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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gandhian Dogma + 3 More


This Email Contains 5 Distinct Sections:
1) Posting: Upcoming Patna Fasting is Gandhian Dogma
2) Comment by Anandam: Preparing Booklet on Niilkantha Divas
3) Comment by Vasudeva: On Unity
4) Comment by Mala: $100 for Lesson Review
5) Links: Related with posting.

Subject: Upcoming Patna Fasting is Gandhian Dogma
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:47:29
From: Umesh
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



A few people are gathering and staging a political protest on 12 February - the day of Niilkantha Divas. Their stated plan is to fast on that day - as well as a few more days, perhaps up to the 15th of February.

As Proutists, and as disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, we have to consider how far this approach is viable and consonant with his teachings.

Here following are Baba's clear cut guidelines and teachings on this important subject.


In His special discourse about Niilkanta Divas, Baba has strictly forbidden Ananda Margiis from fasting on 12 Feb. Rather His stated ideal is that we should prepare and cook delicious, sumptuous food for the impoverished and suffering people.

Here is Baba guiding Ramananda during His famous general darshan about Niilkantha Divas. In particular, Baba has motioned for Ramananda Dada to recount the scene:

[Baba is telling] "You people will decide how to commemorate it [Niilkantha Divas]." Then, when we didn't give proper reply to Baba, then He Himself told that, "Why you will be fasting? It will be, You will have to show your sentient anger, not just go on fasting or something like that...[Ramananda concludes] So, we are to take food that day, and the best food we should give to the needy on this very day."

Thus it is well-known and well-documented that Baba warns not to fast on Feb 12. So many were present and heard Baba give this order and it was recorded and perfectly transcribed as well.



As Proutists, we do our regularly scheduled fasting days as given by Guru for reasons of physical health, mental purity, and spiritual practice. We do not fast for political purposes or in protest.

Those who fast in protest are apt to destroy their physical body. Theirs is passive, Gandhian mentality. Whereas, Baba as the dharma Guru has specifically allotted that we should keep our bodies fit and utilise our energy in organising and educating the masses about exploitation. This type of consciousness raising on the grass-roots level demands tremendous energy and engagement, yet ultimately that is the way to bring about comprehensive change, i.e. Proutistic revolution. Remember, Baba has strictly forbidden Ananda Margiis from fasting on 12 Feb.


Baba vehemently opposes our taking a passive, Gandhi approach based on fasting and civil disobedience etc. Baba has declared such methods lost their efficacy long ago.

"The philosophy of Gandhi died before India got independence – it died long before Gandhi died." (Prout in a Nutshell - 15)


In His Prout teachings, Baba has given a dynamic range of plans and programs for us to bring to the people. This cannot be done if we are sitting around, fasting, and getting weaker by the moment. That will not due. Rather to enact those programs we will need our full energy in all realms.

Since the very inception of Prout in 1959, never has there been a sanctioned fasting protest by Proutist Universal nor Ananda Marga. Baba never guided us in this manner.


Baba has given the formula that to get success in bringing about social change there must be both speed and system. If there is only speed it is dangerous; and, if there is only system it is useless. Both are needed.

Those planning to do this fasting protest have only speed - not system. That is to say, they are eager to do something, but that something is not in accordance with Baba's teachings. Hence they only have speed. In which case they are leading themselves and others down a dangerous path. Baba warns us against this.

No doubt those planning the protest are sincere and their heart is in the right place, but to bring about Proutistic changes and revolution, we must abide by Baba's divine guidelines, and not resort to old, outdated Gandhian methods.



Here below Baba is warning us that those using fasting to appeal to capitalist exploiters are ignorant. This will never work because such heartless exploiters will not care about your fasting. Instead, Baba warns us that such exploiters need a "rude shock." For that, consciousness raising and making preparations for revolution are needed. Satyagraha fasting will do nothing. Rather it will create harm.

"Some people are of the opinion that only humanistic appeals and no other approach can effect a change of heart. Although the principles of such people may be high, in reality the soil of the earth is extremely hard. Their appeals to do good cannot easily gain support..."

"This sort of appeal does not hold much value for those with crude minds. To vibrate the minds of such people it is, and will forever remain, necessary to influence their minds by giving them a rude shock. Otherwise one will have to wait indefinitely for the sensitive violin strings of some secret recess in their hard minds to be similarly vibrated by high-minded appeals to do good. And meanwhile the existence of the helpless, exploited people, on whose behalf these appeals are being made, will have been reduced to dust."

"That is why no matter how much importance was given to the benevolence of the human mind by the Gandhian and Bhudan movements, or how saintly their propounders may have been, selfish and mean-minded people will never accept their principles. The bleeding sores on the feet of marching protesters will never be able to soften the minds of ruthless exploiters. Gandhism may be an excellent utopian model, but in the harsh reality of the world it is absurd and self-righteous." (Human Society - 1, Social Justice)

If the matter is not clear to you then please go to Note 2, and click on the link to read a larger section of the above teaching.


Here is a quoted summary of their leaflet detailing their upcoming plans to fast on 12 Feb. These margiis are sincere and want to do something, but they are moving off the track, unfortunately.

"A co-ordination committee of All India Proutist Samaj was formed. In the beginning, it was decided to stage procession, Rallies, hunger strike, protests, etc in Delhi and in Patna.

"In view of above, a “protest and hunger strike” have been decided to arrange in Patna on 12th Feb. Since Baba was lodged in prison due to PROUT philosophy and later Baba was poisoned in Patna jail on 12th Feb. considering this history, a “Dharana, protest and hunger strike” has been arranged on 12th Feb. Therefore, all margi brothers and sisters are requested to reach Patna on 12 Feb 2014 @ 10am positively to make it a grand success. Please find attached the “Pamphlet” for details."

"As everybody knows that "Dharana and Hunger strike" will be staged in Patna at least for two days starting 12 th Feb. If we receive good public response, we may continue "Dharana and Hunger strike" unto 3rd day."


In sum, we should observe Niilkantha on 12 Feb per Baba's guidelines. That means no one should fast that day. We should eat, and, most importantly, serve delicious food to the need and poor, and side by side organise Prout programs to create awareness amongst the people about the presence of exploitation.

If still anyone has any questions etc, they should re-read Baba's discourse on this key and important topic.

In Him,


Subject: Re: Niilkantha Divas
Date:  Tue, 28 Jan 2014 13:11:58 +0530
From: Anandam
To: Ananda Marga Universal


This is so much alive! Thanks from the core of my heart - that is all I can say.

Likewise I request the forum to supply such materials, so that we can educate as well as propogate the right ideology in the right way.

(Working: I will prepare a booklet on Niilkantha Divas and distribute it to all margii families of my area in the local language and arrange to follow Niilkantha Divas observances as per given guideline.)



Subject: SV: ~ AMPS News ~ Proof: H Group is Altering Baba's Books
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:30:05 +0100 (MET)
From: Tandero <harm....o>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


Namaskar dear dada

Hope everything is fine.
i hope that soon the amps can get out of the geo and socio sentimentality and get into a global face value. To much Indian focus on fight between boys with to high lessons and to less ideological strength on both sides of the wall of shame, make unity more difficult. Big responsibility are on the back of they who make walls in the time of the BRIDGE MAKER.



Subject: On Dada Nabhaniilananda & Lesson Review
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:01:55 -0000
From: Mala
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


It is unfortunate that the lesson system is now based on money and control of said margiis. Dada Nabhaniilananda now charges in advance for lesson review. it is at least $100. he controls large percent of the margiis of certain oversas sectors - even with this point that lessons and initiation should be free of charge. Sadly, those paying for sadhana review with him do not understand or take it seriously that they should not give money for lesson review etc.

In Him,



For those who wish to read Baba's entire general darshan where He outlines that we must not fast on Niilkantha Divas (Feb 12) then please click on the below link.

Must Take Firm Stand Against Such Exploiters



Here below Baba is warning us that those using fasting to appeal to capitalist exploiters are ignorant. This will never work because such heartless exploiters will not care about your fasting. Instead, Baba warns us that such exploiters need a "rude shock." For that, consciousness raising and making preparations for revolution are needed. Satyagraha fasting will do nothing. Rather it will create harm.

Some people are of the opinion that only humanistic appeals and no other approach can effect a change of heart. Although the principles of such people may be high, in reality the soil of the earth is extremely hard. Their appeals to do good cannot easily gain support.

What are humanistic appeals, or satyágraha? They are simply a special means of using violence to create circumstantial pressure. We can, in fact, call them the intellectual’s method of using violence. They are a way to make people eager to move along the path of human welfare without resorting to actual violence, relying on legal enforcement, or becoming angry and adopting the path of bloodshed. Or, in simpler language, they are a way to compel people to move.

