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Monday, October 14, 2019

Recommendations + 3 more



When you go to the market then it is quite common to interact with numerous people. One person might give you exact directions to a particular store, a tailor might fix your pants in a very proper way, and verily there are many whose particular talents you appreciate. On that basis, you might recommend that clerk or tailor to someone else.

Naturally though, your appreciation and recommendation does not mean that you fully support each and every aspect of that individual's life. You might appreciate a specific talent, such as that tailor's ability to sew, but it does not mean you condone everything that tailor does, such as the wine he drinks in the evening.

Here the matter is that in our own everyday life, we appreciate and admire particular talents a person has, but that does not mean we unconditionally embrace every aspect of that person's existence.

How Baba appreciates various philosophers

Throughout His teachings, Baba mentions the names of various philosophers and thinkers in a positive manner. As Ananda Margiis and as His disciples, we should understand His overall message in these instances.

On a particular point Baba supports the thinker's perspective, but it does not mean that Baba fully espouses all the teachings and actions of that person. Just as we do not appreciate the entire lifestyle and wine drinking of that tailor. Baba's appreciation of a given thinker is limited to that particular tenet, as that point is in concert with Ananda Marga ideology.

As we all know, Baba has come onto this earth to deliver His grand teachings of Ananda Marga ideology to humanity. His social and spiritual directions are wholly unique and unparalleled in every way. To put forth this entirely new set of guidelines, Baba sometimes refers to various thinkers, philosophers, and leaders to help illustrate His own ideals. His chief aim in this endeavor is to clarify and expound the stand of Ananda Marga.

For instance, if a given teaching from a particular sage or rishi or social thinker parallels Baba's philosophy, then Baba often highlights that in His discourse. This gives bhaktas a reference point to better understand what Baba wishes to convey.


In a line we can say Baba appreciates those thinkers when their particular teaching on a given point is rational; and, Baba critiques those thinkers when their particular teachings are irrational. That is the sole reason behind Baba's praise and condemnation of any philosopher or social leader. By this we can understand that Baba is not unconditionally accepting their entire doctrine nor embracing every aspect of that person's existence.

at His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

“Bhakti is the best”

For example: Bhagavan Shankaracaryaji's proclamation that, "Bhakti is the best." That particular teaching from Shankaracayaji is wholly consistent with Ananda Marga ideology. Hence, Baba highlights this point in His discourse as it supports the idea He is propagating.

But that does not mean that Baba fully espouses every teaching and guideline from Shankaracaryaji. Indeed, in so many places Baba refutes Shankaracaryaji's philosophy. Thus Baba's appreciation of Shankaracaryaji's philosophy applies only to whatever specific point He (Baba) is addressing. Baba is not lending blanket support to all of Shankaracaryajis' teachings. In this process, Baba's sole aim is to clearly map out Ananda Marga ideology, and to do that He will use examples from well-known teachings in order to make His point lucid for His disciples and readers.

Thus Baba's aim is not to support or condone any other philosophy per se. Rather, Baba appreciates those aspects of any philosophy that parallel His ideals, and He outrightly condemns those teachings which run contrary to Ananda Marga ideology.

That is why Baba might appreciate some aspects of Bhagavan Buddha's teachings while pointing out the flaws of other aspects of Buddha's teachings. Because the aim is not to highlight Buddha's guidelines per se, but rather to lay out Ananda Marga teachings.

Baba condemns mayavada

Unfortunately, some mistakenly think that Baba's mere mention of a particular person means that that individual is great - and we should therefore follow all their teachings. But this is not the case. It is not that Baba is wholeheartedly supporting everything that individual has done or taught in their life.

A perfect example of this is how Baba condemns Shankaracaryaji's philosophy of mayavada (illusion theory), as it runs wholly against the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Máyáváda is full of contradictions from beginning to end. This sort of error is called pramáda in Sanskrit: error in the beginning, error in the middle and error in the end. The entire advaetaváda is pramádagrasta [full of errors]." (1)

Yet side by side, Baba fully supports Shankaracaryaji's teaching that the path of bhakti is the best.

