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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Donkey Marriage - 3A: Goenka Family



~ Part 3A ~

Note: Shyam Sundar Goenka is a respected, senior margii who holds great stature in Ananda Marga. People hold him in high regard and expect him to live up to the values and principles of Ananda Marga ideology. If a senior margii like Goenkaji does something wrong it can have a sweeping effect across the entire Ananda Marga society. That is why it is important and needed to carefully examine his actions; lest others be led astray. With such persons like Goenkaji we must examine their life under a microscope, because they are so influential. Whereas with xyz margiis, there is no such need to critically evaluate their every moment because their actions are not going to have a ripple effect across our Ananda Marga society. But with Goenkaji, his every word and deed stands as a guiding light for others. So we must ensure he is acting according to the guidelines of Ananda Marga.

Everyone should be aware that on 7th Feb 2014 a marriage is to be held in Trivandrum (Kerala) - and unfortunately it runs contrary to the ideological fundamentals of our Ananda Marga.

Important: The marriage will be held in 3 weeks but it does not hold up to Baba's divine teachings. Firstly, it is a caste marriage. Secondly, the bridegroom is a non-margii **. Thirdly, per Baba's teaching we should always aim for both bride and groom to be dedicated Ananda Margiis. Failing that, we should be keen to adhere to Baba's explicit warning and not allow margii sisters to marry non-margii brothers.

Verily, there are many critical aspects that demonstrate how this upcoming marriage is unideological and harmful on various fronts. The margii girl herself is in danger of being swallowed up by non-margii way of life. That is the most pressing concern.


Here is a brief introduction to the bride and bridegroom who are arranged to be married 7th Feb 2014 in Trivandrum (Kerala).

Bride: SS Goenkas'a granddaughter has been initiated into the Ananda Marga sadhana system and she regularly attends dharmacakra in SS Goenka's house. Furthermore, she completed studies in the UK.

Bridegroom: The husband-to-be is of the same caste as the bride. He is a non-margii, who has agreed to the Ananda Marga system of marriage.

So the selection of this boy is highly problematic for numerous reasons.


It is a caste marriage as both bride and groom are of the same caste. This is against Baba's revolutionary marriage system and an essential point for breaking the caste dogma. For decades, margiis have bravely had revolutionary marriages. Only Baba, being the dharma Guru, could infuse a system to tear down the caste dogma. In the past no one could do so - not Buddha, not Shankaracarya, not anyone. And margiis courageously followed Baba's order and did great sacrifice by going against the caste dogma. By Baba's grace, in a short time period the caste dogma was broken. Baba's given revolutionary marriage system was an instrumental factor. So it is shameful that now this upcoming marriage on 7th February in Trivandrum (Kerala) is plunged in caste dogma.

Unfortunately, SS Goenka does not have the requisite backbone to overcome caste dogma. He is wholly unable to go against caste dogma; his family has as long history of this. Intellectually he knows it is wrong; but he proceeds onwards anyway. The bottom line is: What he is doing is sinful.


Everyone knows that Family Acarya Ram Tanukji was a top lawyer in Ananda Marga who tried the famous court cases. So Ram Tanukji would regularly meet with Baba for advice and counsel.

That time Ram Tanukji was also trying to arrange a marriage of his family member, and he was explaining to everyone that he could not find a match. In the end, Ram Tanuk arranged for a caste marriage in his family.

As soon as that was arranged, Baba declared that He does not want to see the face of Ram Tanukji. So Ram Tanukji was not allowed to see Baba - just he was crying outside in despair. Baba gave guidance on the legal cases to him via others. Ram Tanukji was not allowed inside.

This gives the clear-cut guideline that Baba is very strict on this point of caste marriages. Because those court cases were highly important yet Baba would not speak with the main lawyer because he performed a caste marriage.


In His teachings, Baba furthermore states that those who are followers of caste dogma do not believe in God because every person is a child of God. When Parama Purusa is the Father of the entire creation, then how can there be different castes. The children of the same Father cannot be of different caste.

Baba even states that those who follow caste dogma do not believe in the Cosmic Father. And since they do not feel they have a Cosmic Father then they themselves are bastards. Beacuse those in the society who do not believe in their father are bastards. Verily they do not have a father and that is why they are bastards.

“दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है | यह साधारण बुद्धि से ही मनुष्य समझेंगे, कि—एक पिता है, दो भाई हैं, राम और श्याम; राम का एक जात, श्याम का एक जात नहीं हो सकता है | कभी नहीं हो सकता है | कोई अगर बोले कि—राम और श्याम दो अलग जात हैं, तो बाप भी दो हो गए तब | तब वह तो बाप को नहीं मानता है |


आँऽ ? जो बाप को नहीं मानता है, वह तो जारज [bastard] है | तो, जो बाप को मानते हैं, परमपिता को मानते हैं, वे जात नहीं मानेंगे |

[मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

जो परमात्मा को मानते हैं, जो धार्मिक हैं, उनके पास जात नहीं है |”

[V28-19, GD 2 January 1970 Patna]


It is most tragic and shocking that certain Dadas are very eager to travel great distances to attend this dogmatic caste marriage. Each and every aspect of their life is to be an expression of the ideological fundamentals as given by Guru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. They know that caste marriages are wholly forbidden in Ananda Marga. We do not in any way subscribe to the caste dogma. So it is absolutely mind-boggling that various Dadas have expressed great anticipation in attending this upcoming caste marriage on Feb 2, 2014.

Our Dadas should not lend their support in any way for such a marriage that is unideological and based on caste dogma. So it is very perplexing why some Dadas are so eager to attend, when caste marriages themselves are such a blatant contravention of Baba's teachings and mandates. Indeed, why would any Dada / Wt be eager to attend?

Well, many say it is because SS Goenka himself is a monied man and he wants the marriage to be well-attended and viewed as legitimate. The best way to do that is to have maximum Dadas in attendance. It seems SS Goenka is ready to pay handsomely to those Dadas who atend. So Wts are anxious to go and show their respect, and receive a big bonus or gift from Goenkaji. That is why some of our Dadas are supporting this dogmatic caste marriage.



In Baba’s below Hindi teaching, He is speaking out against the dogma of caste marriages.

“अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage करा लो | और जो हिम्मतवार लड़के हैं, वे, उनके guardian, उनके माता; वे लोग क्या करें ? जात-पाँत को लात से ख़त्म कर दो, चूर-चूर कर दो | एक दल, एक मज़बूत समाज बना लो | और हम लोगों को दुनिया के कोने-कोने में आनन्दमार्ग का पैगाम पहुँचा देना है | इसलिए अधिक से अधिक सङ्ख्या में whole timer worker की भी जरूरत है | कोई whole timer worker बनो | कोई revolutionary marriage करके समाज को मज़बूत बना दो |” (PS Purport 1030 + WT Discourse – 2, 1/14/1984 Patna, Not Printed)

“तुम लोग dogma के ख़िलाफ़ सङ्ग्राम करते रहोगे | केवल—मुँह से बोलोगे कि dogma ख़राब है—सो नहीं | अपने करके दिखला दोगे कि—तुम dogma को नापसन्द करते हो |

हम तो सबसे कहेंगे कि हम लोगों को जल्द से जल्द समाज बना लेना है | और, दुनिया में सर्वत्र आनन्दमार्ग का प्रचार और-ज़ोरदार करना है | समाज बनाना है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage चाहिए | …

जो लोग guardian हो, माता-पिता हो, अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो कि—तुम dogma के ख़िलाफ़ हो |

घबड़ाओ नहीं, किसी से डरो नहीं | अपने वैयष्टिक प्रयास से अगर नहीं हुआ, सामूहिक प्रयास से करो | घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | और हम तोरा सिनी रो साथ छियो |”

क्रान्तिकारी विवाह (Kra’ntika’rii Viva’ha, Deoghar 1/8/84, General Darshan, Not Printed)


in Him,

** Bridegroom is non-margii who will get token initiation before the marriage.


The aforementioned upcoming marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala) is nothing but a donkey marriage. Superficially, they have everything ready in terms of proper outfits and acaryas on hand etc, but upon closer examination the foundations of this marriage are completely bogus as it is wrapped up in caste dogma etc and contravenes the tenets of Ananda Marga. On the outside it looks like Ananda Marga but in reality it is not Ananda Marga. That is what is meant by donkey.

It is just like if one is doing sadhana sitting in a very erect position hoping that someone will notice him in sadhana and be impressed. But internally, that "meditator" is just thinking about himself, not Parama Purusa. So this is not real sadhana; it is just donkey sadhana. It looks like sadhana but on closer look it is clear it is just donkey sadhana.

Same is the case with the aforementioned marriage in Trivandrum (Kerala). To the untrained eye and non-sadhaka, it may look like an Ananda Marga marriage, but to every sincere Ananda Margii it is evident that this is just a donkey marriage.

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