What is circumstantial pressure? Does it not aim to vibrate the individual or collective mind with the wave of collective welfare through the application of force? In fact, this approach is an attempt to touch the aspect of the human mind which is very tender and capable of responding to humanistic appeals. Thus, those who have finer sensibilities and rational judgement readily respond to humanistic appeals, or satyágraha.

This sort of appeal does not hold much value for those with crude minds. To vibrate the minds of such people it is, and will forever remain, necessary to influence their minds by giving them a rude shock. Otherwise one will have to wait indefinitely for the sensitive violin strings of some secret recess in their hard minds to be similarly vibrated by high-minded appeals to do good. And meanwhile the existence of the helpless, exploited people, on whose behalf these appeals are being made, will have been reduced to dust.

That is why no matter how much importance was given to the benevolence of the human mind by the Gandhian and Bhudan movements, or how saintly their propounders may have been, selfish and mean-minded people will never accept their principles. The bleeding sores on the feet of marching protesters will never be able to soften the minds of ruthless exploiters. Gandhism may be an excellent utopian model, but in the harsh reality of the world it is absurd and self-righteous.

Yes, the human mind must be vibrated, and for this one cannot wait for the application of the sentient force or humanistic appeals. Rather, all necessary steps must be taken to create circumstantial pressure. I do not consider it at all improper if exploiters are forced to follow the right path by circumstantial pressure in a totalitarian state or by legal compulsion in a democratic one. However, the primary objective is not simply to use any means available to create a vibration in the minds of exploiters. Proper moral training must also be imparted to keep the waves of that vibration alive, and there must be a ceaseless endeavour in individual and collective life to perpetuate the waves of that vibration. One must maintain one’s zeal so that, with the passage of time, the momentum of the vibration does not slow down. Its vigour and vitality should not turn into stagnation. Staticity should not creep into the hidden corners of the human mind.

Those who depend solely on magnanimity of mind or on humanistic appeals are bound to fail. And those who aspire to establish communistic systems either through legal methods or at bayonet point without changing the hearts of the people, without implementing development programmes and without introducing moral and ideological education to reform people’s bad habits, are also bound to fail.

(Human Society - 1, Social Justice)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Donkey Marriage - 4



(Note: Before reading this letter be sure you have read earlier parts of this series- see links appended below.)

Bride: SS Goenkas'a granddaughter has been initiated into the Ananda Marga sadhana system and she regularly attends dharmacakra.

Bridegroom: The husband-to-be is of the same caste as the bride. He is a non-margii, who has agreed to do both a Hindu style marriage and an Ananda Marga system of marriage - one after another.

The boy is a non-margii and the girl is an Ananda Margii.

Baba's directive is very clear and straightforward. Margii boys may marry non-margii girls and bring them into Ananda Marga; but margii girls should not marry non-margii boys. Baba's warning is very explicit: Our margii girls should not marry outside the Marga. That is Baba's key directive.

Important: The marriage will be held in less than 2 weeks but it does not hold up to Baba's divine teachings. Firstly, it is a caste marriage. Secondly, the bridegroom is a non-margii**. Thirdly, per Baba's teaching we should always aim for both bride and groom to be dedicated Ananda Margiis. Failing that, we should be keen to adhere to Baba's explicit warning and parents should not impose their will and force their margii daughter or granddaughter to marry non-margii boys.

Here are further points for the critical review of this upcoming marriage.


For the upcoming 7th February marriage, the boy is himself essentially a non-margii so then how can he properly fulfill the marriage vows when he has no real established link with Guru.

What usually happens in a situation like this is that in a token or ritualistic type of way, the boy will be initiated shortly before the wedding. But in this way he will not be able to adhere to the oaths and vows of our Ananda Marga marriage system.

The bottom line is that the boy was interested in a caste marriage etc - not an Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage. That is the only reason why he is getting initiated - not due to any greater spiritual urge or yearning. In that case, that initiation is quite suspect.

It is just like if a boy is attracted to a young female and cannot see her on the street etc, and his only recourse for seeing her is to attend temple / church. In that case, his only reason for going to temple or church is to be able to see the girl, otherwise he would not attend. We cannot then call that boy a bhakta or an adherent of any religion per se, because his only aim is the girl.

Likewise, when a boy takes initiation solely so he can marry a particular girl, then who can think such a boy is a real sadhaka who is ready to understand and fulfill his oaths to Guru. In this case the initiation is just namesake only.


If the boy was really interested in spirituality and Ananda Marga dharmic life, then he would have taken initiation months ago so he could practice meditation regularly and attend weekly dharmacakra, the various seminars, and DMS etc. If he had done this for 4 months or so, then it would be a valid initiation and marriage. The way it is now is just for show - nothing more.

Under such circumstances, we see that in most cases the bride and groom lead a non-margii life and their entire family becomes non-margiis, i.e. children etc. Within the Goenka family, there are other such marriages that stand as proof of this horrible outcome.

Here we can basically say that the boy is a veritable non-margii who will take initiation sometime before the wedding in an attempt to befool the world. If he were really interested he would have eagerly taken diiksa at the earliest possible moment in order to inculcate Ananda Marga ideals in his life, but this he did not do.


In marriage, Baba has given the hymn and the marriage oath. The oath begins with the following vow, which first the groom and then the bride must repeat.

"I say on oath in the name of Parama Brahma and Marga Gurudeva that out of my own free will I will accept Shriimatii / Ms. ... as my wife." (Caryacarya)

In this above quote, the oath is taken "In the name of Parama Brahma and Marga Gurudeva". So here the point is that if the oath taker does not believe in Marga Gurudeva, then taking an oath in His name has no meaning for that person.

To take an oath, one must have reverence for that person or entity - one must be a practicing and committed Ananda Margii, not just some pseudo or quasi margii who just took initiation before the wedding.



For example, if one margii takes oath in the name of Marga Gurudeva, then that has deep meaning. Because the margii has heartfelt feeling for Baba, our Marga Guru. But if that same margii takes oath in the name of Allah, Jesus or Hanuman, sun god, moon god, or monkey god, then what will be the sense of that when the margii has no reverence for those entities.

It is just like if an atheist takes an oath in the name of God, then that oath does not mean anything. Because that atheist does not have any feeling for God. So then how can an oath in the name of God hold any meaning - in that circumstance it cannot.

An oath is meaningful only to the degree one has faith and belief in that Entity. Likewise, when non-margiis, or pseudo-margiis, or quasi-margiis do not have faith in Ista or Ananda Marga ideology, then how can the oath they take in the name of Baba hold any real value or meaning.

If a non-margii bride or groom (or both) or quasi margii takes the oath on the name of Marga Gurudeva, then what meaning will that have when they themselves do not feel that Baba is their Guru. That will be ludicrous and they will never try to fulfill those oaths. For them it is a joke, lip service, or an empty drama. That is meaningless; this a very bad start as they are beginning their marriage with hypocrisy.

Those in-chareges and elders are teaching the bridge and groom that hypocrisy is OK. In that case, they will never feel serious about their oaths in marriage, and they will not feel that it is binding.


As we know, in Ananda Marga, an oath is taken very seriously. One must have a deep feeling, connection and commitment to take an oath. Moreover, here we are talking about marriage, a life-long commitment. So the marriage oath is a critical matter. It must not be taken on the name of one entity for which one has no feeling. Otherwise that is just hypocrisy.

This marriage oath is Baba's clear-cut injunction on marriage. Because this oath is being taken on the name of Marga Gurudeva. And as is already clear, when one has no heartfelt reverence or adoration for Marga Gurudeva, then that oath has no meaning. So this oath is very clear-cut, and it is given directly by Baba. A non-margii or quasi margii cannot take this oath.

On this basis, it is proven that both parties intending to marry within the Ananda Marga marriage system must be dedicated, practicing margiis who accept Baba as their Guru.



For all these critical reasons the upcoming marriage of 7 Feb 2014 is completely against the principles and teachings of Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Wt's must not attend this unholy marriage. Instead, margiis should come forward and arrange an ideal marriage for this margii girl and uphold Baba's given revolutionary marriage system and Ananda Marga ideology.


Unfortunately, some Dadas who are greedy and loose in adhering to Ananda Marga ideals are excitedly planning on attending, just like fox who line up to get some scraps from the dining table. Such Dadas are keen to get payment and gifts for attending the marriage of one "prestigious" family. This is the unfortunate scene - Vandananandji is one of these Dadas. If you know names of some of the other Dadas who eagerly plan attending, kindly write in.

in Him,

** Bridegroom is non-margii who will get a token initiation before the marriage.


The aforementioned upcoming marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala) is nothing but a donkey marriage. Superficially, they have everything ready in terms of proper outfits and acaryas on hand etc, but upon closer examination the foundations of this marriage are completely bogus as it is wrapped up in caste dogma etc and contravenes the tenets of Ananda Marga. On the outside it looks like Ananda Marga but in reality it is not Ananda Marga. That is what is meant by donkey.

