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Monday, October 20, 2014

Reply: Raviishananda’s Distorted And Dogmatic Mind + On Amjhariya Kiirtan


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Reply: Raviishananda’s Distorted And Dogmatic Mind
2. Posting: On Amjhariya Kiirtan


All rational margiis know that the observance of mahaprayan / annual death day goes against Guru's teachings in Caryacarya. Yet one Dada cannot understand this fact. Not only that he rudely and wrongly abuses one margii about this.

Here below is the explanation how the mahaprayan / annual death day program contravenes the guidelines given in Caryacarya. And thereafter we look at what Dadaji wrote.

In pre-1990 Caryacarya, Baba has given a chapter for unit beings to celebrate their birthday (chapter 20 of CC-1), and He has designated a special chapter (chapter 21 of CC-1) for celebrating the birthday (i.e. Ananda Purnima) of Mahasambhuti.



But with the death ceremony, i.e. shraddha ceremony, He has only given a chapter for human beings (chapter 32 of CC-1).

There is no chapter or paragraph in pre-1990 Caryacarya about the shraddha ceremony / shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day / tomb worship for Mahasambhuti. Thus when He has overlooked the matter and not given any mention of it in pre-1990 Caryacarya, then we should follow His example and not observe it in any way. Observing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day / tomb worship means going against and violating the pre-1990 Caryacarya and Guru's wishes. That is the worse grade of sin.

And for those who have lower devotion and are unable to realise that Parama Purusa Baba is Mahasambhuti, even if they think He is a human being there is no recourse per pre-1990 Caryacarya for observing His shraddha / shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day / tomb worship / shraddhainjali on an annual basis.

So no matter how you look at it, the point is moot. Shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day / tomb worship is a bogus invention that contravenes every ethic given by Sadguru Baba in the pre-1990 Caryacarya.

Thus the so-called shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day / tomb worship program is fundamentally wrong.


Now look at what Dada Raviishanda wrote:

"The day of departure of Taraka Brahma was a very painful day for thousands and thousands of devotees. And when that day again comes every year, they want to sing Kiirtan. Any rational person would say that it is so natural. But Devesh’s distorted mind cannot see any significance in this."

So here Dada is rudely accusing Devesh of having a distorted mind becuase Devesh opposes mahaprayan / annual death day. Yet per Carycarya there is no dharmic scope for the continued dogma of mahaprayan / annual death day / tomb worship program. So in actuality it is Dada Raviishanandji's mind that is distorted and confused - because Raviishananda is going against Guru's wishes.



When rational margiis raise the point about this dogma, then Dadas like Raviishananda & others launch an ugly attack and resort to name calling like: "stupid", "idiot", "nonsense", "distorted mind" etc. This type of bullying, bigoted behaviour is their only recourse because they do not appreciate any type of healthy discussion or debate. Why? Because they do not have any logic in their favour.

"It is very difficult to persuade religious bigots to follow the path of logic because according to them even to listen to others is a sinful act. This is nothing but mere sentiment." (AFPS-2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2)

"Merely saying, “Do not do this – it will be a sin to do it” will not do. If you say, “Do not do this” you have to state why one should not do it. Similarly, if you say, “Do this” you should also state why one should do it. In this way the human intellect will attain freedom. Through the movement for the liberation of human intellect, through the effort for the liberation of the human intellect, human beings are established in spirituality. Lack of this effort turns human beings into religious bigots, and feuds in the name of religion are the result." (PNS-18, Various Forms of Exploitation)


So the whole scene is shameful. Dada Raviishanandji wrongly accuses Devesh and cause him rude and abusive names; plus Raviishananda is himself supporting the dogmatic mahaprayan function. So Dada Raviishananda is incorrect on all accounts and should ask for punishment.

Now everyone can decide for themselves whose mind is distorted.

in Him,
Sulekha Chatterjee


Click here to see more of Dada Raviishananda’s abusive letter to Devesh.

== Section 2 ==

On Amjhariya Kiirtan

by- Raja Krish​


    Last week, I have attended 48 hours of Akhand Kiirtan program which was held at Amjharia, India.  Every year, this program is scheduled on 7,8 and 9th of October to co-memorate the Kiirtan which was first introduced on 8th Oct 1970 at Amjharia.  I got the chance of meeting the margiis who were present at the time of Kiirtan introduced for the first time in the year 1970.  I would like to share my discussion in detail, which I had with Shrii Jagannath and Shrii Ghasi Ram margiis who were present when Baba introduced Kiirtan.

    6th October 1970:

    Ghasi Ram who was working in Government health department and visited Amjharia on his official visit related to Cholera eradication program.   He came to know that Baba has visited Amjharia and taking rest in Forest guest house. So, he went there to have Baba's darshan.  But, Baba's security Vishnu Dev and P.A. Dada Vishokananda not allowed him to see Baba.   So, he went to near by village and informed margiis about Baba's visit and every one decided to go to guest house to see Baba on the next day.  Baba was staying in forest guest house with His wife and Gautam.

