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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Unknowingly ideating on His death + 3 more

Unknowingly ideating on His death


Ananda Marga ideology says, “Dúrát sudúre tadihántike ca”. Dúra means long distance and sudúra means very very long distance. Sometimes you may think that your sound and your expressions may not but audible or visible to Him. If you think like this then all your efforts, all your acoustic expressions or all sorts of mental endeavour will be of no avail. Because when you think that He is at a long distance, He is not at a long distance but He is at a longer distance. If you think that He is not near you, He is at a long distance, then actually He is at a longer distance. If you think that He is near, then He is not only near, He is more near. He is much closer than you can ever imagine. Those who have developed their inner vision will realize that Parama Puruśa is within one’s self. When He is within you own “I” feeling, why then do you wander or roam here and there to know Him, to find Him, like a King who has all the riches with him but goes out begging from door to door? (1)

#1: What we think about or remember again and again stays in the mind. For example, if one is disciplined in their sadhana practice then they will effortlessly know how to do all their lessons, whereas if one is half-hearted in sadhana then they will forget their third lesson mantra - or even all their mantras. That is what happens. Those things just become a faint memory.

#2: We should cultivate positive remembrances. If we remember that Baba is with us - if this is our main ideation in life - then that sweet reality will be permanently part of our mental structure. That idea will always be in our heart.

Negatively affected by thinking: Baba is gone

#3: Whereas if one goes to so-called mahaprayan and spends 10 days thinking again and again about the cremation, this type of negative memory will destroy one's inner link with Him. And not just during those ten days but before and after the trip, for weeks and months, one will be absorbed in this defective approach. Until finally one will not be able to rid that defective idea from the mind. Such is the effect of the so-called mahaprayan program. No sadhaka should let such a catastrophe befall them. Nor should we suggest others to fall into this misery either.

Indeed the very idea of so-called mahaprayan is sinful when its main effect is to cause the mind to degenerate in such a stark manner. Let us concentrate our energies in alerting those who are unaware about the dangers and dogmas associated with so-called mahaprayan.

#4: Our margii brothers and sisters who attend so-called mahaprayan inevitably suffer the drawbacks and pessimism associated with this dogmatic function. And it takes the other 11 months of the year for them to regain their balance - only to again go to so-called mahaprayan and again be adversely affected by thinking that Baba is gone. This is the negative cycle of attending the dogmatic mahaprayan program. We should help them break this cycle.

How MPD is antithetical to spirituality

#5: In our Ananda Marga everything is blissful:

"A'nanda'ddhyeva....a'nandam' prayantyabhisam'vishanti."

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "This universe has emanated from the Supreme Bliss or Ánandam; it is being maintained in Ánandam, and will finally dissolve in Ánandam." (2)

In Ananda Marga everything Is blissful. Thus where is there scope to indulge in sad ceremonies like the dogmatic mahaprayan program. This outrightly goes against the spirit of our Marga.

#6: The positive idea in Ananda Marga teachings is that 'Baba is with me' and this brings courage, dynamism, and spiritedness. With that idea in mind, the bhakta feels that they can do anything and everything.

Baba is with all

Here is Baba's divine reminder that He is always with us. And this sweet teaching is the most advantageous thing to remember in this vast universe.

   Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Purus'a, that Supreme Father, is with each and every entity. No man, no expression, is ever alone in this world. He is always with you. Science says this, philosophy says this. And under no circumstances should a man suffer from a complex of helplessness or hopelessness or fear. You are the dignified children of Parama Purus'a, and He is always with you."
   "He is with the universe, that is, the entire universe is His object. And not only that, He is with each and every expressed unit entity, with each and every individual also. That is, collectively He is attached to the world, to that expressed world; and singularly He is with you. You are never alone."
   "...Parama Purus´a, the Supreme Father, is always with you and you are never alone...
   "And the main advantage is - the advantage is a very great advantage, and that is - you are never alone. And because He is with you, you are the strongest person in the universe. He is with you. You are never alone. It is the greatest advantage." (3)

Thus no one should suffer and fall into the dark abyss of so-called mahaprayan and get lost in the faulty notion that Baba has left. No one should impose that false memory on their mental plate again and again. This tragedy should not happen to anyone.