Here "donkey" refers to anything that is done for show or for a superficial reason. Here below Baba gives the example of donkey food.

"If food is not given with that heart-felt feeling and if one's own life is not in danger due to starvation, in that condition then any food offered is donkey food, gardabha'nna. So one must not eat that food." (Summary of Shabda Cayanika - 20, p.163-64 [Bangla])

So that is donkey food - food given just for show or to impress others etc.

And donkey sadhaka is when one is doing sadhana sitting in a very erect position hoping that someone will notice him and be impressed. But internally, that "meditator" is just thinking about himself, not Parama Purusa.

And in the case of the aforementioned marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala), they are arranging it in a very superficial manner to make it look like an Ananda Marga marriage. But in fact, the dharmic fundamentals are wholly lacking. To the untrained eye and non-sadhaka, it may look like an Ananda Marga marriage, but to every sincere Ananda Margii it is evident that this is just a donkey marriage.


Shyam Sundar Goenka is a senior margii that is why it is important and needed to carefully examine his actions; lest others be led astray.

Here below is a link to the first two donkey marriage letters about the Goenka family and their upcoming wedding on 07 Feb 2014.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

गधा विवाह-३ + Proof: H Group is Altering Baba's Books


This email contains two distinct letters:
1. Proof: H Group is Altering Baba's Books
2. गधा विवाह-३  (Hindi Translation of Donkey Marriage - 3)

Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:39:22 -0000
To: AnandaMargaNewsBulletin
From: ashisha_deva
Subject: Proof: H Group is Altering Baba's Books



The day is not far when the so-called Ananda Vanii will begin with, "O' Followers of H group, stand tall by your group...". As outrageous as this may sound. This will be coming to every unit soon, if we are not careful. Read more below to get the entire story.


With the release of the latest so-called Ananda Vanii by the Ranchi faction on 1/1/2014, one new stunt has been performed. See for yourself what they have done and how they are "testing the waters" for future stunts.


First please review the last paragraph of Baba's discourse - Refuge for All - from Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 1 as it was originally printed.

"Parama Puruśa is your closest friend. You are never alone. He cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. He feels your pain. Act as per His biddings and get free from your sufferings." (Refuge for All, AV Part 1)

The above purple quote is how it was printed in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 1.

Next read the below section to understand how they have manipulated and changed Baba's discourse and created their own Fake Ananda Vanii where they inserted a scriptural distortion, highlighted below in red.


In order to create their Fake Anana Vanii, they wrongly inserted their own terminology which has been highlighted in red. Baba did not speak these words. Rather in their own devious way, H group distorted Baba's original teaching by adding these words. And this is what they have released as their New Year's A'nanda Va'nii of 2014 and printed as follows:

"O human being! remember, Parama Purus'a is your closest friend. You are never alone. He cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. He feels your pain. Act as per His biddings and get free from your sufferings."

Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii

So to make their Fake Ananda Vanii, they inserted the terms, "O' human being! remember,".


This opens up a whole new chapter Fake Ananda Vanii issue. Because here they are inserting their own words at the beginning to "personalize" their message to margii readers.

If no one objects or notices this insertion then they will become more brave and dramatic step by step. For instance, in the near future they may insert, "O' the followers of PP Dada", or "O' the followers of Rudranandji", or "O followers of Our Group."

Right now they are testing the waters by starting small and inserting terms like "O' human being! remember,". If no one reacts or points out the problem, then they will become more bold and engaging in their insertions until finally that great day dawns with the Fake Ananda Vanii begins with: "O' the brave followers of Shrii Rudranandji, be great in your support of his group..."


This is how the last paragraph of the discourse, Refuge for All, has been printed in all existing editions of Ananda Vacanamrtam - part 1 (English).

(1) Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 1, 1979 Edition English (Publisher: Ac Pranavananda Avt)

"Parama Puruśa is your closest friend. You are never alone. He cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. He feels your pain. Act as per His biddings and get free from your sufferings."

(2) Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 1, 1986 Edition English (Publisher: Ac Narayanananda Avt)

"Parama Puruśa is your closest friend. You are never alone. He cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. He feels your pains. Act as per His biddings and get free from your sufferings."

(3) Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 1, 2004 English Edition (Publisher: Ac Rupatiitananda Avt)

"Parama Puruśa is your closest friend. You are never alone. He cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. He feels your pain. Act as per His biddings and get free from your sufferings."

And here below is how it was printed in the latest electronic edition.

(4) The Electronic Edition 7.5 (2009)

"Parama Puruśa is your closest friend. You are never alone. He cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. He feels your pain. Act as per His biddings and get free from your sufferings."

So it is quite evident that H group tainted this quote to make their Fake Ananda Vanii by adding the phrase: "O' human being! remember".


As sadhakas it is our duty to point out the wrongdoing that H group is doing with their latest Fake Ananda Vanii. We all know that a Fake Ananda Vanii is any quote that is spliced from its original context and presented as an Ananda Vanii. But now they are distorting these Fake Ananda Vaniis, by inserting their own terminology. If they were truthful they would have at least use [brackets] for their bogus insertion. But instead they are testing the waters and doing it on the sly to see how far they can manipulate margiis by their new appraoch.

All should pay heed outrightly reject this latest form of manipulation to the Ananda Vani series.

As we know, the only Ananda Vaniis that are true and legitimate are those which come from Baba's original collection of 74 Ananda Vanniis. These are all unique, self-contained discourses given by the Lord specially as Ananda Vanni on New Year's Day, Ananda Purnima, and select other occasions.

We must not allow the day to come when the Ananda Vanii states, "O' the brave followers of Shrii Rudranandji, be great in your support of his group..."

Now is the time to act - speak out - and oppose this latest ploy in the Fake Ananda Vanii chapter.

In Him,


"The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14)

"When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmasha'stra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be a'ptava'kya. A scripture is a guided entity." (Tattva Kaomudii - 2)

"If one is not able to give the people proper guidance, then at least one should not misguide them. One must not divert them from the proper path by exploiting the tender and delicate sentiments of the human mind. In the physical world there should be a strict controller as a shástra – and it is better to have a strong personality than a written book – but in the mental sphere the scripture and the person who upholds the scripture have equal importance as far as their utility and practical value is concerned. There must be an excellent and all-embracing philosophy, in which there should be no loophole in any sphere of mind as far as possible." (NSS, Disc: 14)


Introduction to गधा विवाह-३ 


Dear Hindi and English Readers,

Namaskar. You might have read the series of letters on Donkey Marriage that was written in English. Here following is a Hindi translation and summary of this topic of Donkey Marriage-3. All the main points are covered in an easy-to-read format. Please, we welcome you to translate this into your mother tongue as well for the welfare for society. That we will also circulate.

If you know Hindi well then you can read this for your review. Of great importance: Please share and forward this translation to those Hindi readers who do not read the emails in English. Kindly send them this Hindi translation for social welfare.

For your ease and convenience, a link has been appended below to the English letters on this topic of Donkey Marriage. So those who do not read Hindi script can scroll down and click on the link to those English letters.

Again, we request you to please forward and share this email with your close and known relations who are Hindi readers, as well as with the greater, Hindi-reading margii community.

