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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Balkanisation Is Very Easy, But Disastrous



(Note: For those who are not aware, balkanisation refers to the splitting into multiple hostile factions. For more about this read the entire letter and see note 2 appended below.)

You have heard of mobile phones, mobile homes, mobile computing, mobile game, mobile network operator, mobile food stalls, mobile web, and you have heard of so many things mobile...

Well, here is a another one for you: Mobile Training Centre!!

For some time now, one of the groups has been going mobile with their training centre - the reasons for which are outlined below. Perhaps they will be in your area soon.

Right now, as we speak, pracarak, tattvik, and acarya training is being conducted in Sirsi (Karnataka, India). See note 1.

In contrast, the Ranchi and Tiljala factions have their own training centres in fixed locations, i.e. Varanasi and West Bengal, respectively. And all the various groups including the Ananda Giita faction have their own separate method etc.



When all groups were ruling together, they wielded unparalleled power and were creating hell all around. That was the case from 1990 - 2001 or so, and the results were absolutely awful. Margiis were victimised and tortured, the bhukti pradhan system was essentially dismantled, Fake Ananda Vaniis were invented, expulsion was used as a weapon, and so many more ills. The situation was veritably intolerable.

Shortly thereafter, the disintegration of the organisation started...


On the positive side, as soon as the balkanisation happened, then the systematic manipulation of Ananda Marga systems was not easy to do. All the various groups were running after their own post and power, and with the break-up of the monopoly of power, due to infighting and separation, they could no longer make executive orders and systematically impose dogmas, and carry out atrocities - as they were doing in the past when the various groups were united.

That is the plus side of the current state of fragmentation / balkanisation.


Then they began the horror of fighting amongst themselves, killing one another, separating, and ultimately started moving in their own way.

Another terrible outcome is the proliferation, disintegration, and balkanisation of AMPS. Unity has been shattered and the divisions between the factions are deeply entrenched - characterised by inimical feelings toward one another and the non-stop legal affairs of delivering debilitating & costly court cases against one another. In this way, the entire organisation has become impotent: All dharmic activities and works have been suspended or canceled because the various groups are wholly involved in their own status and power, not following Ananda Marga ideology nor serving others.



In a balkanised AMPS, all groups are trying to boost their numbers. To that end they are willing to do anything.

Thus the entire impetus for carrying out their own acarya training regimen - whether it be mobile or otherwise, is to increase their numbers. The group running the training wants to reward their blind supports, create more stalwart followers, and gain new recruits. That is the chief desire of each of the groups. They believe in strength in numbers, not strictness in ideology. So they just want more followers and to gain more they are willing to do virtually anything.

Those participants who graduate from the program also get their wish met. Their longtime dream of being an acarya is getting fulfilled. It was not possible before for a variety of reasons.


As we know, Baba has graciously created this organisation to unify good people and put forth dharmic teachings. For so long, good, moral citizens have been great in number but scattered; whereas bad people are less in number but highly organised and united. In result, good people have suffered at the hand of those wicked persons.

AMPS was created with the idea of uniting all good people and creating a strong, unified, dharmic platform. The tragedy is that our own Wt cadre has become so fractured it is wholly unrecogniseable. With every passing day there is more disintegration.

The situation is akin to letting frogs out of a box. Once those frogs start jumping about it is not easy to gather them and get them back into the box. Rather, they start leaping in various directions far away from the box and completely separated from one another. Each goes in their own direction.

Similarly, with the proliferation and balkanisation of various groups and with their own acarya training centres, the unity of our Ananda Marga has been obliterated. Each faction sits in their own corner with their own people and devise their own plans and programs. When they sing samgacchadhvam they are only referring to their own party and people - not all Ananda Margiis nor the greater society. They are merely thinking of the unity of their own particular group. That is the very sad and radical situation.

Thus, there really is no unity; and picking up all those disparate parts and pieces - each with their own agenda - is not an easy job to put back together and form a monolithic organisation. Rather it is a Herculean task far beyond the abilities of normal people.