    7th October 1970:
    Margiis visited guest house and started shouting Baba, Baba... to have his darshan.  Baba has given His darshan to margiis.  Amjharia is a forest area and this guest house is located in an excellent location ( approx 800 feet above the ground level).  Baba started to discussing with margiis on the importance of Kiirtan.  

    8th October 1970:

    Please check the attached pictures Kiirtan1a.jpg and Kiirtan1b.jpg where Baba and Acarya Brahma Dev(family Acarya) were present.  Baba asked Acarya Brahma Dev to do dhyan and asked to listen some sound.  Acarya Brahma Dev told he could hear some music comes from dolak music instrument.  Baba asked him to listen with more concentration.  He told Baba that he could hear, "Baba Nam".  Baba told yes, it is "Baba Nam Kevalam" Kiirtan and Kinnara and ghandarva were singing this kiirtan.  Baba told him that this is Maha Mantra and margiis should start singing this Kiirtan going forward.  At this historical event only Baba and Acarya Brahma dev were present and first time "Baba Nam Kevalam" kiirtan was heard some where from sky.  It seems some other margiis who were 200 feet away from this place also heard this Kiirtan.

    Acarya Brahma dev immediately informed to all other margiis about this Kiirtan.  Baba demonstrated on how to perform this kiirtan and how to organize Akhanda kiirtan like decorating Baba's photo and lalit marmika mudra etc.  Margiis arranged Akhanda Kiirtan program and it started at 1pm on 8th October 1970 first time in this earth. A surprising incident happened after Kiirtan program has started.  Baba's car was standing about 100 feet away from the place where Kiirtan was happening.  Baba's son Gautam called Baba shockingly and pointing out the car which is vibrating and moving closer to Kiirtan.  Car has moved approximately 30 feet from the location where it was standing.  Baba replied to Gautam that, "This Kiirtan has the power to vibrate even the in-animate objects". Baba stopped car's vibration and Baba's car driver drove the car back to its original location.

    Will send some more information in my next email.


    In continuation to my previous email,  after Kiirtan introduced in 1970 at Amjharia, there was no importance given to this place till 1998.  In 1998, Acarya Guru Dattanand Avt visited this place Amjharia, forest guest house and local margii Shrii Suresh ji and other margiis arranged 24 hours of Akhanda Kiirtan on 8th Oct 1998.  From, 2004 onwards 48 hours of Akhanda Kiirtan was happening regularly every year on 7,8 and 9th Of october.

    In 2004 one interesting incident happened at this place.  Dada Prajinanananda Avt, Margiis Ganesh ji and Rajendar ji came to Amjharia to arrange 48 hours of Akhand Kiirtan on 4th Oct 2004.  When they were busy in work for the arrangement of the Kiirtan program, suddenly they could hear "Baba Nam Kevalam" kiirtan and they couldn't identify where from this Kiirtan music comes from.  There is no one near by to sing this kiirtan also.  This Kiirtan music continued from 12pm to 1pm.  It is a great inspiration for them to arrange this kiirtan on every year without fail and it is happening regularly.

    One another incident happened on 2005. Non-margiis nearby village also used to attend this Kiirtan program.  On 8th Oct 2005 there was heavy rain and even local people not able to find the way to reach this Kiirtan place.  As this is a forest area it is very difficult to find this place in the late evening time and they were struggling hard to reach here.  That time they could hear Kiirtan and a bright light leading the way for them.  They travelled approx 3 to 4 hours by following the bright light and they could hear the Kiirtan all the way and finally they reached Kiirtan program place at 11pm.  Then the bright light disappeared. They told this miracle thing to dadas and margiis and weeped a lot on realizing Baba's grace to reach this place.  Even now, the local non-margiis (tribal people) attending Kiirtan program on 8th Oct every year without fail and also they do kiirtan on their own traditional style.

    Dada Prajinananda and Dada Prajinanananda with local margiis arranging Kiirtan at this place every year with much effort.  As it is forest/hill area, arranging food items, water etc is very difficult.  The condition of the place where first Akhanda Kiirtan happened is in very bad shape.  It is a must visit place for each and every margii.  This area desperately need some basic facilities and construction development.  All the 3 groups (Ranchi, Kolkata and Unity group) WTs attending this program every year with minimum numbers.  The local margiis wants to have 1 week of Kiirtan program on every year, but needed more support from WTs to organize this program.  The above incidents which I mentioned shows the significance of arranging kiirtan program in this place every year.  So, we need WTs and margiis support to develop this place to have 1 week of kiirtan program.

    Request you to share any ideas to develop this place and let me know if you have any question.  Please find attached kiirtan picture taken on 8th Oct 2014.

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