In Him,
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:24:51 +0530
To: AnandaMargaNewsBulletin
Subject:  गधा विवाह-३ 

गधा विवाह-३

बाबा नाम केवलम

आदरणीय़ बहनों भाइयों,

नमस्कार |

(1) समाज के वरिष्ठ लोग अगर कोई गलत क़दम उठाते हैं, तो उसका बुरा असर पूरे समाज पर पड़ता है | इसलिए समाज के व्यापक हित में वरिष्ठ लोगों के आचरण को देखते रहना होगा | श्री श्याम सुन्दर गोयनका जी एक वरिष्ठ मार्गी है |  गोयनका जी जो कुछ भी करेंगे, वह एक उदाहरण बनेगा | इसलिए अगर गोयनका जी कोई आदर्श विरोधी क़दम उठाते हैं, तो उसका ख़राब असर पूरे आनन्दमार्ग समाज पर पड़ेगा | इसलिए हमें यह देखना होगा कि गोयनका जी का आचरण आनन्दमार्ग आदर्श के अनुरूप है या नहीं |

(2) 7 फरवरी 2014 को केरल के तिरुअनंतपुरम में गोयनका जी की पोती का विवाह होनेवाला है | दुर्भाग्य से यह विवाह आनन्दमार्ग आदर्श के विरुद्ध है |

(3) लड़का-लड़की एक ही जाति का है | इसलिए यह एक जातीय विवाह है | दूल्हा-दुल्हन अगर एक ही जाति का हो, तो वह विवाह जातीय विवाह हुआ | इस तरह का जातीय विवाह आनन्दमार्ग आदर्श के विरुद्ध है |

(4) दुल्हन जो कि गोयनका जी की पोती है, वह एक आनन्दमार्गी है | वह नियमित रूप से धर्मचक्र में शामिल होती है | एक आनन्दमार्गी लड़की का विवाह ननमार्गी लड़के से करना, लड़की के प्रति अन्याय है |

(5) इस विवाह में दूल्हा ननमार्गी है | विवाह से पहले वह दिखावे के लिए दीक्षा ले लेगा | चर्याचर्य में बाबा का निर्देश है कि आनन्दमार्गी लड़की को ननमार्गी लड़का के साथ विवाह नहीं करना है | क्योंकि लड़की को ननमार्गी जीवन जीना पड़ता है | उसका जीवन नरक बन जाता है |

(6) मानव इतिहास में पहली बार तारकब्रह्म बाबा जात-पाँत के dogma को तोड़कर विवाह करने का आदेश दिए | इसे हम लोग विप्लवी विवाह (Revolutionary marriage-R.M.) कहते हैं | एक मानव समाज के निर्माण हेतु बाबा का यह एक ऐतिहासिक आदेश है |

अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage करा लो

`(7) निम्नलिखित प्रवचन में बाबा जातीय विवाह का विरोध कर रहे हैं और विप्लवी विवाह करने का आदेश दे रहे हैं |

“अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage करा लो | और जो हिम्मतवार लड़के हैं, वे, उनके guardian, उनके माता; वे लोग क्या करें ? जात-पाँत को लात से ख़त्म कर दो, चूर-चूर कर दो | एक दल, एक मज़बूत समाज बना लो | और हम लोगों को दुनिया के कोने-कोने में आनन्दमार्ग का पैगाम पहुँचा देना है | इसलिए अधिक से अधिक सङ्ख्या में whole timer worker की भी जरूरत है | कोई whole timer worker बनो | कोई revolutionary marriage करके समाज को मज़बूत बना दो |” (PS Purport 1030 + WT Discourse – 2, 1/14/1984 Patna, Not Printed)

“तुम लोग dogma के ख़िलाफ़ सङ्ग्राम करते रहोगे | केवल—मुँह से बोलोगे कि dogma ख़राब है—सो नहीं | अपने करके दिखला दोगे कि—तुम dogma को नापसन्द करते हो |

हम तो सबसे कहेंगे कि हम लोगों को जल्द से जल्द समाज बना लेना है | और, दुनिया में सर्वत्र आनन्दमार्ग का प्रचार और-ज़ोरदार करना है | समाज बनाना है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage चाहिए | …

जो लोग guardian हो, माता-पिता हो, अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो कि—तुम dogma के ख़िलाफ़ हो |

घबड़ाओ नहीं, किसी से डरो नहीं | अपने वैयष्टिक प्रयास से अगर नहीं हुआ, सामूहिक प्रयास से करो | घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | और हम तोरा सिनी रो साथ छियो |”

क्रान्तिकारी विवाह (Kra’ntika’rii Viva’ha, Deoghar 1/8/84, General Darshan, Not Printed)

(8) हज़ारों मार्गियों ने उक्त बाबा आदेश का मज़बूती व साहस से पालन किया है | दशकों से मार्गी लोग जातिवादी समाज से विद्रोह करके विप्लवी विवाह करते आ रहे हैं | बाबा की असीम कृपा और मार्गियों के त्याग, साहस के फलस्वरूप कम समय में ही जात-पाँत का बन्धन टूटा है | आनन्दमार्ग के बाहर भी सभ्य समाज में जात-पाँत एक अभिशाप माना जाने लगा है | आनन्दमार्ग के विप्लवी विवाह पद्धति से भारत का सर्वोच्च न्यायालय भी प्रभावित हुआ | भारतीय supreme court का निर्णय है कि—”अन्तर्जातीय विवाह समाज व देश के लिए ज़रूरी है” | भारत के सबसे बड़े अदालत की भावना का सम्मान करते हुए भारत सरकार भी अन्तर्जातीय विवाह करनेवाले को पचास हज़ार रुपये (50,000 /=) उपहार देती है | यह सब हम लोगों के आनन्दमार्ग विप्लवी विवाह आन्दोलन का ही परिणाम है |

जातीय विवाह कायर करते हैं

(9) इतना सब होने के बावजूद यह कितना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि श्याम सुन्दर गोयनका जैसे वरिष्ठ मार्गी जाति-पाँति का dogma नहीं तोड़ सके | अगले 7 फरवरी 2014 को गोयनका जी की पोती का जातीय विवाह होनेवाला है | याद रखिए जातीय विवाह कायर ही करते हैं | जातीय विवाह आनन्दमार्ग आदर्श के विरुद्ध है |

रामतनुक जी का चेहरा देखने से मना

(10) आचार्य रामतनुक जी हम लोगों की संस्था के एक वकील थे | संस्था के अनेक महत्त्वपूर्ण मुकदमा के सिलसिले में वे बाबा से नियमित रूप से मिला करते थे | एक बार रामतनुक जी अपने परिवार के एक सदस्य का जातीय विवाह कर दिए | नाराज होकर बाबा रामतनुक जी का चेहरा देखने से मना कर दिए |  बाबा महत्त्वपूर्ण मुकदमों की कोई परवाह नहीं किए |अब रामतनुक जी को बाबा के सामने जाने की अनुमति नहीं थी | जातीय विवाह तय करने के अपराध के कारण बाबा उनका चेहरा नहीं देखना चाहते थे | यह एक स्पष्ट उदाहरण है कि बाबा जातीय विवाह पर कितना कठोर हैं !

जो परमपिता को मानते हैं, वे जात नहीं मानेंगे

(11) जात-पाँत माननेवाले को अधार्मिक बताते हुए बाबा कह रहे हैं कि—

“दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है | यह साधारण बुद्धि से ही मनुष्य समझेंगे, कि—एक पिता है, दो भाई हैं, राम और श्याम; राम का एक जात, श्याम का एक जात नहीं हो सकता है | कभी नहीं हो सकता है | कोई अगर बोले कि—राम और श्याम दो अलग जात हैं, तो बाप भी दो हो गए तब | तब वह तो बाप को नहीं मानता है |


आँऽ ? जो बाप को नहीं मानता है, वह तो जारज [bastard] है | तो, जो बाप को मानते हैं, परमपिता को मानते हैं, वे जात नहीं मानेंगे |

[मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

जो परमात्मा को मानते हैं, जो धार्मिक हैं, उनके पास जात नहीं है |”

[V28-19, GD 2 January 1970 Patna]

जातीय विवाह बाबा की इच्छा के विरूद्ध है

(12) कितना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि गोयनका जी सब कुछ जानते हुए भी अपनी पोती का जातीय विवाह कर रहे हैं | उनका कहना है कि वे एक-डेढ़ साल तक मार्ग में लड़का खोजे, लेकिन नहीं मिला | दरअसल गोयनका जी e-mail भेजकर दूल्हा का e-search किए थे | लेकिन क्या भारत के समाज में शादी arrange करने का यही system है ? गोयनका जी एक वरिष्ठ व नामवर मार्गी हैं | अगर वे अपने सम्पर्क के मार्गी व दादा-दीदी से बात करके पूरी निष्ठा से विप्लवी विवाह के लिए प्रयास करते, तो अवश्य सफल होते | लेकिन मन के भीतर में तो जातीय विवाह ही था | e-mail भेजकर दूल्हा खोजना एक औपचारिकता ही था |

(13) यहाँ उल्लेखनीय है कि आजकल आनन्दमार्ग के बाहर भी सभ्य समाज के लोग जात-पाँत नहीं मानते हैं | अगर आप अखबार में छपनेवाले matrimonial पेज को पढ़ें, तो पाएँगे कि अनेक-अनेक लोग बिना दहेज के अन्तर्जातीय विवाह के लिए उत्सुक होते हैं और वैवाहिक विज्ञापन देते हैं | आख़िर गोयनका जी ने जाति के बन्धन को तोड़कर जाति के बाहर के लड़के को दीक्षा दिलाकर शादी का आयोजन क्यों नहीं किया ? जब आनन्दमार्ग के बाहर के स्वजातीय लड़के से शादी कर रहे हैं, तो बाहर के ही अन्तर्जातीय लड़के से क्यों नहीं ? इसलिए, क्योंकि गोयनका जी जाति तोड़ना नहीं चाहते थे |

