite dolá ese, bhuliá gele kár tare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4320)


O’ Parama Purusa, You came to my alcove during that verdant spring season. That time the place was surrounded by innumerable bakul flowers which were in bloom. But why and to whose abode did You go away towards without telling me? With Your auspicious arrival, spiritual horripilation (goosebumps) arose throughout my entire existence. You vibrated the very pulsation of my being. Baba, by having You in such an intimate and close way, my life has become meaningful. It is Your krpa. Soon after that golden dawn, Your liila moved into a different phase. You went away, forgetting me, leaving me crying all alone. My Dearmost, where did You go and who were You with that time.

O’ Supreme Entity, ever since that occasion I have spent countless days and nights waiting - sitting by my balcony - threading heaps of flower garlands for You. But that was all in vain because You did not come. It is painful because now I don’t see Your attractive, charming smile; You are keeping Yourself distant. Now I am not seeing that radiant grin which I used to see on Your lips when You were with me.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, in longing for You, ages have passed since You came near. Springtime has finished, and now summer has come. My entire garden of those sweet, fragrant bakul blossoms has dried up and withered away in this hot season. Today that same terrace - where I used to sit and make malas for You and wait - is full of spider webs. It is heartbreaking how You have gone so far away. My mind has completely withered away in the absence of Your blissful presence.

O’ my Prabhu, please shower Your causeless grace and appear in a very intimate and resplendent way…

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4320:

[1] Arbor:
A shady garden alcove with sides and a roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a wooden framework..

[2] Hot Season: In the absence of His presence, the sadhaka feels a dryness in his heart. Summer season - or hot season - has been used as a metaphor in this song to express that dryness in the bhakta’s heart, where one's spiritual feeling is lower. And this happens with each and every sadhaka. When one feels dry and out of their spiritual flow then that is the dry or summer season. In contrast, when one's flow of sadhana is good then that can be compared with springtime where everything is lush and verdant. In their dhya'na they feel greater proximity with Parama Purusa - that is why it is compared with springtime. But when one is experiencing the dryness of summer, that spiritual flow is not there. In that case, the best approach a bhakta can take is to sincerely request Baba to grace them in their meditation.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Selfishness not morality

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who have attained the kámamaya kośa will say that it is not proper to steal since, if we steal, others may also steal from us. This is the trend of thought of the materialists. Their thinking is distorted with selfishness. One should not steal for the sake of keeping the mind pure. That is the correct approach." (1)

Note: Materialists as well as followers of certain religions think that, “If I steal from others then they might steal from me. For this reason, I should not steal from them.” Or they may think, “I should not steal otherwise I may get arrested.” This is their reasoning.

Upon careful analysis it is evident that selfishness is the operative factor. That is the motivation why those followers do not steal. So this type of approach is not asteya. Upon superficial view it may look like asteya, but it is not asteya. Because it is goaded by selfishness and still the tendency exists to steal. 

In our Ananda Marga, our approach is radically different. A sadhaka thinks that, “I do not need anything other than Parama Purusa. The goal of human life is to realise Him. So I should always goad my mental energy towards Parama Purusa - not towards mundane things, let alone someone else’s worldly possessions. That is why I do not even have the desire to steal anything.” This approach is wholly devoid of selfishness. This comes within the realm of asteya, and that is what ideal Ananda Margiis follow. 

Here are more reasons:
  • We do not steal because by committing theft the mind is adversely affected. And first and foremost we want to keep the mind pure.
  • One step above that is, “Because Parama Purusa does not want me to steal, that is why I do not steal.” 

In Him, 
Tattva Deva

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Invocation of the Supreme

== Section 3: Links ==

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