Ananda Marga ideology states says, "Bhagaván Shankarácárya said, Mokśa kárańa samagráḿ bhatireva gariiyasii. “Of all the ways to attain salvation, devotion is the best”." (2)

The key point to remember here is that Ananda Marga ideology is what is being delivered. Thus we should fully understand how and why Baba chooses to refer to various thinkers while putting forth His new and unique teachings.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Prapatti, Viprapatti, and Aprapatti
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, In Adoration of the Supreme

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In my hut You have come

"Diinera kut'iire tumi ese gele, tithi bhule path bhule keno ja'ni na'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2617)


Parama Purusa, I do not know the reason for Your arrival in my hut. It looks like that by mistake You lost the path and forgot what day it is; so now You have come to give shelter to this lowly person. How this happened I do not know, but in my heart I feel that it is completely Your unfathomable favour on me. Baba, Your coming is nothing but Your ahaetuki karuna' - because I do not have the strength of sadhana, nor do I have the virtue of any good deeds. Even then You blessed me.

Baba, what I could never imagine, today You have made into a practical reality in my life. Bhaktavatsal Prabhu, You are showering me with Your infinite grace. You could not bear the tears of my longing.

So much time has passed doing Your dhyana; I was crying for You day and night. By calling You again and again my throat has become sore -  and my voice hoarse. Baba, today You have saturated me in Your compassion. You followed the wrong pathway and made it to my home with Your overflowing fountain of exquisite refulgence.

Parama Purusa, it is Your causeless blessing. After a long, long time You have come to me in a close and intimate way. So many ages have passed and I was beckoning You again and again, and now by Your krpa’ and karuna' You have appeared. Baba, You are Bhaktavatsal...

Note for Prabhata Samgiita #2617:

[1] Bhaktavatsal: The One who is the loving caretaker of the bhaktas. He who gives special favours to His bhaktas and lovingly watches over their every need. Always He is bestowing His divine grace on them.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Leftover monkey traits in humans

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "“Monkey”. On the slightest occasion, either due to fear or excitement, a monkey grimaces with clenched fist. So it is called kikhi. This habit of the monkey is prehistoric. Although the ancestors of human beings and monkeys are the same, they were separated at least one million years ago. So a human being also, when frightened or excited, clenches the fist and grimaces. A small child keeps its fist clenched most of the time, and the habit of grimacing also remains predominant in childhood." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When people become agitated they clench their fists and gnash their teeth. These are examples of the traditional legacy or structural legacy of human beings. They have been passed down from preceding stages of evolution. Grimacing and grinning are other examples, but these can be gradually controlled." (2)

Even today, one million years later, still humans carry those same monkey characteristics and instincts. For instance, monkeys bite and scratch when they are angry or fighting one another. That's why infants keep their fists clenched. And some humans also bite and scratch as their chief method of attack / self-defense. Hence the proverb: Fight tooth and nail. Because those days humans were using their teeth and fingernails as their primary weapons, just like monkeys do. And still today some humans resort to these monkey tactics.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Kálii to Kikhi (Discourse 25)
2. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Psychology

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How party politics spoils elections

Prout philosophy states, “Honest and benevolent individuals should carefully steer clear of party politics. The question may arise, In the absence of party politics, will honest individuals succeed on their own in forming governments or in serving the state? Is there any necessity for organized endeavour? In answer to this question I will say that those who are honest, who really want to promote human welfare, and who believe in a world government and the ideals of Ánanda Parivára [a  blissful, universal family], must possess the spirit of mutual cooperation. They may form themselves into boards exclusively for the purpose of rendering social service collectively (and not for fomenting  politics), but it will not be proper for such boards to contest elections.”

“People should cast their votes for deserving human beings – not for the lamppost holding the party ticket.”

Prout philosophy states, “To further the interests of the party, party politics may publicly oppose something which is often secretly encouraged. Communalism, provincialism, casteism, etc. – none of these are considered bad for the sake of party interests. The only identity of human beings is that they are humans – living beings. Party politics strives to keep people oblivious of this fact – it tries to pulverize the psychic wealth of human beings under the steamroller of party interests.” (1)

Note: Around the globe wherever there is democracy, people are making wrong choices in their elections. In theory, particular leaders are elected; but in practice no leader is elected. They are not leaders - they are party agents. And they favour their party when making laws etc. That is what Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar  is talking about here. For instance, in the US presidential election, voters of the democratic or republican party will vote for anyone on the party ticket. They are giving their vote to the lamppost holding the party ticket.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #27

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Lie about grandiose lecture


You need to send this comment to the editors of all major news papers . May be write an Op-Ed or letters to the editor column please. Truth must be known about how low he gets to promote himself.
Baba Nam Kevalam

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Rudrananda's lie about grandiose lecture

== Section 4: Links ==

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