हर गुट के बड़े लालची दादा-दीदी गोयनका जी का तलवा सहलाते

(14) याद रखिए कि जातीय विवाह बाबा की इच्छा के विरूद्ध है | गोयनका परिवार हमेशा से जातीय विवाह में संलग्न रहा | लेकिन संस्था के बड़े दादा लोगों ने विरोध नहीं किया | गोयनका जी एक धनी व्यक्ति हैं | इसलिए उनके पैसे ने संस्था के वरिष्ठ दादा-दीदी लोगों का मुँह बन्द कर दिया | गोयनका जी के धनी होने के कारण ही हर गुट के बड़े दादा-दीदी उनका तलवा सहलाते हैं | इसका एक दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण प्रमाण है कि कुछ दादा-दीदी लोग इस जातीय विवाह में शामिल होने के लिए बहुत ही उत्सुक हैं | जबकि सब जानते हैं कि हमारे आनन्दमार्ग में जातीय विवाह पूरी तरह से मना है | अगर कोई दादा-दीदी जातीय विवाह में शामिल होते हैं, तो वह एक आदर्श विरोधी कुकृत्य होगा | यह जानते हुए भी, गोयनका जी से मोटा रुपया पाने के लोभ में कुछ लालची दादा-दीदी लोग (जैसे-वन्दनानन्द जी) इस बाबा विरोधी जातीय विवाह में शामिल होने जा रहे हैं | जो मार्गी व पूर्णकालिक कार्यकर्ता आनन्दमार्ग आदर्श का पालन करता होगा, वह किसी जातीय विवाह में शामिल हो नहीं सकता है |

(15) नोट : इस लेख में दिए गए विषय के विस्तृत विवेचना को पढ़ने के लिए कृपया अंग्रेज़ी लेख पढ़े | उसका लिंक नीचे दिया जा रहा है —

परमपिता बाबा की सेवा में



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Beware: Bogus Baba Story Spreading Around




Many - especially in the west - are familiar with the Christian dogma that all are sinners and that Christ came to suffer for your sins. That is the baseline of Christianity: That Christ has saved you through his suffering.

A few margiis have emulated the dogma of Christianity and unfortunately created similar such stories about Baba. That is the focus of this letter.



Here following are the ways Christians express their belief that Christ has come on earth to suffer for your sins.

(a) The Bible says: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in the flesh to suffer and die and by that suffering and death to save undeserving sinners like you and me. This coming to suffer and die is the supreme manifestation of the greatness of the glory of the grace of God. Or to say it a little differently, the death of Christ in supreme suffering is the highest, clearest, surest display of the glory of the grace of God.

(b) The Bible says: It is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we really begin to comprehend the magnitude of both sin in our lives and God’s love for us. Jesus was sent to live as a perfect human being, apart from sin. Yet He was born with sinful flesh, subject to the pulls and temptations common to all of us. Though He was tried and tempted in all points, He did not sin (Hebrews 4:15).

If Jesus was sent just to prove you could live a sinless life in the flesh, He would have accomplished His goal. He could have just suffered some painless death and been given eternal life.  However, it was eternal life that He gave up so that He could give eternal life to people like you and me.

God the Father laid our sins upon Jesus through the beating he suffered (Isaiah 53).

(c) The Bible says: The punches, the beating, the thorns in the head, the mocking, the spitting upon, the whipping and scourging, the rejection, the cries for His death and all the horror of His final hours were necessary to lay upon Him all our sins. We see in this the violence of our own sins upon the life of one who was innocent.

(d) The Bible says: Betrayed into the hands of his enemies by one of His own apostles, Jesus Christ was mocked, spat upon, scourged, crowned with thorns, sentenced to death by crucifixion, and made to carry His own cross to the place of execution. Then He was stripped, fastened to the cross by nails through His wrists and feet, and left to die by asphyxiation. All this He endured willingly for our salvation.

All of the above descriptions from the Bible depict the extreme suffering that portrays the Christian ethic and outlook. They believe that all were born in sin and that Christ came to suffer for one's sins.


Along that vain, someone posted bogus story that mirrors this Christian approach. In the so-called Baba story that is spreading around, Baba is cited as stating the following while speaking to one Dada while He (Baba) was in jail:

"I feel so much pain.
 No one else could endure such pain.
 Why I endure it?
 Because you, My sons and daughters
 Are in great danger now.
 If I were not suffering
 Then you would be suffering
 And you would not be able to endure it.
 Like the hen and the chicks --
 What does the hen do when the chicks are attacked?
 She spreads her wings and keeps her chicks safe.
 You all are in great danger now --
 And I must save you.
 If I did not continue My fast,
 The suffering would be much greater."

This fake Baba story states that Baba has come to suffer and endure the pain for human beings. Yet as Ananda Margiis we can easily understand that this above portrayal is just a bogus story grounded in Christian dogma of the supreme suffering of Christ. Such a story has nothing to do with the dharma of Ananda Marga. Baba never supported nor acted in ways that even remotely resemble Christian dogma and their sinner psychology - never.


Baba is the tantrika Guru who teaches by His example. And His example is firmly grounded in Ananda Marga ideology - not Biblical Christian dogma.

In His divine liila, Baba has allowed Himself to be placed in jail because He wished to show us how to fight and stand firm against exploiters - even if it threatens or takes your life. So Baba's wrongful incarceration and hateful poisoning stand as an ideal way to teach us, His disciples. With His practical example He is guiding us that no matter how bad things get and no matter the obstacles, one should never cow down in the face of injustice.

This example has nothing to do with the Christian dogma of suffering for his followers and thus relieving them of sin. Rather Baba's example is all about the great fight against injustice. Baba is furthermore warning us that when you raise the banner and hammer against injustice, then you will face an onslaught of retaliation. Even so, do not stray from the ideological tenets. Come life or death, make an ideological stand. That is Baba's divine teaching: To wage a ceaseless and pauseless fight against injustice, ever-ready to face even greater struggle and adversity. And that is what He did.

"The guru teaches us to follow a methodical way of life." (SS-18, Cult of Pinnacled Order)

"His emergence means a new era of white peace and dharma. He needs no sádhaná, but just to set an example to others, He performs sádhaná with the masses." (AV-23, Our Concept of Táraka Brahma)

Hence Baba teaches us through His given discourses and by His actions. And in no discourse, nor by any action, is His teaching about suffering or sin. The Christian dogma is that all are born in sin and Christ has come to suffer for your sins. Baba's guideline is quite different. Ours is a dharmic pursuit against injustice and exploitation as we aim to establish His ideological tenets on this earth.

Thus we do not subscribe to Christian theory of suffering and torment that Christ has come to bear our suffering. We do not apply this dogmatic mentality to our Beloved Baba.

Our relationship with Baba is based on love and affection - always emulating His each and every action.


Now that it is clearly established that we are dealing with a bogus Baba story, then the questions arise in the mind: How and why did anyone spread such a story.

Those people who are half-margiis or partial margiis often have one foot or half the brain in their dogmatic, religious upbringing. So they could not fully embrace AM teachings. Rather they persistently and constantly try to drag their old dogma into AM. And that is exactly what happens in the above bogus story.

Those who grew up in a Semitic region where Christianity was dominant so they still see the world through those eyes - and try to apply to Baba and Ananda Marga. They could not grasp Ananda Marga ideology.

Another angle of vision is that this story was first concocted in the 1970's in NY sector via the Crimson Dawn newsletter  magazine. Baba was in jail and to the untrained eye the situation looked bleak. In order to engender support - both moral support and economic support - from NY margiis, someone concocted this story to appease the margiis and bring them close. That person thought that by fabricating a story and making Baba's approach parallel to that of Christ, then the people of NY sector will have greater sympathy for the cause. Since they can identify with Christ. This was another circumstance behind that creation of the false account.

And still today, those who still identify with and take inspiration from the example of Christ, share this story via email. That is why this bogus story has been spreading around lately.



First and foremost, as His disciples, we are to stand tall and protect the sanctity of Ista and adarsha. We are to keep Baba's image pure and blemishless and not let His teachings be tainted in any way. In this case, that means not letting anyone mold Baba according to Christ's example and not letting Christian ideas seep into our Baba stories.

About this we should all be vigilant. We should discard this story immediately and stand on the fundamentals of Ananda Marga.

In Him,
S. Magliocco


The person who recently circulated this bogus Baba story is Taraka Ghista. He is the one spreading it around on email.

Here it should be added that in her books Didi Ananda Mitra always tried to put Baba and Ananda Marga on par with Christ and Christianity. She wrongly leans on Christian dogma to explain Baba's manner, style, and teachings.