Bhaktas are misled

Yet unconsciously, unbeknownst to the attendee of so-called mahaprayan, this happens. It is just like if one visits a bar then they invariably have at least one drink, even if they are not a drinker per se; similarly, if anyone goes to Tiljala to participate in the dogmatic mahaprayan program, then in at least one corner of their mind they are bound to think that 'Baba is gone'. Such is the negative effect of participating in so-called mahaprayan.

Thus, those types of dogmatic remembrances such as so-called mahaprayan, which go against the spirit of Ananda Marga, should be discarded - eliminated. Such occasions only push the mind in the opposite direction. Moreover, the construction of a Baba memorial is also wholly defective and against Ananda Marga ideology because such a memorial, by definition, portrays Baba as a mortal human being, not the Eternal Guru.

Most of those attending so-called mahaprayan are well-intentioned sadhakas who were goaded by certain organisers to attend. So they are good bhaktas who were simply misled. We should help bring them into awareness about the negative message and effect of so-called mahaprayan. They are our brothers and sisters and we should patiently help them.


Those attending so-called mahaprayan knowingly or unknowingly cultivate the idea in mind that Baba is gone. Because the whole nature of the so-called mahaprayan program is based on an inherently faulty concept - that my Lord is gone forever. So in either the front or back of their mind, those attending the so-called mahaprayan program are involved in a serious dilemma that ultimately pushes Parama Purusa far away, i.e. completely gone, from their mental plate.

So that is the tragedy at hand. All are our brothers and sisters and it is the bounden duty of every Ananda Margii to help others progress on the path towards Him. Let us all try and help guide those few who fell into dogma.

Remember, Sadguru Baba is the Eternal Entity who is with us always, and the dogmatic mahaprayan program is akin to having a death ceremony for someone who is still alive. 

At His feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Why so-called mahaprayan

Mahaprayan means death. The term then can only be applied to jiivas, unit beings, and never to Parama Purusa Baba. He is eternal and timeless. He never leaves His bhaktas. He is the permanent shelter of all. That is why it is completely wrong, illogical, and inappropriate to use the term mahaprayan in association with Him. Yet that is the "name" of the program that is held each year in Tiljala. Since Baba is the Parama Purusa who exists across time and space and always resides in the heart of each and every bhakta, rational sadhakas refer to this program as so-called mahaprayan. The term so-called indicates that that thing is fake or wrong. And indeed this program is fake or dogmatic - as Parama Purusa never dies- hence so-called mahaprayan.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (4)

For Ananda Margiis the most desirable idea in this universe is that 'Baba is with me'. So this idea should be inculcated again and again. A bhakta's thinking should be: 'Baba is watching me, He cares for me, and He loves me...' For Ananda Margiis this is our routine remembrance. From morning till night, all our practices and thoughts revolve around this pinnacled idea - that He is with me.

Whereas the fake or so-called mahaprayan program enforces the false or negative notion that Baba has left this earth and is no longer with me. That is why at so-called mahaprayan it is regularly seen that people are distraught and crying. Their mind gets confused as they recall that day in Oct 1990. Such ideas race through the mind. So many sadhakas have experienced this.

Here are more points on this key topic. Namely, why the so-called mahaprayan program is ultravarious to Ananda Marga ideology and against the sentiment of bhakti with Ista (Baba).

Only 12-day period of mourning - not annual death day program

Baba lovingly teaches us never to engage the mind in any pessimistic thoughts. That is why Baba forbids us from celebrating the death of any worldly family member - year after year. There is no annual death ceremony in our AM way of life. Rather Baba has granted a 12-day period of mourning to show respect and that is all.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. If you wish, you can perform the shráddha ceremony any day within this period according to convenience.”

