Mahasamabhuti has left this earth on a particular day” - if anyone thinks and imposes this idea again and again on the mind, then their spiritual outlook will be adversely affected. It will be extremely detrimental. So one must not emphasize and reinforce this point of physically leaving. Do not observe mahaprayan. Then the feeling that, "God - Parama Purusa - is always with me" will be easily established. The devotees of Lord Krsna never think that Krsna is gone so they can easily feel His proximity. But those who pay heed to the dogma of mahaprayan get lost in the notion that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is gone. That is the very serious reaction of so-called mahaprayan. The program of mahaprayan literally implies that He is gone. So those who participate and observe it suffer SPIRITUALy==.
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