As noted this story was printed, published, and circulated in Crimson Dawn publication in NY in the 1970's

And indeed, Dada Vijayanandji took time to review various such magazines and concluded that many of these printings were false and against the principles of Ananda Marga ideology. Dada Vijayanandji made this statement in a public speech that was recorded.


Such bogus Baba stories etc are not only related with Christian dogma. We see that some are trying to establish Hindu rituals within Ananda Marga through the creation of various tiirtha sites (hold land, and mpd dogma) etc.

Verily all those who could not full link with Ananda Marga pull their old, dogmatic tendencies into Ananda Marga.

And in the past when Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna took form on this earth, then various worshipers applied all kinds of dogmas to them. That is why still today people think that Lord Shiva was smoking hashish / marijuana, and that Lord Krsna frolicked with ladies. These are all the bogus tales of dogmatic worshipers who could not realise the teachings of Taraka Brahma.

And now here we see someone trying to paint Baba in the vain of Christian dogma. That is what we must oppose.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mahaprayan-Adyananda Avt



It is with much sorrow to share with you news of the mahaprayan* (death) of Ac. Adyananda Avt which occurred around 1900hrs IST on 20 Jan 2014. Dadaji had reached the age of 86 by the time of his mahaprayan (death) and for the last twelve years he was battling various diseases of old age.

Dada Adyananda entered the Marga WT cadre when he was 55, after getting special permission from Sadguru Baba. That was in the mid-1980's. Since then, Dadaji worked hard to serve humanity.

One special point about Dadaji is that during his PC with Baba, he was able to sit on Baba's lap. Baba blessed him in this way.

May we all take solace in the fact that Ac Adyanandji was a devoted bhakta of the Lord. Certainly he will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His grace.

With deepest regards,
at His lotus feet,
Shankar Tripathi


Here it should be qualified that there is both real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being. This is the proper use of the term: To note a person's departure from this earth. That is the meaning of the mahaprayan term and that is the standard way the term is used in Indian languages.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan. That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa Himself. This is grossly inappropriate because when Parama Purusa Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is entirely wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa.


* Mahaprayan (Death): Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in Bengal to describe the death of an honoured or even ordinary person. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily devotional term to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no devotees ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Those who think that Baba is a mortal human being celebrate Mahaprayan on a particular day of the year related with Baba; but, in the true sense, Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary on page 742. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens.

(contributed by one margii)

Recently after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba.

He said, "After being punished by Baba, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his story, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries.


Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this.

The new sadhaka sensed that something was awry.

He said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was quite eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if all who have died have accumulated there. Many emails have been written this way.


At that moment I thought that everyone, new and old, should be clear about the real and devotional meaning of this phrase, "being on Baba's lap." It should not become stigmatized such that it only means death. Because in its true sense, the phrase "being on Baba's lap" really does carry a highly devotional and sweet feeling.

It is just like how a small child sits on its parent's lap. In a similar way, a spiritual child (human being) sits on the lap of Parama Purusa. By Baba's grace this can happen anytime in one's sadhana, especially in dhyana. Such a phrase then should not become  stigmatized because too many people only use it at the time of death.

We should be careful that we do not relegate "Baba's lap" only to the point of death. All these following terms and phrases also only refer to death:

ve bhagavan ko pya're ho gaye
(he has been loved by God)

ve svarga sidhar gaye
(he has gone to heaven )

ve guzar gaye
(he passed away)

mahaprayan hoyeche
(he died)

We should ensure that the same death connotation does not get attached to, "being on Baba's lap." Because the phrase - "being on Baba's lap" - is a devotional experience that can happen today itself in sadhana, and especially in dhyana. The phrase "being on Baba's lap" should not lose this quality and only mean death. It should not meet the same dark fate as happened with the term harijan.


As we all know, these days in India nobody uses the term harijan to mean "a devotee". Whereas 70 years ago it was used in that way. The term harijan did mean bhakta. But ever since the time of Gandhi when he glued the harijan term to the lowest so-called caste, i.e so-called untouchables, nobody uses the the harijan to mean devotee. Never. Because the term harijan has been stigmatized to mean "untouchable". Nobody uses it to mean "devotee", but that is the original and true meaning of the word.

The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its devotional quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.


There are thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap. People should understand the deeply devotional value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and dhyana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply devotional experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana and especially during dhyana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a devotional practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in dhyana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.


Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- :"We pray to Baba for a seat in His lap which he must have acquired in his own right."

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in Baba's lap forever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now he is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "May his soul get peaceful place in His lap"

- "He is now in BÁBÁ'S loving lap"

- "May Baba bless him with a seat in His lap."

- "May BABA accept him in HIS divine lap!"

- "May Baba take him in his eternal loving lap."

- "Please keep him on Your lap forever."

All of the above lines are commonly written in eulogizing the deceased. Of course, it is fine to write like that. Here the point is that this same phrase "in Baba's lap" should also be used when describing one's devotional practices and experiences. But these days mostly it is used in a eulogy and rarely used to recount one's devotional experiences - unfortunately. By this way, the phrase "in Baba's lap" is being misused and step by step the real meaning is being forgotten as now people more commonly use the phrase to eulogize those who have died, and much less so to express their devotional feeling. Unfortunately, the meaning and inner spirit of the phrase is getting lost.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Donkey Marriage - 3B: G Family



~ Part 3B ~

(Note: Before reading this letter be sure you have read part one of this series. - Eds)

Everyone should be aware that on 7th Feb 2014 a marriage is to be held in Trivandrum (Kerala) - and unfortunately it runs contrary to the ideological fundamentals of our Ananda Marga.

Important: The marriage will be held in 3 weeks but it does not hold up to Baba's divine teachings. Firstly, it is a caste marriage. Secondly, the bridegroom is a non-margii**. Thirdly, per Baba's teaching we should always aim for both bride and groom to be dedicated Ananda Margiis. Failing that, we should be keen to adhere to Baba's explicit warning and parents should not impose their will and force their margii daughter or granddaughter to marry non-margii boys.

Bride: SS Goenkas'a granddaughter has been initiated into the Ananda Marga sadhana system and she regularly attends dharmacakra.

Bridegroom: The husband-to-be is of the same caste as the bride. He is a non-margii, who has agreed to do both a Hindu style marriage and an Ananda Marga system of marriage - one after another.

Thus in a few short weeks the Goenka family will be involved in an unideological marriage. The first part of this series examined how this marriage is based in caste dogma. Here are more critical aspects of this issue.



The Goenka family has consistently indulged in caste marriages, yet even then - because of his money - Shyam Sundar Goenka always held a respectable position in Ananda Marga - this has been going on especially in the recent years of last two decades etc. Any other person / family would have faced serious consequences. This shows the sad fact how money rules the roost.

Indeed, Baba points out how in this capitalist era, money is everything.

"No matter how many other qualities they may possess, vipras and kśatriyas who think independently, possess a sense of dignity or are self-reliant, cannot establish themselves unless they learn to flatter the vaeshyas in a psychological way. Even the unworthy son or relative of a wealthy person has the opportunity to sit at the head of society, and through the power of money an unattractive daughter is properly married to a good bridegroom. A good marriage cannot be arranged even for the sons of the poor, intelligent and educated though they may be, let alone the daughters of the poor. In fact in the Vaeshya Age people cannot hope to be respected unless they are rich. Those who hope for respect or have gained it, depend or have depended on the mercy of the vaeshyas." (Human Society - 2)

This above quote applies perfectly to the marriage situation in Goenka's family.

And that is why some Wts are are hovering around like bees around honey. They are ready to sacrifice everything for money.

Here again is Baba's guideline how money is the dominant factor in the capitalist / vaeshyan era. Specifically Baba has mocking how even bogus type of people are hailed as being great because they have money.

Yasyásti vittam' sah narah kuliinah;
Sa pańd́itah sah shrutavána guńajiṋah.
Sa eva vaktá sa ca darshaniiyah;
Sarve guńáh káiṋcańamáshrayanti.

[Those who have wealth are high-caste, are well-educated, possess many abilities, are good orators and are good-looking. They have all these qualities because they have money.] (HS-2)

In His above teaching Baba is mocking how in materialistic societies even idiots are treated as being great simply because they have money.

Because Goenka is rich some greedy Wts massage his feet and dance according to his direction. That is why such workers are eager to attend. That is the unfortunate situation, and all sympathy goes to the margii girl who may not realise what is about to befall her.



The boy is a non-margii and the girl is an Ananda Margii.