Baba has written that such death day occasions should not be celebrated year after year as this bring sadness and pessimism in the mind. Rather He has concluded our shraddha ceremony with the sweet idea, "Let everybody be happy...let everybody see the bright side...". This is the blessing He has given.

But tragically, the dogmatic and sorrowful so-called mahaprayan program is being observed year after year, going against the spiritual and social tenets of our Ananda Marga. Some innocent and well-intentioned margiis attend - this letter is meant to help bring them onto the right path.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Supreme Abode of Satya
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Are the Noble Truths?
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Everything Comes from Something
4. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #1a
5. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

AM’s stand on gay life

More and more in the west the gay movement is rampant. That is why this following teaching is very important. There is no room for confusion about the stand of Ananda Marga on this issue. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Love and passion are mutually antagonistic tendencies. The attachment for a finite thing is an expression of extroverted energy, whereas the attraction for the Infinite is an expression of the introverted energy. That is why these two can never co-exist. Therefore the aspirant has to skillfully to transform passion into love." (1)

Ananda Marga is the path of introversial movement towards the Supreme Entity; it is not the path of sensuality and lust. These two opposites cannot co-exist. They are mutually exclusive. Either one may goad their mind towards Parama Purusa, or they may indulge in animal propensities. There is no scope to do both. 

That is why there is no option for leading a gay / homosexual lifestyle in Ananda Marga teachings. Because a gay lifestyle is based on the baser propensities - sex for sex sake. Every dedicated Ananda Margii will easily grasp this point - it is just a matter of simple mathematics. Whereas, it is far more difficult for those goaded by those lower propensities to understand. That is why it is said that until the mind reaches a particular level, one cannot assimilate the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology. Ananda Marga is for standard human beings not those with an animal mind and a human body. 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva

== Section: Important Teaching ==

USA: small kids killing kids

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Today the cinema seems to be very popular with people of all ages. As a result film technology will gradually rise to ever-greater heights of technical excellence. The opportunity provided by the cinema to establish good relations with people can be very well utilized for educational purposes.”
   “Seduced by the bestial instincts hidden in the secret recesses of their minds, people surrender to base propensities. But improvements in education and the social environment can help to bring this beast under control and make it obey their commands. To achieve this the first thing people have to do is to wage war against their animal propensities, which is no easy task. So cunning exploiters, by encouraging animality, are able to bring people under their sway.”
   “The cinema industry suffers from this malady. This industry is controlled by a handful of business persons who make films according to popular taste and demand. While ordinary people naturally run after those films which in their ideas, language or visual images cater to their base propensities, such ideas, language or images instantly distort the ideals of the idealist beyond recognition. It is quite in character for purely commercial film producers to exploit these human weaknesses to their own advantage, and this is exactly what is happening.” (1)

US is top in school killings by other kids

Typically, a country experiences a lot of violence during a civil war or in a failed state. The case of the US it is very different. Even during times of peace, per capita, the greatest number of crimes occur in the US on a daily basis. Children are also not spared. This is the curse of capitalism and wealth. 

Due to violent video games and gruesome movies, even small kids in the US are becoming more cruel. See the below article. An 8-year-old boy was harshly bullied and killed by other students in the school. The solution is that there should be restrictions on the production and distribution on violent movies and video games. Just as contraband and drugs are prohibited, in the same way no one should be allowed to watch these films. At the same time, the feeling of universal fraternity should be inculcated and taught from one’s childhood. Then they will look upon the next person as their family member. All human beings are the progeny of the same Cosmic Father. Without this teaching this problem cannot be solved. 

Ohio 8-year-old boy was killed by classmates

~ Courtesy of NBC News ~

“The homicide detective, which was shared with The Associated Press, describes what he saw in the surveillance video. The detective said it appeared that the "primary agitator" hit one child in the stomach, sending him to the floor on hands and knees. The 8-year-old then approached the aggressor and tried to shake his hand but was pulled to the floor, the detective wrote.