Those who are the vanguard of Ananda Marga ideology must come forward and save the situation. The last hope is that sadvipras will take a stand and again one day establish a strong, monolithic Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

By the below analogies we can easily understand the best way to rectify the current situation in AMPS...



In any city or state or country, the government is responsible for building and maintaining the roads and other public works etc. But if the government is corrupt, embezzling funds, and not attending to proper road maintenance where there are potholes and cracks that make the roads difficult or impossible to travel on, the citizens have two options: Make their own roads or call for a change of leadership.

However, making roads and other large public works such as building bridges, carrying out garbage collection for the entire state, maintaining a police dept, a fire dept, an army – these are works to be carried out by the government. Local citizens on their own cannot manage such massive projects. Indeed, throughout His teachings, Baba guides us that the government should be in charge of major public works and utilities - not private individuals and not local citizens.

So when the government is hopelessly corrupt, then the public must exert tremendous pressure and bring in new leadership. There is no other way.

Note: In more normal circumstances where the government is not outrightly corrupt nor involved in nepotism etc, then citizens can lodge complaints and put forth demands to rectify that governmental body etc. But when the upper echelons are wrought with cheating and dishonest dealings, the only way left is to completely change the leadership. Then those new governmental leaders will be held responsible for fixing the roads etc.




If the government repeatedly fails to do its job and has proven itself to be completely ineffective, then merely writing complaints to that government will not do. Rather tremendous circumstantial pressure should be created and those governmental leaders must be removed from office. That is the way to proceed. Even more importantly, no separate group ot citizens etc can do the work which the government has been designed to do.

In the case of AMPS, when the situation is bad and those at the helm are so corrupt, we have to create the requisite pressure to change the organisational leadership entirely. Workers and margiis should not start trying to fix the situation by forming a separate group or groups. That would be like:

- Individuals going out into the road with a shovel and tarmac and starting to fill in the potholes in a 100 kilometer stretch by hand, instead of making the government the proper tool for attending to such works.

-  Individuals creating their own army, purchasing massive numbers of weapons, training soldiers, and building tanks and airplanes, instead of forcing the corrupt army leaders out and bringing in new military leaders to do the job.

- Individuals starting another police force, training and staffing police in all the cities, arresting criminals, and constructing police stations, instead of bringing in new leadership to that dilapidated police force to attend to those duties

- Individuals buying their own garbage truck and picking up the garbage all over town, instead of demanding new leadership at the department of sanitation to do those works.

So these are not the ways to solve the above-mentioned problems. If the government is not fixing the country's roads, or providing military protection to its citizens, or managing civilian police protection, or attending to garbage collection services, then the people of the country are to switch out the leadership. The government must be made into a proper tool for performing those works. Groups of individuals should not form their own parallel structures for doing those works. 



Just as each citizen cannot create their own police brigade, or military force, or garbage collection agency, or road construction division, similarly one should not break away from AMPS and create their own faction in an attempt to solve the current organisational problems.

Rather, one must become active, create circumstantial pressure, and force those at the helm to abide by Baba's dharmic mandates or give up the chair. A stand must be made against corruption and exploitation and attention given to proper conduct and dharmic understanding.

Some may think it is too late to fix AMPS and best is to break away. But breaking away only exacerbates the problem. It is the short-sighted, easy option that only leads to more problems. Those who see the matter clearly understand the only way is to stand firm and demand accountability from those at the helm by switching out the leadership.


Should we make our own group if the current factions are not working? Never. If that happens, then at some point every single margii will one day be their own group. At the beginning there were two groups, and now there is more than a dozen. With the passage of time there will be further proliferation, disintegration, and balkanisation where every margii is their own group. Creating a separate faction runs counter to Baba's teaching on samgacchadhvam.


"The meaning of the Samgacchadhvam mantra should be realized in life. Always remain united. Solve all problems, big or small, with unity." (1)


"One human society is divided into different nations, and one nation is divided into different religions; religions also have different castes, and caste also have different sub-castes – what kind of situation is this? We have only learned how to divide and subdivide humanity, and we never learned how to unite the people. This is all due to the defective teachings of dogmas."


