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Sunday, March 3, 2019

How some Wts deceive + 3 more


How some Wts deceive


There are two very disturbing trends amongst our WT cadre nowadays:
1. Some Wts are regularly visiting their laokik families and diverting huge monies to them.
2. Some Wts are taking posh vacations annually.
Both of these trends are blatant contraventions of Guru’s teachings. Here the point is to create an ethic and ethos within our Wt cadre that they should abide by the rules given by Sadguru Baba, or face punishment.

The first ongoing and growing trend is that certain Wts visit their laokik families every 4 or 6 months. Many of the donations (cash & kind) which those Wts received from bhaktas and sympathizers for Ananda Marga service projects are then redirected to the laokik families of those Wts. In some cases, those laokik families have become very wealthy and built veritable castles for themselves. The whole scene is quite shocking. There is an outright betrayal of trust and an utter disregard for Guru's guidelines and mandates for Wts.

Perpetually returning to laokik family

The whole enterprise is like a revolving door. Certain Wt Dadas and Didis move around in their uniforms and collect big and small donations from poor and generous margiis and sympathizers in the name of various social service projects, disaster relief, and schools etc. They tell all sorts of heart-wrenching, fake stories to generate donations. Such Wts corral those funds for some time. And then they cart those donated monies and gifts to their own laokik families and remain with them for a few days or weeks. Then they again put on their uniform and go out into the field to gather more funds and gifts from generous donors. Verily the cycle starts all over again and they do this 2 or 3 times per year. And in 30 - 40% of the cases those Wts are involved in this on a monthly basis where they gather large sums of money for their laokik family members etc. Seeing the laokik family become extremely rich, other villagers talk how they should send their children to become Wts so they too can become rich.

Such Wts who engage in the above dealings do not feel that Ananda Marga is their home. They view Ananda Marga as their feeding grounds, nothing more. On the top some like Didi Ananda Niitimaya are so obtuse. They blatantly contravene their own Wt rules and shout out loud to all. It is akin to a thief singing pop songs while doing a burglary.

Some wts are taking regular, exotic vacations

Another disturbing trend is how some of Wts feel entitled to vacations as is they are rich business people with no regard for personal sacrifice. One of the most well-known or infamous Dadas for indulging in vacations is Nabhaniilananda. He spends the winter months lying around and basking in the sun in various privileged resort areas like Puerto Rico and Hawaii. There he lives like a king enjoying grand amenities and having the “staff” attend to his every wish with regard to food, drink, housekeeping, “creature comforts” and more. He is like one big boss on a deluxe holiday who feels like he deserves to put his feet up and lounge - Dada does like this for a few months each year. This type of dealing show no regard for what it means to be an avadhuta and has nothing to do with leading a life of sacrifice.

But he is not the only one. Taking a vacation is a growing trend with many Dadas - and some Didis too. For instance, the Didi who runs the Lotus Children's Homes in Mongolia, takes a month off at the end of each year to vacation / holiday. And there are others like her - many. Others should name the Dadas and Didis they know taking vacations.


The essence of Wt life is one of dedication and service to Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. True Wts have no link with their laokik relations, rather the whole globe is their family. Those Wts who wish to go back and visit with their laokik family should give up their dress. Because they are betraying their oaths; they are just fake wts. Sadly, some Wts secretly keep going back to stay with their laokik families. And worst are those Wts who blatantly steal from poor margiis and divert those funds to their their own laokik families. They are the lowest category Externally they are getting respect as Wts and internally they are hypocrites and thieves. No true Wt can behave in this way.

In Him,

~ In depth study ~

Wt's must only care for universal family

Baba furthermore guides us that Wts are only to look after the bigger, universal family. They are not to engage in the affairs of their mundane worldly family.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is the small family? It includes one’s parents, sisters, brothers, spouse, and other relatives such as aunts, uncles and so on...This is one’s small family. And the big family is the whole universe and its suffering humanity...the sannyásin has only one family – the big family – so there is no question of adjustment there." (1)

Here again, by involving in the affairs of their small family, some Wts are going against their code of being a wholetime worker.

WT conduct rules
  • Wt conduct rules state, "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (2)
Plus, Baba has also warned wts about the misuse of funds and black money in the form of secretly diverting money to their laokik families etc.
  • Wt conduct rules state, "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (3)
  • Wt conduct rules state, "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (4)
  • Wt conduct rules state, "Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal." (5)
  • Wt conduct rules state, "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (6)
  • Wt conduct rules state, "Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure." (7)
So when Baba's directive is that no worker should have contact with their worldly family then it is 100% evident that it is wrong for some Wts to be communicating with their laokik family and diverting funds to them. Taking organisational money for such purposes amounts to cheating and theft.