The aggressor "appears to celebrate and rejoice in his behavior as (the boy) lay motionless. For many minutes, many students step over, point, mock, nudge, kick" the boy, the email said.” (NBC news)

1. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unique way to cure deafness

Note: If one deaf person arouses the devotional feeling to listen to Sadguru’s discourses and spiritual teachings and meditates on eitehr of His two mudrás (janusparsaha and varabhaya) then the deafness will be cured.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a deaf man sincerely wants to hear what the Sadguru is saying, the positive microvita radiated through these two mudrás are sure to help him – they will certainly help him...
.. raising positive microvita from the lunar plexus to the occult plexus is called “krpá”. And raising them from the lunar plexus to the pinnacled point of human glory is called “karuńá”. Without krpá there cannot be karuńá, there cannot be any galloping jump. Raising negative microvita above the psycho-physical plexus is “rusti” or “risti”. You should always try to avoid rusti and always try to receive the glamour of krpá or karuńá.” (1)

1. Questions & Answers on Microvita, Answer #17

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा, कृपा करो जिससे मैं तुम्हें हर स्थान पर हमेशा  देख सकूँ

प्रभात संगीत 4227: डाकिया गेछि भाविया गेछि  भालोवेसेछि ताोमारे....


हे परमपुरुष ! मैं प्रेम से तुम्हें याद करता हूँ , पुकारता रहता हॅूं  हे मेरे अंतरंग ! हे मेरे प्रियतम ! मैं तुम्हें बहुत चाहता हॅूं । तुम्हारे ध्यान और मनन करते समय भक्ति से मेरी आॅंखें सदा अश्रु बहाती हैं ।

हे मेरे परमप्रिय ! परमपुरुष ! मैं तुम्हारी याद  में रोता हॅूं । तुम्हारी चाह में आॅंसू बहाते हुए तुमसे कहता हॅूं---हे मेरे अंतरतम सर्वाधिक प्रिय ! कृपा कर मेरा मन भीतर और बाहर से एक समान कर दो, जिससे मैं तुम्हें हर स्थान पर हमेशा  देख सकूँ, चाहे मेरी आॅंखें खुली हो या बंद  । हे बाबा ! तुम मेरे घर मे तुम हमेशा रहो  ।

हे दिव्य सत्ता ! बाबा, तुम्हारी कृपा से अंधेरे कुहासे की कालिमा दूर हो गई है, नये ऊषाकाल में अरुणिमा लिये रवि मुस्कुरा रहा  है और मेरा मन मयूर आनन्द से अपने सुंदर पंख फैलाकर दूर  विशॉल क्षितिज को घेरकर नाच रहा है । मेरा मन आनंदित है की तुम आओगे  ।

हे परमपुरुष ! तुम मेरे सब कुछ हो मैं तुम्हें अत्यंत प्रेम करता हॅूं । 

== Section 3: Links ==

Friday, August 23, 2024

How to remember dear one + 4 more

How to remember dear one


Whatever thoughts we harbour over and over again remain alive in the mind. If one thinks about their childhood friends from fifty years ago on a regular basis, it will seem like those events happened only yesterday. Those memories will be fresh in the mind. In contrast, if one tries to remember their high school mathematics theorems or chemistry equations etc, and even if one got an A+ in those classes, but if they have not thought about mathematics or chemistry for years and years, then those facts and figures will be impossible to recall.

Any idea which gets remembered again and again will be vibrant and crystal clear in the mind, while those forgotten ideas just fade away into the oblivion.

Most desirable idea for bhakta

Likewise, we will not keep MPD tomb in our mind, but as bhaktas, we will always keep the most supremely positive memory of Dearmost Baba in the core of the heart and in the deep recesses of the mind. The sweet thought is, “Parama Purusa Baba You are along with me wherever I go in this vast universe. You are ever with me - protecting me and caring for me. Your varabhaya mudra - Your divine blessing of fearlessness is always reflecting in my mind.” This is our Ananda Marga way of thinking and this is our reality.