Ultimately, we have to achieve unity and balkanisation is the wrong method. That is like seceding from the country in hopes of building a unified nation. The way to solve the matter is to put pressure upon those at the helm. If the leadership is not working properly we should change the leadership by creating intense circumstantial pressure - not divide the organisation into numerous factions, nor create new splinter groups. Although this work of wholly remaking the existing organisation is very tough whereas balkanisation is very easy, the only way is to pressurise those at the helm and change the leadership. We must completely makeover the current structure. Running away and resorting to balkanisation is the worst approach. In hundreds of discourses, Baba warns us about this. We should follow Baba's teachings.

in Him,

* Please write your thoughts...


There are 12 trainees (5 females and 8 males), of which 8 persons (4 females and 4 males) are doing SPT. This particular training is being conduct by Ac Jyotiprakashananda Avt. This particular training is being held from 13 Nov to 28 Nov 2013.

For more information on unity and related ideological issues, click here...


"Balkanization, or Balkanisation, is a geopolitical term, originally used to describe the process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or non-cooperative with one another." (Wikipedia)

1. Caryacarya-2, Society pt #34
2. PNS-9, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life

Training at Sirsi

Subject: Fw: Training at Sirsi
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:20:37 +0800 (SGT)
From: ganesh bhat <>
CC: Ananda Universal <>

Baba Nam Kevalam


Training programme at Sirsi has been started on 18th Nov 13 for Pracarak, Tattvik and Acarya. There are 12 trainees (5F+ 8M). 8 persons (4F + 4M) are doing SPT. Pl find attached a few photos. (Eds Note: Write us for photos.) 
Ac. Jyotiprakashanand Avdt is the trainer. Training will continue till 28th.  
Ganesh Bhat

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Re: When Master Is On Tour + More


Respected Readers,

This email contains 2 distinct sections featuring letters from margiis around the globe.
1. Re: When Master Is On Tour by Lalloo
2. Tapeshvaranandji: Related Issues by Sukulji
at His lotus feet,
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Subject: Re: When Master Is On Tour
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:47:29 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin

Re: When Master Is On Tour

You writing is very relevant:

"In the early days after 1990 they were 100% united in their activities. Together these people wrote a declaration and announced that Baba (Master) has not only departed but He has so-called greatly departed; i.e. mahaprayan. They thought, "Now we are free. Nobody is watching us; nobody will know about our hypocrisy and sins; nobody will hold us accountable for our actions; we are free; so let's enjoy."

I have always maintained that "mahaprayan" is the root of the crises in Ananda Marga. The MPD resolution which was passed  on the 25th August 1991 was an acknowledgement/ affirmation that Baba is no more and we have the freedom to do as we please.

I am optimistic that there can be a turn around  in our Ananda Marga providing that MPD is discarded into the rubbish bin where it belongs. 

In Him,


Subject: Tapeshvaranandji: Related Issues
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 13:53:33 +0800 (SGT)
From: t r shukla <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin

Tapeshvaranandji: Related Issues

I requested Dada Tapeshvaranandji to answer some of the questions raised from his mail regarding MPD. That letter is appended below as Note 1. Dada immediately replied in the following mail on 1/11/2013, which is being presented to you [directly below] for your review:

Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Don't care about what other poeple think of you. There will always be those people who want to see you fail becaue they can't succeed."

That concludes Tapeshvaranandji's reply to me.

The replies he supplied are quite irrelevant and incomplete and hence I again requested him to give proper reply of all the questions but he has not responded so far. Please see my letter below in Note 1.

Dr T.R. Sukul


Subject: Re: More Points to Consider Regarding Tapeshvarananda
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:41:45 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Respected Dada Tapeshwaranandaji,
Pranam to the lotus feet of Baba.

After going through your views on MPD, may I know some of the queries which are given below along with each of your sentence of email.

(1) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "It was a history."