More letters on this topic

16 Jul 2012 06:18:55

How Shriimati Seema Goenka's oil was secretly "re-routed"

A few years ago, Shriimati Seema Goenka of Tade Pade Gudam (A.P.) generously donated a huge container of cooking oil to Centre via the DSL Diidii of Rajmundari.

Seema Goenka kindly allotted that oil for didis camps etc. But Avadhutika Ananda Nitimaya Acarya interceded and ordered DSL Diidii to bring that oil directly to Jhar Sugura where a margii would meet her. When DSL Diidii arrived at the station in Jhar Sugura, she was surprised to see that that Niitimaya's laokik brother-in-law (Diidiiji's laokik sister's husband) was there to receive the cargo and unload the oil container. That brother-in-law took away that huge vat of oil along with other cargo that was collected for Ananda Marga service projects etc, and he kept it for his laokik family.

The kind donor of the edible oil, Shrimati Seema of Tade Pade Gudam, has no idea about any of this. Indeed, at this very moment, she probably thinks that the oil she generously donated was used to feed all the wts and participants at the camps, RDS, etc. She does not know that her donation was hijacked and redirected to the laokika family of Ananda Niitimaya. Rather Seema Goenka thinks it was used by all Diidiis in the camp for their enjoyment. But the oil reached somewhere else. When all the Diidiis reached in RDS etc, then Ananda Niitimaya told them that there is no food and that they needed to go beg in the town and bring something eat.

So this is the tragic tale of how Diidiiji Ananda Niitimaya stole the oil donated by Shriimati Seema Goenka and how Ananda Niitimaya furthermore mistreated her junior workers by depriving them of food.

Diidii Ananda Niitimaya Is still stealing from marga funds & sending to her worldly relations

Jayashrii Behra

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Self-Realization and Service to Humanity
2. Point #9, "32 Rules for Avadhutikas and Avadhutas"
3. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a
4. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1b
5. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1c
6. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1d
7. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1e

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You held my hand

"Tumi ámáy bhálobese chile,ámi tomár páne tákái ni..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0801)


O' Parama Purusa, You have loved me and showered me in Your divine blessing, but I did not look towards You - nor care or pay heed to Your affection. You have graciously bestowed everything upon me. But I did not offer You anything in response. Drowned in my own selfishness, I did not surrender my ego. In spite of that You have immense affection for me. Baba, You are ever-merciful.

O’ the Universal Love Personified Entity, in those deep, black foggy days of my life, when I was feeling helpless, depressed, and lonely, You gently held my hand and consoled me and lovingly kept me along with You - with full care and fondness. In those bleak and stormy days, You became wounded on the thorny path, but I did not apply any ointment to ease the pain. I was so selfish.

Baba, in my sorrowful moments, when in danger, and when my heart is broken, always You console me by pouring nectar and filling my entire being with Your sweet vibration. Even then, in the grand arena of Your divine liila, when You are so busy in varieties of work, I could not become useful in any way. Due to my own lethargy, my existence could not be utilised. Just, I wasted my time. In spite of this, You are so benevolent and always help me in each and every moment - and still You love me.

Baba, You have given me everything; but, alas, I did nothing for you...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

What to sit on

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Since the beginning of yoga practice, yogis have sat on various kinds of materials which are by nature non-conductors of heat and electricity. The yogis of olden times mostly sat on animal skins, and in many cases they also used animal skins as their outer garments. Later, for lack of animal skins, people started using blankets as ásanas [meditation seats].” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva in the Song of Shiva

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why faster is better

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Suppose you have incurred a loan of a thousand rupees. If you repay the loan in monthly instalments of one rupee it will take you a thousand months to clear the loan. One rupee being such a small amount, this will hardly cause any suffering at all. But if you want to free yourself from the debt quickly, you will have to pay a larger amount every month, which will obviously cause more suffering. Likewise, if one does not feel the need to be freed of one’s reactive momenta quickly, one can undergo less affliction, but then one may have to wait ten or twenty lives to exhaust all the reactive momenta. Moreover, within those ten or twenty lives one will probably undergo psychic degeneration, and due to one’s mean actions imbibe new reactive momenta.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná

== Section 4: Links ==

Upcoming festival: Dadhiici Divas 05 March

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for the translator:

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: How some Wts deceive
2. PS #0801: You held my hand
3. IT: What to sit on
4. Links

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