So just like the mother keeps a delightful memory of her little boy, similarly bhaktas keep an intimate remembrance of Baba. In both cases, that keeps the mind sparkling with that positive idea.


For Ananda Margiis the most desirable idea in this universe is that “Parama Purusa Baba is with me.” So this idea should be inculcated again and again. A bhakta's thinking should be: “Baba is watching me, He cares for me, and He loves me…” For Ananda Margiis this is our routine remembrance. From morning till night, all our practices and thoughts revolve around this pinnacled idea - that, “He is with me.”

Whereas the fake or so-called mahaprayan program enforces the false and negative notion that omnipresent Baba has left this earth. That is why at so-called mahaprayan it is regularly seen that people are distraught and crying. They get adversely affected as they recall that memory Oct 1990. That sad remembrance of tomb envelopes the mind.

In Him,
Ravi Ganguli

This email is a short investigation into how our human memory works and how that is related with the so-called mahaprayan program.

~ In-depth study ~

MPD tomb is a negative remembrance

Whereas, the dark occasion of so-called mahaprayan imposes the false notion that Baba has gone - that He has left. Indeed the very name of the so-called mahaprayan program itself means “great departure”, i.e. that Parama Purusa has gone away. That is why no true bhakta appreciates this type of anti-devotional ritual.

In A'nanda Ma'rga Baba guides us that we are always to remember the most positive ideal. He tells us to always remember our Ista mantra, always practice madhuvidya (2nd lesson), always chant His name etc. We are contemplate in this way throughout the day.  Then, by His grace, the eternal truth will be permanently established in the mind that, “Parama Purusa is with me.” Thus, there is no scope to adopt the dogmatic program of mahaprayan which dictates that Baba is gone.

Keeping His name in heart

Every true sadhaka cultivates the idea in the heart and mind that: "Baba is always with me, caring for me, helping me." This is the proper spiritual outlook and this is way to remember Dearmost Baba.

“Whatever you speak or do,
Forget Him never;
Keeping His name in your heart,
Work, remembering it is for Him,
And, endlessly active, drift in bliss.” (1)

Our Ananda Marga is that most positive stance in life. The whole entire concept of Ananda Marga rests on the supreme idea that, “Baba is mine and He is with me.” This is the great idea which pulsates in the mind of each and every Ananda Margii.

Adaptation of an Islamic tradition

Initially, my Tiljala faction presented this annual mahaprayan commemoration to margiis as being some type of divine and heavenly occasion that was exclusively for Mahasambhuti. But now the whole situation has changed positively. Today, mostly everyone understands that mahaprayan is just one copy and adaptation of an Islamic dogma.

In contrast, other religions never did any type of mahaprayan observance. They would simply burn the body and spread the ashes - whereas for mahaprayan a tomb is needed. And only Muslims were doing that for mahaprayan. And my Tiljala mahaprayan organisers have followed suit. We can see how in Tiljala our Dadas have implemented that same Islamic tradition by encircling the tomb to perform the tomb worship during the annual mahaprayan death day commemoration in our Tiljala campus etc.

So while the Muslims do their ceremony for deceased human beings, my Tiljala organisers are doing this annual death (mahaprayan) ceremony to Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. The precept is that Guru is dead.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #10

== Section ==

You will never find news as follows


The strange thing is that all kinds of annual mahaprayan news are getting published in Bengali newspapers on a daily basis, but you will never find news as follows:
    - annual mahaprayan of Allah
    - annual mahaprayan of prophet Muhammad
    - annual mahaprayan of Christ
    - annual mahaprayan of Lord Buddha
    - annual mahaprayan of Lord Mahaviira
    - annual mahaprayan of Rama
    - annual mahaprayan of Ganesh / Hanuman
    - annual mahaprayan of goddess Durga / Kali
    - annual mahaprayan of Moses

Regardless of how dogmatic the religions are they never do the annual mahaprayan of their chosen God, Lord, Deity etc, but unfortunately my faction in Ananda Marga commemorates the annual death day, i.e. mahaprayan of the object of ideation - God. That is the irony: the God of my group died.