REPLY: I have found some traces by research that Dada Tapeshvarananda ji  went away with defectors for one week, back in 1970: and Baba graciously brought him back. Whether for few days or few weeks betrayal is betrayal. Since you have much trust on history, this history of 1970 may be trusted or not?

(2) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "The word Mahaprayan was approved and introduced by Ac Candranathji, Who was the President of Central Committee."

REPLY: Regarding this, Rev. Baba has taught us that if our forefathers have committed a mistake which is proved by logic and evidences it should be corrected immediately so that it may not take a form of dogma. But it shows that under the shadow of forefathers you want the errors to be brought up nicely like Karmkandi Hindu Pundits, who have invented Murtipuja and many tales with it in order to continue the business till generations in future. Am I wrong?

(3) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Now Those are indisciplined and betrayed Baba, those are not able to do WT life or ex-WT only they oppose."

REPLY: Does this statement relate to you also in connection to the above mentioned point no.1.?

(4) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Kolkata margiis are only to maintain the history."

REPLY: Regarding so called history of MPD I think, due to a few of the Kolkata margiis who have lost their logic have been misguiding others. Is it not like meat eaters who say that vegetarians hate meat because vegetarians are not allowed to eat meat? Or, idol worshipers who say margiis hate idol worship because margiis are not allowed in the temple?

(5) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "It was the history He was biologically present. As He took physical body."

REPLY: Do you believe that Rev. Baba was a physical body only? And since the physical body is gone therefore everything has gone?

(6) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "There is a history, there is a document. Just to maintain the document they do Kiirtan."

REPLY: There is also a history and documents that show that the discourses of Rev. Baba are published by AMPS Tiljala group and they have (a) distorted (b) changed (c) manipulated these discourses while translating in different languages and (d) published fake Ananda Vaniis to mislead common margiis.

Do you follow and support this history because it is established by the ancestors of AM? Or you would like to correct the errors done by them for the welfare of coming generation? Or you would simply like to do kiirtan so that the errors done by these illogical people may be finally approved?

(7) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Those are not in favor of Kolkata or having Kolkata allergy they only became mad near mahaprayan."

REPLY: Do you favour Kolkata because you believe that all the points from 1 to 6 above are in conformity with your personal ideology? Or is it an irritation of being apprehended doing  errors and creating dogmas and groups?

It is shocking that you gave a completely illogical reply. I think you would certainly be remembering Baba's following teaching:

"Where reasoning fails, vilification becomes the sole stock-in-trade. When you hear abuses from these frogs-in-the-well, you can take for granted that the grey matter in their frenzied brains have no functional residues left and that they have come to you only to convince you of their helpless and fey condition." (Subhasita Samgraha, Part 3, Shreya & Preya)
So, Dadaji I hope you will certainly realize dogmatic and narrow-mindedness of your favourites and come along the right path of bliss which has no dogma and narrowness.

Why you have become contradictory?

Dr. T.R. Sukul

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Culprit in Future?




First margii Kuttiji made a statement about participation MPD, claiming that those who do not support it will be blamed:

"While everyone is enjoying His grace it is better to support it otherwise you will become the culprit in future."

And in response three margiis addressed the matter. Please find the responses by Amrit Lallooji, Dr TR Sukulji, and Deveshji.

AM News Bulletin Moderators


(1) Here below is the reply from Lallooji to the point that those who do not support MPD will be blamed as being a culprit in the future. - Eds

Subject: Re: Culprit in Future
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:48:26 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Unfortunately, brother KK is steeped (drowning) in dogma. He is definitely confused between kiirtan and death (mahaprayan). Vibration comes from prolonged kirtan and not from mahaprayan (death).

Kiirtan, avarta kiirtan, akanda kiirtan, nagar kiirtan are known to us margiis, however, the new added terminology "mahaprayan kiirtan" is vile, vulgar and repulsive.

How dare anyone disrespect kiirtan (BNK) and call it death BNK?