Baba says, "Male members of the Marga can marry females outside the Marga, but it will be better to marry a female member of the Marga to a male member of the Marga, as far as possible." (Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony, point #5)

Baba's above directive is very clear and straightforward. Margii boys may marry non-margii girls and bring them into Ananda Marga; but margii girls should not marry non-margii boys. Baba's warning is very explicit: Our margii girls should not marry outside the Marga. That is Baba's key directive.


And indeed, to understand this we need look no further than the abominable marriage that happened with Ac Harishankarji's daughter. She was a very sentient devotee who strictly followed all the do's and don'ts of AM life. And Ac Harishankarji arranged her marriage with a non-margii boy, who was initiated for the sake of the marriage. And that boy who became her husband made her life hell. She was very keen to follow 16 points, but he forced her to cook tamasik food (meat) for him every day. Not only that, he forced her to prepare and serve meat to their sons. Indeed, in each and every aspect of life, that husband tortured her by forcing her to engage in tamasik activities. He was a brute who ruined her life; and since the day they were married she cried and suffered. Her life became filled with torment. This is the very well-known, yet tragic tale.



That is why - especially in this male-dominated era - Baba warns us that margii sisters should not marry non-margii boys.

The problem is that the non-margii husband negatively influences and forces his wife to stop following Ananda Marga sadhana and lifestyle. This is what we practically see happening when a margii sister marries a non-margii brother. The girl stops following the path. This is the worst outcome.

So best is for both bride and bridegroom to be fully, committed margiis. That is the ideal approach, especially in today's ultra-materialistic era. But if this is not possible and a margii is going to marry a non-margii, then it should be a male margii marrying a non-margii sister. Because today's world is male-dominated, thus it is manageable - though not ideal - for a margii boy to marry a non-margii girl and bring her into Ananda Marga. The boy will usually be able to bring his wife onto the path of sadhana etc.

Whereas it is not good for a a margii girl to marry a non-margii boy. Hence, Baba's stern warning in Caryacarya against this. Such a marriage will undermine and stunt the margii girl's spiritual growth - a most unfortunate and tragic outcome.


Goenka has been telling many that he was searching for 1 1/2 years for a margii groom for his granddaughter - and that he could not find one. He repeats this wherever he goes.

But we should all understand the greater truth of the matter. Yes, Goenka Dada sent an email and searched etc, but the degree of searching that was required to get a proper suitor he did not do. Rather, he did a token search to satisfy others, and then fulfilled his desire by performing a caste marriage. This is the way it works. People search and receive according to their desire. If Goenkaji really wanted to arrange a revolutionary marriage for his granddaughter then his search would have been far more intense and he would have achieved his goal. It was not an impossible task and he had the resources to do it. The reason why it was not done was because in the soft corner of his mind he was hankering for a caste marriage. And that is what he got.

But to others he can say, "I exhausted all my resources and searched so hard but alas could not get a proper marriage." This is his alibi.

The real issue at hand is that in these twilight years of his life, Goenka is quite rigid to adhere to his caste dogma. To divert inquirers, he says, "I have been searching, I have been searching for year and not finding anyone." But his excuse is just like a pseudo-margii justifying that he could not find sentient food to purchase, and that is why he is eating meat. Anyone seeing this situation will easily understand that the pseudo-margiis had a strong inner desire to eat meat. If he really wanted sentient food he would have been able to find it.

Similarly, Goenka's justification that he could not find an ideal groom is bogus. From the outset his inner desire was to arrange a caste marriage. All the while he tells everyone that since long he is seeking an ideal marriage candidate, yet his heart's desire was to do exactly what he has done: Arrange a caste marriage with a non-margii boy. The whole situation is quite apparent and very sad. The strategy is "see-through."


Goenkaji may furthermore justify that he searched long and hard for a margii boy for his granddaughter, but ultimately he could not find one - that is why he selected this non-margii boy from his own caste. This is the way he might explain things.

But if he was truly sincere in his approach and really could not find a margii suitor, then at least he would have selected a non-margii boy from a different caste and gotten him initiated. But instead, he indulged in a caste marriage.

Really then there is no excuse for what Goenkaji has done.


Here below is Baba's reply to those who give way to following the dogmatic likings of their forefathers - like Goenka is doing with this upcoming caste marriage on 7th Feb 2014.

   "In the society, due to old dogmas, weaknesses and lack of proper education, when the human mind becomes inert and dormant it not only destroys itself but affects the movements of others also. “My ancestors were doing this, so how am I to forgo them?” This is nothing but the same stagnancy. If your ancestors were wearing their Dhotis above their knees and a napkin tied around their heads, why then do you put on pants and a terylene shirt? Nobody follows their ancestors. It is a weakness for a person to take the lead from their ancestors only, ignoring everyone else. Mental stagnancy is a kind of disease. It is motionlessness."
   "People should not be allowed to rely on the dogmas of their ancestors as it obstructs their own mental pursuit and those of others also. Suppose a cart is in an inconvenient place, blocking the road. The cart has to be pushed to one side. If it cannot be pushed easily it will have to be moved more forcibly. You will have to go ahead – this is the law. It will not do for you to say, “Let the cart remain as it is.” Similarly, you should not say, “The members of my family hold conservative views,” and use this as an excuse for inaction. This should not be allowed. People who hold conservative views are really materialists and are mentally stagnant. Speed has to be infused in them. And not only this, there is need for acceleration in the speed." (AFPS-6, Three Causes of Sin)

Thus no one should fall prey to this dogmatic and stagnant mind-set that, "Since my ancestors arranged caste marriages then I too should arrange caste marriages." This type of psychic stagnancy is very harmful and impedes progress. This is just a lazy excuse for not doing the right thing.


Despite the obvious pitfalls and problems with the upcoming marriage, some Wts are quite excited to attend - including Vandananandji. Such workers have their select reasons why they are eager to attend, even though the marriage is completely against Ananda Marga ideology. And more about this is reviewed in the next installment on this topic. Any worker or margiis strict in dharma and AM ideology will never attend such a wedding that is rooted in dogma.

To be Continued in DONKEY MARRIAGE - 3C: G FAMILY...

In Him,

** Bridegroom is non-margii who will get a token initiation before the marriage.


The aforementioned upcoming marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala) is nothing but a donkey marriage. Superficially, they have everything ready in terms of proper outfits and acaryas on hand etc, but upon closer examination the foundations of this marriage are completely bogus as it is wrapped up in caste dogma etc and contravenes the tenets of Ananda Marga. On the outside it looks like Ananda Marga but in reality it is not Ananda Marga. That is what is meant by donkey.

Here "donkey" refers to anything that is done for show or for a superficial reason. Here below Baba gives the example of donkey food.

"If food is not given with that heart-felt feeling and if one's own life is not in danger due to starvation, in that condition then any food offered is donkey food, gardabha'nna. So one must not eat that food." (Summary of Shabda Cayanika - 20, p.163-64 [Bangla])

So that is donkey food - food given just for show or to impress others etc.

And donkey sadhaka is when one is doing sadhana sitting in a very erect position hoping that someone will notice him and be impressed. But internally, that "meditator" is just thinking about himself, not Parama Purusa.

And in the case of the aforementioned marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala), they are arranging it in a very superficial manner to make it look like an Ananda Marga marriage. But in fact, the dharmic fundamentals are wholly lacking. To the untrained eye and non-sadhaka, it may look like an Ananda Marga marriage, but to every sincere Ananda Margii it is evident that this is just a donkey marriage.


Some margiis get confused about this below teaching; in particular, they misunderstand the way the word "consider" is used:

"While arranging a marriage [in the case of that kind of marriage], the guardians should not consider the caste or nationality of the bride and bridegroom." (Caryacarya, part 1, Marriage Ceremony, pt #1)

The term "consider" is often misunderstood, especially amongst new margiis and new students of AM ideology. The sense is that when arranging a marriage, one should not look for a boy or girl from their preferred caste (so-called) , country, or race etc. For instance, Baba's teaching is that if ones belong to the so-called brahmin caste then they should not seek out a so-called brahmin caste boy or girl for marriage. Anyone doing this is going against the aforesaid rule. This explanation is based on Baba's many discourses where He explicit warns us about the horrors of so-called caste and national sentiment. So readers should reflect on the above quote bearing in mind the greater context of Baba's ideological teachings. Then they will get a proper understanding. If anything is unclear then write in with your thoughts or queries.


Shyam Sundar Goenka is a senior margii that is why it is important and needed to carefully examine his actions; lest others be led astray.