When everyone understands that mahaprayan signifies the death day of any mortal, then this dogma will be dropped forever.

In Him,
Bibek Roy

Our Dadas say, “I am just a medium -

Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji
is teaching you and He is ever-present"

Sadguru Baba is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan.

True bhaktas know that there is no such thing as mahaprayan for Sadguru Baba. As the Sadguru He never passes away, He is omnipresent. So those Wts who believe in & propagate that Sadguru is dead are confused. Actually they are displaying hypocritical behaviour. Why?

When our Avadhutas acaryas give initiation, or revise anyone’s lessons, or give further lessons of sadhana, our Dadas say, “I am just a medium - Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you and He is ever-present."

So in one breath our Wt dadas say that Sadguru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan. That is both hypocritical and sinful.  Hypocritical because they are telling one thing and doing something else. They are telling that Guru is no more in their mahaprayan program, yet when teaching sadhana they are relying on Him. And it is sinful because it is abusive against Guru.

It is similar to your own children playing before you and talking among themselves that, “My mother is dead.” As a mother, how will you feel. And not only that, they go one step ahead, before your eyes they started commemorating your annual death day ceremony

How do you feel about their ignorance?

True bhaktas never participate in the dogmatic annual death day ceremony / mahaprayan of the ever-present God. That is against pre-1990 Caryacarya.”

== Section: News from 2019 ==

Warning to Rudrananda by Dada Mantracetananda

Namaskar ,

Ranchi AMPS has circulated list of 7 enemies of AMPS

~ Below is courtesy of WhatsApp ~

*Ranchi Administration द्वारा जारी संस्था के सात दुश्मनों की List-*
1. राजेश सिंह, दिल्ली-NCR
2. निरंजन कुमार, दिल्ली-NCR
3. कुमार हेमन्त, राँची
4. जितेंद्र कुमार, राँची
5. धर्मेन्द्र सिन्हा, जमशेदपुर
6. अंतरंग योगी, दिल्ली-NCR
7. आचार्य मंत्रचेतनानंद अवधूत


Comments by Ac. Mantracetananda:

रांची विभाजित ग्रुप ने  जो अपने 7(सात)  दुश्मनों की लिस्ट जारी की है। इन सातों दुश्मनों (जिनको रांची विभाजित ग्रुप अपना दुश्मन मानता है) की तरफ पूरे आनंद मार्ग के सदस्यों को (WT/ मार्गीयों  समेत) विश्वास दिलवाता  हूं। कोई भी न तो अपने सद्गुरु और न ही उनके आदर्श का कोई दुश्मन है।
जिन्होंने ने भी यह लिस्ट जारी की है। वे सदगुरू बाबा के भक्त हो भी सकते है। और नही भी हो सकते है। लेकिन यह तो 100 प्रतिशत सच है। बाबा के आदर्श के अवश्य ही दुश्मन है। वे लोग यदि बाबा के आदर्श   को मानते  तो शायद आज अनंदमार्गी (WT/मार्गियों में) आज विभाजन नही होता।
और उनको यह भी घमंड नही होना चाहिए कि उनका विभाजित ग्रुप ही असली "आनंद मार्ग प्रचारक संघ" है, यह तो भविष्य ही बताएगा कि कौन असली है कौन नकली। जो भी आज  संस्था विभाजित है, वह "आनंद मार्ग प्रचारक संघ" है ही नही, वह तो सब "आनंद मार्ग पर्सनल संघ" हैं।