In Him,


(2) Here below is the reply from Sukulji to the point that those who do not support MPD will be blamed as being a culprit in the future. - Eds

Subject: Re: Culprit in Future
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:27:47 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


In my opinion Mr. KK is under wrong impression. Every Ananda Margi who has gone through Rev. Baba's teaching meaningfully, knows that the spiritual wave is created either by the vibrations of (I.e. Mantraghat of) 'Ist mantra' or the  Mahamantra Kiirtan "Baba Nam Kevalam", if chanted  understanding the meaning and devotion. Therefore it is wrong to say that the vibration he felt was due to MPD.
The psychic waves dominated by the  vibrations of Mantraghat and Mantrachaitanya produce spiritual bliss and is felt every where each time therefore it is not acceptable that this can only be experienced during so called MPD function organised at Kolkata.

My request to brother KK is that he should go through all the articles written by various margii brothers time to time on this web regarding MPD. As, it [MPD] is not prescribed by Rev. Gurudev in Charyacharya how can it be recognized as the margii function. It is a gross dogma which no Anandamargii can accept and therefore, for not attending MPD how can one be held culprit  when it is against the code of conduct?

Regarding MPD, I would like to remind brother KK that one very senior Dada Tapeshvaranandaji also wrote something (which can be seen in past postings of this web) a few days back, and I requested him some queries related to each of the sentence he wrote but he could not answer so far in spite of two reminders. This shows that he was under wrong impression like you and now he is aware of everything correctly.

Don't be misguided and misguide others on the basis of dogmatic views of others as Rev. Baba's teachings are deadly against every sort of dogma inside the society.

Dr. T. R. Sukul


(3) Here below is the reply from Deveshji to the point that those who do not support MPD will be blamed as being a culprit in the future. - Eds

Subject: Re: Culprit in Future
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:44:09 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



I do not think reply to email of brother KK (Kartick Kutti) is required. We have enough emails in the past regarding the same subject.

Here are two for his review:




Margii Kartickji's Original Letter

Here is brother Kartickji's letter in its entirety for your review and examination. The reply to this letter has been given here....

Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:09:44 +0530
From: Kartick Kutti <kartickk…>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin

I think thousands of margiis attend Mahaprayan and enjoy His grace. Actually I also happened to attend the Mahaprayan Kiirtan. It was really vibrational.

So I think it is very difficult to canalize the flow.

While everyone is enjoying His grace it is better to support it otherwise you will become the culprit in future.

KK (Kartick Kutti)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#2 Re: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation


Respected Readers,

This email contains 2 distinct sections featuring letters from margiis around the globe.

1. Re: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation by Sukulji
2. Re: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation by Vasudevaji

at His lotus feet,
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Subject: Re: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2013 10:03:35 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin

Re: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation

(Note: This is the second letter in this series - a link to the initial letter on this topic is appended below.)


Kutti wrote: BABA wanted everything translated in bengali first, and then from bengali to other languages..... Is it true? Bhaskarananda ji also believes on this. One thing more some dada says that Baba has some special grace for Bengali language...

There is absolutely no logic or scientific reasoning behind the above statement.

Mahasambhuti Baba utilized His every moment for the all-round welfare of the world (Jagat Hitay) and upliftment of humanity. So how can anyone lay claim that He favoured any type of geo or linguistic sentiment like (Bengali) language. Baba has always warned us to beware of such sentiments that erect walls of separation between people.

I do not believe that this statement is given by Rev. Baba. Rather such a statement is wholly fabricated and propagated by those who want to employ geo-linguistic sentiment(s) for their own interests.

As regards Dada Bhaskaranandaji's belief, it has already been refuted in many angles by the earlier letters written by respected Pandaji.

As regards Baba's "special grace" on the Bengali language, let us simply remember His divine teaching that everyone should encourage and propagate their mother tongue. All the languages of the world should get the opportunity to grow and become rich mediums of expression.

By composing Prabhat Samgiita in Bengali, Baba is showing us that writers, artists, and poets should express themselves in their mother tongue. That is Baba's guideline and chief reason why He composed those songs in Bengali.