Here below is a link to the first donkey marriage letter about the Goenka family and their upcoming wedding on 07 Feb 2014.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Donkey Marriage - 3A: Goenka Family



~ Part 3A ~

Note: Shyam Sundar Goenka is a respected, senior margii who holds great stature in Ananda Marga. People hold him in high regard and expect him to live up to the values and principles of Ananda Marga ideology. If a senior margii like Goenkaji does something wrong it can have a sweeping effect across the entire Ananda Marga society. That is why it is important and needed to carefully examine his actions; lest others be led astray. With such persons like Goenkaji we must examine their life under a microscope, because they are so influential. Whereas with xyz margiis, there is no such need to critically evaluate their every moment because their actions are not going to have a ripple effect across our Ananda Marga society. But with Goenkaji, his every word and deed stands as a guiding light for others. So we must ensure he is acting according to the guidelines of Ananda Marga.

Everyone should be aware that on 7th Feb 2014 a marriage is to be held in Trivandrum (Kerala) - and unfortunately it runs contrary to the ideological fundamentals of our Ananda Marga.

Important: The marriage will be held in 3 weeks but it does not hold up to Baba's divine teachings. Firstly, it is a caste marriage. Secondly, the bridegroom is a non-margii **. Thirdly, per Baba's teaching we should always aim for both bride and groom to be dedicated Ananda Margiis. Failing that, we should be keen to adhere to Baba's explicit warning and not allow margii sisters to marry non-margii brothers.

Verily, there are many critical aspects that demonstrate how this upcoming marriage is unideological and harmful on various fronts. The margii girl herself is in danger of being swallowed up by non-margii way of life. That is the most pressing concern.


Here is a brief introduction to the bride and bridegroom who are arranged to be married 7th Feb 2014 in Trivandrum (Kerala).

Bride: SS Goenkas'a granddaughter has been initiated into the Ananda Marga sadhana system and she regularly attends dharmacakra in SS Goenka's house. Furthermore, she completed studies in the UK.

Bridegroom: The husband-to-be is of the same caste as the bride. He is a non-margii, who has agreed to the Ananda Marga system of marriage.

So the selection of this boy is highly problematic for numerous reasons.


It is a caste marriage as both bride and groom are of the same caste. This is against Baba's revolutionary marriage system and an essential point for breaking the caste dogma. For decades, margiis have bravely had revolutionary marriages. Only Baba, being the dharma Guru, could infuse a system to tear down the caste dogma. In the past no one could do so - not Buddha, not Shankaracarya, not anyone. And margiis courageously followed Baba's order and did great sacrifice by going against the caste dogma. By Baba's grace, in a short time period the caste dogma was broken. Baba's given revolutionary marriage system was an instrumental factor. So it is shameful that now this upcoming marriage on 7th February in Trivandrum (Kerala) is plunged in caste dogma.

Unfortunately, SS Goenka does not have the requisite backbone to overcome caste dogma. He is wholly unable to go against caste dogma; his family has as long history of this. Intellectually he knows it is wrong; but he proceeds onwards anyway. The bottom line is: What he is doing is sinful.


Everyone knows that Family Acarya Ram Tanukji was a top lawyer in Ananda Marga who tried the famous court cases. So Ram Tanukji would regularly meet with Baba for advice and counsel.

That time Ram Tanukji was also trying to arrange a marriage of his family member, and he was explaining to everyone that he could not find a match. In the end, Ram Tanuk arranged for a caste marriage in his family.

As soon as that was arranged, Baba declared that He does not want to see the face of Ram Tanukji. So Ram Tanukji was not allowed to see Baba - just he was crying outside in despair. Baba gave guidance on the legal cases to him via others. Ram Tanukji was not allowed inside.

This gives the clear-cut guideline that Baba is very strict on this point of caste marriages. Because those court cases were highly important yet Baba would not speak with the main lawyer because he performed a caste marriage.


In His teachings, Baba furthermore states that those who are followers of caste dogma do not believe in God because every person is a child of God. When Parama Purusa is the Father of the entire creation, then how can there be different castes. The children of the same Father cannot be of different caste.

Baba even states that those who follow caste dogma do not believe in the Cosmic Father. And since they do not feel they have a Cosmic Father then they themselves are bastards. Beacuse those in the society who do not believe in their father are bastards. Verily they do not have a father and that is why they are bastards.

“दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है | यह साधारण बुद्धि से ही मनुष्य समझेंगे, कि—एक पिता है, दो भाई हैं, राम और श्याम; राम का एक जात, श्याम का एक जात नहीं हो सकता है | कभी नहीं हो सकता है | कोई अगर बोले कि—राम और श्याम दो अलग जात हैं, तो बाप भी दो हो गए तब | तब वह तो बाप को नहीं मानता है |


आँऽ ? जो बाप को नहीं मानता है, वह तो जारज [bastard] है | तो, जो बाप को मानते हैं, परमपिता को मानते हैं, वे जात नहीं मानेंगे |

[मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

जो परमात्मा को मानते हैं, जो धार्मिक हैं, उनके पास जात नहीं है |”

[V28-19, GD 2 January 1970 Patna]


It is most tragic and shocking that certain Dadas are very eager to travel great distances to attend this dogmatic caste marriage. Each and every aspect of their life is to be an expression of the ideological fundamentals as given by Guru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. They know that caste marriages are wholly forbidden in Ananda Marga. We do not in any way subscribe to the caste dogma. So it is absolutely mind-boggling that various Dadas have expressed great anticipation in attending this upcoming caste marriage on Feb 2, 2014.

Our Dadas should not lend their support in any way for such a marriage that is unideological and based on caste dogma. So it is very perplexing why some Dadas are so eager to attend, when caste marriages themselves are such a blatant contravention of Baba's teachings and mandates. Indeed, why would any Dada / Wt be eager to attend?

Well, many say it is because SS Goenka himself is a monied man and he wants the marriage to be well-attended and viewed as legitimate. The best way to do that is to have maximum Dadas in attendance. It seems SS Goenka is ready to pay handsomely to those Dadas who atend. So Wts are anxious to go and show their respect, and receive a big bonus or gift from Goenkaji. That is why some of our Dadas are supporting this dogmatic caste marriage.



In Baba’s below Hindi teaching, He is speaking out against the dogma of caste marriages.

“अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage करा लो | और जो हिम्मतवार लड़के हैं, वे, उनके guardian, उनके माता; वे लोग क्या करें ? जात-पाँत को लात से ख़त्म कर दो, चूर-चूर कर दो | एक दल, एक मज़बूत समाज बना लो | और हम लोगों को दुनिया के कोने-कोने में आनन्दमार्ग का पैगाम पहुँचा देना है | इसलिए अधिक से अधिक सङ्ख्या में whole timer worker की भी जरूरत है | कोई whole timer worker बनो | कोई revolutionary marriage करके समाज को मज़बूत बना दो |” (PS Purport 1030 + WT Discourse – 2, 1/14/1984 Patna, Not Printed)

“तुम लोग dogma के ख़िलाफ़ सङ्ग्राम करते रहोगे | केवल—मुँह से बोलोगे कि dogma ख़राब है—सो नहीं | अपने करके दिखला दोगे कि—तुम dogma को नापसन्द करते हो |

हम तो सबसे कहेंगे कि हम लोगों को जल्द से जल्द समाज बना लेना है | और, दुनिया में सर्वत्र आनन्दमार्ग का प्रचार और-ज़ोरदार करना है | समाज बनाना है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage चाहिए | …

जो लोग guardian हो, माता-पिता हो, अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो कि—तुम dogma के ख़िलाफ़ हो |

घबड़ाओ नहीं, किसी से डरो नहीं | अपने वैयष्टिक प्रयास से अगर नहीं हुआ, सामूहिक प्रयास से करो | घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | और हम तोरा सिनी रो साथ छियो |”

क्रान्तिकारी विवाह (Kra’ntika’rii Viva’ha, Deoghar 1/8/84, General Darshan, Not Printed)


in Him,

** Bridegroom is non-margii who will get token initiation before the marriage.


The aforementioned upcoming marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala) is nothing but a donkey marriage. Superficially, they have everything ready in terms of proper outfits and acaryas on hand etc, but upon closer examination the foundations of this marriage are completely bogus as it is wrapped up in caste dogma etc and contravenes the tenets of Ananda Marga. On the outside it looks like Ananda Marga but in reality it is not Ananda Marga. That is what is meant by donkey.

It is just like if one is doing sadhana sitting in a very erect position hoping that someone will notice him in sadhana and be impressed. But internally, that "meditator" is just thinking about himself, not Parama Purusa. So this is not real sadhana; it is just donkey sadhana. It looks like sadhana but on closer look it is clear it is just donkey sadhana.

Same is the case with the aforementioned marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala). To the untrained eye and non-sadhaka, it may look like an Ananda Marga marriage, but to every sincere Ananda Margii it is evident that this is just a donkey marriage.

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