"आनंद मार्ग प्रचारक संघ" तो विभाजित हो ही नही सकता। यह परम पुरुष की संस्था है, जो लोग यह कहते है , कि उनका ही विभाजित ग्रुप असली  "आनंद मार्ग प्रचारक संघ" है, इसका अर्थ यह हुआ कि उनका घमंड "रावण" के घमंड से भी ज्यादा है।
जो इतनी कुवत रखते हैं कि परम पुरुष की बनाई हुई संस्था को भी विभाजित कर सकते है।
सत्य तो यह है, कि इस दुनिया के साथ पूरे ब्रम्हाण्ड में अभी तक न कोई पैदा हुआ है, और न कोई भविष्य में पैदा होगा, जो परम पुरुष की संस्था  और उनको कोई विभाजित कर सके।
कहते है एक मछली पुर तालाब को गंदा कर देती है। पर इस संस्था रूपी तालाब कई ऐसी मछलियां है, तलाब को गंदा किये हुए हैं। कोई भी ऐसी मछली जो "संस्था" रूपी तालाब को गंदा किये हुए है, ऐसी मछली कोई इस संसार मे अमर हो के नही आई है। ऐसी मछलियों की ऐसी भी दशा हो सकती है, जिंदा रहकर भी तड़प तड़प कर अपना जीवन व्यतीत करती हैं।

और यह लिस्ट जारी करने वाले भी साधक है, उनको यह भी पता होना चाहिये कि यह प्राकृतिक नियम है। कि:-

हर खामोशी के पीछे तूफान होता है।
और हर तूफान के पीछे  खामोशी होती है।।

इस प्राकृतिक नियम को वो लोग नही समझ सकते जी अहंकारी या घमंडी होते है।
~ Above is courtesy of WhatsApp ~

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Exercise caution when presenting your case to uninformed public
Once there was a fierce contest between two headmasters from neighbouring villages in Burdwan district. It was also a contest between the villages themselves, for each claimed that its headmaster was the most learned. The contest took place in a field between the two villages.

One of the headmasters was a just and learned man, the other was a cunning fellow and a master of deceit. It was the latter who first addressed the gathering. “Ladies and gentlemen, being the underdog in this contest I humbly request you to permit me to ask my opponent the first question.”

“Certainly,” said the crowd. “A man of your humility should undoubtedly ask the first question.”

“Could you tell me the meaning of ámi jáni ná (*)?” the cunning headmaster asked his opponent.

“I don’t know,” replied the learned headmaster.

The cunning headmaster cast a triumphant glance around the audience. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he declared, “I asked him a simple question to which he replied, ‘I don’t know’. Just see how ignorant he is.”

“True! True!” shouted his followers, throwing their umbrellas in the air and dancing stick-dances in joyful abandon. The junior village police officer was so elated that he offered to buy everyone sweets.

The cunning headmaster then said, “Let me give him another chance.”

“Certainly! Certainly!” shouted the crowd.

“Sir, what is required to make viváha?” (**) asked the cunning headmaster.

“It’s quite simple really,” replied the learned headmaster, “ghaiṋ is required. That is, prefix vi plus vaha plus ghaiṋ is equal to viváha.”

The cunning headmaster glowed with delight. He peered at the crowd and said, “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, you are experts in the ways of the world – I am a mere child compared to you. Have you ever heard of anything called ghaiṋ being required in a marriage ceremony?”

“No, no, of course not,” shouted his delighted followers. “We’ve never heard of such a strange thing.”

“Let me tell you what is required in a marriage ceremony. Lets see… a priest, a holy stone, sacred fire, new clothes, towels, baskets, and so on, but nothing like a ghaiṋ. My fourteen [[times]] two – that’s, er, that’s fifty-two – generations [[of ancestors]] have never heard of this peculiar ghaiṋ thing.”

The crowd burst into applause. “Well said! Well said!” they shouted. “You are the most learned headmaster. Congratulations. You’ve won the contest.” (1)
Asterisk Notes

* ámi jáni ná: This is a Bengali phrase and the literal meaning is “I don’t know.”

** Sir, what is required to make viváha?: This is one way of asking for the etymological or grammatical breakdown of the term viva’ha. So that is how the learned person responds to the query. In day to day life for the common people, vivaha means marriage.

1. Sarkar's Short Stories Part 1, The Headmasters' Contest

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