We should also bear in mind that in Prabhat Samgiita, Baba is also teaching devotees how to share the feeling of their heart with Parama Purusa - and go close to Him.

Those who are giving credence to any form of Bangalisation and stating that Baba advocated any type of geo-linguistic sentiment are recklessly accusing Guru of going against His own teachings and thus misleading the society. Such persons will face consequences.

It should be strongly condemned and opposed.

In Him,
Dr. T.R. Sukulji


Subject: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:26:17 +0100
From: Vasudeva <>
To: anandamarganewsbulletin

Re: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation

(Note: This is the third letter in this series - a link to the initial letter on this topic is appended below.)

Hinduism, Bengalism, Indiaism.
All are narrow in the light of universalism.

Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation

Subject: Bengalism Is Just Like Colonial Exploitation
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:07:44 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <amrit.lal…>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



Margii Kutti wrote: BABA wanted everything translated in bengali first, and then from bengali to other language...Is it true? Bhaskarananda ji also believes on this.

Eds Note: Respected Kuttiji is suggesting that a discourse originally given by Baba in English should be translated into Bengali and then re-translated back to English and then printed. Another scenario is for that same English discourse to be translated into Bengali and then translate that Bengali into Spanish. Yet another case is if Baba has delivered His discourse originally in Hindi, then accordingly it is to be translated into Bengali which then becomes the so-called original language, or “master” text, from which it is translated into English and then finally into other languages. That is the essence of Kuttji’s proposal. Here below is the reply from Amrit Lallooji.

Except in the case of what Baba has written all other assertions need the application of rational intellect and wisdom.

Just check this out: Baba gives a discourse in English. Should this be translated into Bengali and then back into English? Never. Rather the original language Baba spoke should be transcribed and kept as is. And from there the discourse can be translated into all other languages. About this so much has already been written.

Of course, Bengalii is a beautiful language, as are all other languages. Local languages have to be encouraged and developed and if someone wants to learn another language that too should be encouraged.

According to history, colonialists firstly infused the idea of language superiority and inferiority. Local languages (that of the colonised) was considered inferior. Till today in previous French colonised countries like Cameroon and Democratic Republic of Congo etc the locals speak French and it is the same for the Portuguese colonies and so many countries across the planet that were colonized. Although de-colonised some while ago they still fail to appreciate their local languages. Rather sad!

Margii Kutti wrote: One thing more some dada says that Baba has some special grace for Bengali language…

Eds Note: Here below is Lallooji’s response.

Local languages are the backbone of the people and when this backbone is broken, people are robbed of their dignity. It is blasphemous to claim that Baba chose Bengalii to take precedent over any other language. What is being suggested is tantamount to Baba wanting to colonise the world by encouraging a narrow language sentiment.

Parama Purusa willingly and knowingly comes under the bondage of temporality (time, place, and person) and manifests Himself as Mahasambhuti and willingly accepts all natural laws – Though, in the spiritual realm He has no limitations. Even physically Baba can appear at more than one place at a time, if He so desires. His DMC discourses were given in Bengalii, Hindi and English. Plus in other regions Baba often spoke in the local language. Gracious Baba acknowledged the diversity of His devotees.

Baba is Parama Purusa and in this role He chose to express subtle ideas through Prabhat Samgeet in Bengali language because He was showing us that artists and poets should always use their mother tongue.


In fact, when Baba was in another (say Bhojpuri) speaking vicinity, He spoke Bhogpuri and even praised the language for its richness and sweetness. He did likewise for all other languages. And in His discourses He verily appreciates and embraces all languages of the world and states that all have importance and value – no language is better than any other.

That some Dada is saying that Baba had some special grace for Bengali language is certainly dogmatic.

Devotees should endeavour to present Baba in the broader context and not confine Him within the scope of their limited minds. For this sadhana and svadhaya are extremely beneficial.

In Baba

Monday, November 4, 2013

#2: Reply To Tapesheshvaranandji On Ex-Wt & Traitor & More


Respected Readers,

This email contains 2 distinct sections featuring letters from margiis around the globe.

1. Who Is Traitor by Sukulji
2. After Reading Various Letters by Anand

at His lotus feet,
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Subject: Re: More Points to Consider Regarding Tapeshvarananda
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:41:45 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Respected Dada Tapeshwaranandaji,
Pranam to the lotus feet of Baba.

After going through your views on MPD, may I know some of the queries which are given below along with each of your sentence of email.

(1) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "It was a history."

REPLY: I have found some traces by research that Dada Tapeshvarananda ji  went away with defectors for one week, back in 1970: and Baba graciously brought him back. Whether for few days or few weeks betrayal is betrayal. Since you have much trust on history, this history of 1970 may be trusted or not?

(2) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "The word Mahaprayan was approved and introduced by Ac Candranathji, Who was the President of Central Committee."

REPLY: Regarding this, Rev. Baba has taught us that if our forefathers have committed a mistake which is proved by logic and evidences it should be corrected immediately so that it may not take a form of dogma. But it shows that under the shadow of forefathers you want the errors to be brought up nicely like Karmkandi Hindu Pundits, who have invented Murtipuja and many tales with it in order to continue the business till generations in future. Am I wrong?

(3) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Now Those are indisciplined and betrayed Baba, those are not able to do WT life or ex-WT only they oppose."

REPLY: Does this statement relate to you also in connection to the above mentioned point no.1.?

(4) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Kolkata margiis are only to maintain the history."

REPLY: Regarding so called history of MPD I think, due to a few of the Kolkata margiis who have lost their logic have been misguiding others. Is it not like meat eaters who say that vegetarians hate meat because vegetarians are not allowed to eat meat? Or, idol worshipers who say margiis hate idol worship because margiis are not allowed in the temple?

(5) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "It was the history He was biologically present. As He took physical body."

REPLY: Do you believe that Rev. Baba was a physical body only? And since the physical body is gone therefore everything has gone?

(6) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "There is a history, there is a document. Just to maintain the document they do Kiirtan."

REPLY: There is also a history and documents that show that the discourses of Rev. Baba are published by AMPS Tiljala group and they have (a) distorted (b) changed (c) manipulated these discourses while translating in different languages and (d) published fake Ananda Vaniis to mislead common margiis.

Do you follow and support this history because it is established by the ancestors of AM? Or you would like to correct the errors done by them for the welfare of coming generation? Or you would simply like to do kiirtan so that the errors done by these illogical people may be finally approved?

(7) Dada Tapeshvaranandji wrote: "Those are not in favor of Kolkata or having Kolkata allergy they only became mad near mahaprayan."

REPLY: Do you favour Kolkata because you believe that all the points from 1 to 6 above are in conformity with your personal ideology? Or is it an irritation of being apprehended doing  errors and creating dogmas and groups?

It is shocking that you gave a completely illogical reply. I think you would certainly be remembering Baba's following teaching:

"Where reasoning fails, vilification becomes the sole stock-in-trade. When you hear abuses from these frogs-in-the-well, you can take for granted that the grey matter in their frenzied brains have no functional residues left and that they have come to you only to convince you of their helpless and fey condition." (Subhasita Samgraha, Part 3, Shreya & Preya)
So, Dadaji I hope you will certainly realize dogmatic and narrow-mindedness of your favourites and come along the right path of bliss which has no dogma and narrowness.

Why you have become contradictory?

Dr. T.R. Sukul


In citing Dada Tapeshvaranandji's letter, certain obvious spelling and grammatical corrections were made to it more readable - Eds.

That said, if anyone wishes to see the original letter in its entirety, there is a link at the bottom of this email.


Subject: After Reading Various Letters
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 18:38:07 +0530
From: Anand
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Dear Dada,
Namaskar. We are getting all ins and outs of the organization. As new margiis we were not knowing all these things. Please include my mail ID in your lists. You are doing a great job indeed. Regards, Thank you for including me in your list. I think I will be benefited by your mails.

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